9 research outputs found

    Workflow repository for providing configurable workflow in ERP

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    Workflow pada ERP dengan domain fungsi yang besar rentan dengan adanya duplikasi. Membuat workflow repository yang menyimpan berbagai macam workflow dari proses bisnis ERP yang dapat digunakan untuk menyusun workflow baru sesuai kebutuhan tenant baru Metode yang diusulkan: Metode yang diusulkan terdiri dari 2 tahapan, preprocessing dan processing. Tahap preprocessing bertujuan untuk mencari common dan sub variant dari existing workflow variant. Workflow variant yang disimpan oleh pengguna adalah Procure to Pay workflow. Variasi tersebut diseleksi berdasarkan kemiripannya dengan similarity filtering, kemudian dimerge untuk mencari common dan sub variantnya. Common dan sub variant disimpan menggunakan metadata yang dipetakan pada basis data relasional. Deteksi common dan sub variant workflow mencapai tingkat akurasi sebesar 92%. Ccommon workflow terdiri dari 3-common dari 8-variant workflow. Common workflow tersebut memiliki tingkat kompleksitas lebih rendah 10% dari model sebelumnya. Tahapan processing adalah tahapan penyediaan configurable workflow. Pengguna memasukan query model untuk mencari workflow yang diinginkan. Dengan menggunakan metode similarity filtering, didapatkan common dan/atau sub variant yang memungkinkan. Pengguna dapat menggunakan common workflow melalui workflow designer untuk melakukan rekomposisi ulang. Penyediaan configurable workflow oleh ERP mencapai tingkat 100% dimana apapun yang diinginkan pengguna dapat disediakaan workflownya oleh ERP, ataupun sebagai dasar membentuk workflow yang lain. Berdasarkan hasil percobaan, tempat penyimpanan workflow dapat dibangun dengan arsitektur yang diajukan dan mampu menyimpan dan menyediakan workflow. Tempat penyimpanan ERP mampu mendeteksi workflow yang bersifat common dan sub variant. Tempat penyimpanan ERP mampu menyediakan configurable workflow, dimana pengguna dapat memanfaatkan common dan sub variant workflow untuk menjadi dasar mengkomposisi workflow yang lain. =================================================================================================== Workflow in ERP which covered big domain faced duplication issues. Scope of this research was developing workflow from business process ERP which could be used for required workflow as user needs. Proposed approach consisted of 2 stages preprocessing and processing. Preprocessing stages aimed for finding common and variant of sub workflow based on existing workflow variant. The workflow variants that were stored by user were procured to pay workflow. The workflows was filtered by similarity filtering method then merged for identifying the common and variant of sub workflow. The common and sub variant workflow were stored using metadata that mapped into relational database. The common and variant of sub workflow detection achieved 92% accuracy. The common workflow consisted of 3- the common workflow from 8-variant workflow. The common workflow has 10% lesser complexity than its predecessor. Processing was providing configurable workflow. User inputted query model to find required workflow. Utilizing similarity filtering, possible the common and variant of sub workflow was collected. User used the common workflow through workflow designer to recompose. Providing configurable workflow ERP achieved 100%, where any user need would be provided by ERP, as workflow or as based template for creating other. Based on evaluation, repository was built based on proposed architecture and was able to store or provide workflow. Repository detected workflow whether common or variant of sub workflow. Repository ERP was able to provide configurable ERP, where user utilized common and variant of sub workflow as based for creating one of their need

    APQL: A process-model query language

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    As business process management technology matures, organisations acquire more and more business process models. The management of the resulting collections of process models poses real challenges. One of these challenges concerns model retrieval where support should be provided for the formulation and efficient execution of business process model queries. As queries based on only structural information cannot deal with all querying requirements in practice, there should be support for queries that require knowledge of process model semantics. In this paper we formally define a process model query language that is based on semantic relationships between tasks in process models and is independent of any particular process modelling notation

    The potential of a data centred approach & knowledge graph data representation in chemical safety and drug design

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    Big Data pervades nearly all areas of life sciences, yet the analysis of large integrated data sets remains a major challenge. Moreover, the field of life sciences is highly fragmented and, consequently, so is its data, knowledge, and standards. This, in turn, makes integrated data analysis and knowledge gathering across sub-fields a demanding task. At the same time, the integration of various research angles and data types is crucial for modelling the complexity of organisms and biological processes in a holistic manner. This is especially valid in the context of drug development and chemical safety assessment where computational methods can provide solutions for the urgent need of fast, effective, and sustainable approaches. At the same time, such computational methods require the development of methodologies suitable for an inte-grated and data centred Big Data view. Here we discuss Knowledge Graphs (KG) as a solution to a data centred analysis approach for drug and chemical development and safety assessment. KGs are knowledge bases, data analysis engines, and knowledge discovery systems all in one, allowing them to be used from simple data retrieval, over meta-analysis to complex predictive and knowledge discovery systems. Therefore, KGs have immense potential to advance the data centred approach, the re-usability, and infor-mativity of data. Furthermore, they can improve the power of analysis, and the complexity of modelled processes, all while providing knowledge in a natively human understandable network data model. (c) 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Research Network of Computational and Structural Biotechnology. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creative-commons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).Peer reviewe

    Proceedings of the 2nd Int'l Workshop on Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures - Concepts and Applications (EMISA'07)

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    The 2nd International Workshop on “Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures – Concepts and Applications” (EMISA’07) addresses all aspects relevant for enterprise modelling as well as for designing enterprise architectures in general and information systems architectures in particular. It was jointly organized by the GI Special Interest Group on Modelling Business Information Systems (GI-SIG MoBIS) and the GI Special Interest Group on Design Methods for Information Systems (GI-SIG EMISA). -- These proceedings feature a selection of 15 high quality contributions from academia and practice on enterprise architecture models, business processes management, information systems engineering, and other important issues in enterprise modelling and information systems architectures

    Collaborative Development of Informal Processes

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    Ähnlichkeitsbasierte Suche in GeschĂ€ftsprozessmodelldatenbanken

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    Die Wiederverwendung von Prozessmodellen bietet sich zur Reduzierung des hohen Modellierungsaufwands an. Allerdings ist das Auffinden von Ă€hnlichen Modellen in großen Modellsammlungen manuell nicht effizient möglich. Hilfreich sind daher Suchmöglichkeiten nach relevanten Modellen, die als Vorlage zur Modellierung genutzt werden können. In dieser Arbeit werden AnsĂ€tze beschrieben, um innerhalb von Prozessmodellbibliotheken nach Ă€hnlichen Modellen und AktivitĂ€ten zu suchen

    ProcessGene Query – a Tool for Querying the Content Layer of Business Process Models

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    Abstract. One of the main challenges currently facing the world of enterprise information technology in general and ERP/SCM/CRM systems in particular, is visibility into the business of organizations. While the phenomena of devising supporting tools for process execution frameworks is widespread in academia and practice, there have been few attempts to develop methodologies and software tools that support structured analysis of the business process content layer. The incorporation of content into a business process model produces complexity in the sense that it adds semantics and relationships of actual business data. To confront this complexity, this research suggests a framework and a supporting software tool “ProcessGene Query ” for conducting search-queries on business process models.