12,751 research outputs found

    A support architecture for reliable distributed computing systems

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    The Clouds kernel design was through several design phases and is nearly complete. The object manager, the process manager, the storage manager, the communications manager, and the actions manager are examined

    Checkpointing as a Service in Heterogeneous Cloud Environments

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    A non-invasive, cloud-agnostic approach is demonstrated for extending existing cloud platforms to include checkpoint-restart capability. Most cloud platforms currently rely on each application to provide its own fault tolerance. A uniform mechanism within the cloud itself serves two purposes: (a) direct support for long-running jobs, which would otherwise require a custom fault-tolerant mechanism for each application; and (b) the administrative capability to manage an over-subscribed cloud by temporarily swapping out jobs when higher priority jobs arrive. An advantage of this uniform approach is that it also supports parallel and distributed computations, over both TCP and InfiniBand, thus allowing traditional HPC applications to take advantage of an existing cloud infrastructure. Additionally, an integrated health-monitoring mechanism detects when long-running jobs either fail or incur exceptionally low performance, perhaps due to resource starvation, and proactively suspends the job. The cloud-agnostic feature is demonstrated by applying the implementation to two very different cloud platforms: Snooze and OpenStack. The use of a cloud-agnostic architecture also enables, for the first time, migration of applications from one cloud platform to another.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, appears in CCGrid, 201

    Maximum likelihood estimation of cloud height from multi-angle satellite imagery

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    We develop a new estimation technique for recovering depth-of-field from multiple stereo images. Depth-of-field is estimated by determining the shift in image location resulting from different camera viewpoints. When this shift is not divisible by pixel width, the multiple stereo images can be combined to form a super-resolution image. By modeling this super-resolution image as a realization of a random field, one can view the recovery of depth as a likelihood estimation problem. We apply these modeling techniques to the recovery of cloud height from multiple viewing angles provided by the MISR instrument on the Terra Satellite. Our efforts are focused on a two layer cloud ensemble where both layers are relatively planar, the bottom layer is optically thick and textured, and the top layer is optically thin. Our results demonstrate that with relative ease, we get comparable estimates to the M2 stereo matcher which is the same algorithm used in the current MISR standard product (details can be found in [IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 40 (2002) 1547--1559]). Moreover, our techniques provide the possibility of modeling all of the MISR data in a unified way for cloud height estimation. Research is underway to extend this framework for fast, quality global estimates of cloud height.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/09-AOAS243 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    A Portrait of Cold Gas in Galaxies at 60pc Resolution and a Simple Method to Test Hypotheses That Link Small-Scale ISM Structure to Galaxy-Scale Processes

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    The cloud-scale density, velocity dispersion, and gravitational boundedness of the interstellar medium (ISM) vary within and among galaxies. In turbulent models, these properties play key roles in the ability of gas to form stars. New high fidelity, high resolution surveys offer the prospect to measure these quantities across galaxies. We present a simple approach to make such measurements and to test hypotheses that link small-scale gas structure to star formation and galactic environment. Our calculations capture the key physics of the Larson scaling relations, and we show good correspondence between our approach and a traditional "cloud properties" treatment. However, we argue that our method is preferable in many cases because of its simple, reproducible characterization of all emission. Using, low-J 12CO data from recent surveys, we characterize the molecular ISM at 60pc resolution in the Antennae, the Large Magellanic Cloud, M31, M33, M51, and M74. We report the distributions of surface density, velocity dispersion, and gravitational boundedness at 60pc scales and show galaxy-to-galaxy and intra-galaxy variations in each. The distribution of flux as a function of surface density appears roughly lognormal with a 1sigma width of ~0.3 dex, though the center of this distribution varies from galaxy to galaxy. The 60pc resolution line width and molecular gas surface density correlate well, which is a fundamental behavior expected for virialized or free-falling gas. Varying the measurement scale for the LMC and M31, we show that the molecular ISM has higher surface densities, lower line widths, and more self-gravity at smaller scales.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, 36 pages (24+appendix), 21 figures (12+appendix), until publication high resolution version at http://www.astronomy.ohio-state.edu/~leroy.42/cloudscale.pd
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