8 research outputs found

    Comparison and Characterization of Android-Based Fall Detection Systems

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    Falls are a foremost source of injuries and hospitalization for seniors. The adoption of automatic fall detection mechanisms can noticeably reduce the response time of the medical staff or caregivers when a fall takes place. Smartphones are being increasingly proposed as wearable, cost-effective and not-intrusive systems for fall detection. The exploitation of smartphones’ potential (and in particular, the Android Operating System) can benefit from the wide implantation, the growing computational capabilities and the diversity of communication interfaces and embedded sensors of these personal devices. After revising the state-of-the-art on this matter, this study develops an experimental testbed to assess the performance of different fall detection algorithms that ground their decisions on the analysis of the inertial data registered by the accelerometer of the smartphone. Results obtained in a real testbed with diverse individuals indicate that the accuracy of the accelerometry-based techniques to identify the falls depends strongly on the fall pattern. The performed tests also show the difficulty to set detection acceleration thresholds that allow achieving a good trade-off between false negatives (falls that remain unnoticed) and false positives (conventional movements that are erroneously classified as falls). In any case, the study of the evolution of the battery drain reveals that the extra power consumption introduced by the Android monitoring applications cannot be neglected when evaluating the autonomy and even the viability of fall detection systems.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2009-13763-C02-0

    Data Science and Knowledge Discovery

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    Data Science (DS) is gaining significant importance in the decision process due to a mix of various areas, including Computer Science, Machine Learning, Math and Statistics, domain/business knowledge, software development, and traditional research. In the business field, DS's application allows using scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and systems to extract knowledge and insights from structured and unstructured data to support the decision process. After collecting the data, it is crucial to discover the knowledge. In this step, Knowledge Discovery (KD) tasks are used to create knowledge from structured and unstructured sources (e.g., text, data, and images). The output needs to be in a readable and interpretable format. It must represent knowledge in a manner that facilitates inferencing. KD is applied in several areas, such as education, health, accounting, energy, and public administration. This book includes fourteen excellent articles which discuss this trending topic and present innovative solutions to show the importance of Data Science and Knowledge Discovery to researchers, managers, industry, society, and other communities. The chapters address several topics like Data mining, Deep Learning, Data Visualization and Analytics, Semantic data, Geospatial and Spatio-Temporal Data, Data Augmentation and Text Mining

    Automatic understanding of multimodal content for Web-based learning

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    Web-based learning has become an integral part of everyday life for all ages and backgrounds. On the one hand, the advantages of this learning type, such as availability, accessibility, flexibility, and cost, are apparent. On the other hand, the oversupply of content can lead to learners struggling to find optimal resources efficiently. The interdisciplinary research field Search as Learning is concerned with the analysis and improvement of Web-based learning processes, both on the learner and the computer science side. So far, automatic approaches that assess and recommend learning resources in Search as Learning (SAL) focus on textual, resource, and behavioral features. However, these approaches commonly ignore multimodal aspects. This work addresses this research gap by proposing several approaches that address the question of how multimodal retrieval methods can help support learning on the Web. First, we evaluate whether textual metadata of the TIB AV-Portal can be exploited and enriched by semantic word embeddings to generate video recommendations and, in addition, a video summarization technique to improve exploratory search. Then we turn to the challenging task of knowledge gain prediction that estimates the potential learning success given a specific learning resource. We used data from two user studies for our approaches. The first one observes the knowledge gain when learning with videos in a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) setting, while the second one provides an informal Web-based learning setting where the subjects have unrestricted access to the Internet. We then extend the purely textual features to include visual, audio, and cross-modal features for a holistic representation of learning resources. By correlating these features with the achieved knowledge gain, we can estimate the impact of a particular learning resource on learning success. We further investigate the influence of multimodal data on the learning process by examining how the combination of visual and textual content generally conveys information. For this purpose, we draw on work from linguistics and visual communications, which investigated the relationship between image and text by means of different metrics and categorizations for several decades. We concretize these metrics to enable their compatibility for machine learning purposes. This process includes the derivation of semantic image-text classes from these metrics. We evaluate all proposals with comprehensive experiments and discuss their impacts and limitations at the end of the thesis.Web-basiertes Lernen ist ein fester Bestandteil des Alltags aller Alters- und Bevölkerungsschichten geworden. Einerseits liegen die Vorteile dieser Art des Lernens wie Verfügbarkeit, Zugänglichkeit, Flexibilität oder Kosten auf der Hand. Andererseits kann das Überangebot an Inhalten auch dazu führen, dass Lernende nicht in der Lage sind optimale Ressourcen effizient zu finden. Das interdisziplinäre Forschungsfeld Search as Learning beschäftigt sich mit der Analyse und Verbesserung von Web-basierten Lernprozessen. Bisher sind automatische Ansätze bei der Bewertung und Empfehlung von Lernressourcen fokussiert auf monomodale Merkmale, wie Text oder Dokumentstruktur. Die multimodale Betrachtung ist hingegen noch nicht ausreichend erforscht. Daher befasst sich diese Arbeit mit der Frage wie Methoden des Multimedia Retrievals dazu beitragen können das Lernen im Web zu unterstützen. Zunächst wird evaluiert, ob textuelle Metadaten des TIB AV-Portals genutzt werden können um in Verbindung mit semantischen Worteinbettungen einerseits Videoempfehlungen zu generieren und andererseits Visualisierungen zur Inhaltszusammenfassung von Videos abzuleiten. Anschließend wenden wir uns der anspruchsvollen Aufgabe der Vorhersage des Wissenszuwachses zu, die den potenziellen Lernerfolg einer Lernressource schätzt. Wir haben für unsere Ansätze Daten aus zwei Nutzerstudien verwendet. In der ersten wird der Wissenszuwachs beim Lernen mit Videos in einem MOOC-Setting beobachtet, während die zweite eine informelle web-basierte Lernumgebung bietet, in der die Probanden uneingeschränkten Internetzugang haben. Anschließend erweitern wir die rein textuellen Merkmale um visuelle, akustische und cross-modale Merkmale für eine ganzheitliche Darstellung der Lernressourcen. Durch die Korrelation dieser Merkmale mit dem erzielten Wissenszuwachs können wir den Einfluss einer Lernressource auf den Lernerfolg vorhersagen. Weiterhin untersuchen wir wie verschiedene Kombinationen von visuellen und textuellen Inhalten Informationen generell vermitteln. Dazu greifen wir auf Arbeiten aus der Linguistik und der visuellen Kommunikation zurück, die seit mehreren Jahrzehnten die Beziehung zwischen Bild und Text untersucht haben. Wir konkretisieren vorhandene Metriken, um ihre Verwendung für maschinelles Lernen zu ermöglichen. Dieser Prozess beinhaltet die Ableitung semantischer Bild-Text-Klassen. Wir evaluieren alle Ansätze mit umfangreichen Experimenten und diskutieren ihre Auswirkungen und Limitierungen am Ende der Arbeit

    Toward a broadband service delivery model over wireless technologies to resource-constrained public high schools in South Africa

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    Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are capable of expanding access to quality education, educational resources, and also provide teachers with new skills. Nevertheless, a majority of rural public schools have limited ICTs, mainly due to geographical landscape, lack of service delivery and poverty. As a result, they currently seem not to be adequately benefiting from current advancements in ICTs. The main objective of this research study was to investigate an appropriate broadband services delivery model using wireless access technologies, such as a Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) and Enhanced data rates for GSM Evolution (EDGE) to deliver electronic-based educational information to resource-constrained public high schools. An exploratory case study approach was adopted to identify and understand the challenges faced by rural schools in the Greater Tubatse Municipality (GTM), including educational services and content considered by the schools as relevant and useful. The research results indicate that resource-constrained schools in the GTM are facing challenges of lack of access to electronic educational information and services, and as a result, teaching and learning becomes limiting and challenging. Based on the research findings, the results show that having access to learning material via electronic platforms could afford educators and learners the opportunity to interact with the outside world, improve learning and teaching and benefit the community as a whole. The broadband services delivery conceptual model (BSDCM) was proposed, developed and evaluated to address the lack of electronic educational information and services for resource-constrained public high schools. The BSDCM is composed of both technical and non-technical components that consider requirements of all role players, ICT challenges, policy makers and Information Communication Technology for Education (ICT4ED) interventions. The proposed model addressed some of the challenges regarding lack of access to educational content. However, it is recommended that the ICT4ED policies governing the use of mobile devices in the classrooms be introduced by the relevant authorities. In addition, a comparative analysis of other network technologies should be conducted to establish if the TCP/IP header compression on Point to Point Protocol (PPP) improves the performance of the network in resource-constrained environments. Furthermore, it is recommended that further research and experiments be conducted to determine if other various third party content providers could create and deploy various educational services and content for different computing platforms using the proposed BSDCM.School of ComputingM. Tech (Information Technology

    Parameter-free agglomerative hierarchical clustering to model learners' activity in online discussion forums

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    L'anàlisi de l'activitat dels estudiants en els fòrums de discussió online implica un problema de modelització altament depenent del context, el qual pot ser plantejat des d'aproximacions tant teòriques com empíriques. Quan aquest problema és abordat des de l'àmbit de la mineria de dades, l'enfocament més comunament adoptat és el de la classificació no supervisada (o clustering), donant lloc, d'aquesta manera, a un escenari de clustering en el qual el nombre real de clústers és a priori desconegut. Per tant, aquesta aproximació revela una qüestió subjacent, la qual no és sinó un dels problemes més coneguts del paradigma del clustering: l'estimació del nombre de clústers, habitualment seleccionat per l'usuari concorde a algun tipus de criteri subjectiu que pot comportar fàcilment l'aparició de biaixos indesitjats en els models obtinguts. Amb l'objectiu d'evitar qualsevol intervenció de l'usuari en l'etapa de clustering, dos nous criteris d'unió entre clústers són proposats en la present tesi, els quals, al seu torn, permeten la implementació d'un nou algorisme de clustering jeràrquic aglomeratiu lliure de paràmetres. Un complet conjunt d'experiments indica que el nou algorisme de clustering és capaç de proporcionar solucions de clustering òptimes enfront d'una gran varietat d'escenaris de clustering, sent capaç de bregar amb diferents classes de dades, així com de millorar el rendiment ofert pels algorismes de clustering més àmpliament emprats en la pràctica. Finalment, una estratègia d'anàlisi de dues etapes basada en el paradigma del clustering subespaial és proposada a fi d'abordar adequadament el problema de la modelització de la participació dels estudiants en les discussions asíncrones. Combinada amb el nou algorisme clustering, l'estratègia proposada demostra ser capaç de limitar la intervenció subjectiva de l'usuari a les etapes d'interpretació del procés d'anàlisi i de donar lloc a una completa modelització de l'activitat duta a terme pels estudiants en els fòrums de discussió online.El análisis de la actividad de los estudiantes en los foros de discusión online acarrea un problema de modelización altamente dependiente del contexto, el cual puede ser planteado desde aproximaciones tanto teóricas como empíricas. Cuando este problema es abordado desde el ámbito de la minería de datos, el enfoque más comúnmente adoptado es el de la clasificación no supervisada (o clustering), dando lugar, de este modo, a un escenario de clustering en el que el número real de clusters es a priori desconocido. Por tanto, esta aproximación revela una cuestión subyacente, la cual no es sino uno de los problemas más conocidos del paradigma del clustering: la estimación del número de clusters, habitualmente seleccionado por el usuario acorde a algún tipo de criterio subjetivo que puede conllevar fácilmente la aparición de sesgos indeseados en los modelos obtenidos. Con el objetivo de evitar cualquier intervención del usuario en la etapa de clustering, dos nuevos criterios de unión entre clusters son propuestos en la presente tesis, los cuales, a su vez, permiten la implementación de un nuevo algoritmo de clustering jerárquico aglomerativo libre de parámetros. Un completo conjunto de experimentos indica que el nuevo algoritmo de clustering es capaz de proporcionar soluciones de clustering óptimas frente a una gran variedad de escenarios de clustering, siendo capaz de lidiar con diferentes clases de datos, así como de mejorar el rendimiento ofrecido por los algoritmos de clustering más ampliamente utilizados en la práctica. Finalmente, una estrategia de análisis de dos etapas basada en el paradigma del clustering subespacial es propuesta a fin de abordar adecuadamente el problema de la modelización de la participación de los estudiantes en las discusiones asíncronas. Combinada con el nuevo algoritmo clustering, la estrategia propuesta demuestra ser capaz de limitar la intervención subjetiva del usuario a las etapas de interpretación del proceso de análisis y de dar lugar a una completa modelización de la actividad llevada a cabo por los estudiantes en los foros de discusión online.The analysis of learners' activity in online discussion forums leads to a highly context-dependent modelling problem, which can be posed from both theoretical and empirical approaches. When this problem is tackled from the data mining field, a clustering-based perspective is usually adopted, thus giving rise to a clustering scenario where the real number of clusters is a priori unknown. Hence, this approach reveals an underlying problem, which is one of the best-known issues of the clustering paradigm: the estimation of the number of clusters, habitually selected by user according to some kind of subjective criterion that may easily lead to the appearance of undesired biases in the obtained models. With the aim of avoiding any user intervention in the cluster analysis stage, two new cluster merging criteria are proposed in the present thesis, which allow to implement a novel parameter-free agglomerative hierarchical algorithm. A complete set of experiments indicate that the new clustering algorithm is able to provide optimal clustering solutions in the face of a great variety of clustering scenarios, both having the ability to deal with different kinds of data and outperforming clustering algorithms most widely used in practice. Finally, a two-stage analysis strategy based on the subspace clustering paradigm is proposed to properly tackle the issue of modelling learners' participation in the asynchronous discussions. In combination with the new clustering algorithm, the proposed strategy proves to be able to limit user's subjective intervention to the interpretation stages of the analysis process and to lead to a complete modelling of the activity performed by learners in online discussion forums

    CACIC 2015 : XXI Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación. Libro de actas

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    Actas del XXI Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación (CACIC 2015), realizado en Sede UNNOBA Junín, del 5 al 9 de octubre de 2015.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI