75 research outputs found

    Sparsity-Cognizant Total Least-Squares for Perturbed Compressive Sampling

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    Solving linear regression problems based on the total least-squares (TLS) criterion has well-documented merits in various applications, where perturbations appear both in the data vector as well as in the regression matrix. However, existing TLS approaches do not account for sparsity possibly present in the unknown vector of regression coefficients. On the other hand, sparsity is the key attribute exploited by modern compressive sampling and variable selection approaches to linear regression, which include noise in the data, but do not account for perturbations in the regression matrix. The present paper fills this gap by formulating and solving TLS optimization problems under sparsity constraints. Near-optimum and reduced-complexity suboptimum sparse (S-) TLS algorithms are developed to address the perturbed compressive sampling (and the related dictionary learning) challenge, when there is a mismatch between the true and adopted bases over which the unknown vector is sparse. The novel S-TLS schemes also allow for perturbations in the regression matrix of the least-absolute selection and shrinkage selection operator (Lasso), and endow TLS approaches with ability to cope with sparse, under-determined "errors-in-variables" models. Interesting generalizations can further exploit prior knowledge on the perturbations to obtain novel weighted and structured S-TLS solvers. Analysis and simulations demonstrate the practical impact of S-TLS in calibrating the mismatch effects of contemporary grid-based approaches to cognitive radio sensing, and robust direction-of-arrival estimation using antenna arrays.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin

    Sensor array signal processing : two decades later

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    Caption title.Includes bibliographical references (p. 55-65).Supported by Army Research Office. DAAL03-92-G-115 Supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. F49620-92-J-2002 Supported by the National Science Foundation. MIP-9015281 Supported by the ONR. N00014-91-J-1967 Supported by the AFOSR. F49620-93-1-0102Hamid Krim, Mats Viberg

    Array interpolation methods with applications in wireless sensor networks and global positioning systems

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, 2013.Nas últimas três décadas o estudo de técnicas de processamento de sinais em arranjos de sensores tem recebido grande atenção. Uma grande quantidade de técnicas foi desenvolvida com diversas finalidades como a estimação da direção de chegada, a filtragem ou separação espacial dos sinais recebidos, a estimação do atraso de propagação, a estimação da frequência Doppler e a pré-codificação de sinais na transmissão para maximização da potência recebida por outro arranjo. Técnicas para estimação da direção de chegada são de particular interesse para sistemas de posicionamento baseado em ondas de rádio, como os sistemas de posicionamento global e para o mapeamento de sensores em redes de sensores. Uma particularidade dessas aplicações é a necessidade de uma estimação em tempo real ou computacionalmente eficiente. Técnicas de estimação da direção de chegada que atendem esses requisitos requerem uma estrutura muito específica do arranjo de antenas que, em geral, não pode ser obtida em implementações reais. Nesse trabalho é apresentado um conjunto de técnicas que permitem a interpolação de sinais recebidos em arranjos de geometria arbitrária para arranjos de geometria específica, de forma eficiente e robusta, para possibilitar a aplicação de técnicas eficientes para estimação da direção de chegada em arranjos de geometria arbitrária. Como aplicações das técnicas propostas são apresentados o mapeamento preciso em redes de sensores e posicionamento preciso em receptores de sistemas de posicionamento global. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTIn the last three decades the study of antenna array signal processing techniques has received significant attention. A large number of techniques have been developed with different purposes such as the estimation of the direction of arrival (DOA), filtering or spatial separation of received signals, estimation of time delay of arrival (TDOA), Doppler frequency estimation and precoding of transmitted signals to maximize the power received by a different array. DOA estimation techniques are of particular interest for positioning systems based on radio waves such as the global positioning system (GPS) and for sensor mapping in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). These applications have the particular requirement of demanding the estimations to be made in real time or with reduced computational complexity. DOA estimation techniques that fulfill these requirements demand very specific antenna array structures that cannot, in general, be obtained in real implementations. In this work a set of techniques is presented that allows the interpolation of signals received in arrays of arbitrary geometry into arrays of specific geometry efficiently and robustly to allow the application of efficient DOA estimation techniques in arrays of arbitrary geometry. As an application of the proposed techniques precise mapping for WSNs and precise positioning for GPS receivers is presented

    Matrix and Tensor-based ESPRIT Algorithm for Joint Angle and Delay Estimation in 2D Active Broadband Massive MIMO Systems and Analysis of Direction of Arrival Estimation Algorithms for Basal Ice Sheet Tomography

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    In this thesis, we apply and analyze three direction of arrival algorithms (DoA) to tackle two distinct problems: one belongs to wireless communication, the other to radar signal processing. Though the essence of these two problems is DoA estimation, their formulation, underlying assumptions, application scenario, etc. are totally different. Hence, we write them separately, with ESPRIT algorithm the focus of Part I and MUSIC and MLE detailed in Part II. For wireless communication scenario, mobile data traffic is expected to have an exponential growth in the future. In order to meet the challenge as well as the form factor limitation on the base station, 2D "massive MIMO" has been proposed as one of the enabling technologies to significantly increase the spectral efficiency of a wireless system. In "massive MIMO" systems, a base station will rely on the uplink sounding signals from mobile stations to figure out the spatial information to perform MIMO beamforming. Accordingly, multi-dimensional parameter estimation of a ray-based multi-path wireless channel becomes crucial for such systems to realize the predicted capacity gains. In the first Part, we study joint angle and delay estimation for 2D "massive MIMO" systems in mobile wireless communications. To be specific, we first introduce a low complexity time delay and 2D DoA estimation algorithm based on unitary transformation. Some closed-form results and capacity analysis are involved. Furthermore, the matrix and tensor-based 3D ESPRIT-like algorithms are applied to jointly estimate angles and delay. Significant improvements of the performance can be observed in our communication scheme. Finally, we found that azimuth estimation is more vulnerable compared to elevation estimation. Results suggest that the dimension of the antenna array at the base station plays an important role in determining the estimation performance. These insights will be useful for designing practical "massive MIMO" systems in future mobile wireless communications. For the problem of radar remote sensing of ice sheet topography, one of the key requirements for deriving more realistic ice sheet models is to obtain a good set of basal measurements that enables accurate estimation of bed roughness and conditions. For this purpose, 3D tomography of the ice bed has been successfully implemented with the help of DoA algorithms such as MUSIC and MLE techniques. These methods have enabled fine resolution in the cross-track dimension using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images obtained from single pass multichannel data. In Part II, we analyze and compare the results obtained from the spectral MUSIC algorithm and an alternating projection (AP) based MLE technique. While the MUSIC algorithm is more attractive computationally compared to MLE, the performance of the latter is known to be superior in most situations. The SAR focused datasets provide a good case study to explore the performance of these two techniques to the application of ice sheet bed elevation estimation. For the antenna array geometry and sample support used in our tomographic application, MUSIC performs better originally using a cross-over analysis where the estimated topography from crossing flightlines are compared for consistency. However, after several improvements applied to MLE, i.e., replacing ideal steering vector generation with measured steering vectors, automatic determination of the number of scatter sources, smoothing the 3D tomography in order to get a more accurate height estimation and introducing a quality metric for the estimated signals, etc., MLE outperforms MUSIC. It confirms that MLE is indeed the optimal estimator for our particular ice bed tomographic application. We observe that, the spatial bottom smoothing, aiming to remove the artifacts made by MLE algorithm, is the most essential step in the post-processing procedure. The 3D tomography we obtained lays a good foundation for further analysis and modeling of ice sheets

    Array processing techniques for direction of arrival estimation, communications, and localization in vehicular and wireless sensor networks

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2018.Técnicas de processamentos de sinais para comunicações sem fio tem sido um tópico de interesse para pesquisas há mais de três décadas. De acordo com o padrão Release 9 desenvolvido pelo consorcio 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) sistemas utilizando múltiplas antenas foram adotados na quarta geração (4G) dos sistemas de comunicação sem fio, também conhecida em inglês como Long Term Evolution (LTE). Para a quinta geração (5G) dos sistemas de comunicação sem fio centenas de antenas devem ser incorporadas aos equipamentos, na arquitetura conhecida em inglês como massive multi-user Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO). A presença de múltiplas antenas provê benefícios como o ganho do arranjo, ganho de diversidade, ganho espacial e redução de interferência. Além disso, arranjos de antenas possibilitam a filtragem espacial e a estimação de parâmetros, ambos podem ser usados para se resolver problemas que antes não eram vistos pelo prisma de processamento de sinais. O objetivo dessa tese é superar a lacuna entre a teoria de processamento de sinais e as aplicações da mesma em problemas reais. Tradicionalmente, técnicas de processamento de sinais assumem a existência de um arranjo de antenas ideal. Portanto, para que tais técnicas sejam exploradas em aplicações reais, um conjunto robusto de métodos para interpolação do arranjo é fundamental. Estes métodos são desenvolvidos nesta tese. Além disso problemas no campo de redes de sensores e redes veiculares são tratados nesta tese utilizando-se uma perspectiva de processamento de sinais. Nessa tesa métodos inovadores de interpolação de arranjos são apresentados e sua performance é testada utilizando-se cenários reais. Conceitos de processamento de sinais são implementados no contexto de redes de sensores. Esses conceitos possibilitam um nível de sincronização suficiente para a aplicação de sistemas de múltiplas antenas distribuídos, o que resulta em uma rede com maior vida útil e melhor performance. Métodos de processamento de sinais em arranjos são propostos para resolver o problema de localização baseada em sinais de rádio em redes veiculares, com aplicações em segurança de estradas e proteção de pedestres. Esta tese foi escrita em língua inglesa, um sumário em língua portuguesa é apresentado ao final da mesma.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).Array signal processing in wireless communication has been a topic of interest in research for over three decades. In the fourth generation (4G) of the wireless communication systems, also known as Long Term Evolution (LTE), multi antenna systems have been adopted according to the Release 9 of the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). For the fifth generation (5G) of the wireless communication systems, hundreds of antennas should be incorporated to the devices in a massive multi-user Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) architecture. The presence of multiple antennas provides array gain, diversity gain, spatial gain, and interference reduction. Furthermore, arrays enable spatial filtering and parameter estimation, which can be used to help solve problems that could not previously be addressed from a signal processing perspective. The aim of this thesis is to bridge some gaps between signal processing theory and real world applications. Array processing techniques traditionally assume an ideal array. Therefore, in order to exploit such techniques, a robust set of methods for array interpolation are fundamental and are developed in this work. Problems in the field of wireless sensor networks and vehicular networks are also addressed from an array signal processing perspective. In this dissertation, novel methods for array interpolation are presented and their performance in real world scenarios is evaluated. Signal processing concepts are implemented in the context of a wireless sensor network. These concepts provide a level of synchronization sufficient for distributed multi antenna communication to be applied, resulting in improved lifetime and improved overall network behaviour. Array signal processing methods are proposed to solve the problem of radio based localization in vehicular network scenarios with applications in road safety and pedestrian protection

    Array imperfection calibration for wireless channel multipath characterisation

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    As one of the fastest growing technologies in modern telecommunications, wireless networking has become a very important and indispensable part in our life. A good understanding of the wireless channel and its key physical parameters are extremely useful when we want to apply them into practical applications. In wireless communications, the wireless channel refers to the propagation of electromagnetic radiation from a transmitter to a receiver. The estimation of multipath channel parameters, such as angle of depature (AoD), angle of arrival (AoA), and time difference of arrival (TDoA), is an active research problem and its typical applications are radar, communication, vehicle navigation and localization in the indoor environment where the GPS service is impractical. However, the performance of the parameter estimation deteriorates significantly in the presence of array imperfections, which include the mutual coupling, antenna location error, phase uncertainty and so on. These array imperfections are hardly to be calibrated completely via antenna design. In this thesis, we experimentally evaluate an B matrix method to cope with these array imperfection, our results shows a great improvement of AoA estimation results

    Efficient Beamspace Eigen-Based Direction of Arrival Estimation schemes

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    The Multiple SIgnal Classification (MUSIC) algorithm developed in the late 70\u27s was the first vector subspace approach used to accurately determine the arrival angles of signal wavefronts impinging upon an array of sensors. As facilitated by the geometry associated with the common uniform linear array of sensors, a root-based formulation was developed to replace the computationally intensive spectral search process and was found to offer an enhanced resolution capability in the presence of two closely-spaced signals. Operation in beamspace, where sectors of space are individually probed via a pre-processor operating on the sensor data, was found to offer both a performance benefit and a reduced computationa1 complexi ty resulting from the reduced data dimension associated with beamspace processing. Little progress, however, has been made in the development of a computationally efficient Root-MUSIC algorithm in a beamspace setting. Two approaches of efficiently arriving at a Root-MUSIC formulation in beamspace are developed and analyzed in this Thesis. In the first approach, a structura1 constraint is placed on the beamforming vectors that can be exploited to yield a reduced order polynomial whose roots provide information on the signal arrival angles. The second approach is considerably more general, and hence, applicable to any vector subspace angle estimation algorithm. In this approach, classical multirate digital signal processing is applied to effectively reduce the dimension of the vectors that span the signal subspace, leading to an efficient beamspace Root-MUSIC (or ESPRIT) algorithm. An auxiliaay, yet important, observation is shown to allow a real-valued eigenanalysis of the beamspace sample covariance matrix to provide a computational savings as well as a performance benefit, particularly in the case of correlated signal scenes. A rigorous theoretical analysis, based upon derived large-sample statistics of the signal subspace eigenvectors, is included to provide insight into the operation of the two algorithmic methodologies employing the real-valued processing enhancement. Numerous simulations are presented to validate the theoretical angle bias and variance expressions as well as to assess the merit of the two beamspace approaches

    Sensor Signal and Information Processing II

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    In the current age of information explosion, newly invented technological sensors and software are now tightly integrated with our everyday lives. Many sensor processing algorithms have incorporated some forms of computational intelligence as part of their core framework in problem solving. These algorithms have the capacity to generalize and discover knowledge for themselves and learn new information whenever unseen data are captured. The primary aim of sensor processing is to develop techniques to interpret, understand, and act on information contained in the data. The interest of this book is in developing intelligent signal processing in order to pave the way for smart sensors. This involves mathematical advancement of nonlinear signal processing theory and its applications that extend far beyond traditional techniques. It bridges the boundary between theory and application, developing novel theoretically inspired methodologies targeting both longstanding and emergent signal processing applications. The topic ranges from phishing detection to integration of terrestrial laser scanning, and from fault diagnosis to bio-inspiring filtering. The book will appeal to established practitioners, along with researchers and students in the emerging field of smart sensors processing

    Signal Processing for Large Arrays: Convolutional Beamspace, Hybrid Analog and Digital Processing, and Distributed Algorithms

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    The estimation of the directions of arrival (DOAs) of incoming waves for a passive antenna array has long been an important topic in array signal processing. Meanwhile, the estimation of the MIMO channel between a transmit antenna array and a receive antenna array is a key problem in wireless communications. In many recent works on these array processing tasks, people consider millimeter waves (mmWaves) due to their potential to offer more bandwidth than the already highly occupied lower-frequency bands. However, new challenges like strong path loss at the high frequencies of mmWaves arise. To compensate for the path loss, large arrays, or massive MIMO, are used to get large beamforming gain. It is practical due to the small sizes of mmWave antennas. When large arrays are used, it is important to develop efficient estimation algorithms with low computational and hardware complexity. The main contribution of this thesis is to propose low-complexity DOA and channel estimation methods that are especially effective for large arrays. To achieve low complexity, three main aspects are explored: beamspace methods, hybrid analog and digital processing, and distributed algorithms. First, a new beamspace method, convolutional beamspace (CBS), is proposed for DOA estimation based on passive arrays. In CBS, the array output is spatially filtered, followed by uniform decimation (downsampling) to achieve dimensionality reduction. No DOA ambiguity occurs since the filter output is represented only by the passband sources. CBS enjoys the advantages of classical beamspace such as lower computational complexity, increased parallelism of subband processing, and improved resolution threshold for DOA estimation. Moreover, unlike classical beamspace methods, it allows root-MUSIC and ESPRIT to be performed directly for uniform linear arrays without additional preparation since the Vandermonde structure is preserved under the CBS transformation. The method produces more accurate DOA estimates than classical beamspace, and for correlated sources, better estimates than element-space. The idea of hybrid analog and digital processing is then incorporated into CBS, leading to hybrid CBS for DOA estimation. In hybrid processing, an analog combiner is used to reduce the number of radio frequency (RF) chains and thus hardware complexity. Also for lowering hardware cost, the analog combiner is designed as a phase shifter network with unit-modulus entries. It is shown that any general (arbitrary coefficient) CBS filter can be implemented despite the unit-modulus constraints. Moreover, a new scheme of CBS is proposed based on nonuniform decimation and difference coarray method. This allows us to identify more sources than RF chains. The retained samples correspond to the sensor locations of a virtual sparse array, dilated by an integer factor, which results in larger coarray aperture and thus better estimation performance. Besides, with the use of random or deterministic filter delays that vary with snapshots, a new method is proposed to decorrelate sources for the coarray method to work. Next, a 2-dimensional (2-D) hybrid CBS method is developed for mmWave MIMO channel estimation. Since mmWave channel estimation problems can be formulated as 2-D direction-of-departure (DOD) and DOA estimation, benefits of CBS such as low complexity are applicable here. The receiver operation is again filtering followed by decimation. A key novelty is the use of a proper counterpart of CBS at the transmitter—expansion (upsampling) followed by filtering—to reduce RF chains. The expansion and decimation can be either uniform or nonuniform. The nonuniform scheme is used with 2-D coarray method and requires fewer RF chains to achieve the same estimation performance as the uniform scheme. A method based on the introduction of filter delays is also proposed to decorrelate path gains, which is crucial to the success of coarray methods. It is shown that given fixed pilot overhead, 2-D hybrid CBS can yield more accurate channel estimates than previous methods. Finally, distributed (decentralized) algorithms for array signal processing are studied. With the potential of reducing computation and communication complexity, distributed estimation of covariance, and distributed principal component analysis have been introduced and studied in the signal processing community in recent years. Applications in array processing have been also indicated in some detail. In this thesis, distributed algorithms are further developed for several well-known methods for DOA estimation and beamforming. New distributed algorithms are proposed for DOA estimation methods like root-MUSIC, total least squares ESPRIT, and FOCUSS. Other contributions include distributed design of the Capon beamformer from data, distributed implementation of the spatial smoothing method for coherent sources, and distributed realization of CBS. The proposed algorithms are fully distributed since average consensus (AC) is used to avoid the need for a fusion center. The algorithms are based on a finite-time version of AC which converges to the exact solution in a finite number of iterations. This enables the proposed distributed algorithms to achieve the same performance as the centralized counterparts, as demonstrated by simulations.</p