19 research outputs found

    Understanding and Identifying Vulnerabilities Related to Architectural Security Tactics

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    To engineer secure software systems, software architects elicit the system\u27s security requirements to adopt suitable architectural solutions. They often make use of architectural security tactics when designing the system\u27s security architecture. Security tactics are reusable solutions to detect, resist, recover from, and react to attacks. Since security tactics are the building blocks of a security architecture, flaws in the adoption of these tactics, their incorrect implementation, or their deterioration during software maintenance activities can lead to vulnerabilities, which we refer to as tactical vulnerabilities . Although security tactics and their correct adoption/implementation are crucial elements to achieve security, prior works have not investigated the architectural context of vulnerabilities. Therefore, this dissertation presents a research work whose major goals are: (i) to identify common types of tactical vulnerabilities, (ii) to investigate tactical vulnerabilities through in-depth empirical studies, and (iii) to develop a technique that detects tactical vulnerabilities caused by object deserialization. First, we introduce the Common Architectural Weakness Enumeration (CAWE), which is a catalog that enumerates 223 tactical vulnerability types. Second, we use this catalog to conduct an empirical study using vulnerability reports from large-scale open-source systems. Among our findings, we observe that Improper Input Validation was the most reoccurring vulnerability type. This tactical vulnerability type is caused by not properly implementing the Validate Inputs tactic. Although prior research focused on devising automated (or semi-automated) techniques for detecting multiple instances of improper input validation (e.g., SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting) one of them got neglected, which is the untrusted deserialization of objects. Unlike other input validation problems, object deserialization vulnerabilities exhibit a set of characteristics that are hard to handle for effective vulnerability detection. We currently lack a robust approach that can detect untrusted deserialization problems. Hence, this dissertation introduces DODO untrusteD ObjectDeserialization detectOr), a novel program analysis technique to detect deserialization vulnerabilities. DODO encompasses a sound static analysis of the program to extract potentially vulnerable paths, an exploit generation engine, and a dynamic analysis engine to verify the existence of untrusted object deserialization. Our experiments showed that DODO can successfully infer possible vulnerabilities that could arise at runtime during object deserialization


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    In my thesis, I present three projects on which I have worked during my Ph.D. studies. All of them focus on software protection in the Java environment with static and dynamic techniques for control-flow and data-dependency analysis. More specifically, the first two works are dedicated to the problem of deserialization of untrusted data in Java. In the first, I present a defense system that was designed for protecting the Java Virtual Machine, along with the results that were obtained. In the second, I present a recent research project that aims at automatic generation of deserialization attacks, to help identifying them and increasing protection. The last discussed work concerns another branch of software protection: the authentication on short-distance channels (or the lack thereof) in Android APKs. In said work, I present a tool that was built for automatically identifying the presence of high-level authentication in Android apps. I thoroughly discuss experiments, limitations and future work for all three projects, concluding with general principles that bring these works together, and can be applied when facing related security issues in high-level software protection

    Security analyses for detecting deserialisation vulnerabilities : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

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    An important task in software security is to identify potential vulnerabilities. Attackers exploit security vulnerabilities in systems to obtain confidential information, to breach system integrity, and to make systems unavailable to legitimate users. In recent years, particularly 2012, there has been a rise in reported Java vulnerabilities. One type of vulnerability involves (de)serialisation, a commonly used feature to store objects or data structures to an external format and restore them. In 2015, a deserialisation vulnerability was reported involving Apache Commons Collections, a popular Java library, which affected numerous Java applications. Another major deserialisation-related vulnerability that affected 55\% of Android devices was reported in 2015. Both of these vulnerabilities allowed arbitrary code execution on vulnerable systems by malicious users, a serious risk, and this came as a call for the Java community to issue patches to fix serialisation related vulnerabilities in both the Java Development Kit and libraries. Despite attention to coding guidelines and defensive strategies, deserialisation remains a risky feature and a potential weakness in object-oriented applications. In fact, deserialisation related vulnerabilities (both denial-of-service and remote code execution) continue to be reported for Java applications. Further, deserialisation is a case of parsing where external data is parsed from their external representation to a program's internal data structures and hence, potentially similar vulnerabilities can be present in parsers for file formats and serialisation languages. The problem is, given a software package, to detect either injection or denial-of-service vulnerabilities and propose strategies to prevent attacks that exploit them. The research reported in this thesis casts detecting deserialisation related vulnerabilities as a program analysis task. The goal is to automatically discover this class of vulnerabilities using program analysis techniques, and to experimentally evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed methods on real-world software. We use multiple techniques to detect reachability to sensitive methods and taint analysis to detect if untrusted user-input can result in security violations. Challenges in using program analysis for detecting deserialisation vulnerabilities include addressing soundness issues in analysing dynamic features in Java (e.g., native code). Another hurdle is that available techniques mostly target the analysis of applications rather than library code. In this thesis, we develop techniques to address soundness issues related to analysing Java code that uses serialisation, and we adapt dynamic techniques such as fuzzing to address precision issues in the results of our analysis. We also use the results from our analysis to study libraries in other languages, and check if they are vulnerable to deserialisation-type attacks. We then provide a discussion on mitigation measures for engineers to protect their software against such vulnerabilities. In our experiments, we show that we can find unreported vulnerabilities in Java code; and how these vulnerabilities are also present in widely-used serialisers for popular languages such as JavaScript, PHP and Rust. In our study, we discovered previously unknown denial-of-service security bugs in applications/libraries that parse external data formats such as YAML, PDF and SVG

    An OSINT Approach to Automated Asset Discovery and Monitoring

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    The main objective of this thesis is to improve the efficiency of security operations centersthrough the articulation of different publicly open sources of security related feeds. This ischallenging because of the different abstraction models of the feeds that need to be madecompatible, of the range of control values that each data source can have and that will impactthe security events, and of the scalability of computational and networking resources that arerequired to collect security events.Following the industry standards proposed by the literature (OSCP guide, PTES andOWASP), the detection of hosts and sub-domains using an articulation of several sources isregarded as the first interaction in an engagement. This first interaction often misses somesources that could allow the disclosure of more assets. This became important since networkshave scaled up to the cloud, where IP address range is not owned by the company, andimportant applications are often shared within the same IP, like the example of Virtual Hoststo host several application in the same server.We will focus on the first step of any engagement, the enumeration of the target network.Attackers often use several techniques to enumerate the target to discover vulnerable services.This enumeration could be improved by the addition of several other sources and techniquesthat are often left aside from the literature. Also, by creating an automated process it ispossible for security operation centers to discover these assets and map the applicationsin use to keep track of said vulnerabilities using OSINT techniques and publicly availablesolutions, before the attackers try to exploit the service. This gives a vision of the Internetfacing services often seen by attackers without querying the service directly evading thereforedetection. This research is in frame with the complete engagement process and should beintegrate in already built solutions, therefore the results should be able to connect to additionalapplications in order to reach forward in the engagement process.By addressing these challenges we expect to come in great aid of sysadmin and securityteams, helping them with the task of securing their assets and ensuring security cleanlinessof the enterprise resulting in a better policy compliance without ever connecting to the clienthosts

    Securing web applications through vulnerability detection and runtime defenses

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    Social networks, eCommerce, and online news attract billions of daily users. The PHP interpreter powers a host of web applications, including messaging, development environments, news, and video games. The abundance of personal, financial, and other sensitive information held by these applications makes them prime targets for cyber attacks. Considering the significance of safeguarding online platforms against cyber attacks, researchers investigated different approaches to protect web applications. However, regardless of the community’s achievements in improving the security of web applications, new vulnerabilities and cyber attacks occur on a daily basis (CISA, 2021; Bekerman and Yerushalmi, 2020). In general, cyber security threat mitigation techniques are divided into two categories: prevention and detection. In this thesis, I focus on tackling challenges in both prevention and detection scenarios and propose novel contributions to improve the security of PHP applications. Specifically, I propose methods for holistic analyses of both the web applications and the PHP interpreter to prevent cyber attacks and detect security vulnerabilities in PHP web applications. For prevention techniques, I propose three approaches called Saphire, SQLBlock, and Minimalist. I first present Saphire, an integrated analysis of both the PHP interpreter and web applications to defend against remote code execution (RCE) attacks by creating a system call sandbox. The evaluation of Saphire shows that, unlike prior work, Saphire protects web applications against RCE attacks in our dataset. Next, I present SQLBlock, which generates SQL profiles for PHP web applications through a hybrid static-dynamic analysis to prevent SQL injection attacks. My third contribution is Minimalist, which removes unnecessary code from PHP web applications according to prior user interaction. My results demonstrate that, on average, Minimalist debloats 17.78% of the source-code in PHP web applications while removing up to 38% of security vulnerabilities. Finally, as a contribution to vulnerability detection, I present Argus, a hybrid static-dynamic analysis over the PHP interpreter, to identify a comprehensive set of PHP built-in functions that an attacker can use to inject malicious input to web applications (i.e., injection-sink APIs). I discovered more than 300 injection-sink APIs in PHP 7.2 using Argus, an order of magnitude more than the most exhaustive list used in prior work. Furthermore, I integrated Argus’ results with existing program analysis tools, which identified 13 previously unknown XSS and insecure deserialization vulnerabilities in PHP web applications. In summary, I improve the security of PHP web applications through a holistic analysis of both the PHP interpreter and the web applications. I further apply hybrid static-dynamic analysis techniques to the PHP interpreter as well as PHP web applications to provide prevention mechanisms against cyber attacks or detect previously unknown security vulnerabilities. These achievements are only possible due to the holistic analysis of the web stack put forth in my research

    A Framework for anonymous background data delivery and feedback

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    The current state of the industry’s methods of collecting background data reflecting diagnostic and usage information are often opaque and require users to place a lot of trust in the entity receiving the data. For vendors, having a centralized database of potentially sensitive data is a privacy protection headache and a potential liability should a breach of that database occur. Unfortunately, high profile privacy failures are not uncommon, so many individuals and companies are understandably skeptical and choose not to contribute any information. It is a shame, since the data could be used for improving reliability, or getting stronger security, or for valuable academic research into real-world usage patterns. We propose, implement and evaluate a framework for non-realtime anonymous data collection, aggregation for analysis, and feedback. Departing from the usual “trusted core” approach, we aim to maintain reporters’ anonymity even if the centralized part of the system is compromised. We design a peer-to-peer mix network and its protocol that are tuned to the properties of background diagnostic traffic. Our system delivers data to a centralized repository while maintaining (i) source anonymity, (ii) privacy in transit, and (iii) the ability to provide analysis feedback back to the source. By removing the core’s ability to identify the source of data and to track users over time, we drastically reduce its attractiveness as a potential attack target and allow vendors to make concrete and verifiable privacy and anonymity claims

    Building a Secure Software Supply Chain

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    Nowadays more and more companies use agile software development to build software in short release cycles. Monolithic applications are split into microservices, which can independently be maintained and deployed by agile teams. Modern platforms like Docker support this process. Docker offers services to containerize such services and orchestrate them in a container cluster. A software supply chain is the umbrella term for the process of developing, automated building and testing, as well as deploying a complete application. By combining a software supply chain and Docker, those processes can be automated in standardized environments. Since Docker is a young technology and software supply chains are critical processes in organizations, security needs to be reviewed. In this work a software supply chain based on Docker is built and a threat modeling process is used to assess its security. The main components are modeled and threats are identified using STRIDE. Afterwards risks are calculated and methods to secure the software supply chain based on security objectives confidentiality, integrity and availability are discussed. As a result, some components require special treatments in security context since they have a high residual risk of being targeted by an attacker. This work can be used as basis to build and secure the main components of a software supply chain. However additional components such as logging, monitoring as well as integration into existing business processes need to be reviewed.Heutzutage nutzen mehr und mehr Firmen agile Softwareentwicklung, um Software in kurzen Release-Zyklen zu entwickeln. Monotlithische Anwendungen werden in Microservices aufgeteilt, welche unabhängig voneinander erstellt und veröffentlicht werden können. Moderne Plattformen wie Docker unterstützen diesen Prozess. Docker bietet Dienste an, um solche Anwendungen in Container zu verpacken und sie auf Container Clustern zu orchestrieren. Eine Software Supply Chain ist der Überbegriff für den Prozess der Herstellung, des automatisierten Bauens und Testens, sowie der Veröffentlichung von Software. Durch die Kombination aus Software Supply Chains und Docker können diese Prozesse in standardisierten Umgebungen automatisiert werden. Da Docker eine junge Technologie ist und Software Supply Chains einen kritischen Prozess im Unternehmen darstellen, muss zunächst die Sicherheit überprüft werden. In dieser Arbeit wird Bedrohungsmodellierung verwendet, um eine Software Supply Chain auf Basis von Docker zu bauen und abzusichern. Die Hauptkomponenten werden modelliert und Bedrohungen mit Hilfe von STRIDE identifiziert. Daraufhin werden Risiken berechnet und Möglichkeiten diskutiert, die Software Supply Chain auf Basis der Sicherheitsziele Vertraulichkeit, Integrität und Verfügbarkeit abzusichern. Als Resultat dieser Arbeit stellte sich heraus, dass einige Komponenten eine spezielle Behandlung im Sicherheitskontext benötigen, da sie über ein hohes Restrisiko verfügen, Ziel eines Angriffes zu werden. Diese Arbeit kann als Basis für den Bau und die Absicherung einer Software Supply Chain genutzt werden. Jedoch müssen zusätzliche Komponenten, wie beispielsweise ein Monitoring- und Logging-Prozess, oder die Integration in bestehende Business-Prozesse überprüft werden

    Novel Attacks and Defenses for Enterprise Internet-of-Things (E-IoT) Systems

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    This doctoral dissertation expands upon the field of Enterprise Internet-of-Things (E-IoT) systems, one of the most ubiquitous and under-researched fields of smart systems. E-IoT systems are specialty smart systems designed for sophisticated automation applications (e.g., multimedia control, security, lighting control). E-IoT systems are often closed source, costly, require certified installers, and are more robust for their specific applications. This dissertation begins with an analysis of the current E-IoT threat landscape and introduces three novel attacks and defenses under-studied software and protocols heavily linked to E-IoT systems. For each layer, we review the literature for the threats, attacks, and countermeasures. Based on the systematic knowledge we obtain from the literature review, we propose three novel attacks and countermeasures to protect E-IoT systems. In the first attack, we present PoisonIvy, several attacks developed to show that malicious E-IoT drivers can be used to compromise E-IoT. In response to PoisonIvy threats, we describe Ivycide, a machine-learning network-based solution designed to defend E-IoT systems against E-IoT driver threats. As multimedia control is a significant application of E-IoT, we introduce is HDMI-Walk, a novel attack vector designed to demonstrate that HDMI\u27s Consumer Electronics Control (CEC) protocol can be used to compromise multiple devices through a single connection. To defend devices from this threat, we introduce HDMI-Watch, a standalone intrusion detection system (IDS) designed to defend HDMI-enabled devices from HDMI-Walk-style attacks. Finally, this dissertation evaluates the security of E-IoT proprietary protocols with LightingStrike, a series of attacks used to demonstrate that popular E-IoT proprietary communication protocols are insecure. To address LightningStrike threats, we introduce LGuard, a complete defense framework designed to defend E-IoT systems from LightingStrike-style attacks using computer vision, traffic obfuscation, and traffic analysis techniques. For each contribution, all of the defense mechanisms proposed are implemented without any modification to the underlying hardware or software. All attacks and defenses in this dissertation were performed with implementations on widely-used E-IoT devices and systems. We believe that the research presented in this dissertation has notable implications on the security of E-IoT systems by exposing novel threat vectors, raising awareness, and motivating future E-IoT system security research

    Enabling Security Analysis and Education of the Ethereum Platform: A Network Traffic Dissection Tool

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    Ethereum, the decentralized global software platform powered by blockchain technology known for its native cryptocurrency, Ether (ETH), provides a technology stack for building apps, holding assets, transacting, and communicating without control by a central authority. At the core of Ethereum’s network is a suite of purpose-built protocols known as DEVP2P, which provides the underlying nodes in an Ethereum network the ability to discover, authenticate and communicate confidentiality. This document discusses the creation of a new Wireshark dissector for DEVP2P’s discovery protocols, DiscoveryV4 and DiscoveryV5, and a dissector for RLPx, an extensible TCP transport protocol for a range of Ethereum node capabilities. Network packet dissectors like Wireshark are commonly used to educate, develop, and analyze underlying network traffic. In support of creating the dissector, a custom private Ethereum docker network was also created, facilitating the communication amongst Go Ethereum execution clients and allowing the Wireshark dissector to capture live network data. Lastly, the dissector is used to understand the differences between DiscoveryV4 and DiscoveryV5, along with stepping through the network packets of RLPx to track a transaction executed on the network