425 research outputs found

    Quantitative Analysis of Information Leakage in Probabilistic and Nondeterministic Systems

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    This thesis addresses the foundational aspects of formal methods for applications in security and in particular in anonymity. More concretely, we develop frameworks for the specification of anonymity properties and propose algorithms for their verification. Since in practice anonymity protocols always leak some information, we focus on quantitative properties, which capture the amount of information leaked by a protocol. The main contribution of this thesis is cpCTL, the first temporal logic that allows for the specification and verification of conditional probabilities (which are the key ingredient of most anonymity properties). In addition, we have considered several prominent definitions of information-leakage and developed the first algorithms allowing us to compute (and even approximate) the information leakage of anonymity protocols according to these definitions. We have also studied a well-known problem in the specification and analysis of distributed anonymity protocols, namely full-information scheduling. To overcome this problem, we have proposed an alternative notion of scheduling and adjusted accordingly several anonymity properties from the literature. Our last major contribution is a debugging technique that helps on the detection of flaws in security protocols.Comment: thesis, ISBN: 978-94-91211-74-

    Quantifying Information Flow with Beliefs

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    To reason about information flow, a new model is developed that describes how attacker beliefs change due to the attacker's observation of the execution of a probabilistic (or deterministic) program. The model enables compositional reasoning about information flow from attacks involving sequences of interactions. The model also supports a new metric for quantitative information flow that measures accuracy of an attacker's beliefs. Applying this new metric reveals inadequacies of traditional information flow metrics, which are based on reduction of uncertainty. However, the new metric is sufficiently general that it can be instantiated to measure either accuracy or uncertainty. The new metric can also be used to reason about misinformation; deterministic programs are shown to be incapable of producing misinformation. Additionally, programs in which nondeterministic choices are made by insiders, who collude with attackers, can be analyzed

    Formal Approaches to Information-Hiding (Tutorial)

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    International audienceIn this survey paper we consider the class of protocols for information-hiding which use randomization to obfuscate the link between the observables and the information to be protected. We focus on the problem of formalizing the notion of information hiding, and verifying that a given protocol achieves the intended degree of protection. Without the pretense of being omni-comprehensive, we review the main approaches that have been explored in literature: possibilistic, probabilistic, information-theoretic, and statistical

    Model counting for reactive systems

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    Model counting is the problem of computing the number of solutions for a logical formula. In the last few years, it has been primarily studied for propositional logic, and has been shown to be useful in many applications. In planning, for example, propositional model counting has been used to compute the robustness of a plan in an incomplete domain. In information-flow control, model counting has been applied to measure the amount of information leaked by a security-critical system. In this thesis, we introduce the model counting problem for linear-time properties, and show its applications in formal verification. In the same way propositional model counting generalizes the satisfiability problem for propositional logic, counting models for linear-time properties generalizes the emptiness problem for languages over infinite words to one that asks for the number of words in a language. The model counting problem, thus, provides a foundation for quantitative extensions of model checking, where not only the existence of computations that violate the specification is determined, but also the number of such violations. We solve the model counting problem for the prominent class of omega-regular properties. We present algorithms for solving the problem for different classes of properties, and show the advantages of our algorithms in comparison to indirect approaches based on encodings into propositional logic. We further show how model counting can be used for solving a variety of quantitative problems in formal verification, including probabilistic model checking, quantitative information-flow in security-critical systems, and the synthesis of approximate implementations for reactive systems.Das ModellzĂ€hlproblem fragt nach der Anzahl der Lösungen einer logischen Formel, und wurde in den letzten Jahren hauptsĂ€chlich fĂŒr Aussagenlogik untersucht. Das ZĂ€hlen von Modellen aussagenlogischer Formeln hat sich in vielen Anwendungen als nĂŒtzlich erwiesen. Im Bereich der kĂŒnstlichen Intelligenz wurde das ZĂ€hlen von Modellen beispielsweise verwendet, um die Robustheit eines Plans in einem unvollstĂ€ndigen Weltmodell zu bewerten. Das ZĂ€hlen von Modellen kann auch verwendet werden, um in sicherheitskritischen Systemen die Menge an enthĂŒllten vertraulichen Daten zu messen. Diese Dissertation stellt das ModellzĂ€hlproblem fĂŒr Linearzeiteigenschaften vor, und untersucht dessen Rolle in der Welt der formalen Verifikation. Das ZĂ€hlen von Modellen fĂŒr Linearzeiteigenschaften fĂŒhrt zu neuen quantitativen Erweiterungen klassischer Verifikationsprobleme, bei denen nicht nur die Existenz eines Fehlers in einem System zu ĂŒberprĂŒfen ist, sondern auch die Anzahl solcher Fehler. Wir prĂ€sentieren Algorithmen zur Lösung des ModellzĂ€hlproblems fĂŒr verschiedene Klassen von Linearzeiteigenschaften und zeigen die Vorteile unserer Algorithmen im Vergleich zu indirekten AnsĂ€tzen, die auf Kodierungen der untersuchten Probleme in Aussagenlogik basieren. DarĂŒberhinaus zeigen wir wie das ZĂ€hlen von Modellen zur Lösung einer Vielzahl quantitativer Probleme in der formalen Verifikation verwendet werden kann. Dies beinhaltet unter anderem die Analyse probabilistischer Modelle, die Kontrolle quantitativen Informationsflusses in sicherheitskritischen Systemen, und die Synthese von approximativen Implementierungen fĂŒr reaktive Systeme

    Compositional methods for information-hiding

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    International audienceSystems concerned with information hiding often use randomization to obfuscate the link between the observables and the information to be protected. The degree of protection provided by a system can be expressed in terms of the probability of error associated with the inference of the secret information. We consider a probabilistic process calculus to specify such systems, and we study how the operators aïŹ€ect the probability of error. In particular, we characterize constructs that have the property of not decreasing the degree of protection, and that can therefore be considered safe in the modular construction of these systems. As a case study, we apply these techniques to the Dining Cryptographers, and we derive a generalization of Chaum's strong anonymity result

    Estimating the Maximum Information Leakage

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    none2noopenAldini, Alessandro; DI PIERRO, A.Aldini, Alessandro; DI PIERRO, A

    Information Security as Strategic (In)effectivity

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    Security of information flow is commonly understood as preventing any information leakage, regardless of how grave or harmless consequences the leakage can have. In this work, we suggest that information security is not a goal in itself, but rather a means of preventing potential attackers from compromising the correct behavior of the system. To formalize this, we first show how two information flows can be compared by looking at the adversary's ability to harm the system. Then, we propose that the information flow in a system is effectively information-secure if it does not allow for more harm than its idealized variant based on the classical notion of noninterference
