9 research outputs found

    A Practical Blended Analysis for Dynamic Features in JavaScript

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    The JavaScript Blended Analysis Framework is designed to perform a general-purpose, practical combined static/dynamic analysis of JavaScript programs, while handling dynamic features such as run-time generated code and variadic func- tions. The idea of blended analysis is to focus static anal- ysis on a dynamic calling structure collected at runtime in a lightweight manner, and to rene the static analysis us- ing additional dynamic information. We perform blended points-to analysis of JavaScript with our framework and compare results with those computed by a pure static points- to analysis. Using JavaScript codes from actual webpages as benchmarks, we show that optimized blended analysis for JavaScript obtains good coverage (86.6% on average per website) of the pure static analysis solution and nds ad- ditional points-to pairs (7.0% on average per website) con- tributed by dynamically generated/loaded code

    Static Single Information Form for Abstract Compilation

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    In previous work we have shown that more precise type analysis can be achieved by exploiting union types and static single assignment (SSA) intermediate representation (IR) of code. In this paper we exploit static single information (SSI), an extension of SSA proposed in literature and adopted by some compilers, to allow assignments of more precise types to variables in conditional branches. In particular, SSI can be exploited rather easily and effectively to infer more precise types in dynamic object-oriented languages, where explicit runtime typechecking is frequently used. We show how the use of SSI form can be smoothly integrated with abstract compilation, our approach to static type analysis. In particular, we define abstract compilation based on union and nominal types for a simple dynamic object-oriented language in SSI form with a runtime typechecking operator, to show how precise type inference can be

    Dependent types for JavaScript

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    A descriptive type foundation for RDF Schema

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    This paper provides a type theoretic foundation for descriptive types that appear in Linked Data. Linked Data is data published on the Web according to principles and standards supported by the W3C. Such Linked Data is inherently messy: this is due to the fact that instead of being assigned a strict a priori schema, the schema is inferred a posteriori. Moreover, such a posteriori schema consists of opaque names that guide programmers, without prescribing structure. We employ what we call a descriptive type system for Linked Data. This descriptive type system differs from a traditional type system in that it provides hints or warnings rather than errors and evolves to describe the data while Linked Data is discovered at runtime. We explain how our descriptive type system allows RDF Schema inference mechanisms to be tightly coupled with domain specific scripting languages for Linked Data, enabling interactive feedback to Web developers.MOE (Min. of Education, S’pore)Accepted versio

    Recency types for analyzing scripting languages

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    Abstract. With the current surge of scripting technologies, large programs are being built with dynamically typed languages. As these programs grow in size, semantics-based tools gain importance for detecting programming errors as well as for program understanding. As a basis for such tools, we propose a descriptive type system for an imperative call-by-value lambda calculus with objects. The calculus models essential features of JavaScript, a widely used dynamically-typed language: first-class functions, objects as property maps, and prototypes. Our type system infers precise singleton object types for recently allocated objects. These object types are handled flow-sensitively and change during the objects ’ initialization phase. The notion of recency provides an automatic criterion to subsume these precise object types to summary object types, which are handled flow-insensitively. The criterion applies on a per-object basis. Thus, the type system identifies a generalized initialization phase for each object during which the change of its value is precisely reflected in the change of its type. Unlike with linear types, summary types may refer to singleton types and vice versa. We prove the soundness of the type system and present a constraintbased inference algorithm. An implementation is available on the web.

    Configurable and Sound Static Analysis of JavaScript: Techniques and Applications

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    JavaScript is widespread. Web developers use JavaScript to enrich user experience via dynamic content ranging from scripts to enhance a web page's appearance, to full-blown web applications, to extending the functionality of web browsers in the form of browser addons. Desktop developers use JavaScript, e.g., for OS applications in Windows 8. JavaScript's growing prominence means that secure, correct, and fast JavaScript code is becoming ever more critical. Static analysis traditionally plays a large role in providing these characteristics: it can be used for security auditing, error-checking, debugging, optimization, and program refactoring, among other uses. Thus, a sound, precise static analysis platform for JavaScript can be of enormous advantage.In this thesis, we present our work on creating a sound, precise, configurable and fast static analysis for JavaScript called JSAI that we have made openly available to the research community. JSAI is both a practical tool for JavaScript static analysis and also a research platform for experimenting with static analysis techniques. JSAI showcases a number of novel techniques to soundly compute a combination of type inference, pointer analysis, control-flow analysis, string analysis, and integer and boolean constant propagation for JavaScript programs. It also provides a unique method for modularly configuring analysis precision that is based on fundamental new insights into the theory of static analysis. We describe precision-increasing techniques for the analysis using type refinement; and performance-increasing techniques for the analysis based on parallelization of JSAI. As an example use-case for JSAI, we discuss a novel security analysis for JavaScript-based browser addon vetting