184 research outputs found

    Segmentation, Diarization and Speech Transcription: Surprise Data Unraveled

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    In this thesis, research on large vocabulary continuous speech recognition for unknown audio conditions is presented. For automatic speech recognition systems based on statistical methods, it is important that the conditions of the audio used for training the statistical models match the conditions of the audio to be processed. Any mismatch will decrease the accuracy of the recognition. If it is unpredictable what kind of data can be expected, or in other words if the conditions of the audio to be processed are unknown, it is impossible to tune the models. If the material consists of `surprise data' the output of the system is likely to be poor. In this thesis methods are presented for which no external training data is required for training models. These novel methods have been implemented in a large vocabulary continuous speech recognition system called SHoUT. This system consists of three subsystems: speech/non-speech classification, speaker diarization and automatic speech recognition. The speech/non-speech classification subsystem separates speech from silence and unknown audible non-speech events. The type of non-speech present in audio recordings can vary from paper shuffling in recordings of meetings to sound effects in television shows. Because it is unknown what type of non-speech needs to be detected, it is not possible to train high quality statistical models for each type of non-speech sound. The speech/non-speech classification subsystem, also called the speech activity detection subsystem, does not attempt to classify all audible non-speech in a single run. Instead, first a bootstrap speech/silence classification is obtained using a standard speech activity component. Next, the models for speech, silence and audible non-speech are trained on the target audio using the bootstrap classification. This approach makes it possible to classify speech and non-speech with high accuracy, without the need to know what kinds of sound are present in the audio recording. Once all non-speech is filtered out of the audio, it is the task of the speaker diarization subsystem to determine how many speakers occur in the recording and exactly when they are speaking. The speaker diarization subsystem applies agglomerative clustering to create clusters of speech fragments for each speaker in the recording. First, statistical speaker models are created on random chunks of the recording and by iteratively realigning the data, retraining the models and merging models that represent the same speaker, accurate speaker models are obtained for speaker clustering. This method does not require any statistical models developed on a training set, which makes the diarization subsystem insensitive for variation in audio conditions. Unfortunately, because the algorithm is of complexity O(n3)O(n^3), this clustering method is slow for long recordings. Two variations of the subsystem are presented that reduce the needed computational effort, so that the subsystem is applicable for long audio recordings as well. The automatic speech recognition subsystem developed for this research, is based on Viterbi decoding on a fixed pronunciation prefix tree. Using the fixed tree, a flexible modular decoder could be developed, but it was not straightforward to apply full language model look-ahead efficiently. In this thesis a novel method is discussed that makes it possible to apply language model look-ahead effectively on the fixed tree. Also, to obtain higher speech recognition accuracy on audio with unknown acoustical conditions, a selection from the numerous known methods that exist for robust automatic speech recognition is applied and evaluated in this thesis. The three individual subsystems as well as the entire system have been successfully evaluated on three international benchmarks. The diarization subsystem has been evaluated at the NIST RT06s benchmark and the speech activity detection subsystem has been tested at RT07s. The entire system was evaluated at N-Best, the first automatic speech recognition benchmark for Dutch

    Speech Recognition

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    Chapters in the first part of the book cover all the essential speech processing techniques for building robust, automatic speech recognition systems: the representation for speech signals and the methods for speech-features extraction, acoustic and language modeling, efficient algorithms for searching the hypothesis space, and multimodal approaches to speech recognition. The last part of the book is devoted to other speech processing applications that can use the information from automatic speech recognition for speaker identification and tracking, for prosody modeling in emotion-detection systems and in other speech processing applications that are able to operate in real-world environments, like mobile communication services and smart homes

    Analysis of Clickstream Data

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    This thesis is concerned with providing further statistical development in the area of web usage analysis to explore web browsing behaviour patterns. We received two data sources: web log files and operational data files for the websites, which contained information on online purchases. There are many research question regarding web browsing behaviour. Specifically, we focused on the depth-of-visit metric and implemented an exploratory analysis of this feature using clickstream data. Due to the large volume of data available in this context, we chose to present effect size measures along with all statistical analysis of data. We introduced two new robust measures of effect size for two-sample comparison studies for Non-normal situations, specifically where the difference of two populations is due to the shape parameter. The proposed effect sizes perform adequately for non-normal data, as well as when two distributions differ from shape parameters. We will focus on conversion analysis, to investigate the causal relationship between the general clickstream information and online purchasing using a logistic regression approach. The aim is to find a classifier by assigning the probability of the event of online shopping in an e-commerce website. We also develop the application of a mixture of hidden Markov models (MixHMM) to model web browsing behaviour using sequences of web pages viewed by users of an e-commerce website. The mixture of hidden Markov model will be performed in the Bayesian context using Gibbs sampling. We address the slow mixing problem of using Gibbs sampling in high dimensional models, and use the over-relaxed Gibbs sampling, as well as forward-backward EM algorithm to obtain an adequate sample of the posterior distributions of the parameters. The MixHMM provides an advantage of clustering users based on their browsing behaviour, and also gives an automatic classification of web pages based on the probability of observing web page by visitors in the website

    Network Training for Continuous Speech Recognition

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    Spoken language processing is one of the oldest and most natural modes of information exchange between humans beings. For centuries, people have tried to develop machines that can understand and produce speech the way humans do so naturally. The biggest problem in our inability to model speech with computer programs and mathematics results from the fact that language is instinctive, whereas, the vocabulary and dialect used in communication are learned. Human beings are genetically equipped with the ability to learn languages, and culture imprints the vocabulary and dialect on each member of society. This thesis examines the role of pattern classification in the recognition of human speech, i.e., machine learning techniques that are currently being applied to the spoken language processing problem. The primary objective of this thesis is to create a network training paradigm that allows for direct training of multi-path models and alleviates the need for complicated systems and training recipes. A traditional trainer uses an expectation maximization (EM)based supervised training framework to estimate the parameters of a spoken language processing system. EM-based parameter estimation for speech recognition is performed using several complicated stages of iterative reestimation. These stages typically are prone to human error. The network training paradigm reduces the complexity of the training process while retaining the robustness of the EM-based supervised training framework. The hypothesis of this thesis is that the network training paradigm can achieve comparable recognition performance to a traditional trainer while alleviating the need for complicated systems and training recipes for spoken language processing systems

    Learning condition-specific networks

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    Condition-specific cellular networks are networks of genes and proteins that describe functional interactions among genes occurring under different environmental conditions. These networks provide a systems-level view of how the parts-list (genes and proteins) interact within the cell as it functions under changing environmental conditions and can provide insight into mechanisms of stress response, cellular differentiation and disease susceptibility. The principle challenge, however, is that cellular networks remain unknown for most conditions and must be inferred from activity levels of genes (mRNA levels) under different conditions. This dissertation aims to develop computational approaches for inferring, analyzing and validating cellular networks of genes from expression data. This dissertation first describes an unsupervised machine learning framework for inferring cellular networks using expression data from a single condition. Here cellular networks are represented as undirected probabilistic graphical models and are learned using a novel, data-driven algorithm. Then several approaches are described that can learn networks using data from multiple conditions. These approaches apply to cases where the condition may or may not be known and, therefore, must be inferred as part of the learning problem. For the latter, the condition variable is allowed to influence expression of genes at different levels of granularity: condition variable per gene to a single condition variable for all genes. Results on simulated data suggest that the algorithm performance depends greatly on the size and number of connected components of the union network of all conditions. These algorithms are also applied to microarray data from two yeast populations, quiescent and non-quiescent, isolated from glucose starved cultures. Our results suggest that by sharing information across multiple conditions, better networks can be learned for both conditions, with many more biologically meaningful dependencies, than if networks were learned for these conditions independently. In particular, processes that were shared among both cell populations were involved in response to glucose starvation, whereas the processes specific to individual populations captured characteristics unique to each population. These algorithms were also applied for learning networks across multiple species: yeast (S. cerevisiae) and fly (D. melanogaster). Preliminary analysis suggests that sharing patterns across species is much more complex than across different populations of the same species and basic metabolic processes are shared across the two species. Finally, this dissertation focuses on validation of cellular networks. This validation framework describes scores for measuring how well network learning algorithms capture higher-order dependencies. This framework also introduces a measure for evaluating the entire inferred network structure based on the extent to which similarly functioning genes are close together on the network

    Hidden Markov models and neural networks for speech recognition

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    The Hidden Markov Model (HMMs) is one of the most successful modeling approaches for acoustic events in speech recognition, and more recently it has proven useful for several problems in biological sequence analysis. Although the HMM is good at capturing the temporal nature of processes such as speech, it has a very limited capacity for recognizing complex patterns involving more than first order dependencies in the observed data sequences. This is due to the first order state process and the assumption of state conditional independence between observations. Artificial Neural Networks (NNs) are almost the opposite: they cannot model dynamic, temporally extended phenomena very well, but are good at static classification and regression tasks. Combining the two frameworks in a sensible way can therefore lead to a more powerful model with better classification abilities. The overall aim of this work has been to develop a probabilistic hybrid of hidden Markov models and neural networks and ..

    Multi-level acoustic modeling for automatic speech recognition

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2012.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 183-192).Context-dependent acoustic modeling is commonly used in large-vocabulary Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems as a way to model coarticulatory variations that occur during speech production. Typically, the local phoneme context is used as a means to define context-dependent units. Because the number of possible context-dependent units can grow exponentially with the length of the contexts, many units will not have enough training examples to train a robust model, resulting in a data sparsity problem. For nearly two decades, this data sparsity problem has been dealt with by a clustering-based framework which systematically groups different context-dependent units into clusters such that each cluster can have enough data. Although dealing with the data sparsity issue, the clustering-based approach also makes all context-dependent units within a cluster have the same acoustic score, resulting in a quantization effect that can potentially limit the performance of the context-dependent model. In this work, a multi-level acoustic modeling framework is proposed to address both the data sparsity problem and the quantization effect. Under the multi-level framework, each context-dependent unit is associated with classifiers that target multiple levels of contextual resolution, and the outputs of the classifiers are linearly combined for scoring during recognition. By choosing the classifiers judiciously, both the data sparsity problem and the quantization effect can be dealt with. The proposed multi-level framework can also be integrated into existing large-vocabulary ASR systems, such as FST-based ASR systems, and is compatible with state-of-the-art error reduction techniques for ASR systems, such as discriminative training methods. Multiple sets of experiments have been conducted to compare the performance of the clustering-based acoustic model and the proposed multi-level model. In a phonetic recognition experiment on TIMIT, the multi-level model has about 8% relative improvement in terms of phone error rate, showing that the multi-level framework can help improve phonetic prediction accuracy. In a large-vocabulary transcription task, combining the proposed multi-level modeling framework with discriminative training can provide more than 20% relative improvement over a clustering baseline model in terms of Word Error Rate (WER), showing that the multi-level framework can be integrated into existing large-vocabulary decoding frameworks and that it combines well with discriminative training methods. In speaker adaptive transcription task, the multi-level model has about 14% relative WER improvement, showing that the proposed framework can adapt better to new speakers, and potentially to new environments than the conventional clustering-based approach.by Hung-An Chang.Ph.D
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