12 research outputs found

    Raspberry Pi Based Intelligent Wireless Sensor Node for Localized Torrential Rain Monitoring

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    Wireless sensor networks are proved to be effective in long-time localized torrential rain monitoring. However, the existing widely used architecture of wireless sensor networks for rain monitoring relies on network transportation and back-end calculation, which causes delay in response to heavy rain in localized areas. Our work improves the architecture by applying logistic regression and support vector machine classification to an intelligent wireless sensor node which is created by Raspberry Pi. The sensor nodes in front-end not only obtain data from sensors, but also can analyze the probabilities of upcoming heavy rain independently and give early warnings to local clients in time. When the sensor nodes send the probability to back-end server, the burdens of network transport are released. We demonstrate by simulation results that our sensor system architecture has potentiality to increase the local response to heavy rain. The monitoring capacity is also raised

    Intelligent Circuits and Systems

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    ICICS-2020 is the third conference initiated by the School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering at Lovely Professional University that explored recent innovations of researchers working for the development of smart and green technologies in the fields of Energy, Electronics, Communications, Computers, and Control. ICICS provides innovators to identify new opportunities for the social and economic benefits of society.  This conference bridges the gap between academics and R&D institutions, social visionaries, and experts from all strata of society to present their ongoing research activities and foster research relations between them. It provides opportunities for the exchange of new ideas, applications, and experiences in the field of smart technologies and finding global partners for future collaboration. The ICICS-2020 was conducted in two broad categories, Intelligent Circuits & Intelligent Systems and Emerging Technologies in Electrical Engineering

    Програмне забезпечення для побудови сенсорної мережі на основі Raspberry Pi

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    У даній дипломній бакалаврській роботі розроблено програмне забезпечення для побудови сенсорної мережі на основі Raspberry Pi, що дозволяє організувати збір даних з різноманітних сенсорів в реальному часі. Розроблене програмне забезпечення дозволяє автоматично розширювати сенсорну мережу додатковими сенсорами. Розроблено структуру пакета, який дозволяє передавати різнорідну інформацію від різних сенсорів. Було проаналізовано відоме апаратне та програмне забезпечення та обрано найкращий варіант для виконання поставленої задачі. Представлено алгоритм роботи програмного забезпечення сенсорної мережі для передачі даних з декількох мікрокомп’ютерів.This paper considers a software for creating and establishing a sensor network, which allows organizing real-time data monitoring with the use of various sensors. Developed software lets automatically expand sensor network with additional sensors. A structure of package was developed, which allows to transmit different data from several devices. Known hardware and software for use in sensor networks were analyzed and the best configuration was chosen. A processing algorithm of sensor network for data transmission from several microcomputers is introduced.В данной дипломной бакалаврской работе разработано программное обеспечение для построения сенсорной сети на основе Raspberry Pi, позволяющее организовать сбор данных из различных сенсоров в реальном времени. Разработанное ПО позволяет автоматически расширять сенсорную сеть дополнительными сенсорами. Разработана структура пакета, позволяющего передавать разнородную информацию от разных сенсоров. Было проанализировано известное аппаратное и программное обеспечение и выбран лучший вариант выполнения поставленной задачи. Представлен алгоритм работы программного обеспечения сенсорной сети для передачи данных с нескольких микрокомпьютеров


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    O modo como interagimos com o mundo não é mais como era feito há dez ou quinze anos atrás. O modo como nos comunicamos, interagimos socialmente, a maneira como consumimos, as relações comerciais e até mesmo o lazer – estão disponíveis em um pequeno dispositivo móvel. Com o surgimento da IoT (Internet of Things¹), surgiram tecnologias weareables, ou seja, tecnologia para se vestir, literalmente. Eletrodomésticos, carros, relógios, todas as ‘coisas’ de certa forma pode se conectar à internet. Tanta conectividade promete trazer inúmeros benefícios para a sociedade, agregando sempre uma maior qualidade de vida e experiência aos usuários. Neste contexto, este projeto de dissertação buscará identificar, através de uma pesquisa de campo, quais seriam os componentes de um sistema IoT para auxiliar nos cuidados com animais domésticos. A pesquisa será aplicada por meio de uma survey, buscando no público alvo informações e características acerca do instrumento de pesquisa, sendo assim será aplicado em forma de questionário. As análises feitas neste trabalho poderão ser utilizadas posteriormente no desenvolvimento de uma nova aplicação, denominada Smart Coleira, uma coleira inteligente com tecnologia baseada em Internet das Coisas, que tem como objetivo principal auxiliar nos cuidados dos animais domésticos, além de proporcionar uma nova experiência na relação entre os seres humanos e os animais de estimação

    Investigation of mobile devices usage and mobile augmented reality applications among older people

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    Mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones have allow users to communicate, entertainment, access information and perform productivity. However, older people are having issues to utilise mobile devices that may affect their quality of life and wellbeing. There are some potentials of mobile Augmented Reality (AR) applications to increase older users mobile usage by enhancing their experience and learning. The study aims to investigate mobile devices potential barriers and influence factors in using mobile devices. It also seeks to understand older people issues in using AR applications

    African Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation

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    This open access book discusses current thinking and presents the main issues and challenges associated with climate change in Africa. It introduces evidences from studies and projects which show how climate change adaptation is being - and may continue to be successfully implemented in African countries. Thanks to its scope and wide range of themes surrounding climate change, the ambition is that this book will be a lead publication on the topic, which may be regularly updated and hence capture further works. Climate change is a major global challenge. However, some geographical regions are more severly affected than others. One of these regions is the African continent. Due to a combination of unfavourable socio-economic and meteorological conditions, African countries are particularly vulnerable to climate change and its impacts. The recently released IPCC special report "Global Warming of 1.5º C" outlines the fact that keeping global warming by the level of 1.5º C is possible, but also suggested that an increase by 2º C could lead to crises with crops (agriculture fed by rain could drop by 50% in some African countries by 2020) and livestock production, could damage water supplies and pose an additonal threat to coastal areas. The 5th Assessment Report produced by IPCC predicts that wheat may disappear from Africa by 2080, and that maize— a staple—will fall significantly in southern Africa. Also, arid and semi-arid lands are likely to increase by up to 8%, with severe ramifications for livelihoods, poverty eradication and meeting the SDGs. Pursuing appropriate adaptation strategies is thus vital, in order to address the current and future challenges posed by a changing climate. It is against this background that the "African Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation" is being published. It contains papers prepared by scholars, representatives from social movements, practitioners and members of governmental agencies, undertaking research and/or executing climate change projects in Africa, and working with communities across the African continent. Encompassing over 100 contribtions from across Africa, it is the most comprehensive publication on climate change adaptation in Africa ever produced


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    ABSTRACT Kampung houses are houses in kampung area of the city. Kampung House oftenly transformed into others use as urban dynamics. One of the transfomation is related to the commercial activities addition by the house owner. It make house with full private space become into mixused house with more public spaces or completely changed into full public commercial building. This study investigate the spatial transformation pattern of the kampung houses due to their commercial activities addition. Site observations, interviews and questionnaires were performed to study the spatial transformation. This study found that in kampung houses, the spatial transformation pattern was depend on type of commercial activities and owner perceptions, and there are several steps of the spatial transformation related the commercial activity addition. Keywords: spatial transformation pattern; commercial activity; owner perception, kampung house; adaptabilit

    Triple Helix as a Strategic Tool to Fast-Track Climate Change Adaptation in Rural Kenya: Case Study of Marsabit County

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    AbstractThe lack of affordable, clean, and reliable energy in Africa's rural areas forces people to resort to poor quality energy source, which is detrimental to the people's health and prevents the economic development of communities. Moreover, access to safe water and food security are concerns closely linked to health issues and children malnourishment. Recent climate change due to global warming has worsened the already critical situation.Electricity is well known to be an enabler of development as it allows the use of modern devices thus enabling the development of not only income-generating activities but also water pumping and food processing and conservation that can promote socioeconomic growth. However, all of this is difficult to achieve due to the lack of investors, local skills, awareness by the community, and often also government regulations.All the above mentioned barriers to the uptake of electricity in rural Kenya could be solved by the coordinated effort of government, private sector, and academia, also referred to as Triple Helix, in which each entity may partially take the other's role. This chapter discretizes the above and shows how a specific county (Marsabit) has benefited from this triple intervention. Existing government policies and actions and programs led by nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and international agencies are reviewed, highlighting the current interconnection and gaps in promoting integrated actions toward climate change adaptation and energy access

    Plants and Plant Products in Local Markets Within Benin City and Environs

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    AbstractThe vulnerability of agriculture systems in Africa to climate change is directly and indirectly affecting the availability and diversity of plants and plant products available in local markets. In this chapter, markets in Benin City and environs were assessed to document the availability of plants and plant products. Markets were grouped into urban, suburban, and rural with each group having four markets. Majority of the plant and plant product vendors were women and 88 plant species belonging to 42 families were found. Their scientific and common names were documented as well as the parts of the plant and associated products available in the markets. Most of the plant and plant products found in local markets belong to major plant families. Urban markets had the highest diversity of plants and plant products. Three categories of plants and plant products were documented. Around 67% of the plants and plant products were categorized as whole plant/plant parts, 28% as processed plant parts, while 5% as reprocessed plant/plant parts. It was revealed that 86% of these plants are used as foods, 11% are for medicinal purposes, while 3% is used for other purposes. About 35% of plants and plant products across the markets were fruits, which is an indication that city and environs are a rich source of fruits. The local knowledge and practices associated with the plants and plant products can contribute towards formulating a strategic response for climate change impacts on agriculture, gender, poverty, food security, and plant diversity