21 research outputs found

    On sets of terms with a given intersection type

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    We are interested in how much of the structure of a strongly normalizable lambda term is captured by its intersection types and how much all the terms of a given type have in common. In this note we consider the theory BCD (Barendregt, Coppo, and Dezani) of intersection types without the top element. We show: for each strongly normalizable lambda term M, with beta-eta normal form N, there exists an intersection type A such that, in BCD, N is the unique beta-eta normal term of type A. A similar result holds for finite sets of strongly normalizable terms for each intersection type A if the set of all closed terms M such that, in BCD, M has type A, is infinite then, when closed under beta-eta conversion, this set forms an adaquate numeral system for untyped lambda calculus. A number of related results are also proved

    Mixin Composition Synthesis based on Intersection Types

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    We present a method for synthesizing compositions of mixins using type inhabitation in intersection types. First, recursively defined classes and mixins, which are functions over classes, are expressed as terms in a lambda calculus with records. Intersection types with records and record-merge are used to assign meaningful types to these terms without resorting to recursive types. Second, typed terms are translated to a repository of typed combinators. We show a relation between record types with record-merge and intersection types with constructors. This relation is used to prove soundness and partial completeness of the translation with respect to mixin composition synthesis. Furthermore, we demonstrate how a translated repository and goal type can be used as input to an existing framework for composition synthesis in bounded combinatory logic via type inhabitation. The computed result is a class typed by the goal type and generated by a mixin composition applied to an existing class

    The Algebraic Intersection Type Unification Problem

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    The algebraic intersection type unification problem is an important component in proof search related to several natural decision problems in intersection type systems. It is unknown and remains open whether the algebraic intersection type unification problem is decidable. We give the first nontrivial lower bound for the problem by showing (our main result) that it is exponential time hard. Furthermore, we show that this holds even under rank 1 solutions (substitutions whose codomains are restricted to contain rank 1 types). In addition, we provide a fixed-parameter intractability result for intersection type matching (one-sided unification), which is known to be NP-complete. We place the algebraic intersection type unification problem in the context of unification theory. The equational theory of intersection types can be presented as an algebraic theory with an ACI (associative, commutative, and idempotent) operator (intersection type) combined with distributivity properties with respect to a second operator (function type). Although the problem is algebraically natural and interesting, it appears to occupy a hitherto unstudied place in the theory of unification, and our investigation of the problem suggests that new methods are required to understand the problem. Thus, for the lower bound proof, we were not able to reduce from known results in ACI-unification theory and use game-theoretic methods for two-player tiling games


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    We present a method for synthesizing compositions of mixins using type inhabitation in intersection types. First, recursively defined classes and mixins, which are functions over classes, are expressed as terms in a lambda calculus with records. Intersection types with records and record-merge are used to assign meaningful types to these terms without resorting to recursive types. Second, typed terms are translated to a repository of typed combinators. We show a relation between record types with record-merge and intersection types with constructors. This relation is used to prove soundness and partial completeness of the translation with respect to mixin composition synthesis. Furthermore, we demonstrate how a translated repository and goal type can be used as input to an existing framework for composition synthesis in bounded combinatory logic via type inhabitation. The computed result is a class typed by the goal type and generated by a mixin composition applied to an existing class

    A type-theoretic framework for software component synthesis

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    A language-agnostic approach for type-based component-oriented software synthesis is developed from the fundamental principles of abstract algebra and Combinatory Logic. It relies on an enumerative type inhabitation algorithm for Finite Combinatory Logic with Intersection Types (FCL) and a universal algebraic construction to translate terms of Combinatory Logic into any given target language. New insights are gained on the combination of semantic domains of discourse with intersection types. Long standing gaps in the algorithmic understanding of the type inhabitation question of FCL are closed. A practical implementation is developed and its applications by the author and other researchers are discussed. They include, but are not limited to, vast improvements in the context of synthesis of software product line members. An interactive theorem prover, Coq, is used to formalize and check all the theoretical results. This makes them more reusable for other developments and enhances confidence in their correctness.Es wird ein sprachunabhängiger Ansatz für die typbasierte und komponentenorientierte Synthese von Software entwickelt. Hierzu werden grundlegende Erkenntnisse über abstrakte Algebra und kombinatorische Logik verwendet. Der Ansatz beruht auf dem enumerativen Typinhabitationsproblem der endlichen kombinatorischen Logik mit Intersektionstypen, sowie einer universellen algebraischen Konstruktion, um Ergebnisterme in jede beliebe Zielsprache übersetzen zu können. Es werden neue Einblicke gewonnen, wie verschiedene semantische Domänen des Diskurses über Softwareeigenschaften miteinander verbunden werden können. Offene Fragestellungen im Zusammenhand mit der Algorithmik des Typinhabitationsproblems für Intersektionstypen werden beantwortet. Eine praktische Implementierung des Ansatzes wird entwickelt und ihre bisherigen Anwendungen durch den Autor und andere Wissenschaftler werden diskutiert. Diese beinhalten starke Verbesserungen im Zusammenhang mit der Synthese von Ausprägungen von Software Produktlinien. Ein interaktiver Theorembeweiser wir genutzt, um alle Ergebnisse der Arbeit zu formalisieren und mechanisch zu überprüfen. Dies trägt zum einen zur Wiederverwendbarkeit der theoretischen Ergebnisse in anderen Kontexten bei, und erhöht zum andern das Vertrauen in ihre Korrektheit

    International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2012 Annual Report

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    This volume of reports is the 2012 Annual Report of the International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry (IVS). The individual reports were contributed by VLBI groups in the international geodetic and astrometric community who constitute the permanent components of IVS. The IVS 2012 Annual Report documents the work of the IVS components for the calendar year 2012, our fourteenth year of existence. The reports describe changes, activities, and progress ofthe IVS. Many thanks to all IVS components who contributed to this Annual Report. With the exception of the first section and parts of the last section (described below), the contents of this Annual Report also appear on the IVS Web site athttp:ivscc.gsfc.nasa.gov/publications/ar201

    Lambda-calculus and formal language theory

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    Formal and symbolic approaches have offered computer science many application fields. The rich and fruitful connection between logic, automata and algebra is one such approach. It has been used to model natural languages as well as in program verification. In the mathematics of language it is able to model phenomena ranging from syntax to phonology while in verification it gives model checking algorithms to a wide family of programs. This thesis extends this approach to simply typed lambda-calculus by providing a natural extension of recognizability to programs that are representable by simply typed terms. This notion is then applied to both the mathematics of language and program verification. In the case of the mathematics of language, it is used to generalize parsing algorithms and to propose high-level methods to describe languages. Concerning program verification, it is used to describe methods for verifying the behavioral properties of higher-order programs. In both cases, the link that is drawn between finite state methods and denotational semantics provide the means to mix powerful tools coming from the two worlds

    Beyond 100: The Next Century in Geodesy

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    This open access book contains 30 peer-reviewed papers based on presentations at the 27th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG). The meeting was held from July 8 to 18, 2019 in Montreal, Canada, with the theme being the celebration of the centennial of the establishment of the IUGG. The centennial was also a good opportunity to look forward to the next century, as reflected in the title of this volume. The papers in this volume represent a cross-section of present activity in geodesy, and highlight the future directions in the field as we begin the second century of the IUGG. During the meeting, the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) organized one Union Symposium, 6 IAG Symposia, 7 Joint Symposia with other associations, and 20 business meetings. In addition, IAG co-sponsored 8 Union Symposia and 15 Joint Symposia. In total, 3952 participants registered, 437 of them with IAG priority. In total, there were 234 symposia and 18 Workshops with 4580 presentations, of which 469 were in IAG-associated symposia. ; This volume will publish papers based on International Association of Geodesy (IAG) -related presentations made at the International Association of Geodesy at the 27th IUGG General Assembly, Montreal, July 2019. It will include papers associated with all of the IAG and joint symposia from the meeting, which span all aspects of modern geodesy, and linkages to earth and environmental sciences. It continues the long-running IAG Symposia Series