202 research outputs found

    Finite automata and algebraic extensions of function fields

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    We give an automata-theoretic description of the algebraic closure of the rational function field F_q(t) over a finite field, generalizing a result of Christol. The description takes place within the Hahn-Mal'cev-Neumann field of "generalized power series" over F_q. Our approach includes a characterization of well-ordered sets of rational numbers whose base p expansions are generated by a finite automaton, as well as some techniques for computing in the algebraic closure; these include an adaptation to positive characteristic of Newton's algorithm for finding local expansions of plane curves. We also conjecture a generalization of our results to several variables.Comment: 40 pages; expanded version of math.AC/0110089; v2: refereed version, includes minor edit

    Shift Radix Systems - A Survey

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    Let d1d\ge 1 be an integer and r=(r0,,rd1)Rd{\bf r}=(r_0,\dots,r_{d-1}) \in \mathbf{R}^d. The {\em shift radix system} τr:ZdZd\tau_\mathbf{r}: \mathbb{Z}^d \to \mathbb{Z}^d is defined by τr(z)=(z1,,zd1,rz)t(z=(z0,,zd1)t). \tau_{{\bf r}}({\bf z})=(z_1,\dots,z_{d-1},-\lfloor {\bf r} {\bf z}\rfloor)^t \qquad ({\bf z}=(z_0,\dots,z_{d-1})^t). τr\tau_\mathbf{r} has the {\em finiteness property} if each zZd{\bf z} \in \mathbb{Z}^d is eventually mapped to 0{\bf 0} under iterations of τr\tau_\mathbf{r}. In the present survey we summarize results on these nearly linear mappings. We discuss how these mappings are related to well-known numeration systems, to rotations with round-offs, and to a conjecture on periodic expansions w.r.t.\ Salem numbers. Moreover, we review the behavior of the orbits of points under iterations of τr\tau_\mathbf{r} with special emphasis on ultimately periodic orbits and on the finiteness property. We also describe a geometric theory related to shift radix systems.Comment: 45 pages, 16 figure

    Comments on the height reducing property II

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    A complex number αα is said to satisfy the height reducing property if there is a finite set F⊂ZF⊂Z such that Z[α]=F[α]Z[α]=F[α], where ZZ is the ring of the rational integers. It is easy to see that αα is an algebraic number when it satisfies the height reducing property. We prove the relation Card(F)≥max{2,|Mα(0)|}Card(F)≥max{2,|Mα(0)|}, where MαMα is the minimal polynomial of αα over the field of the rational numbers, and discuss the related optimal cases, for some classes of algebraic numbers αα. In addition, we show that there is an algorithm to determine the minimal height polynomial of a given algebraic number, provided it has no conjugate of modulus one

    Fractal tiles associated with shift radix systems

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    Shift radix systems form a collection of dynamical systems depending on a parameter r\mathbf{r} which varies in the dd-dimensional real vector space. They generalize well-known numeration systems such as beta-expansions, expansions with respect to rational bases, and canonical number systems. Beta-numeration and canonical number systems are known to be intimately related to fractal shapes, such as the classical Rauzy fractal and the twin dragon. These fractals turned out to be important for studying properties of expansions in several settings. In the present paper we associate a collection of fractal tiles with shift radix systems. We show that for certain classes of parameters r\mathbf{r} these tiles coincide with affine copies of the well-known tiles associated with beta-expansions and canonical number systems. On the other hand, these tiles provide natural families of tiles for beta-expansions with (non-unit) Pisot numbers as well as canonical number systems with (non-monic) expanding polynomials. We also prove basic properties for tiles associated with shift radix systems. Indeed, we prove that under some algebraic conditions on the parameter r\mathbf{r} of the shift radix system, these tiles provide multiple tilings and even tilings of the dd-dimensional real vector space. These tilings turn out to have a more complicated structure than the tilings arising from the known number systems mentioned above. Such a tiling may consist of tiles having infinitely many different shapes. Moreover, the tiles need not be self-affine (or graph directed self-affine)

    Cumulative subject index volumes 33–35

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    Decidability Problems for Self-induced Systems Generated by a Substitution

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    International audienceIn this talk we will survey several decidability and undecidability results on topological properties of self-affine or self-similar fractal tiles. Such tiles are obtained as fixed point of set equations governed by a graph. The study of their topological properties is known to be complex in general: we will illustrate this by undecidability results on tiles generated by multitape automata. In contrast, the class of self affine tiles called Rauzy fractals is particularly interesting. Such fractals provide geometrical representations of self-induced mathematical processes. They are associated to one-dimensional combinatorial substitutions (or iterated morphisms). They are somehow ubiquitous as self-replication processes appear naturally in several fields of mathematics. We will survey the main decidable topological properties of these specific Rauzy fractals and detail how the arithmetic properties yields by the combinatorial substitution underlying the fractal construction make these properties decidable. We will end up this talk by discussing new questions arising in relation with continued fraction algorithm and fractal tiles generated by S-adic expansion systems