14,902 research outputs found

    Indirect approach to continuous time system identification of food extruder

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    A three-stage approach to system identification in the continuous time is presented which is appropriate for day-to-day application by plant engineers in the process industry. The three stages are: data acquisition using relay feedback; non-parametric identification of the system step response; and parametric model fitting of the identified step response. The method is evaluated on a pilot-scale food-cooking extruder

    Universal direct tuner for loop control in industry

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    This paper introduces a direct universal (automatic) tuner for basic loop control in industrial applications. The direct feature refers to the fact that a first-hand model, such as a step response first-order plus dead time approximation, is not required. Instead, a point in the frequency domain and the corresponding slope of the loop frequency response is identified by single test suitable for industrial applications. The proposed method has been shown to overcome pitfalls found in other (automatic) tuning methods and has been validated in a wide range of common and exotic processes in simulation and experimental conditions. The method is very robust to noise, an important feature for real life industrial applications. Comparison is performed with other well-known methods, such as approximate M-constrained integral gain optimization (AMIGO) and Skogestad internal model controller (SIMC), which are indirect methods, i.e., they are based on a first-hand approximation of step response data. The results indicate great similarity between the results, whereas the direct method has the advantage of skipping this intermediate step of identification. The control structure is the most commonly used in industry, i.e., proportional-integral-derivative (PID) type. As the derivative action is often not used in industry due to its difficult choice, in the proposed method, we use a direct relation between the integral and derivative gains. This enables the user to have in the tuning structure the advantages of the derivative action, therefore much improving the potential of good performance in real life control applications

    PID Controller Tuning Using Bode's Integrals

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    A new method for PID controller tuning based on Bode's integrals is proposed. It is shown that the derivatives of amplitude and phase of a plant model with respect to frequency can be approximated by Bode's integrals without any model of the plant. This information can be used to design a PID controller for slope adjustment of the Nyquist diagram and improve the closed-loop performance. Besides, the derivatives can be also employed to estimate the gradient and the Hessian of a frequency criterion in an iterative PID controller tuning method. The frequency criterion is defined as the sum of squared errors between the desired and measured gain margin, phase margin and crossover frequency. The method benefits from specific feedback relay tests to determine the gain margin, the phase margin and the crossover frequency of the closed-loop system. Simulation examples and experimental results illustrate the effectiveness and the simplicity of the proposed method to design and tune the PID controllers

    PI/PID Controller Relay Experiment Auto-Tuning with Extended Kalman Filter and Second-Order Generalized Integrator as Parameter Estimators

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    This paper presents a method for the estimation of key parameters of limit cycle oscillations (amplitude and frequency) during a relay experiment used for automatic tuning of proportional-integral (PI) and proportional-integral-derivative (PID) feedback controllers. The limit cycle parameter estimator is based on the first-order extended Kalman filter (EKF) for resonance frequency estimation, to which a second-order generalized integrator (SOGI) is cascaded for the purpose of limit cycle amplitude estimation. Based on thus-obtained parameters of the limit cycle oscillations, the ultimate gain and the ultimate period of the limit cycle oscillations are estimated. These are subsequently used for the tuning of PI and PID controller according to Takahashi modifications of Ziegler-Nichols tuning rules. The proposed PI and PID controller auto-tuning method is verified by means of simulations and experimentally on the heat and air-flow experimental setup for the case of air temperature feedback control. The results have shown that the proposed auto-tuning system based on relay control experiment for the heat and air-flow process PI/PID temperature control can capture the ultimate gain and period parameters fairly quickly in simulations and in experiments. Subsequent controller tuning according to Takahashi modifications of Ziegler-Nichols rules using thus-obtained ultimate point parameters can provide favourable closed-loop load disturbance rejection, particularly in the case of PID controller

    Does the motor system need intermittent control?

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    Explanation of motor control is dominated by continuous neurophysiological pathways (e.g. trans-cortical, spinal) and the continuous control paradigm. Using new theoretical development, methodology and evidence, we propose intermittent control, which incorporates a serial ballistic process within the main feedback loop, provides a more general and more accurate paradigm necessary to explain attributes highly advantageous for competitive survival and performance

    Process Estimation with Relay Feedback Method

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    Manual tuning of PID controllers can be very time-consuming and that is why automatic tuning was developed. The conventional automatic tuners use a relay instead of controller in a closed loop system to obtain stabile oscillations. The information from a relay experiment is later used to calculate PID control parameters with different tuning rules and there also exist systems that, apart from the relay experiment, use a step response experiment to obtain even better control. The aim with this thesis is to investigate if there is enough information in a relay experiment to estimate an unknown process as a first order process with delay and then use AMIGO design to obtain satisfying PI/PID controller parameters. The calculation of the estimation parameters of the model is done with Gauss-Newton optimization algorithm. The algorithm minimizes the square of the output error between the unknown process output and estimation model output and calculates the optimal model parameters. The algorithm is dependant of good initial Svalues so a method for initializing good values is developed

    Multiple frequency response points identification through single asymmetric relay feedback experiment

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    In this paper a methodology to identify several points of the frequency response of a system using a single experiment is proposed. The identification is performed using the information obtained from an asymmetric relay feedback experiment. The frequency response points that are estimated correspond to the fundamental oscillation frequency induced by the asymmetric relay and its harmonics. The method is easy to implement since it only requires linear algebra operations, but relies on a proper data selection, which is largely studied, to obtain the most accurate results. The proposed method allows a Least Squares formulation, which has also been studied, and presents some benefits in terms of accuracy for certain cases. The presented results are validated experimentally using a practical identification case.This work was supported by Universitat Jaume I, Spain with grant number 18I411-Uji-b2018-39, MINECO, Spain with grant numbers DPI2017-84259-C2-2-R, RTI2018-094665-B-I00 and Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain with grant number TEC2015-69155-R and by the State Research Agency, Spain under project PID2020-112658RBI00/10.13039/501100011033. The material in this paper was not presented at any conference. This paper was recommended for publication in revised form by Associate Editor Cristian R. Rojas under the direction of Editor Alessandro Chiuso

    Automatic Tuning of PID Controllers Based on Asymmetric Relay Feedback

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    This thesis presents an improved version of the classic relay autotuner. The proposed autotuner uses an asymmetric relay function to better excite the process in the experiment phase. The improved excitation provides the possibility to obtain better models and hence better tuning, without making the autotuner more complicated or time consuming.Some processes demand more accurate modeling and tuning to obtain con-trollers of sufficient performance. The proposed autotuner can classify these processes from the experiment. In an advanced version of the autotuner an additional experiment could be dhttps://localhost/admin/login.phpesigned for these processes, in order to further increase the possibilities in modeling and tuning. The experiment design would then rely on information from the relay experiment. A simple version of the autotuner could instead make a somewhat better model estimation immediately, or suggest that some extra effort may be put in modeling if the control performance of the loop is crucial. The main focus in this thesis is on the simple version of the autotuner.The proposed autotuner uses the process classification for model and controller selection also in the simple version. The processes are classified according to their normalized time delays. In this thesis a simple method of finding the normalized time delay from the asymmetric relay experiment is presented and evaluated.Research presented on different versions of the relay autotuner is often based solely on simulations. In large simulation environments, the ability to automatically tune the large amount of PID controllers is practical and time-saving. However, the ability to use the autotuner in an industrial setting, requires considerations not always present in a simulation environment. This thesis investigates many of these issues, regarding parameter settings and possible error sources. The proposed autotuner is implemented, tested and evaluated both in a simulation environment and by industrial experiments. The simple version of the autotuner gives satisfactory results, both in simulations and on the industrial processes. Still, there is a possibility to further increase the performance by an advanced version of the autotuner