267 research outputs found

    Video analytics for security systems

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    This study has been conducted to develop robust event detection and object tracking algorithms that can be implemented in real time video surveillance applications. The aim of the research has been to produce an automated video surveillance system that is able to detect and report potential security risks with minimum human intervention. Since the algorithms are designed to be implemented in real-life scenarios, they must be able to cope with strong illumination changes and occlusions. The thesis is divided into two major sections. The first section deals with event detection and edge based tracking while the second section describes colour measurement methods developed to track objects in crowded environments. The event detection methods presented in the thesis mainly focus on detection and tracking of objects that become stationary in the scene. Objects such as baggage left in public places or vehicles parked illegally can cause a serious security threat. A new pixel based classification technique has been developed to detect objects of this type in cluttered scenes. Once detected, edge based object descriptors are obtained and stored as templates for tracking purposes. The consistency of these descriptors is examined using an adaptive edge orientation based technique. Objects are tracked and alarm events are generated if the objects are found to be stationary in the scene after a certain period of time. To evaluate the full capabilities of the pixel based classification and adaptive edge orientation based tracking methods, the model is tested using several hours of real-life video surveillance scenarios recorded at different locations and time of day from our own and publically available databases (i-LIDS, PETS, MIT, ViSOR). The performance results demonstrate that the combination of pixel based classification and adaptive edge orientation based tracking gave over 95% success rate. The results obtained also yield better detection and tracking results when compared with the other available state of the art methods. In the second part of the thesis, colour based techniques are used to track objects in crowded video sequences in circumstances of severe occlusion. A novel Adaptive Sample Count Particle Filter (ASCPF) technique is presented that improves the performance of the standard Sample Importance Resampling Particle Filter by up to 80% in terms of computational cost. An appropriate particle range is obtained for each object and the concept of adaptive samples is introduced to keep the computational cost down. The objective is to keep the number of particles to a minimum and only to increase them up to the maximum, as and when required. Variable standard deviation values for state vector elements have been exploited to cope with heavy occlusion. The technique has been tested on different video surveillance scenarios with variable object motion, strong occlusion and change in object scale. Experimental results show that the proposed method not only tracks the object with comparable accuracy to existing particle filter techniques but is up to five times faster. Tracking objects in a multi camera environment is discussed in the final part of the thesis. The ASCPF technique is deployed within a multi-camera environment to track objects across different camera views. Such environments can pose difficult challenges such as changes in object scale and colour features as the objects move from one camera view to another. Variable standard deviation values of the ASCPF have been utilized in order to cope with sudden colour and scale changes. As the object moves from one scene to another, the number of particles, together with the spread value, is increased to a maximum to reduce any effects of scale and colour change. Promising results are obtained when the ASCPF technique is tested on live feeds from four different camera views. It was found that not only did the ASCPF method result in the successful tracking of the moving object across different views but also maintained the real time frame rate due to its reduced computational cost thus indicating that the method is a potential practical solution for multi camera tracking applications

    Automatic object classification for surveillance videos.

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    PhDThe recent popularity of surveillance video systems, specially located in urban scenarios, demands the development of visual techniques for monitoring purposes. A primary step towards intelligent surveillance video systems consists on automatic object classification, which still remains an open research problem and the keystone for the development of more specific applications. Typically, object representation is based on the inherent visual features. However, psychological studies have demonstrated that human beings can routinely categorise objects according to their behaviour. The existing gap in the understanding between the features automatically extracted by a computer, such as appearance-based features, and the concepts unconsciously perceived by human beings but unattainable for machines, or the behaviour features, is most commonly known as semantic gap. Consequently, this thesis proposes to narrow the semantic gap and bring together machine and human understanding towards object classification. Thus, a Surveillance Media Management is proposed to automatically detect and classify objects by analysing the physical properties inherent in their appearance (machine understanding) and the behaviour patterns which require a higher level of understanding (human understanding). Finally, a probabilistic multimodal fusion algorithm bridges the gap performing an automatic classification considering both machine and human understanding. The performance of the proposed Surveillance Media Management framework has been thoroughly evaluated on outdoor surveillance datasets. The experiments conducted demonstrated that the combination of machine and human understanding substantially enhanced the object classification performance. Finally, the inclusion of human reasoning and understanding provides the essential information to bridge the semantic gap towards smart surveillance video systems

    Unusual event detection in real-world surveillance applications

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    Given the near-ubiquity of CCTV, there is significant ongoing research effort to apply image and video analysis methods together with machine learning techniques towards autonomous analysis of such data sources. However, traditional approaches to scene understanding remain dependent on training based on human annotations that need to be provided for every camera sensor. In this thesis, we propose an unusual event detection and classification approach which is applicable to real-world visual monitoring applications. The goal is to infer the usual behaviours in the scene and to judge the normality of the scene on the basis on the model created. The first requirement for the system is that it should not demand annotated data to train the system. Annotation of the data is a laborious task, and it is not feasible in practice to annotate video data for each camera as an initial stage of event detection. Furthermore, even obtaining training examples for the unusual event class is challenging due to the rarity of such events in video data. Another requirement for the system is online generation of results. In surveillance applications, it is essential to generate real-time results to allow a swift response by a security operator to prevent harmful consequences of unusual and antisocial events. The online learning capabilities also mean that the model can be continuously updated to accommodate natural changes in the environment. The third requirement for the system is the ability to run the process indefinitely. The mentioned requirements are necessary for real-world surveillance applications and the approaches that conform to these requirements need to be investigated. This thesis investigates unusual event detection methods that conform with real-world requirements and investigates the issue through theoretical and experimental study of machine learning and computer vision algorithms

    Target classification in multimodal video

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    The presented thesis focuses on enhancing scene segmentation and target recognition methodologies via the mobilisation of contextual information. The algorithms developed to achieve this goal utilise multi-modal sensor information collected across varying scenarios, from controlled indoor sequences to challenging rural locations. Sensors are chiefly colour band and long wave infrared (LWIR), enabling persistent surveillance capabilities across all environments. In the drive to develop effectual algorithms towards the outlined goals, key obstacles are identified and examined: the recovery of background scene structure from foreground object ’clutter’, employing contextual foreground knowledge to circumvent training a classifier when labeled data is not readily available, creating a labeled LWIR dataset to train a convolutional neural network (CNN) based object classifier and the viability of spatial context to address long range target classification when big data solutions are not enough. For an environment displaying frequent foreground clutter, such as a busy train station, we propose an algorithm exploiting foreground object presence to segment underlying scene structure that is not often visible. If such a location is outdoors and surveyed by an infra-red (IR) and visible band camera set-up, scene context and contextual knowledge transfer allows reasonable class predictions for thermal signatures within the scene to be determined. Furthermore, a labeled LWIR image corpus is created to train an infrared object classifier, using a CNN approach. The trained network demonstrates effective classification accuracy of 95% over 6 object classes. However, performance is not sustainable for IR targets acquired at long range due to low signal quality and classification accuracy drops. This is addressed by mobilising spatial context to affect network class scores, restoring robust classification capability

    Radar, Insect Population Ecology, and Pest Management

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    Discussions included: (1) the potential role of radar in insect ecology studies and pest management; (2) the potential role of radar in correlating atmospheric phenomena with insect movement; (3) the present and future radar systems; (4) program objectives required to adapt radar to insect ecology studies and pest management; and (5) the specific action items to achieve the objectives

    Dynamic Thermal Imaging for Intraoperative Monitoring of Neuronal Activity and Cortical Perfusion

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    Neurosurgery is a demanding medical discipline that requires a complex interplay of several neuroimaging techniques. This allows structural as well as functional information to be recovered and then visualized to the surgeon. In the case of tumor resections this approach allows more fine-grained differentiation of healthy and pathological tissue which positively influences the postoperative outcome as well as the patient's quality of life. In this work, we will discuss several approaches to establish thermal imaging as a novel neuroimaging technique to primarily visualize neural activity and perfusion state in case of ischaemic stroke. Both applications require novel methods for data-preprocessing, visualization, pattern recognition as well as regression analysis of intraoperative thermal imaging. Online multimodal integration of preoperative and intraoperative data is accomplished by a 2D-3D image registration and image fusion framework with an average accuracy of 2.46 mm. In navigated surgeries, the proposed framework generally provides all necessary tools to project intraoperative 2D imaging data onto preoperative 3D volumetric datasets like 3D MR or CT imaging. Additionally, a fast machine learning framework for the recognition of cortical NaCl rinsings will be discussed throughout this thesis. Hereby, the standardized quantification of tissue perfusion by means of an approximated heating model can be achieved. Classifying the parameters of these models yields a map of connected areas, for which we have shown that these areas correlate with the demarcation caused by an ischaemic stroke segmented in postoperative CT datasets. Finally, a semiparametric regression model has been developed for intraoperative neural activity monitoring of the somatosensory cortex by somatosensory evoked potentials. These results were correlated with neural activity of optical imaging. We found that thermal imaging yields comparable results, yet doesn't share the limitations of optical imaging. In this thesis we would like to emphasize that thermal imaging depicts a novel and valid tool for both intraoperative functional and structural neuroimaging

    Adaptive detection and tracking using multimodal information

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    This thesis describes work on fusing data from multiple sources of information, and focuses on two main areas: adaptive detection and adaptive object tracking in automated vision scenarios. The work on adaptive object detection explores a new paradigm in dynamic parameter selection, by selecting thresholds for object detection to maximise agreement between pairs of sources. Object tracking, a complementary technique to object detection, is also explored in a multi-source context and an efficient framework for robust tracking, termed the Spatiogram Bank tracker, is proposed as a means to overcome the difficulties of traditional histogram tracking. As well as performing theoretical analysis of the proposed methods, specific example applications are given for both the detection and the tracking aspects, using thermal infrared and visible spectrum video data, as well as other multi-modal information sources

    Integrated navigation and visualisation for skull base surgery

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    Skull base surgery involves the management of tumours located on the underside of the brain and the base of the skull. Skull base tumours are intricately associated with several critical neurovascular structures making surgery challenging and high risk. Vestibular schwannoma (VS) is a benign nerve sheath tumour arising from one of the vestibular nerves and is the commonest pathology encountered in skull base surgery. The goal of modern VS surgery is maximal tumour removal whilst preserving neurological function and maintaining quality of life but despite advanced neurosurgical techniques, facial nerve paralysis remains a potentially devastating complication of this surgery. This thesis describes the development and integration of various advanced navigation and visualisation techniques to increase the precision and accuracy of skull base surgery. A novel Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging (dMRI) acquisition and processing protocol for imaging the facial nerve in patients with VS was developed to improve delineation of facial nerve preoperatively. An automated Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based framework was developed to segment VS from MRI scans. A user-friendly navigation system capable of integrating dMRI and tractography of the facial nerve, 3D tumour segmentation and intraoperative 3D ultrasound was developed and validated using an anatomically-realistic acoustic phantom model of a head including the skull, brain and VS. The optical properties of five types of human brain tumour (meningioma, pituitary adenoma, schwannoma, low- and high-grade glioma) and nine different types of healthy brain tissue were examined across a wavelength spectrum of 400 nm to 800 nm in order to inform the development of an Intraoperative Hypserpectral Imaging (iHSI) system. Finally, functional and technical requirements of an iHSI were established and a prototype system was developed and tested in a first-in-patient study


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    Ogni giorno milioni e milioni di videocamere monitorano la vita quotidiana delle persone, registrando e collezionando una grande quantit\ue0 di dati. Questi dati possono essere molto utili per scopi di video-sorveglianza: dalla rilevazione di comportamenti anomali all'analisi del traffico urbano nelle strade. Tuttavia i dati collezionati vengono usati raramente, in quanto non \ue8 pensabile che un operatore umano riesca a esaminare manualmente e prestare attenzione a una tale quantit\ue0 di dati simultaneamente. Per questo motivo, negli ultimi anni si \ue8 verificato un incremento della richiesta di strumenti per l'analisi automatica di dati acquisiti da sistemi di video-sorveglianza in modo da estrarre informazione di pi\uf9 alto livello (per esempio, John, Sam e Anne stanno camminando in gruppo al parco giochi vicino alla stazione) a partire dai dati a disposizione che sono solitamente a basso livello e ridondati (per esempio, una sequenza di immagini). L'obiettivo principale di questa tesi \ue8 quello di proporre soluzioni e algoritmi automatici che permettono di estrarre informazione ad alto livello da una zona di interesse che viene monitorata da telecamere. Cos\uec i dati sono rappresentati in modo da essere facilmente interpretabili e analizzabili da qualsiasi persona. In particolare, questo lavoro \ue8 focalizzato sull'analisi di persone e i loro comportamenti sociali collettivi. Il titolo della tesi, beyond multi-target tracking, evidenzia lo scopo del lavoro: tutti i metodi proposti in questa tesi che si andranno ad analizzare hanno come comune denominatore il target tracking. Inoltre andremo oltre le tecniche standard per arrivare a una rappresentazione del dato a pi\uf9 alto livello. Per prima cosa, analizzeremo il problema del target tracking in quanto \ue8 alle basi di questo lavoro. In pratica, target tracking significa stimare la posizione di ogni oggetto di interesse in un immagine e la sua traiettoria nel tempo. Analizzeremo il problema da due prospettive complementari: 1) il punto di vista ingegneristico, dove l'obiettivo \ue8 quello di creare algoritmi che ottengono i risultati migliori per il problema in esame. 2) Il punto di vista della neuroscienza: motivati dalle teorie che cercano di spiegare il funzionamento del sistema percettivo umano, proporremo in modello attenzionale per tracking e il riconoscimento di oggetti e persone. Il secondo problema che andremo a esplorare sar\ue0 l'estensione del tracking alla situazione dove pi\uf9 telecamere sono disponibili. L'obiettivo \ue8 quello di mantenere un identificatore univoco per ogni persona nell'intera rete di telecamere. In altre parole, si vuole riconoscere gli individui che vengono monitorati in posizioni e telecamere diverse considerando un database di candidati. Tale problema \ue8 chiamato in letteratura re-indetificazione di persone. In questa tesi, proporremo un modello standard di come affrontare il problema. In questo modello, presenteremo dei nuovi descrittori di aspetto degli individui, in quanto giocano un ruolo importante allo scopo di ottenere i risultati migliori. Infine raggiungeremo il livello pi\uf9 alto di rappresentazione dei dati che viene affrontato in questa tesi, che \ue8 l'analisi di interazioni sociali tra persone. In particolare, ci focalizzeremo in un tipo specifico di interazione: il raggruppamento di persone. Proporremo dei metodi di visione computazionale che sfruttano nozioni di psicologia sociale per rilevare gruppi di persone. Inoltre, analizzeremo due modelli probabilistici che affrontano il problema di tracking (congiunto) di gruppi e individui.Every day millions and millions of surveillance cameras monitor the world, recording and collecting huge amount of data. The collected data can be extremely useful: from the behavior analysis to prevent unpleasant events, to the analysis of the traffic. However, these valuable data is seldom used, because of the amount of information that the human operator has to manually attend and examine. It would be like looking for a needle in the haystack. The automatic analysis of data is becoming mandatory for extracting summarized high-level information (e.g., John, Sam and Anne are walking together in group at the playground near the station) from the available redundant low-level data (e.g., an image sequence). The main goal of this thesis is to propose solutions and automatic algorithms that perform high-level analysis of a camera-monitored environment. In this way, the data are summarized in a high-level representation for a better understanding. In particular, this work is focused on the analysis of moving people and their collective behaviors. The title of the thesis, beyond multi-target tracking, mirrors the purpose of the work: we will propose methods that have the target tracking as common denominator, and go beyond the standard techniques in order to provide a high-level description of the data. First, we investigate the target tracking problem as it is the basis of all the next work. Target tracking estimates the position of each target in the image and its trajectory over time. We analyze the problem from two complementary perspectives: 1) the engineering point of view, where we deal with problem in order to obtain the best results in terms of accuracy and performance. 2) The neuroscience point of view, where we propose an attentional model for tracking and recognition of objects and people, motivated by theories of the human perceptual system. Second, target tracking is extended to the camera network case, where the goal is to keep a unique identifier for each person in the whole network, i.e., to perform person re-identification. The goal is to recognize individuals in diverse locations over different non-overlapping camera views or also the same camera, considering a large set of candidates. In this context, we propose a pipeline and appearance-based descriptors that enable us to define in a proper way the problem and to reach the-state-of-the-art results. Finally, the higher level of description investigated in this thesis is the analysis (discovery and tracking) of social interaction between people. In particular, we focus on finding small groups of people. We introduce methods that embed notions of social psychology into computer vision algorithms. Then, we extend the detection of social interaction over time, proposing novel probabilistic models that deal with (joint) individual-group tracking