270 research outputs found

    Single event upset hardened embedded domain specific reconfigurable architecture

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    Using Fine Grain Approaches for highly reliable Design of FPGA-based Systems in Space

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    Nowadays using SRAM based FPGAs in space missions is increasingly considered due to their flexibility and reprogrammability. A challenge is the devices sensitivity to radiation effects that increased with modern architectures due to smaller CMOS structures. This work proposes fault tolerance methodologies, that are based on a fine grain view to modern reconfigurable architectures. The focus is on SEU mitigation challenges in SRAM based FPGAs which can result in crucial situations

    A Novel RF Architecture for Simultaneous Communication, Navigation, and Remote Sensing with Software-Defined Radio

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    The rapid growth of SmallSat and CubeSat missions at NASA has necessitated a re-evaluation of communication and remote-sensing architectures. Novel designs for CubeSat-sized single-board computers can now include larger Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and faster System-on-Chip (SoCs) devices. These components substantially improve onboard processing capabilities so that varying subsystems no longer require an independent processor. By replacing individual Radio Frequency (RF) systems with a single software-defined radio (SDR) and processor, mission designers have greater control over reliability, performance, and efficiency. The presented architecture combines individual processing systems into a single design and establishes a modular SDR architecture capable of both remote-sensing and communication applications. This new approach based on a multi-input multi-output (MIMO) SDR features a scalable architecture optimized for Size, Weight, Power, and Cost (SWaP-C), with sufficient noise performance and phase-coherence to enable both remote-sensing and navigation applications, while providing a communication solution for simultaneous S-band and X-band transmission. This SDR design is developed around the NASA CubeSat Card Standard (CS2) that provides the required modularity through simplified backplane and interchangeable options for multiple radiation-hardened/tolerant processors. This architecture provides missions with a single platform for high-rate communication and a future platform to develop cognitive radio systems

    Analysis of design alternatives on using dynamic and partial reconfiguration in a space application

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    Some of the biggest concerns in space systems are power consumption and reliability due to the limited power generated by the system's energy harvesters and the fact that once deployed, it is almost impossible to perform maintenance or repairs. Another consideration is that during deployment, the high exposure to electromagnetic radiation can cause single event damage effects including SEUs, SEFIs, SETs and others. In order to mitigate these problems inherent to the space environment, a system with dynamic and partial reconfiguration capabilities is proposed. This approach provide s the flexibility to reconfigure parts of the FPGA while still in operation, thus making the system more flexible, fault tolerant and less power-consuming. In this paper, several partial reconfiguration approaches are proposed and compared in terms of device occupation, power consumption, reconfiguration speed and size of memory footprints

    An Error-Detection and Self-Repairing Method for Dynamically and Partially Reconfigurable Systems

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    Reconfigurable systems are gaining an increasing interest in the domain of safety-critical applications, for example in the space and avionic domains. In fact, the capability of reconfiguring the system during run-time execution and the high computational power of modern Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) make these devices suitable for intensive data processing tasks. Moreover, such systems must also guarantee the abilities of self-awareness, self-diagnosis and self-repair in order to cope with errors due to the harsh conditions typically existing in some environments. In this paper we propose a selfrepairing method for partially and dynamically reconfigurable systems applied at a fine-grain granularity level. Our method is able to detect, correct and recover errors using the run-time capabilities offered by modern SRAM-based FPGAs. Fault injection campaigns have been executed on a dynamically reconfigurable system embedding a number of benchmark circuits. Experimental results demonstrate that our method achieves full detection of single and multiple errors, while significantly improving the system availability with respect to traditional error detection and correction methods

    A Hardware-Software Approach for On-Line Soft Error Mitigation in Interrupt-Driven Applications

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    Integrity assurance of configuration data has a significant impact on microcontroller-based systems reliability. This is especially true when running applications driven by events which behavior is tightly coupled to this kind of data. This work proposes a new hybrid technique that combines hardware and software resources for detecting and recovering soft-errors in system configuration data. Our approach is based on the utilization of a common built-in microcontroller resource (timer) that works jointly with a software-based technique, which is responsible to periodically refresh the configuration data. The experiments demonstrate that non-destructive single event effects can be effectively mitigated with reduced overheads. Results show an important increase in fault coverage for SEUs and SETs, about one order of magnitude.This work was funded in part by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports with the project “Developing hybrid fault tolerance techniques for embedded microprocessors” (PHB2012–0158-PC)

    Protecting GPU's Microarchitectural Vulnerabilities via Effective Selective Hardening

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    Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are today adopted in several domains for which reliability is fundamental, such as self-driving cars and autonomous machines. Unfortunately, on one side GPUs have been shown to have a high error rate and, on the other side, the constraints imposed by real-time safety-critical applications make traditional, costly, replication-based hardening solutions inadequate. This paper proposes an effective microarchitectural selective hardening of GPU modules to mitigate those faults that affect instructions correct execution. We first characterize, through Register-Transfer Level (RTL) fault injections, the architectural vulnerabilities of a GPU model (FlexGripPlus). We specifically target transient faults in the functional units and pipeline registers of a GPU core. Then, we apply selective hardening by triplicating the locations in each module that we found to be more critical. The results show that selective hardening using Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) can correct 85% to 99% of faults in the pipeline registers and from 50% to 100% of faults in the functional units. The proposed selective TMR strategy reduces the hardware overhead by up to 65% when compared with traditional TMR

    Scenario-Based Validation & Verification, the ENABLE-S3 Approach

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    [EN] Automated systems can be found on many current vehi- cles, either land, air or maritime. The reliability, safety and robustness of these systems is extremely important, hence validation approaches need to adapt to the ever- evolving necessities of the industry. The ENABLE-S3 architecture addresses the problem of extensive testing by introducing a set of tools and methodologies that can be used to build up a testing environment for different domains. In this manuscript, a special focus is given to the solution developed for the Reconfigurable Video Processor from the aerospace domain.This work has been conducted within the ENABLE-S3 project that has received funding from the ECSEL Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 692455. This joint undertaking receives support from the European Unions HORIZON 2020 research and innovation programme and Austria, Denmark, Germany, Finland, Czech Republic, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Ireland, Belgium, France, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Slovakia, Norway.Valls Mompó, JJ.; García-Gordillo, M.; Sáez Barona, S. (2019). Scenario-Based Validation & Verification, the ENABLE-S3 Approach. Ada User Journal. 40(4):230-235. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/164062S23023540

    Conception de systèmes embarqués fiables et auto-réglables : applications sur les systèmes de transport ferroviaire

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    During the last few decades, a tremendous progress in the performance of semiconductor devices has been accomplished. In this emerging era of high performance applications, machines need not only to be efficient but also need to be dependable at circuit and system levels. Several works have been proposed to increase embedded systems efficiency by reducing the gap between software flexibility and hardware high-performance. Due to their reconfigurable aspect, Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) represented a relevant step towards bridging this performance/flexibility gap. Nevertheless, Dynamic Reconfiguration (DR) has been continuously suffering from a bottleneck corresponding to a long reconfiguration time.In this thesis, we propose a novel medium-grained high-speed dynamic reconfiguration technique for DSP48E1-based circuits. The idea is to take advantage of the DSP48E1 slices runtime reprogrammability coupled with a re-routable interconnection block to change the overall circuit functionality in one clock cycle. In addition to the embedded systems efficiency, this thesis deals with the reliability chanllenges in new sub-micron electronic systems. In fact, as new technologies rely on reduced transistor size and lower supply voltages to improve performance, electronic circuits are becoming remarkably sensitive and increasingly susceptible to transient errors. The system-level impact of these errors can be far-reaching and Single Event Transients (SETs) have become a serious threat to embedded systems reliability, especially for especially for safety critical applications such as transportation systems. The reliability enhancement techniques that are based on overestimated soft error rates (SERs) can lead to unnecessary resource overheads as well as high power consumption. Considering error masking phenomena is a fundamental element for an accurate estimation of SERs.This thesis proposes a new cross-layer model of circuits vulnerability based on a combined modeling of Transistor Level (TLM) and System Level Masking (SLM) mechanisms. We then use this model to build a self adaptive fault tolerant architecture that evaluates the circuit’s effective vulnerability at runtime. Accordingly, the reliability enhancement strategy is adapted to protect only vulnerable parts of the system leading to a reliable circuit with optimized overheads. Experimentations performed on a radar-based obstacle detection system for railway transportation show that the proposed approach allows relevant reliability/resource utilization tradeoffs.Un énorme progrès dans les performances des semiconducteurs a été accompli ces dernières années. Avec l’´émergence d’applications complexes, les systèmes embarqués doivent être à la fois performants et fiables. Une multitude de travaux ont été proposés pour améliorer l’efficacité des systèmes embarqués en réduisant le décalage entre la flexibilité des solutions logicielles et la haute performance des solutions matérielles. En vertu de leur nature reconfigurable, les FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) représentent un pas considérable pour réduire ce décalage performance/flexibilité. Cependant, la reconfiguration dynamique a toujours souffert d’une limitation liée à la latence de reconfiguration.Dans cette thèse, une nouvelle technique de reconfiguration dynamiqueau niveau ”grain-moyen” pour les circuits à base de blocks DSP48E1 est proposée. L’idée est de profiter de la reprogrammabilité des blocks DSP48E1 couplée avec un circuit d’interconnection reconfigurable afin de changer la fonction implémentée par le circuit en un cycle horloge. D’autre part, comme les nouvelles technologies s’appuient sur la réduction des dimensions des transistors ainsi que les tensions d’alimentation, les circuits électroniques sont devenus de plus en plus susceptibles aux fautes transitoires. L’impact de ces erreurs au niveau système peut être catastrophique et les SETs (Single Event Transients) sont devenus une menace tangible à la fiabilité des systèmes embarqués, en l’occurrence pour les applications critiques comme les systèmes de transport. Les techniques de fiabilité qui se basent sur des taux d’erreurs (SERs) surestimés peuvent conduire à un gaspillage de ressources et par conséquent un cout en consommation de puissance électrique. Il est primordial de prendre en compte le phénomène de masquage d’erreur pour une estimation précise des SERs.Cette thèse propose une nouvelle modélisation inter-couches de la vulnérabilité des circuits qui combine les mécanismes de masquage au niveau transistor (TLM) et le masquage au niveau Système (SLM). Ce modèle est ensuite utilisé afin de construire une architecture adaptative tolérante aux fautes qui évalue la vulnérabilité effective du circuit en runtime. La stratégie d’amélioration de fiabilité est adaptée pour ne protéger que les parties vulnérables du système, ce qui engendre un circuit fiable avec un cout optimisé. Les expérimentations effectuées sur un système de détection d’obstacles à base de radar pour le transport ferroviaire montre que l’approche proposée permet d’´établir un compromis fiabilité/ressources utilisées