34 research outputs found

    Energy-oriented models for WDM networks

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    A realistic energy-oriented model is necessary to formally characterize the energy consumption and the consequent carbon footprint of actual and future high-capacity WDM networks. The energy model describes the energy consumption of the various network elements (NE) and predicts their energy consumption behavior under different traffic loads and for the diverse traffic types, including all optical and electronic traffic, O/E/O conversions, 3R regenerations, add/drop multiplexing, etc. Besides, it has to be scalable and simple to implement, manage and modify according to the new architecture and technologies advancements. In this paper, we discuss the most relevant energy models present in the literature highlighting possible advantages, drawbacks and utilization scenarios in order to provide the research community with an overview over the different energy characterization frameworks that are currently being employed in WDM networks.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    Towards a cloud enabler : from an optical network resource provisioning system to a generalized architecture for dynamic infrastructure services provisioning

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    This work was developed during a period where most of the optical management and provisioning system where manual and proprietary. This work contributed to the evolution of the state of the art of optical networks with new architectures and advanced virtual infrastructure services. The evolution of optical networks, and internet globally, have been very promising during the last decade. The impact of mobile technology, grid, cloud computing, HDTV, augmented reality and big data, among many others, have driven the evolution of optical networks towards current service technologies, mostly based on SDN (Software Defined Networking) architectures and NFV(Network Functions Virtualisation). Moreover, the convergence of IP/Optical networks and IT services, and the evolution of the internet and optical infrastructures, have generated novel service orchestrators and open source frameworks. In fact, technology has evolved that fast that none could foresee how important Internet is for our current lives. Said in other words, technology was forced to evolve in a way that network architectures became much more transparent, dynamic and flexible to the end users (applications, user interfaces or simple APIs). This Thesis exposes the work done on defining new architectures for Service Oriented Networks and the contribution to the state of the art. The research work is divided into three topics. It describes the evolution from a Network Resource Provisioning System to an advanced Service Plane, and ends with a new architecture that virtualized the optical infrastructure in order to provide coordinated, on-demand and dynamic services between the application and the network infrastructure layer, becoming an enabler for the new generation of cloud network infrastructures. The work done on defining a Network Resource Provisioning System established the first bases for future work on network infrastructure virtualization. The UCLP (User Light Path Provisioning) technology was the first attempt for Customer Empowered Networks and Articulated Private Networks. It empowered the users and brought virtualization and partitioning functionalities into the optical data plane, with new interfaces for dynamic service provisioning. The work done within the development of a new Service Plane allowed the provisioning of on-demand connectivity services from the application, and in a multi-domain and multi-technology scenario based on a virtual network infrastructure composed of resources from different infrastructure providers. This Service Plane facilitated the deployment of applications consuming large amounts of data under deterministic conditions, so allowing the networks behave as a Grid-class resource. It became the first on-demand provisioning system that at lower levels allowed the creation of one virtual domain composed from resources of different providers. The last research topic presents an architecture that consolidated the work done in virtualisation while enhancing the capabilities to upper layers, so fully integrating the optical network infrastructure into the cloud environment, and so providing an architecture that enabled cloud services by integrating the request of optical network and IT infrastructure services together at the same level. It set up a new trend into the research community and evolved towards the technology we use today based on SDN and NFV. Summing up, the work presented is focused on the provisioning of virtual infrastructures from the architectural point of view of optical networks and IT infrastructures, together with the design and definition of novel service layers. It means, architectures that enabled the creation of virtual infrastructures composed of optical networks and IT resources, isolated and provisioned on-demand and in advance with infrastructure re-planning functionalities, and a new set of interfaces to open up those services to applications or third parties.Aquesta tesi es va desenvolupar durant un període on la majoria de sistemes de gestió de xarxa òptica eren manuals i basats en sistemes propietaris. En aquest sentit, la feina presentada va contribuir a l'evolució de l'estat de l'art de les xarxes òptiques tant a nivell d’arquitectures com de provisió d’infraestructures virtuals. L'evolució de les xarxes òptiques, i d'Internet a nivell mundial, han estat molt prometedores durant l'última dècada. L'impacte de la tecnologia mòbil, la computació al núvol, la televisió d'alta definició, la realitat augmentada i el big data, entre molts altres, han impulsat l'evolució cap a xarxes d’altes prestacions amb nous serveis basats en SDN (Software Defined Networking) i NFV (Funcions de xarxa La virtualització). D'altra banda, la convergència de xarxes òptiques i els serveis IT, junt amb l'evolució d'Internet i de les infraestructures òptiques, han generat nous orquestradors de serveis i frameworks basats en codi obert. La tecnologia ha evolucionat a una velocitat on ningú podria haver predit la importància que Internet està tenint en el nostre dia a dia. Dit en altres paraules, la tecnologia es va veure obligada a evolucionar d'una manera on les arquitectures de xarxa es fessin més transparent, dinàmiques i flexibles vers als usuaris finals (aplicacions, interfícies d'usuari o APIs simples). Aquesta Tesi presenta noves arquitectures de xarxa òptica orientades a serveis. El treball de recerca es divideix en tres temes. Es presenta un sistema de virtualització i aprovisionament de recursos de xarxa i la seva evolució a un pla de servei avançat, per acabar presentant el disseny d’una nova arquitectura capaç de virtualitzar la infraestructura òptica i IT i proporcionar serveis de forma coordinada, i sota demanda, entre l'aplicació i la capa d'infraestructura de xarxa òptica. Tot esdevenint un facilitador per a la nova generació d'infraestructures de xarxa en el núvol. El treball realitzat en la definició del sistema de virtualització de recursos va establir les primeres bases sobre la virtualització de la infraestructura de xarxa òptica en el marc de les “Customer Empowered Networks” i “Articulated Private Networks”. Amb l’objectiu de virtualitzar el pla de dades òptic, i oferir noves interfícies per a la provisió de serveis dinàmics de xarxa. En quant al pla de serveis presentat, aquest va facilitat la provisió de serveis de connectivitat sota demanda per part de l'aplicació, tant en entorns multi-domini, com en entorns amb múltiples tecnologies. Aquest pla de servei, anomenat Harmony, va facilitar el desplegament de noves aplicacions que consumien grans quantitats de dades en condicions deterministes. En aquest sentit, va permetre que les xarxes es comportessin com un recurs Grid, i per tant, va esdevenir el primer sistema d'aprovisionament sota demanda que permetia la creació de dominis virtuals de xarxa composts a partir de recursos de diferents proveïdors. Finalment, es presenta l’evolució d’un pla de servei cap una arquitectura global que consolida el treball realitzat a nivell de convergència d’infraestructures (òptica + IT) i millora les capacitats de les capes superiors. Aquesta arquitectura va facilitar la plena integració de la infraestructura de xarxa òptica a l'entorn del núvol. En aquest sentit, aquest resultats van evolucionar cap a les tendències actuals de SDN i NFV. En resum, el treball presentat es centra en la provisió d'infraestructures virtuals des del punt de vista d’arquitectures de xarxa òptiques i les infraestructures IT, juntament amb el disseny i definició de nous serveis de xarxa avançats, tal i com ho va ser el servei de re-planificació dinàmicaPostprint (published version

    Performance study of packet-optical transport network protocols

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    This research is carried out in the field of Optical Transport Network (OTN), in particular, to investigate the performance of a new protocol called Packet Optical Network that was introduced as a successor to the legacy Synchronous Digital Hierarchy/Synchronous optical networking (SDH/SONET). The migration to IP/Ethernet application globally is forcing enterprises to address two major (Wide Area Network) WAN issues: converging Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) and packet networks to reduce expenses, and improving network and service management to support delay-sensitive, bandwidth-intensive applications. Optical Transport Network - ITU G.709 is a global standard to address these challenges by eliminating unnecessary layer, IP straight over optic without being encapsulated in ATM/SDH frames, and eventually reduce Optical-Electronic-Optical (OEO) conversion. The International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector ITU-T defines an OTN as a set of Optical Network Elements (ONE) connected by optical fiber links, able to provide functionality of transport, multiplexing, switching, management, supervision, and survivability of optical channels carrying client signals. Packet Optical Network or often called Optical Channel Digital Wrapper added more functionalities to the legacy SONET/SDH such as the inclusion of stronger FEC, switching scalability, Transparency, and different frame rates. The Optical Channel Payload Envelope (OCh PE) can carry any type of data: SONET/SDH, GbE, 10GbE, ATM, IP, and so on. The objective of this research is to model an Optical Transport Network in the OMNeT++ simulation environment and OptiSystem Software, where the performance of Packet Optical Network protocols is compared with the legacy system in terms of delay and error correction capability. Simulation conducted in the metro/core optical network environment shows that the optical network performances in delay and error performance are improved when using the Packet optical network protocol, up to 30% decrease in delay can be achieved and longer distances can be reached by employing the new more powerful Forward Error Correction of the Digital Wrapper G.709

    Energy Efficient Core Networks with Clouds

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    The popularity of cloud based applications stemming from the high volume of connected mobile devices has led to a huge increase in Internet traffic. In order to enable easy access to cloud applications, infrastructure providers have invested in geographically distributed databases and servers. However, intelligent and energy efficient high capacity transport networks with near ubiquitous connectivity are needed to adequately and sustainably serve these requirements. In this thesis, network virtualisation has been identified as a potential networking paradigm that can contribute to network agility and energy efficiency improvements in core networks with clouds. The work first introduces a new virtual network embedding core network architecture with clouds and a compute and bandwidth resource provisioning mechanism aimed at reducing power consumption in core networks and data centres. Further, quality of service measures in compute and bandwidth resource provisioning such as delay and customer location have been investigated and their impact on energy efficiency established. Data centre location optimisation for energy efficiency in virtual network embedding infrastructure has been investigated by developing a MILP model that selects optimal data centre locations in the core network. The work also introduces an optical OFDM based physical layer in virtual network embedding to optimise power consumption and optical spectrum utilization. In addition, virtual network embedding schemes aimed at profit maximization for cloud infrastructure providers as well greenhouse gas emission reduction in cloud infrastructure networks have been investigated. GreenTouch, a consortium of industrial and academic experts on energy efficiency in ICTs, has adopted the work in this thesis as one of the measures of improving energy efficiency in core networks


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    This research proposes a new dynamic energy management framework for a backbone Internet Protocol over Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (IP over DWDM) network. Maintaining the logical IP-layer topology is a key constraint of our architecture whilst saving energy by infrastructure sleeping and virtual router migration. The traffic demand in a Tier 2/3 network typically has a regular diurnal pattern based on people‟s activities, which is high in working hours and much lighter during hours associated with sleep. When the traffic demand is light, virtual router instances can be consolidated to a smaller set of physical platforms and the unneeded physical platforms can be put to sleep to save energy. As the traffic demand increases the sleeping physical platforms can be re-awoken in order to host virtual router instances and so maintain quality of service. Since the IP-layer topology remains unchanged throughout virtual router migration in our framework, there is no network disruption or discontinuities when the physical platforms enter or leave hibernation. However, this migration places extra demands on the optical layer as additional connections are needed to preserve the logical IP-layer topology whilst forwarding traffic to the new virtual router location. Consequently, dynamic optical connection management is needed for the new framework. Two important issues are considered in the framework, i.e. when to trigger the virtual router migration and where to move virtual router instances to? For the first issue, a reactive mechanism is used to trigger the virtual router migration by monitoring the network state. Then, a new evolutionary-based algorithm called VRM_MOEA is proposed for solving the destination physical platform selection problem, which chooses the appropriate location of virtual router instances as traffic demand varies. A novel hybrid simulation platform is developed to measure the performance of new framework, which is able to capture the functionality of the optical layer, the IP layer data-path and the IP/optical control plane. Simulation results show that the performance of network energy saving depends on many factors, such as network topology, quiet and busy thresholds, and traffic load; however, savings of around 30% are possible with typical medium-sized network topologies

    Forward Error Correcting Codes for 100 Gbit/s Optical Communication Systems

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    Resilience mechanisms for carrier-grade networks

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    In recent years, the advent of new Future Internet (FI) applications is creating ever-demanding requirements. These requirements are pushing network carriers for high transport capacity, energy efficiency, as well as high-availability services with low latency. A widespread practice to provide FI services is the adoption of a multi-layer network model consisting in the use of IP/MPLS and optical technologies such as Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM). Indeed, optical transport technologies are the foundation supporting the current telecommunication network backbones, because of the high transmission bandwidth achieved in fiber optical networks. Traditional optical networks consist of a fixed 50 GHz grid, resulting in a low Optical Spectrum (OS) utilization, specifically with transmission rates above 100 Gbps. Recently, optical networks have been undergoing significant changes with the purpose of providing a flexible grid that can fully exploit the potential of optical networks. This has led to a new network paradigm termed as Elastic Optical Network (EON). In recent years, the advent of new Future Internet (FI) applications is creating ever-demanding requirements. A widespread practice to provide FI services is the adoption of a multi-layer network model consisting in the use of IP/MPLS and optical technologies such as Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM). Traditional optical networks consist of a fixed 50 GHz grid, resulting in a low Optical Spectrum (OS) utilization. Recently, optical networks have been undergoing significant changes with the purpose of providing a flexible grid that can fully exploit the potential of optical networks. This has led to a new network paradigm termed as Elastic Optical Network (EON). Recently, a new protection scheme referred to as Network Coding Protection (NCP) has emerged as an innovative solution to proactively enable protection in an agile and efficient manner by means of throughput improvement techniques such as Network Coding. It is an intuitive reasoning that the throughput advantages of NCP might be magnified by means of the flexible-grid provided by EONs. The goal of this thesis is three-fold. The first, is to study the advantages of NCP schemes in planning scenarios. For this purpose, this thesis focuses on the performance of NCP assuming both a fixed as well as a flexible spectrum grid. However, conversely to planning scenarios, in dynamic scenarios the accuracy of Network State Information (NSI) is crucial since inaccurate NSI might substantially affect the performance of an NCP scheme. The second contribution of this thesis is to study the performance of protection schemes in dynamic scenarios considering inaccurate NSI. For this purpose, this thesis explores prediction techniques in order to mitigate the negative effects of inaccurate NSI. On the other hand, Internet users are continuously demanding new requirements that cannot be supported by the current host-oriented communication model.This communication model is not suitable for future Internet architectures such as the so-called Internet of Things (IoT). Fortunately, there is a new trend in network research referred to as ID/Locator Split Architectures (ILSAs) which is a non-disruptive technique to mitigate the issues related to host-oriented communications. Moreover, a new routing architecture referred to as Path Computation Element (PCE) has emerged with the aim of overcoming the well-known issues of the current routing schemes. Undoubtedly, routing and protection schemes need to be enhanced to fully exploit the advantages provided by new network architectures.In light of this, the third goal of this thesis introduces a novel PCE-like architecture termed as Context-Aware PCE. In a context-aware PCE scenario, the driver of a path computation is not a host/location, as in conventional PCE architectures, rather it is an interest for a service defined within a context.En los últimos años la llegada de nuevas aplicaciones del llamado Internet del Futuro (FI) está creando requerimientos sumamente exigentes. Estos requerimientos están empujando a los proveedores de redes a incrementar sus capacidades de transporte, eficiencia energética, y sus prestaciones de servicios de alta disponibilidad con baja latencia. Es una práctica sumamente extendida para proveer servicios (FI) la adopción de un modelo multi-capa el cual consiste en el uso de tecnologías IP/MPLS así como también ópticas como por ejemplo Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM). De hecho, las tecnologías de transporte son el sustento del backbone de las redes de telecomunicaciones actuales debido al gran ancho de banda que proveen las redes de fibra óptica. Las redes ópticas tradicionales consisten en el uso de un espectro fijo de 50 GHz. Esto resulta en una baja utilización del espectro Óptico, específicamente con tasas de transmisiones superiores a 100 Gbps. Recientemente, las redes ópticas están experimentado cambios significativos con el propósito de proveer un espectro flexible que pueda explotar el potencial de las redes ópticas. Esto ha llevado a un nuevo paradigma denominado Redes Ópticas Elásticas (EON). Por otro lado, un nuevo esquema de protección llamado Network Coding Protection (NCP) ha emergido como una solución innovadora para habilitar de manera proactiva protección eficiente y ágil usando técnicas de mejora de throughput como es Network Coding (NC). Es un razonamiento lógico pensar que las ventajas relacionadas con throughput de NCP pueden ser magnificadas mediante el espectro flexible proveído por las redes EONs. El objetivo de esta tesis es triple. El primero es estudiar las ventajas de esquemas NCP en un escenario de planificación. Para este propósito, esta tesis se enfoca en el rendimiento de NCP asumiendo un espectro fijo y un espectro flexible. Sin embargo, contrario a escenarios de planificación, en escenarios dinámicos la precisión relacionada de la Información de Estado de Red (NSI) es crucial, ya que la imprecisión de NSI puede afectar sustancialmente el rendimiento de un esquema NCP. La segunda contribución de esta tesis es el estudio del rendimiento de esquemas de protección en escenarios dinámicos considerando NSI no precisa. Para este propósito, esta tesis explora técnicas predictivas con el propósito de mitigar los efectos negativos de NSI impreciso. Por otro lado, los usuarios de Internet están demandando continuamente nuevos requerimientos los cuales no pueden ser soportados por el modelo de comunicación orientado a hosts. Este modelo de comunicaciones no es factible para arquitecturas FI como es el Internet de las cosas (IoT). Afortunadamente, existe un nueva línea investigativa llamada ID/Locator Split Architectures (ILSAs) la cual es una técnica no disruptiva para mitigar los problemas relacionadas con el modelo de comunicación orientado a hosts. Además, un nuevo esquema de enrutamiento llamado as Path Computation Element (PCE) ha emergido con el propósito de superar los problemas bien conocidos de los esquemas de enrutamiento tradicionales. Indudablemente, los esquemas de enrutamiento y protección deben ser mejorados para que estos puedan explotar las ventajas introducidas por las nuevas arquitecturas de redes. A luz de esto, el tercer objetivo de esta tesis es introducir una nueva arquitectura PCE denominada Context-Aware PCE. En un escenario context-aware PCE, el objetivo de una acción de computación de camino no es un host o localidad, como es el caso en lo esquemas PCE tradicionales. Más bien, es un interés por un servicio definido dentro de una información de contexto

    Contribution à l'amélioration de l'efficacité des réseaux IP sur WDM en évaluant et en dépassant les limites du dimensionnement multicouche

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    The traffic passing through core networks grows by nearly 25% each year. To bring the costs under control, the different network layers of the network should work together to include more and more parameters during the network planning phase. This is called “multilayer network planning”. We study the multilayer network planning of static networks composed of two circuit switched layers (typically IP-over-WDM). We propose a semi-analytical model explaining the behavior of algorithms responsible for aggregation and routing in both layers. This theory allows comparing multilayer planning algorithms between them, but also explaining and enhancing their efficiency. We then describe the impact of the optical reach constraint in WDM networks on the results of a multilayer planning algorithm. Finally, we explain how these results apply to the design of future networks (dynamic and with heterogeneous optical layers)La quantité de données devant être transportée via les réseaux de cœur croit de près de 25% par an. Pour maîtriser les coûts, les différentes couches du réseau doivent mettre des informations en commun pour inclure de plus en plus de paramètres lors du dimensionnement du réseau. Cela s’appelle « dimensionnement multicouche ». Nous étudions le dimensionnement multicouche de réseaux statiques composés de deux couches utilisant la commutation en mode circuit (typiquement IP-sur-WDM). Nous proposons un modèle semi-analytique expliquant le comportement des algorithmes responsables de l’agrégation et du routage dans les deux couches. Ce cadre théorique permet de comparer les algorithmes de dimensionnement multicouche entre eux, mais aussi d’expliquer et d’améliorer leur efficience. Nous décrivons ensuite comment la contrainte de portée optique affecte les résultats d’un algorithme de dimensionnement multicouche. Enfin, nous expliquons comment ces résultats s'appliquent au dimensionnement des réseaux de nouvelle génération (dynamiques et hétérogènes en capacité optique