26 research outputs found

    A new two-scroll chaotic system with two nonlinearities: dynamical analysis and circuit simulation

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    Chaos theory has several applications in science and engineering. In this work, we announce a new two-scroll chaotic system with two nonlinearities. The dynamical properties of the system such as dissipativity, equilibrium points, Lyapunov exponents, Kaplan-Yorke dimension and bifurcation diagram are explored in detail. The presence of coexisting chaotic attractors, coexisting chaotic and periodic attractors in the system is also investigated. In addition, the offset boosting of a variable in the new chaotic system is achieved by adding a single controlled constant. It is shown that the new chaotic system has rotation symmetry about the z-axis. An electronic circuit simulation of the new two-scroll chaotic system is built using Multisim to check the feasibility of the theoretical model.

    Hybrid Chaos Synchronization of 3-Cells Cellular Neural Network Attractors via Adaptive Control Method

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    Abstract: In this research work, we first discuss the properties of the 3-cells cellular neural network (CNN) attractor discovered b

    Hybrid Synchronization of the Generalized Lotka-Volterra Three-Species Biological Systems via Adaptive Control

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    Abstract: Since the recent research has shown the importance of biological control in many biological systems appearing in nature, this research paper investigates research in the dynamic and chaotic analysis of the generalized Lotka-Volterra three-species biological system, which was studied b

    A New Chaotic System with Line of Equilibria: Dynamics, Passive Control and Circuit Design

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    A new chaotic system with line equilibrium is introduced in this paper. This system consists of five terms with two transcendental nonlinearities and two quadratic nonlinearities. Various tools of dynamical system such as phase portraits, Lyapunov exponents, Kaplan-Yorke dimension, bifurcation diagram and Poincarè map are used. It is interesting that this system has a line of fixed points and can display chaotic attractors. Next, this paper discusses control using passive control method. One example is given to insure the theoretical analysis. Finally, for the  new chaotic system, An electronic circuit for realizing the chaotic system has been implemented. The numerical simulation by using MATLAB 2010 and implementation of circuit simulations by using MultiSIM 10.0 have been performed in this study

    A simple multi-stable chaotic jerk system with two saddle-foci equilibrium points: analysis, synchronization via backstepping technique and MultiSim circuit design

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    This paper announces a new three-dimensional chaotic jerk system with two saddle-focus equilibrium points and gives a dynamic analysis of the properties of the jerk system such as Lyapunov exponents, phase portraits, Kaplan-Yorke dimension and equilibrium points. By modifying the Genesio-Tesi jerk dynamics (1992), a new jerk system is derived in this research study. The new jerk model is equipped with multistability and dissipative chaos with two saddle-foci equilibrium points. By invoking backstepping technique, new results for synchronizing chaos between the proposed jerk models are successfully yielded. MultiSim software is used to implement a circuit model for the new jerk dynamics. A good qualitative agreement has been shown between the MATLAB simulations of the theoretical chaotic jerk model and the MultiSIM result

    Theory of differential inclusions and its application in mechanics

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    The following chapter deals with systems of differential equations with discontinuous right-hand sides. The key question is how to define the solutions of such systems. The most adequate approach is to treat discontinuous systems as systems with multivalued right-hand sides (differential inclusions). In this work three well-known definitions of solution of discontinuous system are considered. We will demonstrate the difference between these definitions and their application to different mechanical problems. Mathematical models of drilling systems with discontinuous friction torque characteristics are considered. Here, opposite to classical Coulomb symmetric friction law, the friction torque characteristic is asymmetrical. Problem of sudden load change is studied. Analytical methods of investigation of systems with such asymmetrical friction based on the use of Lyapunov functions are demonstrated. The Watt governor and Chua system are considered to show different aspects of computer modeling of discontinuous systems

    Dynamics, control, stability, diffusion and synchronization of modified chaotic colpitts oscillator with triangular wave non-linearity

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    The purpose of this paper is to introduce a new chaotic oscillator. Although different chaotic systems have been formulated by earlier researchers, only a few chaotic systems exhibit chaotic behaviour. In this work, a new chaotic system with chaotic attractor is introduced for triangular wave non-linearity. It is worth noting that this striking phenomenon rarely occurs in respect of chaotic systems. The system proposed in this paper has been realized with numerical simulation. The results emanating from the numerical simulation indicate the feasibility of the proposed chaotic system. More over, chaos control, stability, diffusion and synchronization of such a system have been dealt with.Publisher's Versio

    An Eight-Term Novel Four-Scroll Chaotic System with Cubic Nonlinearity and its Circuit Simulation

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    This research work proposes an eight-term novel four-scroll chaotic system with cubic nonlinearity and analyses its fundamental properties such as dissipativity, equilibria, symmetry and invariance, Lyapunov exponents and KaplanYorke dimension. The phase portraits of the novel chaotic system, which are obtained in this work by using MATLAB, depict the four-scroll attractor of the system. For the parameter values and initial conditions chosen in this work, the Lyapunov exponents of the novel four-scroll chaotic system are obtained as L1 = 0.75335, L2 = 0 and L3 = −22.43304. Also, the Kaplan-Yorke dimension of the novel four-scroll chaotic system is obtained as DKY = 2.0336. Finally, an electronic circuit realization of the novel four-scroll chaotic system is presented by using SPICE to confirm the feasibility of the theoretical model