9 research outputs found

    Providing User Security Guarantees in Public Infrastructure Clouds

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    The infrastructure cloud (IaaS) service model offers improved resource flexibility and availability, where tenants - insulated from the minutiae of hardware maintenance - rent computing resources to deploy and operate complex systems. Large-scale services running on IaaS platforms demonstrate the viability of this model; nevertheless, many organizations operating on sensitive data avoid migrating operations to IaaS platforms due to security concerns. In this paper, we describe a framework for data and operation security in IaaS, consisting of protocols for a trusted launch of virtual machines and domain-based storage protection. We continue with an extensive theoretical analysis with proofs about protocol resistance against attacks in the defined threat model. The protocols allow trust to be established by remotely attesting host platform configuration prior to launching guest virtual machines and ensure confidentiality of data in remote storage, with encryption keys maintained outside of the IaaS domain. Presented experimental results demonstrate the validity and efficiency of the proposed protocols. The framework prototype was implemented on a test bed operating a public electronic health record system, showing that the proposed protocols can be integrated into existing cloud environments

    Mem Tri: Memory Forensics Triage Tool

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    This work explores the development of MemTri. A memory forensics triage tool that can assess the likelihood of criminal activity in a memory image, based on evidence data artefacts generated by several applications. Fictitious illegal suspect activity scenarios were performed on virtual machines to generate 60 test memory images for input into MemTri. Four categories of applications (i.e. Internet Browsers, Instant Messengers, FTP Client and Document Processors) are examined for data artefacts located through the use of regular expressions. These identified data artefacts are then analysed using a Bayesian Network, to assess the likelihood that a seized memory image contained evidence of illegal activity. Currently, MemTri is under development and this paper introduces only the basic concept as well as the components that the application is built on. A complete description of MemTri coupled with extensive experimental results is expected to be published in the first semester of 2017

    TruSDN: Bootstrapping Trust in Cloud Network Infrastructure

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    Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is a novel architectural model for cloud network infrastructure, improving resource utilization, scalability and administration. SDN deployments increasingly rely on virtual switches executing on commodity operating systems with large code bases, which are prime targets for adversaries attacking the network infrastructure. We describe and implement TruSDN, a framework for bootstrapping trust in SDN infrastructure using Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX), allowing to securely deploy SDN components and protect communication between network endpoints. We introduce ephemeral flow-specific pre-shared keys and propose a novel defence against cuckoo attacks on SGX enclaves. TruSDN is secure under a powerful adversary model, with a minor performance overhead

    Footsteps in the fog: Certificateless fog-based access control

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    The proliferating adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm has fuelled the need for more efficient and resilient access control solutions that aim to prevent unauthorized resource access. The majority of existing works in this field follow either a centralized approach (i.e. cloud-based) or an architecture where the IoT devices are responsible for all decision-making functions. Furthermore, the resource-constrained nature of most IoT devices make securing the communication between these devices and the cloud using standard cryptographic solutions difficult. In this paper, we propose a distributed access control architecture where the core components are distributed between fog nodes and the cloud. To facilitate secure communication, our architecture utilizes a Certificateless Hybrid Signcryption scheme without pairing. We prove the effectiveness of our approach by providing a comparative analysis of its performance in comparison to the commonly used cloud-based centralized architectures. Our implementation uses Azure – an existing commercial platform, and Keycloak – an open-source platform, to demonstrate the real-world applicability. Additionally, we measure the performance of the adopted encryption scheme on two types of resource-constrained devices to further emphasize the applicability of the proposed architecture. Finally, the experimental results are coupled with a theoretical analysis that proves the security of our approach

    Footsteps in the fog: Certificateless fog-based access control

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    The proliferating adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm has fuelled the need for more efficient and resilient access control solutions that aim to prevent unauthorized resource access. The majority of existing works in this field follow either a centralized approach (i.e. cloud-based) or an architecture where the IoT devices are responsible for all decision-making functions. Furthermore, the resource-constrained nature of most IoT devices make securing the communication between these devices and the cloud using standard cryptographic solutions difficult. In this paper, we propose a distributed access control architecture where the core components are distributed between fog nodes and the cloud. To facilitate secure communication, our architecture utilizes a Certificateless Hybrid Signcryption scheme without pairing. We prove the effectiveness of our approach by providing a comparative analysis of its performance in comparison to the commonly used cloud-based centralized architectures. Our implementation uses Azure – an existing commercial platform, and Keycloak – an open-source platform, to demonstrate the real-world applicability. Additionally, we measure the performance of the adopted encryption scheme on two types of resource-constrained devices to further emphasize the applicability of the proposed architecture. Finally, the experimental results are coupled with a theoretical analysis that proves the security of our approach

    Secure policies for the distributed virtual machines in mobile cloud computing

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    Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) is a combination of cloud computing and mobile computing through wireless technology in order to overcome mobile devices' resource limitations. In MCC, virtualization plays a key role whereas the cloud resources are shared among many users to help them achieve an efficient performance and exploiting the maximum capacity of the cloud’s servers. However, the lack of security aspect impedes the benefits of virtualization techniques, whereby malicious users can violate and damage sensitive data in distributed Virtual Machines (VMs). Thus, this study aims to provide protection of distributed VMs and mobile user’s sensitive data in terms of security and privacy. This study proposes an approach based on cloud proxy known as Proxy-3S that combines three security policies for VMs; user’s access control, secure allocation, and secure communication. The Proxy-3S keeps the distributed VMs safe in different servers on the cloud. It enhances the grants access authorization for permitted distributed intensive applications’ tasks. Furthermore, an algorithm that enables secure communication among distributed VMs and protection of sensitive data in VMs on the cloud is proposed. A prototype is implemented on a NetworkCloudSim simulator to manage VMs security and data confidentiality automatically. Several experiments were conducted using real-world healthcare distributed application in terms of efficiency, coverage and execution time. The experiments show that the proposed approach achieved lower attacker’s efficiency and coverage ratios; equal to 0.35 and 0.41 respectively in all experimented configurations compared with existing works. In addition, the execution time of the proposed approach is satisfactory ranging from 441ms to 467ms of small and large cloud configurations. This study serves to provide integrity and confidentiality in exchanging sensitive information among multistakeholder in distributed mobile applications