56 research outputs found

    Pulvinar thalamic nucleus allows for asynchronous spike propagation through the cortex

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    We create two multilayered feedforward networks composed of excitatoryand inhibitory integrate-and-fire neurons in the balanced state toinvestigate the role of cortico-pulvino-cortical connections. Thefirst network consists of ten feedforward levels where a Poisson spiketrain with varying firing rate is applied as an input in layerone. Although the balanced state partially avoids spikesynchronization during the transmission, the average firing-rate in the last layer either decays or saturates depending on the feedforwardpathway gain. The last layer activity is almost independent of the inputeven for a carefully chosen intermediate gain. Adding connectionsto the feedforward pathway by a nine areas Pulvinar structure improves the firing-rate propagation to become almost linear amonglayers. Incoming strong pulvinar spikes balance the low feedforwardgain to have a unit input-output relation in the last layer. Pulvinarneurons evoke a bimodal activity depending on the magnitude input: synchronized spike bursts between 20-80 Hz and an asynchronous activityfor very both low and high frequency inputs. In the first regime, spikes of last feedforward layer neurons areasynchronous with weak, low frequency, oscillations in the rate. Here,the uncorrelated incoming feedforward pathway washes out thesynchronized thalamic bursts. In the second regime, spikes in the wholenetwork are asynchronous. As the number of cortical layers increases,long-range pulvinar connections can link directly two or morecortical stages avoiding their either saturation or gradual activityfalling. The Pulvinar acts as a shortcut that supplies theinput-output firing-rate relationship of two separated cortical areaswithout changing the strength of connections in the feedforwardpathway

    A thalamic reticular networking model of consciousness

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>[Background]</p> <p>It is reasonable to consider the thalamus a primary candidate for the location of consciousness, given that the thalamus has been referred to as the gateway of nearly all sensory inputs to the corresponding cortical areas. Interestingly, in an early stage of brain development, communicative innervations between the dorsal thalamus and telencephalon must pass through the ventral thalamus, the major derivative of which is the thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN). The TRN occupies a striking control position in the brain, sending inhibitory axons back to the thalamus, roughly to the same region where they receive afferents.</p> <p>[Hypotheses]</p> <p>The present study hypothesizes that the TRN plays a pivotal role in dynamic attention by controlling thalamocortical synchronization. The TRN is thus viewed as a functional networking filter to regulate conscious perception, which is possibly embedded in thalamocortical networks. Based on the anatomical structures and connections, modality-specific sectors of the TRN and the thalamus appear to be responsible for modality-specific perceptual representation. Furthermore, the coarsely overlapped topographic maps of the TRN appear to be associated with cross-modal or unitary conscious awareness. Throughout the latticework structure of the TRN, conscious perception could be accomplished and elaborated through accumulating intercommunicative processing across the first-order input signal and the higher-order signals from its functionally associated cortices. As the higher-order relay signals run cumulatively through the relevant thalamocortical loops, conscious awareness becomes more refined and sophisticated.</p> <p>[Conclusions]</p> <p>I propose that the thalamocortical integrative communication across first- and higher-order information circuits and repeated feedback looping may account for our conscious awareness. This TRN-modulation hypothesis for conscious awareness provides a comprehensive rationale regarding previously reported psychological phenomena and neurological symptoms such as blindsight, neglect, the priming effect, the threshold/duration problem, and TRN-impairment resembling coma. This hypothesis can be tested by neurosurgical investigations of thalamocortical loops via the TRN, while simultaneously evaluating the degree to which conscious perception depends on the severity of impairment in a TRN-modulated network.</p

    Spindle Activity Orchestrates Plasticity during Development and Sleep

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    Synchronization of Isolated Downstates (K-Complexes) May Be Caused by Cortically-Induced Disruption of Thalamic Spindling

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    Sleep spindles and K-complexes (KCs) define stage 2 NREM sleep (N2) in humans. We recently showed that KCs are isolated downstates characterized by widespread cortical silence. We demonstrate here that KCs can be quasi-synchronous across scalp EEG and across much of the cortex using electrocorticography (ECOG) and localized transcortical recordings (bipolar SEEG). We examine the mechanism of synchronous KC production by creating the first conductance based thalamocortical network model of N2 sleep to generate both spontaneous spindles and KCs. Spontaneous KCs are only observed when the model includes diffuse projections from restricted prefrontal areas to the thalamic reticular nucleus (RE), consistent with recent anatomical findings in rhesus monkeys. Modeled KCs begin with a spontaneous focal depolarization of the prefrontal neurons, followed by depolarization of the RE. Surprisingly, the RE depolarization leads to decreased firing due to disrupted spindling, which in turn is due to depolarization-induced inactivation of the low-threshold Ca2+ current (IT). Further, although the RE inhibits thalamocortical (TC) neurons, decreased RE firing causes decreased TC cell firing, again because of disrupted spindling. The resulting abrupt removal of excitatory input to cortical pyramidal neurons then leads to the downstate. Empirically, KCs may also be evoked by sensory stimuli while maintaining sleep. We reproduce this phenomenon in the model by depolarization of either the RE or the widely-projecting prefrontal neurons. Again, disruption of thalamic spindling plays a key role. Higher levels of RE stimulation also cause downstates, but by directly inhibiting the TC neurons. SEEG recordings from the thalamus and cortex in a single patient demonstrated the model prediction that thalamic spindling significantly decreases before KC onset. In conclusion, we show empirically that KCs can be widespread quasi-synchronous cortical downstates, and demonstrate with the first model of stage 2 NREM sleep a possible mechanism whereby this widespread synchrony may arise

    Acetylcholine neuromodulation in normal and abnormal learning and memory: vigilance control in waking, sleep, autism, amnesia, and Alzheimer's disease

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    This article provides a unified mechanistic neural explanation of how learning, recognition, and cognition break down during Alzheimer's disease, medial temporal amnesia, and autism. It also clarifies whey there are often sleep disturbances during these disorders. A key mechanism is how acetylcholine modules vigilance control in cortical layer

    Sensor Fusion in the Perception of Self-Motion

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    This dissertation has been written at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics (Max-Planck-Institut fĂŒr Biologische Kybernetik) in TĂŒbingen in the department of Prof. Dr. Heinrich H. BĂŒlthoff. The work has universitary support by Prof. Dr. GĂŒnther Palm (University of Ulm, Abteilung Neuroinformatik). Main evaluators are Prof. Dr. GĂŒnther Palm, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Becker (University of Ulm, Sektion Neurophysiologie) and Prof. Dr. Heinrich BĂŒlthoff.amp;lt;bramp;gt;amp;lt;bramp;gt; The goal of this thesis was to investigate the integration of different sensory modalities in the perception of self-motion, by using psychophysical methods. Experiments with healthy human participants were to be designed for and performed in the Motion Lab, which is equipped with a simulator platform and projection screen. Results from psychophysical experiments should be used to refine models of the multisensory integration process, with an mphasis on Bayesian (maximum likelihood) integration mechanisms.amp;lt;bramp;gt;amp;lt;bramp;gt; To put the psychophysical experiments into the larger framework of research on multisensory integration in the brain, results of neuroanatomical and neurophysiological experiments on multisensory integration are also reviewed

    The neuropharmacological basis of psychedelic-induced visual hallucinations

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    Psychedelic substances such as psilocybin, LSD and DMT are known for their perceptual effects, mainly the experience of visual hallucinations that can vary from simple geometrical patterns to more complex imagery; these can happen either with open or closed eyes. It is widely accepted that these drugs exert their effects by acting as agonists on serotoninergic synapses at 5-HT2A receptor subtype, which has been proposed to be mainly sited in primary visual cortex. Although, recent studies pointed out that different types of visual hallucinations depend on the dosage ranges and that with higher doses the agonist action on 5-HT2A is seen more broadly on the brain, suggesting a top-down control during complex visual imagery. In this review previous knowledge is integrated with recent literature that includes new approaches and methods to better understand the underlying neurophysiological mechanisms that follow pharmacological interactions of selective 5-HT2A hallucinogens. These methods includes resting state fMRI, HD-EEG/MEG and the neural mechanisms investigated are: functional connectivity changes and plasticity across and within cortical networks; disinhibition, brainwave synchronization and phase-coupling.Psychedelic substances such as psilocybin, LSD and DMT are known for their perceptual effects, mainly the experience of visual hallucinations that can vary from simple geometrical patterns to more complex imagery; these can happen either with open or closed eyes. It is widely accepted that these drugs exert their effects by acting as agonists on serotoninergic synapses at 5-HT2A receptor subtype, which has been proposed to be mainly sited in primary visual cortex. Although, recent studies pointed out that different types of visual hallucinations depend on the dosage ranges and that with higher doses the agonist action on 5-HT2A is seen more broadly on the brain, suggesting a top-down control during complex visual imagery. In this review previous knowledge is integrated with recent literature that includes new approaches and methods to better understand the underlying neurophysiological mechanisms that follow pharmacological interactions of selective 5-HT2A hallucinogens. These methods includes resting state fMRI, HD-EEG/MEG and the neural mechanisms investigated are: functional connectivity changes and plasticity across and within cortical networks; disinhibition, brainwave synchronization and phase-coupling

    Biologically Plausible Cortical Hierarchical-Classifier Circuit Extensions in Spiking Neurons

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    Hierarchical categorization inter-leaved with sequence recognition of incoming stimuli in the mammalian brain is theorized to be performed by circuits composed of the thalamus and the six-layer cortex. Using these circuits, the cortex is thought to learn a ‘brain grammar’ composed of recursive sequences of categories. A thalamo-cortical, hierarchical classification and sequence learning “Core” circuit implemented as a linear matrix simulation and was published by Rodriguez, Whitson & Granger in 2004. In the brain, these functions are implemented by cortical and thalamic circuits composed of recurrently-connected, spiking neurons. The Neural Engineering Framework (NEF) (Eliasmith & Anderson, 2003) allows for the construction of large-scale biologically plausible neural networks. Existing NEF models of the basal-ganglia and the thalamus exist but to the best of our knowledge there does not exist an integrated, spiking-neuron, cortical-thalamic-Core network model. We construct a more biologically-plausible version of the hierarchical-classification function of the Core circuit using leaky-integrate-and-fire neurons which performs progressive visual classification of static image sequences relying on the neural activity levels to trigger the progressive classification of the stimulus. We proceed by implementing a recurrent NEF model of the cortical-thalamic Core circuit and then test the resulting model on the hierarchical categorization of images

    Incessant transitions between active and silent states in cortico-thalamic circuits and altered neuronal excitability lead to epilepsy

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    La ligne directrice de nos expĂ©riences a Ă©tĂ© l'hypothĂšse que l'apparition et/ou la persistance des fluctuations de longue durĂ©e entre les Ă©tats silencieux et actifs dans les rĂ©seaux nĂ©ocorticaux et une excitabilitĂ© neuronale modifiĂ©e sont les facteurs principaux de l'Ă©pileptogenĂšse, menant aux crises d’épilepsie avec expression comportementale. Nous avons testĂ© cette hypothĂšse dans deux modĂšles expĂ©rimentaux diffĂ©rents. La dĂ©affĂ©rentation corticale chronique a essayĂ© de rĂ©pliquer la dĂ©affĂ©rentation physiologique du neocortex observĂ©e pendant le sommeil Ă  ondes lentes. Dans ces conditions, caractĂ©risĂ©es par une diminution de la pression synaptique et par une incidence augmentĂ©e de pĂ©riodes silencieuses dans le systĂšme cortico-thalamique, le processus de plasticitĂ© homĂ©ostatique augmente l’excitabilitĂ© neuronale. Par consĂ©quent, le cortex a oscillĂ© entre des pĂ©riodes actives et silencieuses et, Ă©galement, a dĂ©veloppĂ© des activitĂ©s hyper-synchrones, s'Ă©tendant de l’hyperexcitabilitĂ© cellulaire Ă  l'Ă©pileptogenĂšse focale et Ă  des crises Ă©pileptiques gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©es. Le modĂšle de stimulation sous-liminale chronique (« kindling ») du cortex cĂ©rĂ©bral a Ă©tĂ© employĂ© afin d'imposer au rĂ©seau cortical une charge synaptique supĂ©rieure Ă  celle existante pendant les Ă©tats actifs naturels - Ă©tat de veille ou sommeil paradoxal (REM). Dans ces conditions un mĂ©canisme diffĂ©rent de plasticitĂ© qui s’est exprimĂ© dans le systĂšme thalamo-corticale a imposĂ© pour des longues pĂ©riodes de temps des oscillations continuelles entre les Ă©poques actives et silencieuses, que nous avons appelĂ©es des activitĂ©s paroxysmiques persistantes. IndĂ©pendamment du mĂ©canisme sous-jacent de l'Ă©pileptogenĂšse les crises d’épilepsie ont montrĂ© certaines caractĂ©ristiques similaires : une altĂ©ration dans l’excitabilitĂ© neuronale mise en Ă©vidence par une incidence accrue des dĂ©charges neuronales de type bouffĂ©e, une tendance constante vers la gĂ©nĂ©ralisation, une propagation de plus en plus rapide, une synchronie augmentĂ©e au cours du temps, et une modulation par les Ă©tats de vigilance (facilitation pendant le sommeil Ă  ondes lentes et barrage pendant le sommeil REM). Les Ă©tats silencieux, hyper-polarisĂ©s, de neurones corticaux favorisent l'apparition des bouffĂ©es de potentiels d’action en rĂ©ponse aux Ă©vĂ©nements synaptiques, et l'influence post-synaptique d'une bouffĂ©e de potentiels d’action est beaucoup plus importante par rapport Ă  l’impacte d’un seul potentiel d’action. Nous avons Ă©galement apportĂ© des Ă©vidences que les neurones nĂ©ocorticaux de type FRB sont capables Ă  rĂ©pondre avec des bouffĂ©es de potentiels d’action pendant les phases hyper-polarisĂ©es de l'oscillation lente, propriĂ©tĂ© qui peut jouer un rĂŽle trĂšs important dans l’analyse de l’information dans le cerveau normal et dans l'Ă©pileptogenĂšse. Finalement, nous avons rapportĂ© un troisiĂšme mĂ©canisme de plasticitĂ© dans les rĂ©seaux corticaux aprĂšs les crises d’épilepsie - une diminution d’amplitude des potentiels post-synaptiques excitatrices Ă©voquĂ©es par la stimulation corticale aprĂšs les crises - qui peut ĂȘtre un des facteurs responsables des dĂ©ficits comportementaux observĂ©s chez les patients Ă©pileptiques. Nous concluons que la transition incessante entre des Ă©tats actifs et silencieux dans les circuits cortico-thalamiques induits par disfacilitation (sommeil Ă  ondes lentes), dĂ©affĂ©rentation corticale (Ă©pisodes ictales Ă  4-Hz) ou par une stimulation sous-liminale chronique (activitĂ©s paroxysmiques persistantes) crĂ©e des circonstances favorables pour le dĂ©veloppement de l'Ă©pileptogenĂšse. En plus, l'augmentation de l’incidence des bouffĂ©es de potentiels d’actions induisant une excitation post-synaptique anormalement forte, change l'Ă©quilibre entre l'excitation et l'inhibition vers une supra-excitation menant a l’apparition des crises d’épilepsie.The guiding line in our experiments was the hypothesis that the occurrence and / or the persistence of long-lasting fluctuations between silent and active states in the neocortical networks, together with a modified neuronal excitability are the key factors of epileptogenesis, leading to behavioral seizures. We addressed this hypothesis in two different experimental models. The chronic cortical deafferentation replicated the physiological deafferentation of the neocortex observed during slow-wave sleep (SWS). Under these conditions of decreased synaptic input and increased incidence of silent periods in the corticothalamic system the process of homeostatic plasticity up-regulated cortical cellular and network mechanisms and leaded to an increased excitability. Therefore, the deafferented cortex was able to oscillate between active and silent epochs for long periods of time and, furthermore, to develop highly synchronized activities, ranging from cellular hyperexcitability to focal epileptogenesis and generalized seizures. The kindling model was used in order to impose to the cortical network a synaptic drive superior to the one naturally occurring during the active states - wake or rapid eye movements (REM) sleep. Under these conditions a different plasticity mechanism occurring in the thalamo-cortical system imposed long-lasting oscillatory pattern between active and silent epochs, which we called outlasting activities. Independently of the mechanism of epileptogenesis seizures showed some analogous characteristics: alteration of the neuronal firing pattern with increased bursts probability, a constant tendency toward generalization, faster propagation and increased synchrony over the time, and modulation by the state of vigilance (overt during SWS and completely abolished during REM sleep). Silent, hyperpolarized, states of cortical neurons favor the induction of burst firing in response to depolarizing inputs, and the postsynaptic influence of a burst is much stronger as compared to a single spike. Furthermore, we brought evidences that a particular type of neocortical neurons - fast rhythmic bursting (FRB) class - is capable to consistently respond with bursts during the hyperpolarized phase of the slow oscillation, fact that may play a very important role in both normal brain processing and in epileptogenesis. Finally, we reported a third plastic mechanism in the cortical network following seizures - a decreasing amplitude of cortically evoked excitatory post-synaptic potentials (EPSP) following seizures - which may be one of the factors responsible for the behavioral deficits observed in patients with epilepsy. We conclude that incessant transitions between active and silent states in cortico-thalamic circuits induced either by disfacilitation (sleep), cortical deafferentation (4-Hz ictal episodes) and by kindling (outlasting activities) create favorable circumstances for epileptogenesis. The increase in burst-firing, which further induce abnormally strong postsynaptic excitation, shifts the balance of excitation and inhibition toward overexcitation leading to the onset of seizures

    The computational neurology of active vision

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    In this thesis, we appeal to recent developments in theoretical neurobiology – namely, active inference – to understand the active visual system and its disorders. Chapter 1 reviews the neurobiology of active vision. This introduces some of the key conceptual themes around attention and inference that recur through subsequent chapters. Chapter 2 provides a technical overview of active inference, and its interpretation in terms of message passing between populations of neurons. Chapter 3 applies the material in Chapter 2 to provide a computational characterisation of the oculomotor system. This deals with two key challenges in active vision: deciding where to look, and working out how to look there. The homology between this message passing and the brain networks solving these inference problems provide a basis for in silico lesion experiments, and an account of the aberrant neural computations that give rise to clinical oculomotor signs (including internuclear ophthalmoplegia). Chapter 4 picks up on the role of uncertainty resolution in deciding where to look, and examines the role of beliefs about the quality (or precision) of data in perceptual inference. We illustrate how abnormal prior beliefs influence inferences about uncertainty and give rise to neuromodulatory changes and visual hallucinatory phenomena (of the sort associated with synucleinopathies). We then demonstrate how synthetic pharmacological perturbations that alter these neuromodulatory systems give rise to the oculomotor changes associated with drugs acting upon these systems. Chapter 5 develops a model of visual neglect, using an oculomotor version of a line cancellation task. We then test a prediction of this model using magnetoencephalography and dynamic causal modelling. Chapter 6 concludes by situating the work in this thesis in the context of computational neurology. This illustrates how the variational principles used here to characterise the active visual system may be generalised to other sensorimotor systems and their disorders
