142 research outputs found

    Reducing Covariate Factors Of Gait Recognition Using Feature Selection, Dictionary-Based Sparse Coding, And Deep Learning

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    Human gait recognition is a behavioral biometrics method that aims to determine the identity of individuals through the manner and style of their distinctive walk. It is still a very challenging problem because natural human gait is affected by many covariate conditions such as changes in the clothing, variations in viewing angle, and changes in carrying condition. Although existing gait recognition methods perform well under a controlled environment where the gait is in normal condition with no covariate factors, the performance drastically decreases in practical conditions where it is susceptible to many covariate factors. In the first section of this dissertation, we analyze the most important features of gait under the carrying and clothing conditions. We find that the intra-class variations of the features that remain static during the gait cycle affect the recognition accuracy adversely. Thus, we introduce an effective and robust feature selection method based on the Gait Energy Image. The new gait representation is less sensitive to these covariate factors. We also propose an augmentation technique to overcome some of the problems associated with the intra-class gait fluctuations, as well as if the amount of the training data is relatively small. Finally, we use dictionary learning with sparse coding and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) to seek the best discriminative data representation before feeding it to the Nearest Centroid classifier. When our method is applied on the large CASIA-B and OU-ISIR-B gait data sets, we are able to outperform existing gait methods. In addition, we propose a different method using deep learning to cope with a large number of covariate factors. We solve various gait recognition problems that assume the training data consist of diverse covariate conditions. Recently, machine learning based techniques have produced promising results for challenging classification problems. Since a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) is one of the most advanced machine learning techniques with the ability to approximate complex non-linear functions, we develop a specialized deep CNN architecture for gait recognition. The proposed architecture is less sensitive to several cases of the common variations and occlusions that affect and degrade gait recognition performance. It can also handle relatively small data sets without using any augmentation or fine-tuning techniques. Our specialized deep CNN model outperforms the existing gait recognition techniques when tested on the CASIA-B large gait dataset

    Investigation of robust gait recognition for different appearances and camera view angles

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    A gait recognition framework is proposed to tackle the challenge of unknown camera view angles as well as appearance changes in gait recognition. In the framework, camera view angles are firstly identified before gait recognition. Two compact images, gait energy image (GEI) and gait modified Gaussian image (GMGI), are used as the base gait feature images. Histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) is applied to the base gait feature images to generate feature descriptors, and then a final feature map after principal component analysis (PCA) operations on the descriptors are used to train support vector machine (SVM) models for individuals. A set of experiments are conducted on CASIA gait database B to investigate how appearance changes and unknown view angles affect the gait recognition accuracy under the proposed framework. The experimental results have shown that the framework is robust in dealing with unknown camera view angles, as well as appearance changes in gait recognition. In the unknown view angle testing, the recognition accuracy matches that of identical view angle testing in gait recognition. The proposed framework is specifically applicable in personal identification by gait in a small company/organization, where unintrusive personal identification is needed

    Gait recognition from multiple view-points

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    A la finalización de la tesis, la principal conclusión que se extrae es que la forma de andar permite identificar a las personas con una buena precisión (superior al 90 por ciento y llegando al 99 por ciento en determinados casos). Centrándonos en los diferentes enfoques desarrollados, el método basado en características extraídas a mano está especialmente indicado para bases de datos pequeñas en cuanto a número de muestras, ya que obtiene una buena precisión necesitando pocos datos de entrenamiento. Por otro lado, la aproximación basada en deep learning permite obtener buenos resultados para bases de datos grandes con la ventaja de que el tamaño de entrada puede ser muy pequeño, permitiendo una ejecución muy rápida. El enfoque incremental está especialmente indicado para entornos en los que se requieran añadir nuevos sujetos al sistema sin tener que entrenar el método de nuevo debido a los altos costes de tiempo y energía. Por último, el estudio de consumo nos ha permitido definir una serie de recomendaciones para poder minimizar el consumo de energía durante el entrenamiento de las redes profundas sin penalizar la precisión de las mismas. Fecha de lectura de Tesis Doctoral: 14 de diciembre 2018.Arquitectura de Computadores Resumen tesis: La identificación automática de personas está ganando mucha importancia en los últimos años ya que se puede aplicar en entornos que deben ser seguros (aeropuertos, centrales nucleares, etc) para agilizar todos los procesos de acceso. La mayoría de soluciones desarrolladas para este problema se basan en un amplio abanico de características físicas de los sujetos, como pueden ser el iris, la huella dactilar o la cara. Sin embargo, este tipo de técnicas tienen una serie de limitaciones ya que requieren la colaboración por parte del sujeto a identificar o bien son muy sensibles a cambios en la apariencia. Sin embargo, el reconocimiento del paso es una forma no invasiva de implementar estos controles de seguridad y, adicionalmente, no necesita la colaboración del sujeto. Además, es robusto frente a cambios en la apariencia del individuo ya que se centra en el movimiento. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es desarrollar un nuevo método para la identificación de personas a partir de la forma de caminar en entornos de múltiples vistas. Como entrada usamos el flujo óptico que proporciona una información muy rica sobre el movimiento del sujeto mientras camina. Para cumplir este objetivo, se han desarrollado dos técnicas diferentes: una basada en un enfoque tradicional de visión por computador donde se extraen manualmente características que definen al sujeto y, una segunda aproximación basada en aprendizaje profundo (deep learning) donde el propio método extrae sus características y las clasifica automáticamente. Además, para este último enfoque, se ha desarrollado una implementación basada en aprendizaje incremental para añadir nuevas clases sin entrenar el modelo desde cero y, un estudio energético para optimizar el consumo de energía durante el entrenamiento

    Uniscale and multiscale gait recognition in realistic scenario

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    The performance of a gait recognition method is affected by numerous challenging factors that degrade its reliability as a behavioural biometrics for subject identification in realistic scenario. Thus for effective visual surveillance, this thesis presents five gait recog- nition methods that address various challenging factors to reliably identify a subject in realistic scenario with low computational complexity. It presents a gait recognition method that analyses spatio-temporal motion of a subject with statistical and physical parameters using Procrustes shape analysis and elliptic Fourier descriptors (EFD). It introduces a part- based EFD analysis to achieve invariance to carrying conditions, and the use of physical parameters enables it to achieve invariance to across-day gait variation. Although spatio- temporal deformation of a subject’s shape in gait sequences provides better discriminative power than its kinematics, inclusion of dynamical motion characteristics improves the iden- tification rate. Therefore, the thesis presents a gait recognition method which combines spatio-temporal shape and dynamic motion characteristics of a subject to achieve robust- ness against the maximum number of challenging factors compared to related state-of-the- art methods. A region-based gait recognition method that analyses a subject’s shape in image and feature spaces is presented to achieve invariance to clothing variation and carry- ing conditions. To take into account of arbitrary moving directions of a subject in realistic scenario, a gait recognition method must be robust against variation in view. Hence, the the- sis presents a robust view-invariant multiscale gait recognition method. Finally, the thesis proposes a gait recognition method based on low spatial and low temporal resolution video sequences captured by a CCTV. The computational complexity of each method is analysed. Experimental analyses on public datasets demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed methods

    Motion capture data processing, retrieval and recognition.

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    Character animation plays an essential role in the area of featured film and computer games. Manually creating character animation by animators is both tedious and inefficient, where motion capture techniques (MoCap) have been developed and become the most popular method for creating realistic character animation products. Commercial MoCap systems are expensive and the capturing process itself usually requires an indoor studio environment. Procedural animation creation is often lacking extensive user control during the generation progress. Therefore, efficiently and effectively reusing MoCap data can brings significant benefits, which has motivated wider research in terms of machine learning based MoCap data processing. A typical work flow of MoCap data reusing can be divided into 3 stages: data capture, data management and data reusing. There are still many challenges at each stage. For instance, the data capture and management often suffer from data quality problems. The efficient and effective retrieval method is also demanding due to the large amount of data being used. In addition, classification and understanding of actions are the fundamental basis of data reusing. This thesis proposes to use machine learning on MoCap data for reusing purposes, where a frame work of motion capture data processing is designed. The modular design of this framework enables motion data refinement, retrieval and recognition. The first part of this thesis introduces various methods used in existing motion capture processing approaches in literature and a brief introduction of relevant machine learning methods used in this framework. In general, the frameworks related to refinement, retrieval, recognition are discussed. A motion refinement algorithm based on dictionary learning will then be presented, where kinematical structural and temporal information are exploited. The designed optimization method and data preprocessing technique can ensure a smooth property for the recovered result. After that, a motion refinement algorithm based on matrix completion is presented, where the low-rank property and spatio-temporal information is exploited. Such model does not require preparing data for training. The designed optimization method outperforms existing approaches in regard to both effectiveness and efficiency. A motion retrieval method based on multi-view feature selection is also proposed, where the intrinsic relations between visual words in each motion feature subspace are discovered as a means of improving the retrieval performance. A provisional trace-ratio objective function and an iterative optimization method are also included. A non-negative matrix factorization based motion data clustering method is proposed for recognition purposes, which aims to deal with large scale unsupervised/semi-supervised problems. In addition, deep learning models are used for motion data recognition, e.g. 2D gait recognition and 3D MoCap recognition. To sum up, the research on motion data refinement, retrieval and recognition are presented in this thesis with an aim to tackle the major challenges in motion reusing. The proposed motion refinement methods aim to provide high quality clean motion data for downstream applications. The designed multi-view feature selection algorithm aims to improve the motion retrieval performance. The proposed motion recognition methods are equally essential for motion understanding. A collection of publications by the author of this thesis are noted in publications section

    New covariates selection approaches in high dimensional or functional regression models

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    In a Big Data context, the number of covariates used to explain a variable of interest, p, is likely to be high, sometimes even higher than the available sample size (p > n). Ordinary procedures for fitting regression models start to perform wrongly in this situation. As a result, other approaches are needed. A first covariates selection step is of interest to consider only the relevant terms and to reduce the problem dimensionality. The purpose of this thesis is the study and development of covariates selection techniques for regression models in complex settings. In particular, we focus on recent high dimensional or functional data contexts of interest. Assuming some model structure, regularization techniques are widely employed alternatives for both: model estimation and covariates selection simultaneously. Specifically, an extensive and critical review of penalization techniques for covariates selection is carried out. This is developed in the context of the high dimensional linear model of the vectorial framework. Conversely, if no model structure wants to be assumed, stateof- the-art dependence measures based on distances are an attractive option for covariates selection. New specification tests using these ideas are proposed for the functional concurrent model. Both versions are considered separately: the synchronous and the asynchronous case. These approaches are based on novel dependence measures derived from the distance covariance coefficient

    Transfer learning for multi-channel time-series Human Activity Recognition

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    Abstract for the PHD Thesis Transfer Learning for Multi-Channel Time-Series Human Activity Recognition Methods of human activity recognition (HAR) have been developed for the purpose of automatically classifying recordings of human movements into a set of activities. Capturing, evaluating, and analysing sequential data to recognise human activities accurately is critical for many applications in pervasive and ubiquitous computing applications, e.g., in applications such as mobile- or ambient-assisted living, smart-homes, activities of daily living, health support and rehabilitation, sports, automotive surveillance, and industry 4.0. For example, HAR is particularly interesting for optimisation in those industries where manual work remains dominant. HAR takes as inputs signals from videos or from multi-channel time-series, e.g., human joint measurements from marker-based motion capturing systems and inertial measurements measured by wearables or on-body devices. Wearables have become relevant as they extend the potential of HAR beyond constrained or laboratory settings. This thesis focuses on HAR using multi-channel time-series. Multi-channel Time-Series HAR is, in general, a challenging classification task. This is because human activities and movements show a large variation. Humans carry out in similar manner activities that are semantically very distinctive; conversely, they carry out similar activities in many different ways. Furthermore, multi-channel Time-Series HAR datasets suffer from the class unbalance problem, with more samples of certain activities than others. This problem strongly depends on the annotation. Moreover, there are non-standard definitions of human activities for annotation. Methods based on Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are prevalent for Multi-channel Time-Series HAR. Nevertheless, the performance of DNNs has not significantly increased compared to as other fields such as image classification or segmentation. DNNs present a low sample efficiency as they learn the temporal structure from activities completely from data. Considering supervised DNNs, the scarcity of annotated data is the primary concern. Annotated data from human behaviour is scarce and costly to obtain. The annotation process demands enormous resources. Additionally, annotation reliability varies because they can be subject to human errors or unclear and non-elaborated annotation protocols. Transfer learning has been used to cope with a limited amount of annotated data, overfitting, zero-shot learning or classification of unseen human activities, and the class-unbalance problem. Transfer learning can alleviate the problem of scarcity of annotated data. Learnt parameters and feature representations from a specific source domain are transferred to a target domain. Transfer learning extends the usability of large annotated data from source domains to related problems. This thesis proposes a general transfer learning approach to improve automatic multi-channel Time-Series HAR. The proposed transfer learning method combines a semantic attribute representation of activities and a specific deep neural network. It handles situations where the source and target domains differ, i.e., the sensor space and the set of activities change, without needing a large amount of annotated data from the target domain. The method considers different levels of transferability. First, an architecture handles a variate of dataset configurations in regard to the number of devices and their type; it creates fixed-size representations of sensor recordings that are representative of the human limbs. These networks will process sequences of movements from the human limbs, either from poses or inertial measurements. Second, it introduces a search of semantic attribute representations that favourably represent signal segments for recognising human activities in unknown scenarios, as they only consider annotations of activities, and they lack human-annotated semantic attributes. And third, it covers transferability from data of a variety of source datasets. The method takes advantage of a large human-pose dataset as a source domain, which is created during the develop of this thesis. Furthermore, synthetic-inertial measurements will be derived from sequences of human poses either from a marker-based motion capturing system or video-based HAR and pose-based HAR datasets. The latter will specifically use the annotations of pixel-coordinate of human poses as multi-channel time-series data. Real inertial measurements and these synthetic measurements will then be deployed as a source domain for parameter transfer learning. Experimentation on different target datasets demonstrates that the proposed transfer learning method improves performance, most evidently when deploying a proportion of their training material. This outcome suggests that the temporal convolutional filters are rather general as they learn local temporal relations of human movements related to the semantic attributes, independent of the number of devices and their type. A human-limb-oriented deep architecture and an evolutionary algorithm provide an out-of-the-shelf predictor of semantic attributes that can be deployed directly on a new target scenario. Very related problems can directly be addressed by manually giving the attribute-to-activity relations without the need for a search throughout an evolutionary algorithm. Besides, the learnt convolutional filters are activity class dependent. Hence, the classification performance on the activities shared among the datasets improves
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