1,004 research outputs found

    Analysis and Computation of the Joint Queue Length Distribution in a FIFO Single-Server Queue with Multiple Batch Markovian Arrival Streams

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    This paper considers a work-conserving FIFO single-server queue with multiple batch Markovian arrival streams governed by a continuous-time finite-state Markov chain. A particular feature of this queue is that service time distributions of customers may be different for different arrival streams. After briefly discussing the actual waiting time distributions of customers from respective arrival streams, we derive a formula for the vector generating function of the time-average joint queue length distribution in terms of the virtual waiting time distribution. Further assuming the discrete phase-type batch size distributions, we develop a numerically feasible procedure to compute the joint queue length distribution. Some numerical examples are provided also

    Some aspects of queueing and storage processes : a thesis in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Statistics at Massey University

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    In this study the nature of systems consisting of a single queue are first considered. Attention is then drawn to an analogy between such systems and storage systems. A development of the single queue viz queues with feedback is considered after first considering feedback processes in general. The behaviour of queues, some with feedback loops, combined into networks is then considered. Finally, the application of such networks to the analysis of interconnected reservoir systems is considered and the conclusion drawn that such analytic methods complement the more recently developed mathematical programming methods by providing analytic solutions for sub systems behaviour and thus guiding the development of a system model

    Queue-length balance equations in multiclass multiserver queues and their generalizations

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    A classical result for the steady-state queue-length distribution of single-class queueing systems is the following: the distribution of the queue length just before an arrival epoch equals the distribution of the queue length just after a departure epoch. The constraint for this result to be valid is that arrivals, and also service completions, with probability one occur individually, i.e., not in batches. We show that it is easy to write down somewhat similar balance equations for {\em multidimensional} queue-length processes for a quite general network of multiclass multiserver queues. We formally derive those balance equations under a general framework. They are called distributional relationships, and are obtained for any external arrival process and state dependent routing as long as certain stationarity conditions are satisfied and external arrivals and service completions do not simultaneously occur. We demonstrate the use of these balance equations, in combination with PASTA, by (i) providing very simple derivations of some known results for polling systems, and (ii) obtaining new results for some queueing systems with priorities. We also extend the distributional relationships for a non-stationary framework

    Transform-domain analysis of packet delay in network nodes with QoS-aware scheduling

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    In order to differentiate the perceived QoS between traffic classes in heterogeneous packet networks, equipment discriminates incoming packets based on their class, particularly in the way queued packets are scheduled for further transmission. We review a common stochastic modelling framework in which scheduling mechanisms can be evaluated, especially with regard to the resulting per-class delay distribution. For this, a discrete-time single-server queue is considered with two classes of packet arrivals, either delay-sensitive (1) or delay-tolerant (2). The steady-state analysis relies on the use of well-chosen supplementary variables and is mainly done in the transform domain. Secondly, we propose and analyse a new type of scheduling mechanism that allows precise control over the amount of delay differentiation between the classes. The idea is to introduce N reserved places in the queue, intended for future arrivals of class 1

    Accuracy of state space collapse for earliest-deadline-first Queues

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    This paper presents a second-order heavy traffic analysis of a single server queue that processes customers having deadlines using the earliest-deadline-first scheduling policy. For such systems, referred to as real-time queueing systems, performance is measured by the fraction of customers who meet their deadline, rather than more traditional performance measures, such as customer delay, queue length or server utilization. To model such systems, one must keep track of customer lead times (the time remaining until a customer deadline elapses) or equivalent information. This paper reviews the earlier heavy traffic analysis of such systems that provided approximations to the system's behavior. The main result of this paper is the development of a second-order analysis that gives the accuracy of the approximations and the rate of convergence of the sequence of real-time queueing systems to its heavy traffic limit.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/105051605000000809 in the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Discrete-time queueing models: generalized service mechanisms and correlation effects

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    Analysis of priority queues with session-based arrival streams

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    In this paper, we analyze a discrete-time priority queue with session-based arrivals. We consider a user population, where each user can start and end sessions. Sessions belong to one of two classes and generate a variable number of fixed-length packets which arrive to the queue at the rate of one packet per slot. The lengths of the sessions are generally distributed. Packets of the first class have transmission priority over the packets of the other class. The model is motivated by a web server handling delay-sensitive and delay-insensitive content. By using probability generating functions, some performance measures of the queue such as the moments of the packet delays of both classes are calculated. The impact of the priority scheduling discipline and of the session nature of the arrival process is shown by some numerical examples

    Enhancing the power of two choices load balancing algorithm using round robin policy

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    This paper proposes a new version of the power of two choices, SQ(d), load balancing algorithm. This new algorithm improves the performance of the classical model based on the power of two choices randomized load balancing. This model considers jobs that arrive at a dispatcher as a Poisson stream of rate lambdan,lambda<1, at a set of n servers. Using the power of two choices, the dispatcher chooses some d constant for each job independently and uniformly from the n servers in a random way and sends the job to the server with the fewest number of jobs. This algorithm offers an advantage over the load balancing based on shortest queue discipline, because it provides good performance and reduces the overhead in the servers and the communication network. In this paper, we propose a new version, shortest queue of d with randomization and round robin policies, SQ-RR(d). This new algorithm combines randomization techniques and static local balancing based on a round-robin policy. In this new version, the dispatcher chooses the d servers as follows: one is selected using a round-robin policy, and the d&#8722;1 servers are chosen independently and uniformly from the n servers in a random way. Then, the dispatcher sends the job to the server with the fewest number of jobs. We demonstrate with a theoretical approximation of this approach that this new version improves the performance obtained with the classical solution in all situations, including systems at 99% capacity. Furthermore, we provide simulations that demonstrate the theoretical approximation developed.This work was partially supported by the Project ‘‘CABAHLA-CM: Convergencia Big data-Hpc: de los sensores a las Aplicaciones’’ S2018/TCS-4423 from Madrid Regional Government
