7 research outputs found

    n-Gram-based text compression

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    We propose an efficient method for compressing Vietnamese text using n-gram dictionaries. It has a significant compression ratio in comparison with those of state-of-the-art methods on the same dataset. Given a text, first, the proposed method splits it into n-grams and then encodes them based on n-gram dictionaries. In the encoding phase, we use a sliding window with a size that ranges from bigram to five grams to obtain the best encoding stream. Each n-gram is encoded by two to four bytes accordingly based on its corresponding n-gram dictionary. We collected 2.5 GB text corpus from some Vietnamese news agencies to build n-gram dictionaries from unigram to five grams and achieve dictionaries with a size of 12 GB in total. In order to evaluate our method, we collected a testing set of 10 different text files with different sizes. The experimental results indicate that our method achieves compression ratio around 90% and outperforms state-of-the-art methods.Web of Scienceart. no. 948364

    Ptolemaic Indexing

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    This paper discusses a new family of bounds for use in similarity search, related to those used in metric indexing, but based on Ptolemy's inequality, rather than the metric axioms. Ptolemy's inequality holds for the well-known Euclidean distance, but is also shown here to hold for quadratic form metrics in general, with Mahalanobis distance as an important special case. The inequality is examined empirically on both synthetic and real-world data sets and is also found to hold approximately, with a very low degree of error, for important distances such as the angular pseudometric and several Lp norms. Indexing experiments demonstrate a highly increased filtering power compared to existing, triangular methods. It is also shown that combining the Ptolemaic and triangular filtering can lead to better results than using either approach on its own

    Integrated smoothed location model and data reduction approaches for multi variables classification

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    Smoothed Location Model is a classification rule that deals with mixture of continuous variables and binary variables simultaneously. This rule discriminates groups in a parametric form using conditional distribution of the continuous variables given each pattern of the binary variables. To conduct a practical classification analysis, the objects must first be sorted into the cells of a multinomial table generated from the binary variables. Then, the parameters in each cell will be estimated using the sorted objects. However, in many situations, the estimated parameters are poor if the number of binary is large relative to the size of sample. Large binary variables will create too many multinomial cells which are empty, leading to high sparsity problem and finally give exceedingly poor performance for the constructed rule. In the worst case scenario, the rule cannot be constructed. To overcome such shortcomings, this study proposes new strategies to extract adequate variables that contribute to optimum performance of the rule. Combinations of two extraction techniques are introduced, namely 2PCA and PCA+MCA with new cutpoints of eigenvalue and total variance explained, to determine adequate extracted variables which lead to minimum misclassification rate. The outcomes from these extraction techniques are used to construct the smoothed location models, which then produce two new approaches of classification called 2PCALM and 2DLM. Numerical evidence from simulation studies demonstrates that the computed misclassification rate indicates no significant difference between the extraction techniques in normal and non-normal data. Nevertheless, both proposed approaches are slightly affected for non-normal data and severely affected for highly overlapping groups. Investigations on some real data sets show that the two approaches are competitive with, and better than other existing classification methods. The overall findings reveal that both proposed approaches can be considered as improvement to the location model, and alternatives to other classification methods particularly in handling mixed variables with large binary size

    Named Entity Recognition and Text Compression

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    Import 13/01/2017In recent years, social networks have become very popular. It is easy for users to share their data using online social networks. Since data on social networks is idiomatic, irregular, brief, and includes acronyms and spelling errors, dealing with such data is more challenging than that of news or formal texts. With the huge volume of posts each day, effective extraction and processing of these data will bring great benefit to information extraction applications. This thesis proposes a method to normalize Vietnamese informal text in social networks. This method has the ability to identify and normalize informal text based on the structure of Vietnamese words, Vietnamese syllable rules, and a trigram model. After normalization, the data will be processed by a named entity recognition (NER) model to identify and classify the named entities in these data. In our NER model, we use six different types of features to recognize named entities categorized in three predefined classes: Person (PER), Location (LOC), and Organization (ORG). When viewing social network data, we found that the size of these data are very large and increase daily. This raises the challenge of how to decrease this size. Due to the size of the data to be normalized, we use a trigram dictionary that is quite big, therefore we also need to decrease its size. To deal with this challenge, in this thesis, we propose three methods to compress text files, especially in Vietnamese text. The first method is a syllable-based method relying on the structure of Vietnamese morphosyllables, consonants, syllables and vowels. The second method is trigram-based Vietnamese text compression based on a trigram dictionary. The last method is based on an n-gram slide window, in which we use five dictionaries for unigrams, bigrams, trigrams, four-grams and five-grams. This method achieves a promising compression ratio of around 90% and can be used for any size of text file.In recent years, social networks have become very popular. It is easy for users to share their data using online social networks. Since data on social networks is idiomatic, irregular, brief, and includes acronyms and spelling errors, dealing with such data is more challenging than that of news or formal texts. With the huge volume of posts each day, effective extraction and processing of these data will bring great benefit to information extraction applications. This thesis proposes a method to normalize Vietnamese informal text in social networks. This method has the ability to identify and normalize informal text based on the structure of Vietnamese words, Vietnamese syllable rules, and a trigram model. After normalization, the data will be processed by a named entity recognition (NER) model to identify and classify the named entities in these data. In our NER model, we use six different types of features to recognize named entities categorized in three predefined classes: Person (PER), Location (LOC), and Organization (ORG). When viewing social network data, we found that the size of these data are very large and increase daily. This raises the challenge of how to decrease this size. Due to the size of the data to be normalized, we use a trigram dictionary that is quite big, therefore we also need to decrease its size. To deal with this challenge, in this thesis, we propose three methods to compress text files, especially in Vietnamese text. The first method is a syllable-based method relying on the structure of Vietnamese morphosyllables, consonants, syllables and vowels. The second method is trigram-based Vietnamese text compression based on a trigram dictionary. The last method is based on an n-gram slide window, in which we use five dictionaries for unigrams, bigrams, trigrams, four-grams and five-grams. This method achieves a promising compression ratio of around 90% and can be used for any size of text file.460 - Katedra informatikyvyhově

    Label monitoring on document streams

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    Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Informatik, Diss., 2012von René Schul

    Adaptive anwendungsspezifische Verarbeitung von XML-Dokumenten

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    In dieser Arbeit wird ein Konzept vorgeschlagen, mit dem neue hohere Operatoren auf der Grundlage existierender Operatoren einer XML-Transformationsprache aufgebaut werden können. Durch das Zusammenfassen von immer wieder auftretenden Operatorkombinationen zu höheren Operatoren können Transformationsdefinitionen bspw. kürzer und verständlicher beschrieben werden. Zur Umsetzung des Konzeptes ist die Ausführungsumgebung XTC entstanden. XTC koordiniert den Ablauf, um höhere Operatoren in niedrigere, letztendlich elementare Operatoren einer Basistransformationssprache zu überführen. Neben XTC wird das Generatorsystem XOpGen entwickelt, welches den Implementierungsaufwand für die neuen höheren Operatoren weiter verringert. Das Potential von höheren Operatoren wird an der vom W3C standardisierten XML-Transformationssprache XSLT demonstriert. XSLT wird mit verschiedenen, sowohl universellen als auch domänenspezifischen, Operatoren erweitert

    Neue Indexingverfahren für die Ähnlichkeitssuche in metrischen Räumen über großen Datenmengen

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    Ein zunehmend wichtiges Thema in der Informatik ist der Umgang mit Ähnlichkeit in einer großen Anzahl unterschiedlicher Domänen. Derzeit existiert keine universell verwendbare Infrastruktur für die Ähnlichkeitssuche in allgemeinen metrischen Räumen. Ziel der Arbeit ist es, die Grundlage für eine derartige Infrastruktur zu legen, die in klassische Datenbankmanagementsysteme integriert werden könnte. Im Rahmen einer Analyse des State of the Art wird der M-Baum als am besten geeignete Basisstruktur identifiziert. Dieser wird anschließend zum EM-Baum erweitert, wobei strukturelle Kompatibilität mit dem M-Baum erhalten wird. Die Abfragealgorithmen werden im Hinblick auf eine Minimierung notwendiger Distanzberechnungen optimiert. Aufbauend auf einer mathematischen Analyse der Beziehung zwischen Baumstruktur und Abfrageaufwand werden Freiheitsgrade in Baumänderungsalgorithmen genutzt, um Bäume so zu konstruieren, dass Ähnlichkeitsanfragen mit einer minimalen Anzahl an Anfrageoperationen beantwortet werden können.A topic of growing importance in computer science is the handling of similarity in multiple heterogenous domains. Currently there is no common infrastructure to support this for the general metric space. The goal of this work is lay the foundation for such an infrastructure, which could be integrated into classical data base management systems. After some analysis of the state of the art the M-Tree is identified as most suitable base and enhanced in multiple ways to the EM-Tree retaining structural compatibility. The query algorithms are optimized to reduce the number of necessary distance calculations. On the basis of a mathematical analysis of the relation between the tree structure and the query performance degrees of freedom in the tree edit algorithms are used to build trees optimized for answering similarity queries using a minimal number of distance calculations