39,497 research outputs found


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    Kartu tanda mahasiswa di fakultas Teknik informatika Unifersitas Pasundan, umumnya masih pasif pada penggunaannya yang masih kurang dimanfaatkan. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) merupakan teknologi nirkabel untuk perpindahan data jarak dekat. Pada pemanfaatannya teknologi RFID sidah banyak di gunakan diberbagai sistem, baik itu e-parkir, e-tol, e-money dan e-ktp. Untuk penggunaan kartu tanda mahasiswa berteknologi Radio Frequency Identification, sebagai identitas mahasiswa di perlukan sebuah kartu, yang mempunyai teknologi RFID yaitu dengan menggunakan kartu mifare classic Dari penjelasan di atas maka terdapat gagasan untuk memanfaatkan teknologi Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) yang diperuntukan untuk kartu tanda mahasiswa sebagai alat bantu pendukung kegiatan mahasiswa untuk mempermudah proses dalam melakukan aktivitas yang terjadi di Universitas Pasundan. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah perancangan kartu tanda mahasiswa berbasis Radio Frequency Identification di Universitas Pasundan. Manfaat dari penelitan ini adalah untuk di gunakan sebagai pendukung kegiatan mahasiswa Kata kunci : Radio Frequency Identification, Pemanfaatan teknologi RFI

    Rancang Bangun Peralatan Penghitung Putaran Otomatis Berbasis Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

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    Intisari--- RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) merupakan teknologi yang memanfaatkan gelombang elektromagnetik (RF), teknologi RFID ini mampu melakukan identifikasi secara otomatis keberadaan seseorang atau suatu objek dengan cara memindahkan informasi dari suatu RFID Tag ke pembaca (Reader). Teknologi RFID akan mengidentifikasi secara unik suatu objek atau seseorang dan menyediakan hubungan ke data dengan jarak tertentu (contactless), tanpa harus melihat secara langsung (Line of Sight) dan tidak mudah terpengaruh kondisi lingkungan sekitarnya. Penelitian yang diusulkan ini ditujukan dalam rangka membantu membuat suatu system yang dapat menghitung secara otomatis dengan menerapkan sistem identifikasi yaitu menggunakan system identifikasi memanfaatkan teknologi Radio Fequency Identification (RFID), hasil akhir yang diperoleh dari  penggunaan teknologi RFID adalah untuk menentukan secara otomatis jumlah interaksi multi tag yang terjadi. Kata Kunci--- RFID, Tag, Pembaca, Identifikasi, contacless Abstract--- RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is a technology that uses electromagnetic waves (RF), RFID technology is capable of automatically identifying the presence of a person or an object by moving information from an RFID tag to a reader (Reader). RFID technology to uniquely identify an object or person and provide a link to the data by a certain distance (contactless), without having to look directly (Line of Sight) and is not easily affected by the surrounding environmental conditions.  The proposed research is aimed at in order to help create a system that can automatically calculate by applying identification system that uses radio Frequency Identification (RFID), the final results obtained from the use of RFID technology is to automatically determine the number of multi-tag interaction happens. Key Words--- Radio Frequency Identification, Tag, Reader, Identification, contactles


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    In general, museum visitors can not fully appreciate against a collection or artifacts from the museum. Although in every museum collection has a description of the items displayed, such as signs, but the history or details behind the museum collection can not be recounted as a whole. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is an automatic identification system for the object or person using a radio frequency signal that is non-line-of-sight, high inventory speeds, variety of form factors, rewritable tags. The purpose of this research is how to design guide tour museum system using RFID technology (Radio Frequency Identification) to help visitors obtain complete information from museum collection. The system was designed using object-oriented approach using UML (Unified Modeling Language) as a modeling language and Java as development language. From the test results found that museum visitors took 0.442 seconds to run a narrative of the collection since the system reads RFID tags that brought visitors. Museum managers also eased in the management of collection data, visitor data, and visitation data of the museum. The system also generates reports as a basis for future museum development

    Radio Frequency Identificaiton for Beef Cattle

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    Individual identification of cattle can be accomplished using various techniques such as ear tags, freeze brands, or tattoos. One of the newer methods in the cattle industry is Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) ear tags. Radio frequency identification is any electronic identification system comprising a transponder containing a microantenna that, when read at a specific radio frequency, emits a signal containing a unique electronic code. The three common physical forms of RFID transponders are ear tags, injectable transponders, and rumen boluses. All of these RFID transponders contain an integrated circuit, antenna, and some form of protection for these parts. At present, ear tags are the method primarily used by livestock producers

    Development of a Radio Frequency Identification Based Attendance Management Application With A Pictorial Database Framework

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    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a technology that incorporates the use of electromagnetic coupling in the radio frequency portion of the electromagnetic spectrum to uniquely identify a person, animal, or object. The main benefit of using RFID is that it does not require direct contact scanning. This paper presents an RFID attendance system, with a pictorial database framework. In this RFID system, each individual is given an RFID tag, 125 kHz in this case, which is generated by the antenna embedded in the RFID reader. The tag contains an integrated in-built circuit that stores and processes information through modulating and demodulating of the radio frequency signal that is being transmitted, and the data stored in this card is referred to as the identification/attendance of the person


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    ABSTRAKSI: Saat ini, Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa (KTM) yang dimiliki mahasiswa IT Telkom belum dapat dimaksimalkan penggunaannya. Salah satu pelayanan yang memungkinkan untuk lebih memaksimalkan penggunaan KTM tersebut ialah digunakan untuk membuka locker yang terdapat di Learning Center IT Telkom. Sistem yang ada saat ini ialah apabila mahasiswa akan menggunakan salah satu locker yang ada, mahasiswa perlu melakukan scan KTM menggunakan sistem pembacaan barcode secara manual. Hal ini menyebabkan proses yang membutuhkan waktu lama apabila pengunjung banyak. Selain itu petugas pelayanan harus selalu ada di tempat pelayanan pengambilan kunci locker.Dalam proposal proyek akhir ini, penulis menerapkan teknologi RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) seri ID-12 dan microcontroller ATmega 8535 untuk mempermudah dalam proses penyimpanan barang bawaan mahasiswa di Learning Center IT Telkom. Nantinya, dalam setiap KTM tersebut akan terdapat suatu chip yang akan terbaca oleh RFID reader apabila didekatkan pada suatu RFID reader yang terintegrasi dengan sebuah server. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) reader yang berada di dekat locker akan menangkap sinyal frekuensi radio yang dipancarkan chip, kemudian RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) reader mengirimkan informasi-informasi yang ada pada chip tersebut ke dalam microcontroller. Selanjutnya, microcontroller akan membuka locker yang kosong dengan nomor locker yang paling kecil. Selanjutnya untuk membuka kembali locker yang dimaksud, seperti pada proses membuka, KTM didekatkan di RFID reader. Selanjutnya locker dianggap kosong. Nomor locker yang dapat digunakan akan ditampilkan melalui LCD.Oleh karena itu, dari proyek akhir ini diharapkan menghasilkan suatu locker yang memudahkan pelayanan dalam menitipkan barang dengan teknologi berbasis RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) dan microcontroller. Proses manual dengan melakukan scan barcode sudah tidak dibutuhkan lagi. Sehingga, mahasiswa tidak perlu mendatangi meja pelayanan melainkan langsung menuju locker yang tersedia.Kata Kunci : RFID, microcontroller, locker, LCDABSTRACT: Currently, Student Identity Card (KTM) owned IT Telkom students can not yet maximized its use. One service that allows to maximize the use of KTM is used to open the locker contained in IT Telkom Learning Center. The current system is if the student will use one of the existing lockers, students need to do a scan KTM using bar code reading system manually. This causes the process took too long when visitors a lot. In addition, service personnel must always be in place locker key retrieval service.In this final project proposal, the authors apply the RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology ID-12 series and ATmega 8535 microcontrollers to simplify the process of storing luggage in the Learning Center student IT Telkom. Later, in any KTM will have a chip that will be read by the RFID reader when brought near to an RFID reader integrated with a server. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) reader located near the lockers will capture radio frequency signals emitted by the chip, and RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) reader sends the information on the chip to the microcontroller. Furthermore, the microcontroller will open an empty locker locker with the smallest number. Furthermore, to reopen the locker in question, as in the process of opening, KTM brought near the RFID reader. Next locker is considered empty. Locker number that can be used will be displayed through the LCD.Therefore, the final project is expected to result in a locker that allows the service in the deposit of goods with RFID-based technology (Radio Frequency Identification) and microcontroller. Manual process with barcode scanning is no longer needed. Thus, students do not need to go to the table but directly toward the locker service is available.Keyword: RFID, microcontroller, lockers, LC

    The Impact of Radio Frequency Identification Detection in Cellular Networks

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    Radio Frequency Identification Detection technology (RFID) is a convenient and automatic instrument of identification and detection. It’s application can be extended to cellular network. Cellular network is a form of radio technology that makes used of radio waves for its functionality. It major goal is to cover a larger geographical area without the use of cables. It has been observed that cellular radio failures in base station has not being given due attention by researchers in terms of improving quality of service. The failure of cellular radios can hindered or suspend easy exchange of calls between users and could sometime lead to distorted billing from the operator’s end. This study takes a look on some current studies in RFID while the major aim was focused on the need to enhance cellular network performance through the using RFID technique. An analytical method was employed through the use of a mathematical model to demonstrate how RFID readers can be used to monitor tagged cellular radios with a given region. Keywords: radio frequency identification, cellular networks, radio waves, rfid tags, rfid reader

    RFID Localisation For Internet Of Things Smart Homes: A Survey

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) enables numerous business opportunities in fields as diverse as e-health, smart cities, smart homes, among many others. The IoT incorporates multiple long-range, short-range, and personal area wireless networks and technologies into the designs of IoT applications. Localisation in indoor positioning systems plays an important role in the IoT. Location Based IoT applications range from tracking objects and people in real-time, assets management, agriculture, assisted monitoring technologies for healthcare, and smart homes, to name a few. Radio Frequency based systems for indoor positioning such as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a key enabler technology for the IoT due to its costeffective, high readability rates, automatic identification and, importantly, its energy efficiency characteristic. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art RFID technologies in IoT Smart Homes applications. It presents several comparable studies of RFID based projects in smart homes and discusses the applications, techniques, algorithms, and challenges of adopting RFID technologies in IoT smart home systems.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures, 3 table

    Inkjet printed paper based frequency selective surfaces and skin mounted RFID tags: the interrelation between silver nanoparticle ink, paper substrate and low temperature sintering technique

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    Inkjet printing of functional frequency selective surfaces (FSS) and radio frequency identification (RFID) tags on commercial paper substrates using silver nanoparticle inks sintered using low temperature thermal, plasma and photonic techniques is reported. Printed and sintered FSS devices demonstrate performances which achieve wireless communication requirements having a forward transmission scattering parameter, S21, depth greater than ?20 dB at 13 GHz. Printed and plasma sintered RFID tags on transfer paper, which are capable of being mounted on skin, improved read distances compared to previously reported single layer transfer RFID tags fabricated by conventional thermal sintering