19 research outputs found

    A fault-tolerance protocol for parallel applications with communication imbalance

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    ArticuloThe predicted failure rates of future supercomputers loom the groundbreaking research large machines are expected to foster. Therefore, resilient extreme-scale applications are an absolute necessity to effectively use the new generation of supercomputers. Rollback-recovery techniques have been traditionally used in HPC to provide resilience. Among those techniques, message logging provides the appealing features of saving energy, accelerating recovery, and having low performance penalty. Its increased memory consumption is, however, an important downside. This paper introduces memory-constrained message logging (MCML), a general framework for decreasing the memory footprint of message-logging protocols. In particular, we demonstrate the effectiveness of MCML in maintaining message logging feasible for applications with substantial communication imbalance. This type of applications appear in many scientific fields. We present experimental results with several parallel codes running on up to 4,096 cores. Using those results and an analytical model, we predict MCML can reduce execution time up to 25% and energy consumption up to 15%, at extreme scale

    Automating Fault Tolerance in High-Performance Computational Biological Jobs Using Multi-Agent Approaches

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    Background: Large-scale biological jobs on high-performance computing systems require manual intervention if one or more computing cores on which they execute fail. This places not only a cost on the maintenance of the job, but also a cost on the time taken for reinstating the job and the risk of losing data and execution accomplished by the job before it failed. Approaches which can proactively detect computing core failures and take action to relocate the computing core's job onto reliable cores can make a significant step towards automating fault tolerance. Method: This paper describes an experimental investigation into the use of multi-agent approaches for fault tolerance. Two approaches are studied, the first at the job level and the second at the core level. The approaches are investigated for single core failure scenarios that can occur in the execution of parallel reduction algorithms on computer clusters. A third approach is proposed that incorporates multi-agent technology both at the job and core level. Experiments are pursued in the context of genome searching, a popular computational biology application. Result: The key conclusion is that the approaches proposed are feasible for automating fault tolerance in high-performance computing systems with minimal human intervention. In a typical experiment in which the fault tolerance is studied, centralised and decentralised checkpointing approaches on an average add 90% to the actual time for executing the job. On the other hand, in the same experiment the multi-agent approaches add only 10% to the overall execution time.Comment: Computers in Biology and Medicin

    Managing receiver-based message logging overheads in parallel applications

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    Using rollback-recovery based fault tolerance (FT) techniques in applications executed on Multicore Clusters is still a challenge, because the overheads added depend on the applications' behavior and resource utilization. Many FT mechanisms have been developed in re- cent years, but analysis is lacking concerning how parallel applications are a ected when applying such mechanisms. In this work we address the combination of process mapping and FT tasks mapping on multicore environments. Our main goal is to determine the con guration of a pessimistic receiver-based message logging approach which generates the least disturbance to the parallel application. We propose to characterize the parallel application in combination with the message logging approach in order to determine the most signi cant aspects of the application such as computation communication ratio and then, according to the values obtained, we suggest a con guration that can minimize the added overhead for each speci c scenario. In this work we show that in some situations is better to save some resources for the FT tasks in order to lower the disturbance in parallel executions and also to save memory for these FT tasks. Initial results have demonstrated that when saving resources for the FT tasks we can achieve 25% overhead reduction when using a pessimistic message logging aproach as FT support.WPDP- XIII Workshop procesamiento distribuido y paraleloRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Correlated Set Coordination in Fault Tolerant Message Logging Protocols

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    Abstract. Based on our current expectation for the exascale systems, composed of hundred of thousands of many-core nodes, the mean time between failures will become small, even under the most optimistic as-sumptions. One of the most scalable checkpoint restart techniques, the message logging approach, is the most challenged when the number of cores per node increases, due to the high overhead of saving the message payload. Fortunately, for two processes on the same node, the failure probability is correlated, meaning that coordinated recovery is free. In this paper, we propose an intermediate approach that uses coordination between correlated processes, but retains the scalability advantage of message logging between independent ones. The algorithm still belongs to the family of event logging protocols, but eliminates the need for costly payload logging between coordinated processes.

    Fault tolerance of MPI applications in exascale systems: The ULFM solution

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    [Abstract] The growth in the number of computational resources used by high-performance computing (HPC) systems leads to an increase in failure rates. Fault-tolerant techniques will become essential for long-running applications executing in future exascale systems, not only to ensure the completion of their execution in these systems but also to improve their energy consumption. Although the Message Passing Interface (MPI) is the most popular programming model for distributed-memory HPC systems, as of now, it does not provide any fault-tolerant construct for users to handle failures. Thus, the recovery procedure is postponed until the application is aborted and re-spawned. The proposal of the User Level Failure Mitigation (ULFM) interface in the MPI forum provides new opportunities in this field, enabling the implementation of resilient MPI applications, system runtimes, and programming language constructs able to detect and react to failures without aborting their execution. This paper presents a global overview of the resilience interfaces provided by the ULFM specification, covers archetypal usage patterns and building blocks, and surveys the wide variety of application-driven solutions that have exploited them in recent years. The large and varied number of approaches in the literature proves that ULFM provides the necessary flexibility to implement efficient fault-tolerant MPI applications. All the proposed solutions are based on application-driven recovery mechanisms, which allows reducing the overhead and obtaining the required level of efficiency needed in the future exascale platforms.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and FEDER; TIN2016-75845-PXunta de Galicia; ED431C 2017/04National Science Foundation of the United States; NSF-SI2 #1664142Exascale Computing Project; 17-SC-20-SCHoneywell International, Inc.; DE-NA000352

    Local Rollback for Resilient Mpi Applications With Application-Level Checkpointing and Message Logging

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    [Abstract] The resilience approach generally used in high-performance computing (HPC) relies on coordinated checkpoint/restart, a global rollback of all the processes that are running the application. However, in many instances, the failure has a more localized scope and its impact is usually restricted to a subset of the resources being used. Thus, a global rollback would result in unnecessary overhead and energy consumption, since all processes, including those unaffected by the failure, discard their state and roll back to the last checkpoint to repeat computations that were already done. The User Level Failure Mitigation (ULFM) interface – the last proposal for the inclusion of resilience features in the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard – enables the deployment of more flexible recovery strategies, including localized recovery. This work proposes a local rollback approach that can be generally applied to Single Program, Multiple Data (SPMD) applications by combining ULFM, the ComPiler for Portable Checkpointing (CPPC) tool, and the Open MPI VProtocol system-level message logging component. Only failed processes are recovered from the last checkpoint, while consistency before further progress in the execution is achieved through a two-level message logging process. To further optimize this approach point-to-point communications are logged by the Open MPI VProtocol component, while collective communications are optimally logged at the application level—thereby decoupling the logging protocol from the particular collective implementation. This spatially coordinated protocol applied by CPPC reduces the log size, the log memory requirements and overall the resilience impact on the applications.This research was supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain and FEDER funds of the EU (Projects TIN2016-75845-P and the predoctoral grants of Nuria Losada ref. BES-2014-068066 and ref. EEBB-I-17-12005); by EU under the COST Program Action IC1305 Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing (NESUS) and a HiPEAC Collaboration Grant and by the Galician Government (Xunta de Galicia) under the Consolidation Program of Competitive Research (ref. ED431C 2017/04). We gratefully thank Galicia Supercomputing Center for providing access to the FinisTerrae-II supercomputer. This material is also based upon work supported by the US National Science Foundation, Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure , under Grants No. #1664142 and #1339763Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2017/04US National Science Foundation, Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure; 1664142US National Science Foundation, Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure; 133976

    Hybrid Message Pessimistic Logging : improving current pessimistic message logging protocols

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    With the growing scale of HPC applications, there has been an increase in the number of interruptions as a consequence of hardware failures. The remarkable decrease of Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) in current systems encourages the research of suitable fault tolerance solutions. Message logging combined with uncoordinated checkpoint compose a scalable rollback-recovery solution. However, message logging techniques are usually responsible for most of the overhead during failure-free executions. Taking this into consideration, this paper proposes the Hybrid Message Pessimistic Logging (HMPL) which focuses on combining the fast recovery feature of pessimistic receiver-based message logging with the low failure-free overhead introduced by pessimistic sender-based message logging. The HMPL manages messages using a distributed controller and storage to avoid harming system's scalability. Experiments show that the HMPL is able to reduce overhead by 34% during failure-free executions and 20% in faulty executions when compared with a pessimistic receiver-based message logging

    Coordinated Fault-Tolerance for High-Performance Computing Final Project Report

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