127 research outputs found

    A Low Power Mid-Rail Dual Slope Analog-To-Digital Converter for Biomedical Instrumentation

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    There are an estimated 15 million babies born preterm every year and it is on the rise. The complications that arise from this can be quite severe and are the leading causes of death among children under 5 years of age. Among these complications is a condition known as apnea. This disorder is defined as the suspension of breathing during sleep for usually 10 to 30 seconds and can occur up to 20-30 times per hour for preterm infants. This lack of oxygen in the bloodstream can have troubling effects, such as brain damage and death if the apnea period is longer than expected. This creates a dire need to continuously monitor the respiration state of babies born prematurely. Given that the breathing signal is in analog form, a conversion to its digital counterpart is necessary.In this thesis, a novel low power analog-to-digital converter (ADC) for the digitization and analyzation of the respiration signal is presented. The design of the ADC demonstrates an innovative approach on how to operate on a single polarity supply system, which effectively doubles the sampling speed. The ADC has been realized in a standard 130 nm CMOS process

    A Silicon Carbide Power Management Solution for High Temperature Applications

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    The increasing demand for discrete power devices capable of operating in high temperature and high voltage applications has spurred on the research of semiconductor materials with the potential of breaking through the limitations of traditional silicon. Gallium nitride (GaN) and silicon carbide (SiC), both of which are wide bandgap materials, have garnered the attention of researchers and gradually gained market share. Although these wide bandgap power devices enable more ambitious commercial applications compared to their silicon-based counterparts, reaching their potential is contingent upon developing integrated circuits (ICs) capable of operating in similar environments. The foundation of any electrical system is the ability to efficiently condition and supply power. The work presented in this thesis explores integrated SiC power management solutions in the form of linear regulators and switched capacitor converters. While switched-mode converters provide high efficiency, the requirement of an inductor hinders the development of a compact, integrated solution that can endure harsh operating environments. Although the primary research motivation for wide bandgap ICs has been to provide control and protection circuitry for power devices, the circuitry designed in this work can be incorporated in stand-alone applications as well. Battery or generator powered data acquisition systems targeted towards monitoring industrial machinery is one potential usage scenario

    Low-Voltage Analog Circuit Design Using the Adaptively Biased Body-Driven Circuit Technique

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    The scaling of MOSFET dimensions and power supply voltage, in conjunction with an increase in system- and circuit-level performance requirements, are the most important factors driving the development of new technologies and design techniques for analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits. Though scaling has been a fact of life for analog circuit designers for many years, the approaching 1-V and sub-1-V power supplies, combined with applications that have increasingly divergent technology requirements, means that the analog and mixed-signal IC designs of the future will probably look quite different from those of the past. Foremost among the challenges that analog designers will face in highly scaled technologies are low power supply voltages, which limit dynamic range and even circuit functionality, and ultra-thin gate oxides, which give rise to significant levels of gate leakage current. The goal of this research is to develop novel analog design techniques which are commensurate with the challenges that designers will face in highly scaled CMOS technologies. To that end, a new and unique body-driven design technique called adaptive gate biasing has been developed. Adaptive gate biasing is a method for guaranteeing that MOSFETs in a body-driven simple current mirror, cascode current mirror, or regulated cascode current source are biased in saturationā€”independent of operating region, temperature, or supply voltageā€”and is an enabling technology for high-performance, low-voltage analog circuits. To prove the usefulness of the new design technique, a body-driven operational amplifier that heavily leverages adaptive gate biasing has been developed. Fabricated on a 3.3-V/0.35-Ī¼m partially depleted silicon-onv-insulator (PD-SOI) CMOS process, which has nMOS and pMOS threshold voltages of 0.65 V and 0.85 V, respectively, the body-driven amplifier displayed an open-loop gain of 88 dB, bandwidth of 9 MHz, and PSRR greater than 50 dB at 1-V power supply

    Scaling the bulk-driven MOSFET into deca-nanometer bulk CMOS technologies

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    The International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors predicts that the nominal power supply voltage, VDD, will fall to 0.7 V by the end of the bulk CMOS era. At that time, it is expected that the long-channel threshold voltage of a MOSFET, VT0, will rise to 35.5% of VDD in order to maintain acceptable off-state leakage characteristics in digital systems. Given the recent push for system-on-a-chip integration, this increasing trend in VT0/VDD poses a serious threat to the future of analog design because it causes traditional analog circuit topologies to experience progressively problematic signal swing limitations in each new process generation. To combat the process-scaling-induced signal swing limitations of analog circuitry, researchers have proposed the use of bulk-driven MOSFETs. By using the bulk terminal as an input rather than the gate, the bulk-driven MOSFET makes it possible to extend the applicability of any analog cell to extremely low power supply voltages because VT0 does not appear in the device\u27s input signal path. Since the viability of the bulk-driven technique was first investigated in a 2 um p-well process, there have been numerous reports of low-voltage analog designs incorporating bulk-driven MOSFETs in the literature - most of which appear in technologies with feature sizes larger than 0.18 um. However, as of yet, no effort has been undertaken to understand how sub-micron process scaling trends have influenced the performance of a bulk-driven MOSFET, let alone make the device more adaptable to the deca-nanometer technologies widely used in the analog realm today. Thus, to further the field\u27s understanding of the bulk-driven MOSFET, this dissertation aims to examine the implications of scaling the device into a standard 90 nm bulk CMOS process. This dissertation also describes how the major disadvantages of a bulk-driven MOSFET - i.e., its reduced intrinsic gain, its limited frequency response and its large layout area requirement - can be mitigated through modifications to the device\u27s vertical doping profile and well structure. To gauge the potency of the proposed process changes, an optimized n-type bulk-driven MOSFET has been designed in a standard 90 nm bulk CMOS process via the 2-D device simulator, ATLAS

    Digital-to-Analog Converter Interface for Computer Assisted Biologically Inspired Systems

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    In today\u27s integrated circuit technology, system interfaces play an important role of enabling fast, reliable data communications. A key feature of this work is the exploration and development of ultra-low power data converters. Data converters are present in some form in almost all mixed-signal systems; in particular, digital-to-analog converters present the opportunity for digitally controlled analog signal sources. Such signal sources are used in a variety of applications such as neuromorphic systems and analog signal processing. Multi-dimensional systems, such as biologically inspired neuromorphic systems, require vectors of analog signals. To use a microprocessor to control these analog systems, we must ultimately convert the digital control signal to an analog control signal and deliver it to the system. Integrating such capabilities of a converter on chip can yield significant power and chip area constraints. Special attention is paid to the power efficiency of the data converter, the data converter design discussed in this thesis yields the lowest power consumption to date. The need for a converter with these properties leads us to the concept of a scalable array of power-efficient digital-to-analog converters; the channels of which are time-domain multiplexed so that chip-area is minimized while preserving performance. To take further advantage of microprocessor capabilities, an analog-to- digital design is proposed to return the analog system\u27s outputs to the microprocessor in a digital form. A current-steering digital-to-analog converter was chosen as a candidate for the conversion process because of its natural speed and voltage-to-current translation properties. This choice is nevertheless unusual, because current-steering digital- to-analog converters have a reputation for high performance with high power consumption. A time domain multiplexing scheme is presented such that a digital data set of any size is synchronously multiplexed through a finite array of converters, minimizing the total area and power consumption. I demonstrate the suitability of current-steering digital-to-analog converters for ultra low-power operation with a proof-of-concept design in a widely available 130 nm CMOS technology. In statistical simulation, the proposed digital-to-analog converter was capable of 8-bit, 100 kSps operation while consuming 231 nW of power from a 1 V supply

    Low-Power Reconfigurable Sensing Circuitry for the Internet-of-Things Paradigm

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    With ubiquitous wireless communication via Wi-Fi and nascent 5th Generation mobile communications, more devices -- both smart and traditionally dumb -- will be interconnected than ever before. This burgeoning trend is referred to as the Internet-of-Things. These new sensing opportunities place a larger burden on the underlying circuitry that must operate on finite battery power and/or within energy-constrained environments. New developments of low-power reconfigurable analog sensing platforms like field-programmable analog arrays (FPAAs) present an attractive sensing solution by processing data in the analog domain while staying flexible in design. This work addresses some of the contemporary challenges of low-power wireless sensing via traditional application-specific sensing and with FPAAs. A large emphasis is placed on furthering the development of FPAAs by making them more accessible to designers without a strong integrated-circuit background -- much like FPGAs have done for digital designers

    High Temperature Silicon Carbide Mixed-signal Circuits for Integrated Control and Data Acquisition

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    Wide bandgap semiconductor materials such as gallium nitride (GaN) and silicon carbide have grown in popularity as a substrate for power devices for high temperature and high voltage applications over the last two decades. Recent research has been focused on the design of integrated circuits for protection and control in these wide bandgap materials. The ICs developed in SiC and GaN can not only complement the power devices in high voltage and high frequency applications, but can also be used for standalone high temperature control and data acquisition circuitry. This dissertation work aims to explore the possibilities in high temperature and wide bandgap circuit design by developing a host of mixed-signal circuits that can be used for control and data acquisition. These include a family of current-mode signal processing circuits, general purpose amplifiers and comparators, and 8-bit data converters. The signal processing circuits along with amplifiers and comparators are then used to develop an integrated mixed-signal controller for a DC-DC flyback converter in a microinverter application. The 8-bit SAR ADC and the 8-bit R-2R ladder DAC open up the possibility of a remote data acquisition and control system in high temperature environments. The circuits and systems presented here offer a gateway to great opportunities in high temperature and power electronics ICs in SiC

    Floating-Gate Design and Linearization for Reconfigurable Analog Signal Processing

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    Analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits have found a place in modern electronics design as a viable alternative to digital pre-processing. With metrics that boast high accuracy and low power consumption, analog pre-processing has opened the door to low-power state-monitoring systems when it is utilized in place of a power-hungry digital signal-processing stage. However, the complicated design process required by analog and mixed-signal systems has been a barrier to broader applications. The implementation of floating-gate transistors has begun to pave the way for a more reasonable approach to analog design. Floating-gate technology has widespread use in the digital domain. Analog and mixed-signal use of floating-gate transistors has only become a rising field of study in recent years. Analog floating gates allow for low-power implementation of mixed-signal systems, such as the field-programmable analog array, while simultaneously opening the door to complex signal-processing techniques. The field-programmable analog array, which leverages floating-gate technologies, is demonstrated as a reliable replacement to signal-processing tasks previously only solved by custom design. Living in an analog world demands the constant use and refinement of analog signal processing for the purpose of interfacing with digital systems. This work offers a comprehensive look at utilizing floating-gate transistors as the core element for analog signal-processing tasks. This work demonstrates the floating gate\u27s merit in large reconfigurable array-driven systems and in smaller-scale implementations, such as linearization techniques for oscillators and analog-to-digital converters. A study on analog floating-gate reliability is complemented with a temperature compensation scheme for implementing these systems in ever-changing, realistic environments

    Integrated Circuits for Programming Flash Memories in Portable Applications

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    Smart devices such as smart grids, smart home devices, etc. are infrastructure systems that connect the world around us more than before. These devices can communicate with each other and help us manage our environment. This concept is called the Internet of Things (IoT). Not many smart nodes exist that are both low-power and programmable. Floating-gate (FG) transistors could be used to create adaptive sensor nodes by providing programmable bias currents. FG transistors are mostly used in digital applications like Flash memories. However, FG transistors can be used in analog applications, too. Unfortunately, due to the expensive infrastructure required for programming these transistors, they have not been economical to be used in portable applications. In this work, we present low-power approaches to programming FG transistors which make them a good candidate to be employed in future wireless sensor nodes and portable systems. First, we focus on the design of low-power circuits which can be used in programming the FG transistors such as high-voltage charge pumps, low-drop-out regulators, and voltage reference cells. Then, to achieve the goal of reducing the power consumption in programmable sensor nodes and reducing the programming infrastructure, we present a method to program FG transistors using negative voltages. We also present charge-pump structures to generate the necessary negative voltages for programming in this new configuration

    High speed ā€“ energy efficient successive approximation analog to digital converter using tri-level switching

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    This thesis reports issues and design methods used to achieve high-speed and high-resolution Successive Approximation Register analog to digital converters (SAR ADCs). A major drawback of this technique relates to the mismatch in the binary ratios of capacitors which causes nonlinearity. Another issue is the use of large capacitors due to nonlinear effect of parasitic capacitance. Nonlinear effect of capacitor mismatch is investigated in this thesis. Based on the analysis, a new Tri-level switching algorithm is proposed to reduce the matching requirement for capacitors in SAR ADCs. The integral non-linearity (INL) and the differential non-linearity (DNL) of the proposed scheme are reduced by factor of two over conventional SAR ADC, which is the lowest compared to the previously reported schemes. In addition, the switching energy of the proposed scheme is reduced by 98.02% compared with the conventional SAR architecture. A new correction method to solve metastability error of comparator based on a novel design approach is proposed which reduces the required settling time about 1.1Ļ„ for each conversion cycle. Based on the above proposed methods two SAR ADCs: an 8-bit SAR ADC with 50MS/sec sampling rate, and a 10-bit SAR split ADC with 70 MS/sec sampling rate have been designed in 0.18Ī¼m Silterra complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology process which works at 1.2V supply voltage and input voltage of 2.4Vp-p. The 8-bit ADC digitizes 25MHz input signal with 48.16dB signal to noise and distortion ratio (SNDR) and 52.41dB spurious free dynamic range (SFDR) while consuming about 589Ī¼W. The figure of merit (FOM) of this ADC is 56.65 fJ/conv-step. The post layout of the 10-bit ADC with 1MHz input frequency produces SNDR, SFDR and effective number of bits (ENOB) of 57.1dB, 64.05dB and 9.17Bit, respectively, while its DNL and INL are -0.9/+2.8 least significant bit (LSB) and -2.5/+2.7 LSB, respectively. The total power consumption, including digital, analog and reference power, is 1.6mW. The FOM is 71.75fJ/conv. step
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