1,628 research outputs found

    Vector processing-aware advanced clock-gating techniques for low-power fused multiply-add

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    The need for power efficiency is driving a rethink of design decisions in processor architectures. While vector processors succeeded in the high-performance market in the past, they need a retailoring for the mobile market that they are entering now. Floating-point (FP) fused multiply-add (FMA), being a functional unit with high power consumption, deserves special attention. Although clock gating is a well-known method to reduce switching power in synchronous designs, there are unexplored opportunities for its application to vector processors, especially when considering active operating mode. In this research, we comprehensively identify, propose, and evaluate the most suitable clock-gating techniques for vector FMA units (VFUs). These techniques ensure power savings without jeopardizing the timing. We evaluate the proposed techniques using both synthetic and “real-world” application-based benchmarking. Using vector masking and vector multilane-aware clock gating, we report power reductions of up to 52%, assuming active VFU operating at the peak performance. Among other findings, we observe that vector instruction-based clock-gating techniques achieve power savings for all vector FP instructions. Finally, when evaluating all techniques together, using “real-world” benchmarking, the power reductions are up to 80%. Additionally, in accordance with processor design trends, we perform this research in a fully parameterizable and automated fashion.The research leading to these results has received funding from the RoMoL ERC Advanced Grant GA 321253 and is supported in part by the European Union (FEDER funds) under contract TTIN2015-65316-P. The work of I. Ratkovic was supported by a FPU research grant from the Spanish MECD.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    High throughput spatial convolution filters on FPGAs

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    Digital signal processing (DSP) on field- programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) has long been appealing because of the inherent parallelism in these computations that can be easily exploited to accelerate such algorithms. FPGAs have evolved significantly to further enhance the mapping of these algorithms, included additional hard blocks, such as the DSP blocks found in modern FPGAs. Although these DSP blocks can offer more efficient mapping of DSP computations, they are primarily designed for 1-D filter structures. We present a study on spatial convolutional filter implementations on FPGAs, optimizing around the structure of the DSP blocks to offer high throughput while maintaining the coefficient flexibility that other published architectures usually sacrifice. We show that it is possible to implement large filters for large 4K resolution image frames at frame rates of 30–60 FPS, while maintaining functional flexibility


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    Modern central processing units (CPUs) employ arithmetic logic units (ALUs) that support statically defined precisions, often adhering to industry standards. Although CPU manufacturers highly optimize their ALUs, industry standard precisions embody accuracy and performance compromises for general purpose deployment. Hence, optimizing ALU precision holds great potential for improving speed and energy efficiency. Previous research on multiple precision ALUs focused on predefined, static precisions. Little previous work addressed ALU architectures with customized, dynamically defined precision. This dissertation presents approaches for developing dynamic precision ALU architectures for both fixed-point and floating-point to enable better performance, energy efficiency, and numeric accuracy. These new architectures enable dynamically defined precision, including support for vectorization. The new architectures also prevent performance and energy loss due to applying unnecessarily high precision on computations, which often happens with statically defined standard precisions. The new ALU architectures support different precisions through the use of configurable sub-blocks, with this dissertation including demonstration implementations for floating point adder, multiply, and fused multiply-add (FMA) circuits with 4-bit sub-blocks. For these circuits, the dynamic precision ALU speed is nearly the same as traditional ALU approaches, although the dynamic precision ALU is nearly twice as large

    Normalizing or not normalizing? An open question for floating-point arithmetic in embedded systems

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    Emerging embedded applications lack of a specific standard when they require floating-point arithmetic. In this situation they use the IEEE-754 standard or ad hoc variations of it. However, this standard was not designed for this purpose. This paper aims to open a debate to define a new extension of the standard to cover embedded applications. In this work, we only focus on the impact of not performing normalization. We show how eliminating the condition of normalized numbers, implementation costs can be dramatically reduced, at the expense of a moderate loss of accuracy. Several architectures to implement addition and multiplication for non-normalized numbers are proposed and analyzed. We show that a combined architecture (adder-multiplier) can halve the area and power consumption of its counterpart IEEE-754 architecture. This saving comes at the cost of reducing an average of about 10 dBs the Signal-to-Noise Ratio for the tested algorithms. We think these results should encourage researchers to perform further investigation in this issue.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    An efficient multiple precision floating-point Multiply-Add Fused unit

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    Multiply-Add Fused (MAF) units play a key role in the processor's performance for a variety of applications. The objective of this paper is to present a multi-functional, multiple precision floating-point Multiply-Add Fused (MAF) unit. The proposed MAF is reconfigurable and able to execute a quadruple precision MAF instruction, or two double precision instructions, or four single precision instructions in parallel. The MAF architecture features a dual-path organization reducing the latency of the floating-point add (FADD) instruction and utilizes the minimum number of operating components to keep the area low. The proposed MAF design was implemented on a 65 nm silicon process achieving a maximum operating frequency of 293.5 MHz at 381 mW power

    Single-Precision and Double-Precision Merged Floating-Point Multiplication and Addition Units on FPGA

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    Floating-point (FP) operations defined in IEEE 754-2008 Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic can provide wider dynamic range and higher precision than fixed-point operations. Many scientific computations and multimedia applications adopt FP operations. Among all the FP operations, addition and multiplication are the most frequent operations. In this thesis, the single-precision (SP) and double-precision (DP) merged FP multiplier and FP adder architectures are proposed. The proposed efficient iterative FP multiplier is designed based on the Karatsuba algorithm and implemented with the pipelined architecture. It can accomplish two parallel SP multiplication operations in one iteration with a latency of 6 clock cycles or one DP multiplication operation in two iterations with a latency of 9 clock cycles. Implemented on Xilinx Virtex-5 (xc5vlx155ff1760-3) FPGA device, the proposed multiplier runs at 348 MHz using 6 DSP48E blocks, 1117 LUTs, and 1370 FFs. Compared to previous FPGA based multiple-precision FP multiplier, the proposed designs runs at 4% faster clock frequency with reduction of 33% of DSP blocks, 17% latency for SP multiplication, and 28% latency for DP multiplication. The proposed high performance FP adder is designed based one the two-path FP addition algorithm. With fully pipelined architecture, the proposed adder can accomplish one DP or two parallel SP addition/subtraction operations in 6 clock cycles. The proposed adder architecture is implemented on both Altera and Xilinx 65nm process FPGA devices. The proposed adder can run up to 336 MHz with 1694 FFs, 1420 LUTs on Xilinx Virtex-5 (xc5vlx155ff1760-3) FPGA device. Compared to the combination of one DP and two SP architecture built with Xilinx FP operator, the proposed adder has 11.3% faster clock frequency. On Altera Stratix-III (EP3SL340F1760C2) FPGA device, the maximum clock frequency of the proposed adder can reach 358 MHz and 1686 ALUTs and 1556 registers are occupied. The proposed adder is 11.6% faster than the combination of one DP and two SP architecture built with Altera FP megafunction. For the reference of other researchers, the implementation results of the proposed FP multiplier and FP adder on the latest Xilinx Virtex-7 device and Altera Arria 10 device are also provided

    Measuring Improvement when Using HUB Formats to Implement Floating-Point Systems under Round-to-Nearest

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    MEC bajo TIN2013-42253-PThis paper analyzes the benefits of using HUB formats to implement floating-point arithmetic under round-tonearest mode from a quantitative point of view. Using HUB formats to represent numbers allows the removal of the rounding logic of arithmetic units, including sticky-bit computation. This is shown for floating-point adders, multipliers, and converters. Experimental analysis demonstrates that HUB formats and the corresponding arithmetic units maintain the same accuracy as conventional ones. On the other hand, the implementation of these units, based on basic architectures, shows that HUB formats simultaneously improve area, speed, and power consumption. Specifically, based on data obtained from the synthesis, a HUB single-precision adder is about 14% faster but consumes 38% less area and 26% less power than the conventional adder. Similarly, a HUB single-precision multiplier is 17% faster, uses 22% less area, and consumes slightly less power than conventional multiplier. At the same speed, the adder and multiplier achieve area and power reductions of up to 50% and 40%, respectively

    Floating-Point Matrix Product on FPGA

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    Indicating Asynchronous Array Multipliers

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    Multiplication is an important arithmetic operation that is frequently encountered in microprocessing and digital signal processing applications, and multiplication is physically realized using a multiplier. This paper discusses the physical implementation of many indicating asynchronous array multipliers, which are inherently elastic and modular and are robust to timing, process and parametric variations. We consider the physical realization of many indicating asynchronous array multipliers using a 32/28nm CMOS technology. The weak-indication array multipliers comprise strong-indication or weak-indication full adders, and strong-indication 2-input AND functions to realize the partial products. The multipliers were synthesized in a semi-custom ASIC design style using standard library cells including a custom-designed 2-input C-element. 4x4 and 8x8 multiplication operations were considered for the physical implementations. The 4-phase return-to-zero (RTZ) and the 4-phase return-to-one (RTO) handshake protocols were utilized for data communication, and the delay-insensitive dual-rail code was used for data encoding. Among several weak-indication array multipliers, a weak-indication array multiplier utilizing a biased weak-indication full adder and the strong-indication 2-input AND function is found to have reduced cycle time and power-cycle time product with respect to RTZ and RTO handshaking for 4x4 and 8x8 multiplications. Further, the 4-phase RTO handshaking is found to be preferable to the 4-phase RTZ handshaking for achieving enhanced optimizations of the design metrics.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1903.0943
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