224 research outputs found

    Processing of missing data by neural networks

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    We propose a general, theoretically justified mechanism for processing missing data by neural networks. Our idea is to replace typical neuron's response in the first hidden layer by its expected value. This approach can be applied for various types of networks at minimal cost in their modification. Moreover, in contrast to recent approaches, it does not require complete data for training. Experimental results performed on different types of architectures show that our method gives better results than typical imputation strategies and other methods dedicated for incomplete data

    Pointed subspace approach to incomplete data

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    Incomplete data are often represented as vectors with filled missing attributes joined with flag vectors indicating missing components. In this paper, we generalize this approach and represent incomplete data as pointed affine subspaces. This allows to perform various affine transformations of data, such as whitening or dimensionality reduction. Moreover, this representation preserves the information, which coordinates were missing. To use our representation in practical classification tasks, we embed such generalized missing data into a vector space and define the scalar product of embedding space. Our representation is easy to implement, and can be used together with typical kernel methods. Performed experiments show that the application of SVM classifier on the proposed subspace approach obtains highly accurate results

    Spiking Neural Networks for Inference and Learning: A Memristor-based Design Perspective

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    On metrics of density and power efficiency, neuromorphic technologies have the potential to surpass mainstream computing technologies in tasks where real-time functionality, adaptability, and autonomy are essential. While algorithmic advances in neuromorphic computing are proceeding successfully, the potential of memristors to improve neuromorphic computing have not yet born fruit, primarily because they are often used as a drop-in replacement to conventional memory. However, interdisciplinary approaches anchored in machine learning theory suggest that multifactor plasticity rules matching neural and synaptic dynamics to the device capabilities can take better advantage of memristor dynamics and its stochasticity. Furthermore, such plasticity rules generally show much higher performance than that of classical Spike Time Dependent Plasticity (STDP) rules. This chapter reviews the recent development in learning with spiking neural network models and their possible implementation with memristor-based hardware

    Integrals over Gaussians under Linear Domain Constraints

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    Integrals of linearly constrained multivariate Gaussian densities are a frequent problem in machine learning and statistics, arising in tasks like generalized linear models and Bayesian optimization. Yet they are notoriously hard to compute, and to further complicate matters, the numerical values of such integrals may be very small. We present an efficient black-box algorithm that exploits geometry for the estimation of integrals over a small, truncated Gaussian volume, and to simulate therefrom. Our algorithm uses the Holmes-Diaconis-Ross (HDR) method combined with an analytic version of elliptical slice sampling (ESS). Adapted to the linear setting, ESS allows for rejection-free sampling, because intersections of ellipses and domain boundaries have closed-form solutions. The key idea of HDR is to decompose the integral into easier-to-compute conditional probabilities by using a sequence of nested domains. Remarkably, it allows for direct computation of the logarithm of the integral value and thus enables the computation of extremely small probability masses. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our tailored combination of HDR and ESS on high-dimensional integrals and on entropy search for Bayesian optimization

    HyperFormer:Enhancing entity and relation interaction for hyper-relational knowledge graph completion

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    Hyper-relational knowledge graphs (HKGs) extend standard knowledge graphs by associating attribute-value qualifiers to triples, which effectively represent additional fine-grained information about its associated triple. Hyper-relational knowledge graph completion (HKGC) aims at inferring unknown triples while considering its qualifiers. Most existing approaches to HKGC exploit a global-level graph structure to encode hyper-relational knowledge into the graph convolution message passing process. However, the addition of multi-hop information might bring noise into the triple prediction process. To address this problem, we propose HyperFormer, a model that considers local-level sequential information, which encodes the content of the entities, relations and qualifiers of a triple. More precisely, HyperFormer is composed of three different modules: an entity neighbor aggregator module allowing to integrate the information of the neighbors of an entity to capture different perspectives of it; a relation qualifier aggregator module to integrate hyper-relational knowledge into the corresponding relation to refine the representation of relational content; a convolution-based bidirectional interaction module based on a convolutional operation, capturing pairwise bidirectional interactions of entity-relation, entity-qualifier, and relation-qualifier. Furthermore, we introduce a Mixture-of-Experts strategy into the feed-forward layers of HyperFormer to strengthen its representation capabilities while reducing the amount of model parameters and computation. Extensive experiments on three well-known datasets with four different conditions demonstrate HyperFormer's effectiveness

    HyperFormer: Enhancing Entity and Relation Interaction for Hyper-Relational Knowledge Graph Completion

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    Hyper-relational knowledge graphs (HKGs) extend standard knowledge graphs by associating attribute-value qualifiers to triples, which effectively represent additional fine-grained information about its associated triple. Hyper-relational knowledge graph completion (HKGC) aims at inferring unknown triples while considering its qualifiers. Most existing approaches to HKGC exploit a global-level graph structure to encode hyper-relational knowledge into the graph convolution message passing process. However, the addition of multi-hop information might bring noise into the triple prediction process. To address this problem, we propose HyperFormer, a model that considers local-level sequential information, which encodes the content of the entities, relations and qualifiers of a triple. More precisely, HyperFormer is composed of three different modules: an entity neighbor aggregator module allowing to integrate the information of the neighbors of an entity to capture different perspectives of it; a relation qualifier aggregator module to integrate hyper-relational knowledge into the corresponding relation to refine the representation of relational content; a convolution-based bidirectional interaction module based on a convolutional operation, capturing pairwise bidirectional interactions of entity-relation, entity-qualifier, and relation-qualifier. realize the depth perception of the content related to the current statement. Furthermore, we introduce a Mixture-of-Experts strategy into the feed-forward layers of HyperFormer to strengthen its representation capabilities while reducing the amount of model parameters and computation. Extensive experiments on three well-known datasets with four different conditions demonstrate HyperFormer's effectiveness. Datasets and code are available at https://github.com/zhiweihu1103/HKGC-HyperFormer.Comment: Accepted at CIKM'2

    A Survey on Visual Mamba

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    State space models (SSM) with selection mechanisms and hardware-aware architectures, namely Mamba, have recently shown significant potential in long-sequence modeling. Since the complexity of transformers’ self-attention mechanism is quadratic with image size, as well as increasing computational demands, researchers are currently exploring how to adapt Mamba for computer vision tasks. This paper is the first comprehensive survey that aims to provide an in-depth analysis of Mamba models within the domain of computer vision. It begins by exploring the foundational concepts contributing to Mamba’s success, including the SSM framework, selection mechanisms, and hardware-aware design. Then, we review these vision Mamba models by categorizing them into foundational models and those enhanced with techniques including convolution, recurrence, and attention to improve their sophistication. Furthermore, we investigate the widespread applications of Mamba in vision tasks, which include their use as a backbone in various levels of vision processing. This encompasses general visual tasks, medical visual tasks (e.g., 2D/3D segmentation, classification, image registration, etc.), and remote sensing visual tasks. In particular, we introduce general visual tasks from two levels: high/mid-level vision (e.g., object detection, segmentation, video classification, etc.) and low-level vision (e.g., image super-resolution, image restoration, visual generation, etc.). We hope this endeavor will spark additional interest within the community to address current challenges and further apply Mamba models in computer vision

    Imputation of missing data using multivariate Gaussian Linear Cluster-Weighted Modeling

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    Missing data arises when certain values are not recorded or observed for variables of interest. However, most of the statistical theory assume complete data availability. To address incomplete databases, one approach is to fill the gaps corresponding to the missing information based on specific criteria, known as imputation. In this study, we propose a novel imputation methodology for databases with non-response units by leveraging additional information from fully observed auxiliary variables. We assume that the variables included in the database are continuous and that the auxiliary variables, which are fully observed, help to improve the imputation capacity of the model. Within a fully Bayesian framework, our method utilizes a flexible mixture of multivariate normal distributions to jointly model the response and auxiliary variables. By employing the principles of Gaussian Cluster-Weighted modeling, we construct a predictive model to impute the missing values by leveraging information from the covariates. We present simulation studies and a real data illustration to demonstrate the imputation capacity of our method across various scenarios, comparing it to other methods in the literatureComment: 23 pages, 9 figure

    Learning Better Clinical Risk Models.

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    Risk models are used to estimate a patient’s risk of suffering particular outcomes throughout clinical practice. These models are important for matching patients to the appropriate level of treatment, for effective allocation of resources, and for fairly evaluating the performance of healthcare providers. The application and development of methods from the field of machine learning has the potential to improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare spending with more accurate estimates of patient risk. This dissertation addresses several limitations of currently used clinical risk models, through the identification of novel risk factors and through the training of more effective models. As wearable monitors become more effective and less costly, the previously untapped predictive information in a patient’s physiology over time has the potential to greatly improve clinical practice. However translating these technological advances into real-world clinical impacts will require computational methods to identify high-risk structure in the data. This dissertation presents several approaches to learning risk factors from physiological recordings, through the discovery of latent states using topic models, and through the identification of predictive features using convolutional neural networks. We evaluate these approaches on patients from a large clinical trial and find that these methods not only outperform prior approaches to leveraging heart rate for cardiac risk stratification, but that they improve overall prediction of cardiac death when considered alongside standard clinical risk factors. We also demonstrate the utility of this work for learning a richer description of sleep recordings. Additionally, we consider the development of risk models in the presence of missing data, which is ubiquitous in real-world medical settings. We present a novel method for jointly learning risk and imputation models in the presence of missing data, and find significant improvements relative to standard approaches when evaluated on a large national registry of trauma patients.PhDComputer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/113326/1/alexve_1.pd
