4,708 research outputs found

    Stochastic delocalization of finite populations

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    Heterogeneities in environmental conditions often induce corresponding heterogeneities in the distribution of species. In the extreme case of a localized patch of increased growth rates, reproducing populations can become strongly concentrated at the patch despite the entropic tendency for population to distribute evenly. Several deterministic mathematical models have been used to characterize the conditions under which localized states can form, and how they break down due to convective driving forces. Here, we study the delocalization of a finite population in the presence of number fluctuations. We find that any finite population delocalizes on sufficiently long time scales. Depending on parameters, however, populations may remain localized for a very long time. The typical waiting time to delocalization increases exponentially with both population size and distance to the critical wind speed of the deterministic approximation. We augment these simulation results by a mathematical analysis that treats the reproduction and migration of individuals as branching random walks subject to global constraints. For a particular constraint, different from a fixed population size constraint, this model yields a solvable first moment equation. We find that this solvable model approximates very well the fixed population size model for large populations, but starts to deviate as population sizes are small. The analytical approach allows us to map out a phase diagram of the order parameter as a function of the two driving parameters, inverse population size and wind speed. Our results may be used to extend the analysis of delocalization transitions to different settings, such as the viral quasi-species scenario

    Ligand-receptor binding kinetics in surface plasmon resonance cells: A Monte Carlo analysis

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    Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) chips are widely used to measure association and dissociation rates for the binding kinetics between two species of chemicals, e.g., cell receptors and ligands. It is commonly assumed that ligands are spatially well mixed in the SPR region, and hence a mean-field rate equation description is appropriate. This approximation however ignores the spatial fluctuations as well as temporal correlations induced by multiple local rebinding events, which become prominent for slow diffusion rates and high binding affinities. We report detailed Monte Carlo simulations of ligand binding kinetics in an SPR cell subject to laminar flow. We extract the binding and dissociation rates by means of the techniques frequently employed in experimental analysis that are motivated by the mean-field approximation. We find major discrepancies in a wide parameter regime between the thus extracted rates and the known input simulation values. These results underscore the crucial quantitative importance of spatio-temporal correlations in binary reaction kinetics in SPR cell geometries, and demonstrate the failure of a mean-field analysis of SPR cells in the regime of high Damk\"ohler number Da > 0.1, where the spatio-temporal correlations due to diffusive transport and ligand-receptor rebinding events dominate the dynamics of SPR systems.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figure

    Continuous and discrete models of cooperation in complex bacterial colonies

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    We study the effect of discreteness on various models for patterning in bacterial colonies. In a bacterial colony with branching pattern, there are discrete entities - bacteria - which are only two orders of magnitude smaller than the elements of the macroscopic pattern. We present two types of models. The first is the Communicating Walkers model, a hybrid model composed of both continuous fields and discrete entities - walkers, which are coarse-graining of the bacteria. Models of the second type are systems of reaction diffusion equations, where the branching of the pattern is due to non-constant diffusion coefficient of the bacterial field. The diffusion coefficient represents the effect of self-generated lubrication fluid on the bacterial movement. We implement the discreteness of the biological system by introducing a cutoff in the growth term at low bacterial densities. We demonstrate that the cutoff does not improve the models in any way. Its only effect is to decrease the effective surface tension of the front, making it more sensitive to anisotropy. We compare the models by introducing food chemotaxis and repulsive chemotactic signaling into the models. We find that the growth dynamics of the Communication Walkers model and the growth dynamics of the Non-Linear diffusion model are affected in the same manner. From such similarities and from the insensitivity of the Communication Walkers model to implicit anisotropy we conclude that the increased discreteness, introduced be the coarse-graining of the walkers, is small enough to be neglected.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures in 13 gif files, to be published in proceeding of CMDS

    Mixed diffusive-convective relaxation of a broad beam of energetic particles in cold plasma

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    We revisit the applications of quasi-linear theory as a paradigmatic model for weak plasma turbulence and the associated bump-on-tail problem. The work, presented here, is built around the idea that large-amplitude or strongly shaped beams do not relax through diffusion only and that there exists an intermediate time scale where the relaxations are convective (ballistic-like). We cast this novel idea in the rigorous form of a self-consistent nonlinear dynamical model, which generalizes the classic equations of the quasi-linear theory to "broad" beams with internal structure. We also present numerical simulation results of the relaxation of a broad beam of energetic particles in cold plasma. These generally demonstrate the mixed diffusive-convective features of supra-thermal particle transport; and essentially depend on nonlinear wave-particle interactions and phase-space structures. Taking into account modes of the stable linear spectrum is crucial for the self-consistent evolution of the distribution function and the fluctuation intensity spectrum.Comment: 25 pages, 15 figure

    Direct simulation of the infinitesimal dynamics of semi-discrete approximations for convection-diffusion-reaction problems

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    In this paper a scheme for approximating solutions of convection-diffusion-reaction equations by Markov jump processes is studied. The general principle of the method of lines reduces evolution partial differential equations to semidiscrete approximations consisting of systems of ordinary differential equations. Our approach is to use for this resulting system a stochastic scheme which is essentially a direct simulation of the corresponding infinitesimal dynamics. This implies automatically the time adaptivity and, in one space dimension, stable approximations of diffusion operators on non-uniform grids and the possibility of using moving cells for the transport part, all within the framework of an explicit method. We present several results in one space dimension including free boundary problems, but the general algorithm is simple, flexible and on uniform grids it can be formulated for general evolution partial differential equations in arbitrary space dimensions

    The exit-time problem for a Markov jump process

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    The purpose of this paper is to consider the exit-time problem for a finite-range Markov jump process, i.e, the distance the particle can jump is bounded independent of its location. Such jump diffusions are expedient models for anomalous transport exhibiting super-diffusion or nonstandard normal diffusion. We refer to the associated deterministic equation as a volume-constrained nonlocal diffusion equation. The volume constraint is the nonlocal analogue of a boundary condition necessary to demonstrate that the nonlocal diffusion equation is well-posed and is consistent with the jump process. A critical aspect of the analysis is a variational formulation and a recently developed nonlocal vector calculus. This calculus allows us to pose nonlocal backward and forward Kolmogorov equations, the former equation granting the various moments of the exit-time distribution.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Particle Density Estimation with Grid-Projected Adaptive Kernels

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    The reconstruction of smooth density fields from scattered data points is a procedure that has multiple applications in a variety of disciplines, including Lagrangian (particle-based) models of solute transport in fluids. In random walk particle tracking (RWPT) simulations, particle density is directly linked to solute concentrations, which is normally the main variable of interest, not just for visualization and post-processing of the results, but also for the computation of non-linear processes, such as chemical reactions. Previous works have shown the superiority of kernel density estimation (KDE) over other methods such as binning, in terms of its ability to accurately estimate the "true" particle density relying on a limited amount of information. Here, we develop a grid-projected KDE methodology to determine particle densities by applying kernel smoothing on a pilot binning; this may be seen as a "hybrid" approach between binning and KDE. The kernel bandwidth is optimized locally. Through simple implementation examples, we elucidate several appealing aspects of the proposed approach, including its computational efficiency and the possibility to account for typical boundary conditions, which would otherwise be cumbersome in conventional KDE
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