12 research outputs found


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    Investasi utama Kabupaten Bantul dalam memaksimalkan potensi wisata pantainya adalah kondisi infrastruktur yang memadai. Studi ini mencoba mengidentifikasi kriteria dan orientasi prioritas dalam pengembangan jaringan jalan menuju Pantai Selatan di Kabupaten Bantul yang biasanya tidak sebanding dengan jumlah anggaran yang tersedia karena prosedur pemilihan anggaran membutuhkan pembahasan yang cukup panjang. Pendekatan yang dilakukan dalam teknik penelitian ini untuk menetapkan kriteri prioritas menggunakan Hirarki Proses Analitik (AHP) dengan terlebih dahulu melakukan penyebaran kuisioner, wawancara dan observasi responden. Menurut responden, faktor utama dalam menentukan prioritas pengembangan jaringan adalah kriteria tata ruang (23,48%), kriteria teknis (22,96%), kriteria ekonomi (16,00%), kriteria sosial (13,87%), kriteria polhankam (11,97%). , dan kriteria lingkungan (11,71%). Orientasi prioritas penanganan jalan menuju Pantai Selatan di Kabupaten Bantul prioritas pertama penanganan ruas jalan Yogyakarta – Bakulan - Parangtritis dengan skor 392,97, prioritas kedua ruas jalan Yogyakarta – Bantul – Samas dengan skor 319,21

    Penentuan Rute Tercepat Pemadam Kebakaran di Kota Cirebon - Berdasarkan Jarak, Waktu Kejadian, Tingkat Kemacetan dan Jenis Penggunaan Lahan

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    Kinerja pemadam kebakaran dapat direpresetasikan dengan kecepatan penanganan pada saat terjadi kasus kebakaran, dimana kecepatan penanganan sangat dipengaruhi oleh kecepatan tempuh unit pemadam kebakaran menuju lokasi kebakaran.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui rute tercepat bagi unit pemadam kebakaran di Kota Cirebon berdasarkan jarak tempuh, waktu kejadian, tingkat kemacetan dan jenis penggunaan lahan.  Metode yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini yaitu dengan cara menerapkan model Geographic Information System (GIS) dalam mengidentifikasi beberapa variable yang mempengaruhi kecepatan tempuh unit pemadam kebakaran. Pada penelitian ini ditentukan beberapa alternatif rute dari pos pemadam kebakaran (Pos Damkar Harjamukti dan Pos Damkar Bima) menuju objek lokasi kebakaran (Pasar Harjamukti) kemudian dihitung waktu tempuh pada masing-masing alternatif rute dengan mempertimbangkan variable jarak tempuh, waktu kejadian, tingkat kemacetan dan jenis penggunaan lahannya. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa waktu tempuh tercepat kendaraan pemadam kebakaran di Kota Cirebon sebagian besar dipengaruhi oleh jarak tempuhnya. Akan tetapi pada kondisi arus lalu lintas tinggi, rute dengan jarak yang lebih panjang tetapi tidak melintasi ruas jalan yang macet dapat menghasilkan waktu tempuh yang lebih cepat jika dibandingkan dengan rute yang lebih pendek tetapi melintasi ruas jalan yang macet. Rute tercepat dari pos pemadam kebakaran Bima menuju Pasar harjamukti adalah rute 1 (2.854 m) pada pagi hari, rute 3 (3.019 m) pada siang dan sore hari. Sedangkan rute tercepat dari pos pemadam kebakaran Harjamukti menuju Pasar harjamukti adalah rute 1 (2.069 m) baik pada pagi, siang maupun sore hari karena memiliki jarak terpendek

    GIS-based volunteer cotton habitat prediction and plant-level detection with UAV remote sensing

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    Volunteer cotton plants germinate and grow at unwanted locations like transport routes and can serve as hosts for a harmful cotton pests called cotton boll weevils. The main objective of this study was to develop a geographic information system (GIS) framework to efficiently locate volunteer cotton plants in the cotton production regions in southern Texas, thus reducing time and economic cost for their removal. A GIS network analysis tool was applied to estimate the most likely routes for cotton transportation, and a GIS model was created to identify and visualize potential areas of volunteer cotton growth. The GIS model indicated that, of the 31 counties in southern Texas that may have habitat for volunteer cotton, Hidalgo, Cameron, Nueces, and San Patricio are the counties at the greatest risk. Moreover, a method based on unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) remote sensing was proposed to detect the precise locations of volunteer cotton plants in potential areas for their subsequent removal. In this study, a UAV was used to scan limited samples of potential volunteer cotton growth areas identified with the GIS model. The results indicated that UAV remote sensing coupled with the proposed image analysis methods could accurately identify the precise locations of volunteer cotton and could potentially assist in the elimination of volunteer cotton along transport routes

    A major functional upgrade towards a comprehensive provincial road network inventory : the Gauteng case study

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    An efficient road network consists of a vast series of carriageways interlinked by slipways and ramps that allow for both economic and societal movement. The Gauteng Province encompasses approximately twenty percent of the entire South African road network. Each element of the provincial road network is regarded as a vital record within a Road Asset Management System (RAMS), maintained accordingly and routinely updated. This paper builds on the GIS methodology involved in the functional classification and assembly of all digital road links in order to form an operational Road Network Inventory (RNI). It elaborates on the revised spatial geometry and status of each road link within the Gauteng provincial RNI after it has been functionally classified as guided by the South African Road Classification and Access Management (TRH26) and the TMH22 Road Asset Management Manuals. By reconstructing and updating the historical RAMS carriageway dataset, the first provincial RNI geodatabase to include dual roads, on- and off-ramps, slipways and sections of municipal roads located within the provincial road reserve was produced. Simultaneously, the link node allocation policy has also been revised to contain a more comprehensive set of descriptive attributes, since just more than 76% of these nodes represent physical road intersections. The impact on the RAMS was that the upgraded provincial RNI contained 44% more road links, 35% more nodes, 62% more dual carriageways than before and increased the total carriageway length by about three percent.Papers presented at the 36th Southern African Transport Conference, CSIR International Convention Centre, Pretoria, South Africa on 10-13 July 2017.Transportation research board of the national academie

    An integrated multiple criteria preference ranking approach to the Canadian west coast port congestion conflict

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    An integrative conflict analysis approach, incorporating an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) based preference ranking method into the Graph Model for Conflict Resolution (GMCR), is employed to investigate the Canadian west coast port congestion dispute. The Canadian west coast has historically been an important gateway connecting North America to Asia thanks to its specific geographical and strategic location. Despite successful operations and maintenance of the port facilities to handle international trade during the past few decades, the west coast is now facing increasing congestion problems, resulting in significant delays in transporting goods from the west coast to other parts of Canada and the USA. The strategic analyses carried out in this research suggest potential resolutions in which Canada would expand port facilities at various locations, encouraging traders to continue choosing the Canadian west coast as one of their trade gateways to North America

    Assessment of the UTM car-free days using distance measurement methods in GIS

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    The UTM Car-Free Day is an initiative that is intended to reduce car-induced emissions, promote healthy lifestyle modes of transportation and improve environmental sustainability awareness among campus community. Currently, Car-Free Days assessment methods are not comprehensively studied, especially using GIS. Thus, it is needed to be used an appropriate technique for the assessment of the Car-Free Day initiative, in this respect, the study used distance measurement methods in GIS by measuring travel distances both during Car-Free Days and normal days and modelling travel patterns. In this study, online and paper-based questionnaires were designed and distributed to UTM campus community in order to obtain residential addresses, parking lots, modes of transportations and level of awareness towards the UTM Car-Free Day initiative. In total, 119 valid questionnaires were collected for the purpose of the study. Network datasets were built within a GIS database using ArcGIS Network Analyst Extension to perform shortest path analysis between the two centoids of residential addresses (origins) and parking lots (destinations). Moreover, nearly 22% of the respondents drew their actual travel routes and it is used on-screen manual digitizing to model and measure the actual travel routes of the respondents. The measured travel distances during Car-Free Days and normal days using shortest path and actual travel route measurements were compared using dependent t-test for paired samples and the tests for both methods were not significant. Furthermore, Pearson’s Correlation test was conducted and the test revealed that there are significant strong positive correlations between actual travel route measurement and shortest path network. Therefore, the study proves that there are no different in travel distances during Car-Free Days and normal days, thus, the current UTM Car-Free Day initiative did not reduce travel distances on the campus. Results of this study could be mainly beneficial to the university’s Car-Free Day initiative program. Finally, the study recommends suggestions that may improve the successfulness of the UTM Car-Free Day initiative and aspects that enhance the methodology of assessing the impact of the Car-Free Days on travel distances

    A diagnostic expert system to overcome construction problems in rigid highway pavement

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    Constructing highway pavements faces complex problems, which are affected by multiple factors, where solution is nearly impossible without expert assistance. Diagnosing such construction problems and suggesting most suitable cost efficient solutions requires significant engineering expertise, which might not be available in all construction sites due to inadequate resource and remote locations. Developing an expert system in this domain is a very effective way to help novice engineers to overcome these problems and to learn about them. Moreover, the system can be used as an archive to document engineering knowledge and to share expertise among the experts in this domain. This article describes the development and evaluation stages of such a system, including knowledge acquisition, knowledge representation, system building, and system verification and validation. The initial knowledge is acquired from literature reviews. More expert knowledge is elicited through interviews and questionnaires. This knowledge is documented, analyzed, represented, and converted to computer software using the Visual Basic programming language and the system is called ES-CCPRHP. The system has been verified and validated in three ways: by extensive testing, comparison between system performance and expert reasoning, and case study. It can therefore be employed with confidence by end users. First published online: 24 Oct 201

    Vektori- ja rasteriaineistojen yhdistäminen kustannuspinnaksi reitinetsintää varten

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    Alhaisimman kustannuksen reitin etsintä on paikkatietoanalyysi, jolla pyritään selvittämään edullisin mahdollinen kustannus kustannuspinnan kohteiden välillä. Perinteisesti paikkatieto-ohjelmissa analyysi on toteutettu siten, että kustannuspinta mallinnetaan rasterina, jossa jokainen solun arvo kuvaa kustannusta liikkua kyseisen solun alueella. Kustannuspinnan mallintamiselle on rasterin lisäksi olemassa useita muitakin vaihtoehtoja, kuten kustannusviivat ja polygonit. Eri tavat mallintaa kustannuspintaa soveltuvat käytettäväksi erilaisten aineistojen kanssa, mutta mikään tavoista ei sovellu hyvin käytettäväksi kaiken tyyppisten aineistojen kanssa. Tässä työssä esitetään menetelmä, jolla eri aineistotyyppejä voidaan yhdistää yhdeksi kustannuspinnaksi ja muodostaa siitä yhtenäinen verkko reitinetsintää varten. Esitelty menetelmä hyödyntää kuudentoista naapurin menetelmää rasteriaineistoissa ja näkyvyysverkkoon perustuvaa menetelmää aluemaisten vektorikohteiden osalta. Työssä esitellään kuinka erityyppisten aineistojen yhdistäminen yhdeksi verkoksi tehdään teoriatasolla, selvitetään kuinka tämä verkonmuodostus saadaan tehtyä tehokkaasti käytännön sovelluksessa ja testataan algoritmin toimintaa käytännön tapaustutkimuksen kautta. Kehitetty menetelmä todettiin tapaustutkimuksessa käyttökelpoiseksi ja sen havaittiin mahdollistavan entistä monimutkaisempien kulkukustannukseen vaikuttavien ilmiöiden mallintamisen käyttäen tavanomaisia paikkatietoaineistoja. Kehityskohteita havaittiin liittyen algoritmin tehokkuuteen, tarkkuuteen ja algoritmin vaatiman kustannuspinnan muodostamisen helppouteen. Useisiin havaituista kehityskohteista esitetään mahdollisia ratkaisuvaihtoehtoja, joiden käytännön toteutus jätettiin kuitenkin jatkotutkimuksen kohteeksi

    Analyse des clientèles actuelles et potentielles d'un centre de villégiature

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    La littérature et l'expertise reliée au géomarketing sont relativement nouvelles dans les milieux universitaires québécois et cette discipline située entre la géographie, la géomatique et le marketing se transforme rapidement. Le potentiel offert par l'utilisation des SIG et des données nouvellement disponibles nous permet d'envisager l'utilisation d'une approche géomarketing adaptée au domaine du tourisme. Dans ce contexte, cette étude s'intéresse à un centre de villégiature 4 saisons situé à une quarantaine de kilomètres au nord-ouest de la ville de Québec dans la municipalité régionale de comté (MRC) de La Jacques-Cartier. Par une approche de recherche exploratoire, l'objectif principal est d'analyser la répartition spatiale des consommateurs et des clientèles potentielles d'un centre de villégiature dans les régions métropolitaines de recensement (RMR) de Québec et de Montréal. La cartographie nous a permis d'analyser la distribution spatiale des consommateurs. Afin d'identifier sur le territoire d'où provient la majorité de la clientèle potentielle et de délimiter une zone de chalandise, cette recherche s'est intéressée au comportement spatial du touriste et de l'effet de distance. Enfin, la segmentation de marché à partir des caractéristiques sociodémographiques des consommateurs du centre de villégiature a permis d'illustrer des potentiels de marketing direct pour la prospection de nouveaux clients

    Improving the accuracy and the efficiency of geo-processing through a combinative geo-computation approach

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    Geographical Information Systems (GIS) have become widely used for applications ranging from web mapping services to environmental modelling, as they provide a rich set of functions to solve different types of spatial problems. In the meantime, implementing GIS functions in an accurate and efficient manner has received attention, throughout the development of GIS technologies. This thesis describes the development and implementation of a novel geo-processing approach, namely Combinative Geoprocessing (CG), which is used to address data processing problems in GIS. The main purpose of the CG approach is to improve the data quality and efficiency of processing complex geo-processing models. Inspired by the concept of Map Calculus (Haklay, 2004), in the CG approach GIS layers are stored as functions and new layers are created through a combination of existing functions. The functional programming environment (Scheme programming language) is used in this research to implement the function-based layers in the CG approach. Furthermore, a set of computation rules is introduced in the new approach to enhance the performance of the function-based layers, such as the CG computation priority, which provides a way to improve the overall computation time of geo-processing. Three case studies, which involve different sizes of spatial data and different types of functions are investigated in this research in order to develop and implement the CG approach. The first case study compares Map Algebra and our approach for manipulating two different raster layers. The second case study focuses on the investigation of a combinative function through the implementation of the IDW and Slope functions. The final case is a study of computational efficiency using a complex chain processing model. Through designing the conceptual model of the CG approach and implementing the CG approach in the number of case studies, it was shown that the new approach provides many advantages for improving the data quality of geo-processing. Furthermore, the overall computation time of geo-processing could be reduced by using the CG approach as it provides a way to use computer resources efficiently and avoid redundant computations. Last but not least, this thesis identifies a new research direction for GIS computations and GIS software development, such as how a robust geo-processing tool with higher performance (i.e. data quality and efficiency) could be created using the CG approach