769 research outputs found

    Canonical variate dissimilarity analysis for process incipient fault detection

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    Early detection of incipient faults in industrial processes is increasingly becoming important, as these faults can slowly develop into serious abnormal events, an emergency situation, or even failure of critical equipment. Multivariate statistical process monitoring methods are currently established for abrupt fault detection. Among these, canonical variate analysis (CVA) was proven to be effective for dynamic process monitoring. However, the traditional CVA indices may not be sensitive enough for incipient faults. In this work, an extension of CVA, called the canonical variate dissimilarity analysis (CVDA), is proposed for process incipient fault detection in nonlinear dynamic processes under varying operating conditions. To handle non-Gaussian distributed data, kernel density estimation was used for computing detection limits. A CVA dissimilarity-based index has been demonstrated to outperform traditional CVA indices and other dissimilarity-based indices, namely DISSIM, RDTCSA, and GCCA, in terms of sensitivity when tested on slowly developing multiplicative and additive faults in a CSTR under closed-loop control and varying operating conditions

    Process monitoring based on orthogonal locality preserving projection with maximum likelihood estimation

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    By integrating two powerful methods of density reduction and intrinsic dimensionality estimation, a new data-driven method, referred to as OLPP-MLE (orthogonal locality preserving projection-maximum likelihood estimation), is introduced for process monitoring. OLPP is utilized for dimensionality reduction, which provides better locality preserving power than locality preserving projection. Then, the MLE is adopted to estimate intrinsic dimensionality of OLPP. Within the proposed OLPP-MLE, two new static measures for fault detection TOLPP2 and SPEOLPP are defined. In order to reduce algorithm complexity and ignore data distribution, kernel density estimation is employed to compute thresholds for fault diagnosis. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated by three case studies

    Non-stationary spectral estimation for wind turbine induction generator faults detection

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    International audienceDevelopment of large scale offshore wind and marine current turbine farms implies to minimize and predict maintenance operations. In direct- or indirect-drive, fixed- or variable-speed turbine generators, advanced signal processing tools are required to detect and diagnose the generator faults from vibration, acoustic, or generator current signals. The induction generator is traditionally used for wind turbines power generation. Even if induction machines are highly reliable, they are subjected to many types of faults. The aim then, is to detect them at an early stage in order to prevent breakdowns and consequently ensure the continuity of power production. In this context, this paper deals with wind turbines condition monitoring using a fault detection technique based on the generator stator current. The detection algorithm uses a recursive maximum likelihood estimator to track the time-varying fault characteristic frequency and the related energy. Furthermore, a decision-making scheme and a related criterion are proposed. The feasibility of the proposed approach has been demonstrated using simulation data issued from coupled magnetic circuits induction generator model driven by a wind turbine for both electrical asymmetry and mechanical imbalance

    Fault Detection for Systems with Multiple Unknown Modes and Similar Units

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    This dissertation considers fault detection for large-scale practical systems with many nearly identical units operating in a shared environment. A special class of hybrid system model is introduced to describe such multi-unit systems, and a general approach for estimation and change detection is proposed. A novel fault detection algorithm is developed based on estimating a common Gaussian-mixture distribution for unit parameters whereby observations are mapped into a common parameter-space and clusters are then identified corresponding to different modes of operation via the Expectation- Maximization algorithm. The estimated common distribution incorporates and generalizes information from all units and is utilized for fault detection in each individual unit. The proposed algorithm takes into account unit mode switching, parameter drift, and can handle sudden, incipient, and preexisting faults. It can be applied to fault detection in various industrial, chemical, or manufacturing processes, sensor networks, and others. Several illustrative examples are presented, and a discussion on the pros and cons of the proposed methodology is provided. The proposed algorithm is applied specifically to fault detection in Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems. Reliable and timely fault detection is a significant (and still open) practical problem in the HVAC industry { commercial buildings waste an estimated 15% to 30% (20.8B−20.8B - 41.61B annually) of their energy due to degraded, improperly controlled, or poorly maintained equipment. Results are presented from an extensive performance study based on both Monte Carlo simulations as well as real data collected from three operational large HVAC systems. The results demonstrate the capabilities of the new methodology in a more realistic setting and provide insights that can facilitate the design and implementation of practical fault detection for systems of similar type in other industrial applications

    Fault detection and diagnosis in HVAC systems using analytical models

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    Faults that develop in the heat exchanger subsystems in air-conditioning installations can lead to increased energy costs and jeopardise thermal comfort. The sensor and control signals associated with these systems contain potentially valuable information about the condition of the system, and energy management and control systems are able to monitor and store these signals. In practice, the only checks made are to verify set-points are being maintained and that certain critical variables remain within predetermined limits. This approach may allow the detection of certain abrupt or catastrophic faults, but degradation faults often remain undetected until their effects become quite severe. This thesis investigates the appropriateness of using mathematical models to track the development of degradation faults. An approach is developed, which is based on the use of analytical models in conjunction with a recursive parameter estimation algorithm. A subset of the parameters of the models, which are closely related to faults, is estimated recursively. Significant deviations in the values of the estimated parameters from nominal values, which represent `correct operation', are used as an indication that the system has developed a fault. The extent of the deviation from the nominal values is used as an estimate of the degree of fault. This thesis develops the theory and examines the robustness of the parameter estimator using simulation-based testing. Results are also presented from testing the fault detection and diagnosis scheme with data obtained from a simulated air-conditioning system and from a full size test installation

    Seleção de variáveis aplicada ao controle estatístico multivariado de processos em bateladas

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    A presente tese apresenta proposições para o uso da seleção de variáveis no aprimoramento do controle estatístico de processos multivariados (MSPC) em bateladas, a fim de contribuir com a melhoria da qualidade de processos industriais. Dessa forma, os objetivos desta tese são: (i) identificar as limitações encontradas pelos métodos MSPC no monitoramento de processos industriais; (ii) entender como métodos de seleção de variáveis são integrados para promover a melhoria do monitoramento de processos de elevada dimensionalidade; (iii) discutir sobre métodos para alinhamento e sincronização de bateladas aplicados a processos com diferentes durações; (iv) definir o método de alinhamento e sincronização mais adequado para o tratamento de dados de bateladas, visando aprimorar a construção do modelo de monitoramento na Fase I do controle estatístico de processo; (v) propor a seleção de variáveis, com propósito de classificação, prévia à construção das cartas de controle multivariadas (CCM) baseadas na análise de componentes principais (PCA) para monitorar um processo em bateladas; e (vi) validar o desempenho de detecção de falhas da carta de controle multivariada proposta em comparação às cartas tradicionais e baseadas em PCA. O desempenho do método proposto foi avaliado mediante aplicação em um estudo de caso com dados reais de um processo industrial alimentício. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a realização de uma seleção de variáveis prévia à construção das CCM contribuiu para reduzir eficientemente o número de variáveis a serem analisadas e superar as limitações encontradas na detecção de falhas quando bancos de elevada dimensionalidade são monitorados. Conclui-se que, ao possibilitar que CCM, amplamente utilizadas no meio industrial, sejam adequadas para banco de dados reais de elevada dimensionalidade, o método proposto agrega inovação à área de monitoramento de processos em bateladas e contribui para a geração de produtos de elevado padrão de qualidade.This dissertation presents propositions for the use of variable selection in the improvement of multivariate statistical process control (MSPC) of batch processes, in order to contribute to the enhacement of industrial processes’ quality. There are six objectives: (i) identify MSPC limitations in industrial processes monitoring; (ii) understand how methods of variable selection are used to improve high dimensional processes monitoring; (iii) discuss about methods for alignment and synchronization of batches with different durations; (iv) define the most adequate alignment and synchronization method for batch data treatment, aiming to improve Phase I of process monitoring; (v) propose variable selection for classification prior to establishing multivariate control charts (MCC) based on principal component analysis (PCA) to monitor a batch process; and (vi) validate fault detection performance of the proposed MCC in comparison with traditional PCA-based and charts. The performance of the proposed method was evaluated in a case study using real data from an industrial food process. Results showed that performing variable selection prior to establishing MCC contributed to efficiently reduce the number of variables and overcome limitations found in fault detection when high dimensional datasets are monitored. We conclude that by improving control charts widely used in industry to accomodate high dimensional datasets the proposed method adds innovation to the area of batch process monitoring and contributes to the generation of high quality standard products

    Scada data analysis methods for diagnosis of electrical faults to wind turbine generators

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    The electric generator is estimated to be among the top three contributors to the failure rates and downtime of wind turbines. For this reason, in the general context of increasing interest towards effective wind turbine condition monitoring techniques, fault diagnosis of electric generators is particularly important. The objective of this study is contributing to the techniques for wind turbine generator fault diagnosis through a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) analysis method. The work is organized as a real-world test-case discussion, involving electric damage to the generator of a Vestas V52 wind turbine sited in southern Italy. SCADA data before and after the generator damage have been analyzed for the target wind turbine and for reference healthy wind turbines from the same site. By doing this, it has been possible to formulate a normal behavior model, based on principal component analysis and support vector regression, for the power and for the voltages and currents of the wind turbine. It is shown that the incipience of the fault can be individuated as a change in the behavior of the residuals between model estimates and measurements. This phenomenon was clearly visible approximately two weeks before the fault. Considering the fast evolution of electrical damage, this result is promising as regards the perspectives of exploiting SCADA data for individuating electric damage with an advance that can be useful for applications in wind energy practice

    Application of a PCA-based fault detection and diagnosis method in a power generation system with a 2 MW natural gas engine

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    Based on increasing global energy demand, electric power generation from Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) has increased over the years. On this idea, the industries have adopted different methods and procedures to prevent failures in these engines, achieve an extension of the life cycle of the machines, improve their safety, and provide financial savings. For this reason, this work implements a methodology for detecting and identifying failures in a natural gas engine (JGS 612 GS-N. L), based on the integration of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and alarm streak analysis. A method used to describe a data set in terms of new uncorrelated variables or components. The components are ordered by the amount of original variance they describe, making the technique useful for reducing the dimensionality of a data set. Technically, PCA searches for the projection according to which the data are best represented in terms of least squares, using the T2 and Q statistics. In the initial stage, a PCA-based algorithm was developed to detect abnormal process trends and identify the variables of greater impact when these anomalies arise. In the next stage, an algorithm was developed and implemented, based on the analysis of alarm streaks, to identify the system’s behavior and thus classify fluctuations into either normal operating condition drifts or system failures. The application of the proposed methodology with real operation data of the engine (JGS 612 GS-N. L) shows that the method outperforms operators in detecting and identifying faults, as it performs these tasks considerably earlier than operators
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