4 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of a Communication Protocol to Improve Multimedia QoS and QoE in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

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    [EN] This dissertation addresses the problem of multimedia delivery over multi-hop ad hoc wireless networks, and especially over wireless sensor networks. Due to their characteristics of low power consumption, low processing capacity and low memory capacity, they have major difficulties in achieving optimal quality levels demanded by end users in such communications. In the first part of this work, it has been carried out a study to determine the behavior of a variety of multimedia streams and how they are affected by the network conditions when they are transmitted over topologies formed by devices of different technologies in multi hop wireless ad hoc mode. To achieve this goal, we have performed experimental tests using a test bench, which combine the main codecs used in audio and video streaming over IP networks with different sound and video captures representing the characteristic patterns of multimedia services such as phone calls, video communications, IPTV and video on demand (VOD). With the information gathered in the laboratory, we have been able to establish the correlation between the induced changes in the physical and logical topology and the network parameters that measure the quality of service (QoS) of a multimedia transmission, such as latency, jitter or packet loss. At this stage of the investigation, a study was performed to determine the state of the art of the proposed protocols, algorithms, and practical implementations that have been explicitly developed to optimize the multimedia transmission over wireless ad hoc networks, especially in ad hoc networks using clusters of nodes distributed over a geographic area and wireless sensor networks. Next step of this research was the development of an algorithm focused on the logical organization of clusters formed by nodes capable of adapting to the circumstances of real-time traffic. The stated goal was to achieve the maximum utilization of the resources offered by the set of nodes that forms the network, allowing simultaneously sending reliably and efficiently all types of content through them, and mixing conventional IP data traffic with multimedia traffic with stringent QoS and QoE requirements. Using the information gathered in the previous phase, we have developed a network architecture that improves overall network performance and multimedia streaming. In parallel, it has been designed and programmed a communication protocol that allows implementing the proposal and testing its operation on real network infrastructures. In the last phase of this thesis we have focused our work on sending multimedia in wireless sensor networks (WSN). Based on the above results, we have adapted both the architecture and the communication protocol for this particular type of network, whose use has been growing hugely in recent years.[ES] Esta tesis doctoral aborda el problema de la distribución de contenidos multimedia a través de redes inalámbricas ad hoc multisalto, especialmente las redes inalámbricas de sensores que, debido a sus características de bajo consumo energético, baja capacidad de procesamiento y baja capacidad de memoria, plantean grandes dificultades para alcanzar los niveles de calidad óptimos que exigen los usuarios finales en dicho tipo de comunicaciones. En la primera parte de este trabajo se ha llevado a cabo un estudio para determinar el comportamiento de una gran variedad de flujos multimedia y como se ven afectados por las condiciones de la red cuando son transmitidos a través topologías formadas por dispositivos de diferentes tecnologías que se comunican en modo ad hoc multisalto inalámbrico. Para ello, se han realizado pruebas experimentales sobre una maqueta de laboratorio, combinando los principales códecs empleados en la transmisión de audio y video a través de redes IP con diversas capturas de sonido y video que representan patrones característicos de servicios multimedia tales como las llamadas telefónicas, videoconferencias, IPTV o video bajo demanda (VOD). Con la información reunida en el laboratorio se ha podido establecer la correlación entre los cambios inducidos en la topología física y lógica de la red con los parámetros que miden la calidad de servicio (QoS) de una transmisión multimedia, tales como la latencia el jitter o la pérdida de paquetes. En esta fase de la investigación se realiza un estudio para determinar el estado del arte de las propuestas de desarrollo e implementación de protocolos y algoritmos que se han generado de forma explícita para optimizar la transmisión de tráfico multimedia sobre redes ad hoc inalámbricas, especialmente en las redes inalámbricas de sensores y redes ad hoc utilizando clústeres de nodos distribuidos en un espacio geográfico. El siguiente paso en la investigación ha consistido en el desarrollo de un algoritmo propio para la organización lógica de clústeres formados por nodos capaces de adaptarse a las circunstancias del tráfico en tiempo real. El objetivo planteado es conseguir un aprovechamiento máximo de los recursos ofrecidos por el conjunto de nodos que forman la red, permitiendo de forma simultánea el envío de todo tipo de contenidos a través de ellos de forma confiable y eficiente, permitiendo la convivencia de tráfico de datos IP convencional con tráfico multimedia con requisitos exigentes de QoS y QoE. A partir de la información conseguida en la fase anterior, se ha desarrollado una arquitectura de red que mejora el rendimiento general de la red y el de las transmisiones multimedia de audio y video en particular. De forma paralela, se ha diseñado y programado un protocolo de comunicación que permite implementar el modelo y testear su funcionamiento sobre infraestructuras de red reales. En la última fase de esta tesis se ha dirigido la atención hacia la transmisión multimedia en las redes de sensores inalámbricos (WSN). Partiendo de los resultados anteriores, se ha adaptado tanto la arquitectura como el protocolo de comunicaciones para este tipo concreto de red, cuyo uso se ha extendido en los últimos años de forma considerable[CA] Esta tesi doctoral aborda el problema de la distribució de continguts multimèdia a través de xarxes sense fil ad hoc multi salt, especialment les xarxes sense fil de sensors que, a causa de les seues característiques de baix consum energètic, baixa capacitat de processament i baixa capacitat de memòria, plantegen grans dificultats per a aconseguir els nivells de qualitat òptims que exigixen els usuaris finals en eixos tipus de comunicacions. En la primera part d'este treball s'ha dut a terme un estudi per a determinar el comportament d'una gran varietat de fluxos multimèdia i com es veuen afectats per les condicions de la xarxa quan són transmesos a través topologies formades per dispositius de diferents tecnologies que es comuniquen en mode ad hoc multi salt sense fil. Per a això, s'han realitzat proves experimentals sobre una maqueta de laboratori, combinant els principals códecs empleats en la transmissió d'àudio i vídeo a través de xarxes IP amb diverses captures de so i vídeo que representen patrons característics de serveis multimèdia com son les cridades telefòniques, videoconferències, IPTV o vídeo baix demanda (VOD). Amb la informació reunida en el laboratori s'ha pogut establir la correlació entre els canvis induïts en la topologia física i lògica de la xarxa amb els paràmetres que mesuren la qualitat de servei (QoS) d'una transmissió multimèdia, com la latència el jitter o la pèrdua de paquets. En esta fase de la investigació es realitza un estudi per a determinar l'estat de l'art de les propostes de desenvolupament i implementació de protocols i algoritmes que s'han generat de forma explícita per a optimitzar la transmissió de tràfic multimèdia sobre xarxes ad hoc sense fil, especialment en les xarxes sense fil de sensors and xarxes ad hoc utilitzant clusters de nodes distribuïts en un espai geogràfic. El següent pas en la investigació ha consistit en el desenvolupament d'un algoritme propi per a l'organització lògica de clusters formats per nodes capaços d'adaptar-se a les circumstàncies del tràfic en temps real. L'objectiu plantejat és aconseguir un aprofitament màxim dels recursos oferits pel conjunt de nodes que formen la xarxa, permetent de forma simultània l'enviament de qualsevol tipus de continguts a través d'ells de forma confiable i eficient, permetent la convivència de tràfic de dades IP convencional amb tràfic multimèdia amb requisits exigents de QoS i QoE. A partir de la informació aconseguida en la fase anterior, s'ha desenvolupat una arquitectura de xarxa que millora el rendiment general de la xarxa i el de les transmissions multimèdia d'àudio i vídeo en particular. De forma paral¿lela, s'ha dissenyat i programat un protocol de comunicació que permet implementar el model i testejar el seu funcionament sobre infraestructures de xarxa reals. En l'última fase d'esta tesi s'ha dirigit l'atenció cap a la transmissió multimèdia en les xarxes de sensors sense fil (WSN). Partint dels resultats anteriors, s'ha adaptat tant l'arquitectura com el protocol de comunicacions per a aquest tipus concret de xarxa, l'ús del qual s'ha estés en els últims anys de forma considerable.Díaz Santos, JR. (2016). Design and Implementation of a Communication Protocol to Improve Multimedia QoS and QoE in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/62162TESI

    Algorithmes d'adressage et routage pour des réseaux fortement mobiles à grande échelle

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    After successfully connecting machines and people later (world wide web), the new era of In-ternet is about connecting things. Due to increasing demands in terms of addresses, mobility, scalability, security and other new unattended challenges, the evolution of current Internet archi-tecture is subject to major debate worldwide. The Internet Architecture Board (IAB) workshop on Routing and Addressing report described the serious scalability problems faced by large backbone operators in terms of routing and addressing, illustrated by the unsustainable growth of the Default Free Zone (DFZ) routing tables. Some proposals tackled the scalability and IP semantics overload issues with two different approaches: evolutionary approach (backward com-patibility) or a revolutionary approach. Several design objectives (technical or high-level) guided researchers in their proposals. Mobility is definitely one of the main challenges.Inter-Vehicle Communication (IVC) attracts considerable attention from the research com-munity and the industry for its potential in providing Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and passengers services. Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) are emerging as a class of wire-less network, formed between moving vehicles equipped with wireless interfaces (cellular and WiFi) employing heterogeneous communication systems. A VANET is a form of mobile ad-hoc network that provides IVC among nearby vehicles and may involve the use of a nearby fixed equipment on the roadside. The impact of Internet-based vehicular services (infotainment) are quickly developing. Some of these applications, driver assistance services or traffic reports, have been there for a while. But market-enabling applications may also be an argument in favor of a more convenient journey. Such use cases are viewed as a motivation to further adoption of the ITS standards developed within IEEE, ETSI, and ISO.This thesis focuses on applying Future Internet paradigm to vehicle-to-Internet communica-tions in an attempt to define the solution space of Future Vehicular Internet. We first introduce two possible vehicle-to-Internet use cases and great enablers for IP based services : eHealth and Fully-electric Vehicles. We show how to integrate those use cases into IPv6 enabled networks. We further focus on the mobility architectures and determine the fundamental components of a mobility architecture. We then classify those approaches into centralized and distributed to show the current trends in terms of network mobility extension, an essential component to vehicular networking. We eventually analyze the performance of these proposals. In order to define an identifier namespace for vehicular communications, we introduce the Vehicle Identification Numbers are possible candidates. We then propose a conversion algorithm that preserves the VIN characteristics while mapping it onto usable IPv6 networking objects (ad-dresses, prefixes, and Mobile Node Identifiers). We make use of this result to extend LISP-MN protocol with the support of our VIN6 addressing architecture. We also apply those results to group IP-based communications, when the cluster head is in charge of a group of followers.Cette thèse a pour objectif de faire avancer l'état de l'art des communications basée sur Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) dans le domaine des réseaux véhiculaires, et ce dans le cadre des évolutions récentes de IP, notamment l'avènement du Future Internet. Le Future Internet (F.I.) définit un ensemble d'approches pour faire évoluer l'Internet actuel , en particulier l'émergence d'un Internet mobile exigeant en ressources. Les acteurs de ce domaine définissent les contraintes inhérentes aux approches utilisées historiquement dans l'évolution de l'architecture d'Internet et tentent d'y remédier soit de manière évolutive soit par une rupture technologique (révolutionnaire). Un des problèmes au centre de cette nouvelle évolution d'Internet est la question du nommage et de l'adressage dans le réseau. Nous avons entrepris dans cette thèse l'étude de ce problème, dans le cadre restreint des communications véhiculaires Internet.Dans ce contexte, l'état de l'art du Future Internet a mis en avant les distinctions des approches révolutionnaires comparées aux propositions évolutives basées sur IPv6. Les réseaux véhiculaires étant d'ores-et-déjà dotés de piles protocolaires comprenant une extension IPv6, nous avons entamé une approche évolutive visant à intégrer les réseaux véhiculaires au Future Internet. Une première proposition a été de convertir un identifiant présent dans le monde automobile (VIN, Numéro d'Identification de Véhicule) en un lot d'adresses réseau propres à chaque véhicule (qui est donc propriétaire de son adressage issu de son identifiant). Cette proposition étant centrée sur le véhicule, nous avons ensuite intégré ces communications basés dans une architecture globale Future Internet basée sur IPv6 (protocole LISP). En particulier, et avec l'adressage VIN, nous avons défini un espace d'adressage indépendant des fournisseurs d'accès à Internet où le constructeur automobile devient acteur économique fournissant des services IPv6 à sa flotte de véhicules conjointement avec les opérateurs réseau dont il dépend pour transporter son trafic IP. Nous nous sommes ensuite intéressés à l'entourage proche du véhicule afin de définir un nouveau mode de communication inter-véhiculaire à Internet: le V2V2I (Angl. Vehicle-to-Vehicle-to-Infrastructure). Jusqu'à présent, les modes de transmission de données à Internet dans le monde du véhicule consistaient en des topologies V2I, à savoir véhicule à Internet, où le véhicule accède à l'infrastructure directement sans intermédiaire. Dans le cadre des communications véhiculaires à Internet, nous proposons une taxonomie des méthodes existantes dans l'état de l'art. Les techniques du Future Internet étant récentes, nous avons étendu notre taxonomie par une nouvelle approche basée sur la séparation de l'adressage topologique dans le cluster de celui de l'infrastructure. Le leader du cluster s'occupe d'affecter les adresses (de son VIN) et de gérer le routage à l'intérieur de son cluster. La dernière contribution consiste en la comparaison des performances des protocoles de gestion de mobilité, notamment pour les réseaux de véhicules et des communications de type vehicule-à-Internet. Dans ce cadre, nous avons proposé une classification des protocoles de gestion de mobilité selon leur déploiement: centralisé (basé réseau ou host) et distribué. Nous avons ensuite évalué les performances en modélisant les durées de configurations et de reconfigurations des différents protocoles concernés

    Mobility management in IP-Based Networks

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    Mobile communication networks experience a tremendous development clearly evident from the wide variety of new applications way beyond classical phone services. The tremendous success of the Internet along with the demand for always-on connectivity has triggered the development of All-IP mobile communication networks. Deploying these networks requires, however, overcoming many challenges. One of the main challenges is how to manage the mobility between cells connecting through an IP core in a way that satisfies real-time requirements. This challenge is the focus of this dissertation. This dissertation delivers an in-depth analysis of the mobility management issue in IP-based mobile communication networks. The advantages and disadvantages of various concepts for mobility management in different layers of the TCP/IP protocol stack are investigated. In addition, a classification and brief description of well-known mobility approaches for each layer are provided. The analysis concludes that network layer mobility management solutions seem to be best suited to satisfy the requirements of future All-IP networks. The dissertation, therefore, provides a comprehensive review of network layer mobility management protocols along with a discussion of their pros and cons. Analyses of previous work in this area show that the proposed techniques attempt to improve the performance by making constraints either on access networks (e.g. requiring a hierarchical topology, introducing of intermediate nodes, etc.) or mobile terminals (e.g. undertaking many measurements, location tracking, etc.). Therefore, a new technique is required that completes handoffs quickly without affecting the end-to-end performance of ongoing applications. In addition, it should place restrictions neither on access networks nor on mobiles. To meet these requirements, a new solution named Mobile IP Fast Authentication protocol (MIFA) is proposed. MIFA provides seamless mobility and advances the state of the art. It utilizes the fact that mobiles movements are limited to a small set of neighboring subnets. Thus, contacting these neighbors and providing them in advance with sufficient data related to the mobiles enable them to fast re-authenticate the mobiles after the handoff. The dissertation specifies the proposal for both IPv4 and IPv6. The specification of MIFA considers including many error recovery mechanisms to cover the most likely failures. Security considerations are studied carefully as well. MIFA does not make any restrictions on the network topology. It makes use of layer 2 information to optimize the performance and works well even if such information is not available.In order to analyze our new proposal in comparison to a wide range of well-known mobility management protocols, this dissertation proposes a generic mathematical model that supports the evaluation of figures such as average handoff latency, average number of dropped packets, location update cost and packet delivery cost. The generic model considers dropped control messages and takes different network topologies and mobility scenarios into account. This dissertation also validates the generic mathematical model by comparing its results to simulation results as well as results of real testbeds under the same assumptions. The validation proves that the generic model delivers an accurate evaluation of the performance in low-loaded networks. The accuracy of the model remains acceptable even under high loads. The validation also shows that simulation results lie in a range of 23 %, while results of real testbeds lie in a range of 30 % of the generic model?s results. To simplify the analysis using the generic mathematical model, 4 new tools are developed in the scope of this work. They automate the parameterization of mobility protocols, network topologies and mobility scenarios. This dissertation also evaluates the new proposal in comparison to well-known approaches (e.g. Mobile IP, Handoff-Aware Wireless Access Internet Infrastructure (HAWAII), etc.) by means of the generic mathematical model as well as simulation studies modeled in the Network Simulator 2. The evaluation shows that MIFA is a very fast protocol. It outperforms all studied protocols with respect to the handoff latency and number of dropped packets per handoff. MIFA is suitable for low as well as high speeds. Moreover, there is no significant impact of the network topology on its performance. A main advantage of MIFA is its robustness against the dropping of control messages. It remains able to achieve seamless handoffs even if a dropping occurs. The performance improvement is achieved, however, at the cost of introducing new control messages mainly to distribute data concerning mobile terminals to neighbor subnets. This results in more location update cost than that resulting from the other mobility management protocols studied. Due to excluding any constraints on the network topology, MIFA generates the same packet delivery cost as Mobile IP and less than other protocols.An additional focus of this dissertation is the development of an adaptive eLearning environment that personalizes eLearning contents conveying the topics of this dissertation depending on users? characteristics. The goal is to allow researchers to quickly become involved in research on mobility management, while learners such as students are able to gain information on the topics without excess detail. Analyses of existing eLearning environments show a lack of adaptivity support. Existing environments focus mainly on adapting either the navigation or the presentation of contents depending on one or more selected users? characteristics. There is no environment that supports both simultaneously. In addition, many user characteristics are disregarded during the adaptivity process. Thus, there is a need to develop a new adaptive eLearning environment able to eliminate these drawbacks. This dissertation, therefore, designs a new Metadata-driven Adaptive eLearning Environment (MAeLE). MAeLE generates personalized eLearning courses along with building an adequate navigation at run-time. Adaptivity depends mainly on providing contents with their describing metadata, which are stored in a separate database, thus enabling reusing of eLearning contents. The relation between the metadata that describe contents and those describing learners are defined accurately, which enables a dynamic building of personalized courses at run-time. A prototype for MAeLE is provided in this dissertation as well

    Economie d'énergie en réseau filaire : ingénierie de trafic et mise en veille

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    Les travaux portent sur l’économie d’énergie dans le secteur des technologies de la communication et plus particulièrement dans les réseaux filaires. La technologie support de nos travaux est Ethernet qui historiquement utilisée dans les entreprises est actuellement déployée dans les réseaux d’accès et de coeur des opérateurs. Notre objectif est d’économiser de l’énergie par une mise en sommeil des liens Ethernet en s’appuyant sur des mécanismes standards aisément déployables. Pour ce faire nous modélisons et évaluons le mécanisme de mise en sommeil IEEE802.3az et confrontons notre modèle à l’expérimentation sur équipements. A partir du modèle de coût obtenu, nous proposons de mettre en place une ingénierie de trafic verte fonction de la charge qui dirige le trafic dans le réseau de façon à permettre aux liens de se mettre en phase de sommeil tout en préservant une qualité de service en évitant de créer des pertes de données dans le réseau par une concentration trop importante de trafic sur les liens. Nous distinguons plusieurs politiques d’ingénierie de complexité de mise en œuvre différentes, que nous évaluons dans plusieurs contextes. Les résultats obtenus permettent quasiment de doubler les gains obtenus par le standard IEEE802.3az. Nous étudions l’ingénierie dans un mode distribué à partir d’un protocole de routage, OSPF, et présentons une preuve de concept dans un mode centralisé avec une architecture SDN pour laquelle nous proposons l’utilisation du routage source par segment afin de réduire le trafic de contrôle