914 research outputs found

    Revisiting the high-performance reconfigurable computing for future datacenters

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    Modern datacenters are reinforcing the computational power and energy efficiency by assimilating field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). The sustainability of this large-scale integration depends on enabling multi-tenant FPGAs. This requisite amplifies the importance of communication architecture and virtualization method with the required features in order to meet the high-end objective. Consequently, in the last decade, academia and industry proposed several virtualization techniques and hardware architectures for addressing resource management, scheduling, adoptability, segregation, scalability, performance-overhead, availability, programmability, time-to-market, security, and mainly, multitenancy. This paper provides an extensive survey covering three important aspects-discussion on non-standard terms used in existing literature, network-on-chip evaluation choices as a mean to explore the communication architecture, and virtualization methods under latest classification. The purpose is to emphasize the importance of choosing appropriate communication architecture, virtualization technique and standard language to evolve the multi-tenant FPGAs in datacenters. None of the previous surveys encapsulated these aspects in one writing. Open problems are indicated for scientific community as well

    Investigating Advances in the Acquisition of Secure Systems Based on Open Architecture, Open Source Software, and Software Product Lines

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    Naval Postgraduate School Acquisition Research Progra

    Estudo de modos de comando em cenårios de interacção gestual

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    Tese de mestrado, Engenharia InformĂĄtica (Sistemas de Informação), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de CiĂȘncias, 2010Recentemente, tem-se assistido a uma “revolução tecnolĂłgica” na concepção de dispositivos computacionais que visam a interacção pessoa-mĂĄquina. Os perifĂ©ricos de entrada deixaram de ser a Ășnica forma de transmitir intençÔes Ă s mĂĄquinas, sendo agora possĂ­vel fazĂȘ-lo com o prĂłprio corpo. Dispositivos que permitem interacção por toque estĂŁo-se a disseminar por locais pĂșblicos, mas nĂŁo Ă© sĂł nestes locais que o fenĂłmeno se verifica. A quantidade de produtos comerciais que permitem este gĂ©nero de interacção tambĂ©m nĂŁo pĂĄra de aumentar, pelo que Ă© necessĂĄrio compreender as vantagens e desvantagens da interacção gestual e tornĂĄ-la cada vez mais eficaz. Existem muitas tecnologias que possibilitam a construção de dispositivos tĂĄcteis, variando nas suas capacidades e custos. O estudo dessas tecnologias, no decorrer deste trabalho, resultou na construção de uma mesa interactiva multi-toque de “baixo custo”. Nos dispositivos vocacionados para interacção gestual as dimensĂ”es da superfĂ­cie com a qual Ă© possĂ­vel interagir sĂŁo iguais Ă s dimensĂ”es do ecrĂŁ, o que leva Ă  necessidade de ter uma especial atenção na concepção de aplicaçÔes para estes dispositivos. As caracterĂ­sticas de uma interface concebida para um ecrĂŁ de grandes dimensĂ”es poderĂŁo nĂŁo ser adequadas para um ecrĂŁ de dimensĂ”es mais reduzidas, e vice-versa. AlĂ©m das dimensĂ”es, o gĂ©nero de aplicação tambĂ©m influencia o paradigma de interacção. No caso especĂ­fico de interacção gestual em aplicaçÔes de desenho existe a dificuldade acrescida da aplicação compreender quando o gesto do utilizador tem por objectivo desenhar ou executar um comando. Neste trabalho sĂŁo apresentados dois conjuntos de gestos de comando com o objectivo de eliminar a ambiguidade existente entre os gestos em aplicaçÔes de desenho. SĂŁo tambĂ©m apresentadas as conclusĂ”es de estudos conduzidos para atestar a qualidade dos conjuntos propostos, assim como a sua adequabilidade relativamente a diferentes dimensĂ”es de ecrĂŁ.Lately we’ve been witnessing a “technologic revolution” in the making of devices that allow human-computer interaction. Input devices are no longer the only way to instruct intentions to computers. It’s now possible to do the same using one's own body. Devices that allow touch interaction are being disseminated in public places, but it’s not only in those places that the phenomenon occurs. The number of commercial products that allow this kind of interaction doesn’t stop growing. So, it’s of vital importance to understand the advantages and disadvantages of gestural interaction and make it more effective. There are a lot of technologies that allow the construction of tactile devices, going through a wide range of capabilities and manufacturing costs. The study of those technologies, during this work, resulted in the construction of a “low-cost” multi-touch interactive table. In devices oriented for gestural interaction, the dimensions of the surface of interaction are equal to the dimensions of the screen, which demands a special attention in the design of applications for those devices. The features of an interface conceived for a large screen may not be suitable for a screen of smaller dimensions, and vice-versa. Apart from the dimensions, the kind of application can also influence the interaction paradigm. In the specific case of gestural interaction in drawing applications there’s also the increased difficulty of making the application understand when the gesture has the objective of drawing or, instead, executing a command. In this work, two sets of command gestures are introduced, with the goal of disambiguating the intent of gestures in drawing applications. Also presented are the conclusions of studies who aimed to test the quality of the proposed sets, as well as their suitability to multi-sized screens

    SensiCut: Material-Aware Laser Cutting Using Speckle Sensing and Deep Learning

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    Laser cutter users face difficulties distinguishing between visually similar materials. This can lead to problems, such as using the wrong power/speed settings or accidentally cutting hazardous materials. To support users, we present SensiCut, an integrated material sensing platform for laser cutters. SensiCut enables material awareness beyond what users are able to see and reliably differentiates among similar-looking types. It achieves this by detecting materials' surface structures using speckle sensing and deep learning. SensiCut consists of a compact hardware add-on for laser cutters and a user interface that integrates material sensing into the laser cutting workflow. In addition to improving the traditional workflow and its safety1, SensiCut enables new applications, such as automatically partitioning designs when engraving on multi-material objects or adjusting their geometry based on the kerf of the identified material. We evaluate SensiCut's accuracy for different types of materials under different sheet orientations and illumination conditions

    The embedded Java benchmark suite JemBench

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    Detecting and Classifying Human Touches in a Social Robot Through Acoustic Sensing and Machine Learning

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    An important aspect in Human-Robot Interaction is responding to different kinds of touch stimuli. To date, several technologies have been explored to determine how a touch is perceived by a social robot, usually placing a large number of sensors throughout the robot's shell. In this work, we introduce a novel approach, where the audio acquired from contact microphones located in the robot's shell is processed using machine learning techniques to distinguish between different types of touches. The system is able to determine when the robot is touched (touch detection), and to ascertain the kind of touch performed among a set of possibilities: stroke, tap, slap, and tickle (touch classification). This proposal is cost-effective since just a few microphones are able to cover the whole robot's shell since a single microphone is enough to cover each solid part of the robot. Besides, it is easy to install and configure as it just requires a contact surface to attach the microphone to the robot's shell and plug it into the robot's computer. Results show the high accuracy scores in touch gesture recognition. The testing phase revealed that Logistic Model Trees achieved the best performance, with an F-score of 0.81. The dataset was built with information from 25 participants performing a total of 1981 touch gestures.The research leading to these results has received funding from the projects: Development of social robots to help seniors with cognitive impairment (ROBSEN), funded by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad; and RoboCity2030-III-CM, funded by Comunidad de Madrid and cofunded by Structural Funds of the EU.Publicad

    Investigation of dynamic three-dimensional tangible touchscreens: Usability and feasibility

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    The ability for touchscreen controls to move from two physical dimensions to three dimensions may soon be possible. Though solutions exist for enhanced tactile touchscreen interaction using vibrotactile devices, no definitive commercial solution yet exists for providing real, physical shape to the virtual buttons on a touchscreen display. Of the many next steps in interface technology, this paper concentrates on the path leading to tangible, dynamic, touchscreen surfaces. An experiment was performed that explores the usage differences between a flat surface touchscreen and one augmented with raised surface controls. The results were mixed. The combination of tactile-visual modalities had a negative effect on task completion time when visual attention was focused on a single task (single target task time increased by 8% and the serial target task time increased by 6%). On the other hand, the dual modality had a positive effect on error rate when visual attention was divided between two tasks (the serial target error rate decreased by 50%). In addition to the experiment, this study also investigated the feasibility of creating a dynamic, three dimensional, tangible touchscreen. A new interface solution may be possible by inverting the traditional touchscreen architecture and integrating emerging technologies such as organic light emitting diode (OLED) displays and electrorheological fluid based tactile pins

    FPGA-Based Processor Acceleration for Image Processing Applications

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    FPGA-based embedded image processing systems offer considerable computing resources but present programming challenges when compared to software systems. The paper describes an approach based on an FPGA-based soft processor called Image Processing Processor (IPPro) which can operate up to 337 MHz on a high-end Xilinx FPGA family and gives details of the dataflow-based programming environment. The approach is demonstrated for a k-means clustering operation and a traffic sign recognition application, both of which have been prototyped on an Avnet Zedboard that has Xilinx Zynq-7000 system-on-chip (SoC). A number of parallel dataflow mapping options were explored giving a speed-up of 8 times for the k-means clustering using 16 IPPro cores, and a speed-up of 9.6 times for the morphology filter operation of the traffic sign recognition using 16 IPPro cores compared to their equivalent ARM-based software implementations. We show that for k-means clustering, the 16 IPPro cores implementation is 57, 28 and 1.7 times more power efficient (fps/W) than ARM Cortex-A7 CPU, nVIDIA GeForce GTX980 GPU and ARM Mali-T628 embedded GPU respectively

    Move, hold and touch: A framework for Tangible gesture interactive systems

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    © 2015 by the authors. Technology is spreading in our everyday world, and digital interaction beyond the screen, with real objects, allows taking advantage of our natural manipulative and communicative skills. Tangible gesture interaction takes advantage of these skills by bridging two popular domains in Human-Computer Interaction, tangible interaction and gestural interaction. In this paper, we present the Tangible Gesture Interaction Framework (TGIF) for classifying and guiding works in this field. We propose a classification of gestures according to three relationships with objects: move, hold and touch. Following this classification, we analyzed previous work in the literature to obtain guidelines and common practices for designing and building new tangible gesture interactive systems. We describe four interactive systems as application examples of the TGIF guidelines and we discuss the descriptive, evaluative and generative power of TGIF
