8 research outputs found

    Use of OpenGL from Java

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    Práce se zabývá využitím knihovny OpenGL pro zobrazování 3D grafiky v programovacím jazyku Java. Zaměřuje se na projekt Java OpenGL (JOGL), který je referenční implementací OpenGL do Javy. Demonstrační aplikace prezentuje základní schopnosti zobrazování třírozměrné grafiky přes OpenGL jako je hraniční reprezentace, osvětlení, texturování a přepojení mezi Javou a OpenGL.The work deals with use of OpenGL library for 3D graphics rendering in Java programming language. It aims at project Java OpenGL (JOGL), which is the reference implementation for OpenGL in Java. Demonstration application presents base capabilities of rendering three-dimensional graphics in OpenGL such as boundary representation, lighting, texture mapping and interoperability between Java and OpenGL.


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    Perkembangan dan implementasi aplikasi game atau permainan semakin banyak dan beragam. Penggunaan game lebih banyak ke arah negatif, pada paper ini dicoba menggabungkan game dengan pendidikan. Permainan Labirin adalah sebuah permainan mencari jalan keluar yang bertujuan menentukan jalur yang tepat untuk mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan. Selama proses penen- tuan jalur tersebut, jika menemui jalan buntu maka akan dilakukan proses backtrack sampai kembali menemukan jalur yang tepat untuk mencapai tujuan. Aplikasi permainan ini dibuat sebagai ajang untuk mengenalkan tempat-tempat atau objek wisata di Indonesia sambil melakukan travelling permainan Labirin. Pengembangan aplikasi game pada sistem perangkat bergerak dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) akan diujikan pada tingkat unjuk kerja dan kompatibilitasnya pada beragam handphone

    CAD System for 2D Drawing

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou CAD systémů pracujících ve dvojrozměrném prostoru. Seznamuje nás s definicí CAD systémů a s požadavky na ně kladenými. Práce se dále věnuje návrhu a tvorbě aplikace demonstrující navržené řešení. Na závěr práce jsou shrnuty dosažené výsledky a nástin možností budoucího rozšíření aplikace.This thesis deals with CAD systems operating in two-dimensional space. It acquaints us with the definition of CAD systems and the requirements placed on them. The thesis also deals with design and implementation applications that demonstrate the proposed solution. At the conclusion summarizes the results and outline possible future expansion of the application.

    Tecnologia Java na representação de curvas e superfícies paramétricas

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    Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia InformáticaEstuda-se neste trabalho a existência de tecnologia Java para a representação de curvas e superfícies do tipo NURBS. Assim, foi efectuada uma pesquisa com o intuito de avaliar as diferentes opções disponíveis actualmente para este efeito. Implementamos uma biblioteca Java que permite a representação deste tipo de curvas e superfícies, em particular, superfícies do tipo NURBS recortadas(trimmed NURBS surfaces) por um conjunto de curvas (trimming curves) definidas no espaço paramétrico da superfície. Nesta biblioteca implementamos alguns algoritmos não existentes até à data em nenhuma biblioteca inteiramente baseada em tecnologia Java, nomeadamente,um algoritmo para efectuar a triangulação dos pontos de uma trimmed NURBS surface, bem como um algoritmo para calcular de forma dinâmica o valor de incremento do parâmetro de amostragem dos pontos da superfície. Este último algoritmo permite não só a aproximação da superfície por uma malha de polígonos de forma a que o erro não seja superior a um determinado valor de tolerância, mas também a aproximação de uma curva do tipo NURBS em segmentos de recta, obedecendo ao mesmo critério

    Visor BRep : un programa para visualizar modelos 3D

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    En este proyecto final de carrera se genera una aplicación gráfica multiplataforma con la que se pueden representar objetos definidos en un formato BRep. También incluye un vídeo explicativo de la funcionalidad de la aplicación.Matoses Correcher, V. (2012). Visor BRep : un programa para visualizar modelos 3D. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/15804.Archivo delegad

    Development of a 3d tool for visualization of different software artifacts and their relationships

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    Este trabajo se enfoca en el desarrollo de una herramienta de visualización de software que permite analizar diferentes artefactos de software como código fuente y bases de datos relacionales. Por su naturaleza, la herramienta creada propone una metáfora basada en desarrollos anteriores del campo de visualización de software. La primera parte del documento de tesis presenta un estado del arte en el área de visualización de software, esto incluye la forma en cómo esta área aporta al proceso de evolución de software, punto muy importante en la ingeniería de software. Posteriormente se presenta la fundamentación básica de SeeIT 3D (nombre de la herramienta desarrollada): su metáfora, métricas, mecanismos para entrada de datos y tecnologías que hacen parte de la arquitectura interna. Luego, con el fin de validar la funcionalidad de la herramienta y dar soporte a los fundamentos en los que se basa, se evaluaron un conjunto de proyectos de código abierto escritos en lenguaje Java, que por su tamaño medio e historia bien definida en el área que representan, proveen un buen marco de evaluación. Finalmente como resultado del trabajo de tesis es posible concluir que la visualización de software realmente da un buen soporte a las tareas asociadas al proceso de evolución de software, brindando mecanismos que permiten comprender más fácilmente los artefactos producidos durante el desarrollo de software. De igual manera se concluyen que SeeIT 3D es una buena aproximación y un avance en el campo dadas sus capacidades. / Abstract.This work is focused in the development of a software visualization tool that is able to analyze different software artifacts such as source code and relational databases. Because of its nature, the tool proposes a metaphor based on previous works developed in the software visualization field. The beginning of the thesis document presents a state of art of software visualization; it includes how visualization supports the process of software evolution. After that the basis of SeeIT 3D (name of the developed tool) is presented e.g. the metaphor, metrics, input mechanism and technologies that conform its internal architecture. In order to validate the functionality of the tool and give support to the concepts it is based on, a set of open source projects written in Java language was evaluated. These projects have a medium size and a well-defined history in the field they represent that provide an adequate evaluation framework for the tool. Finally as a result of the thesis work it is possible to conclude that software visualization really provides enough support for the task associated with the evolution process of software systems. It is provided by giving mechanisms that allow understanding the produced software artifacts easily. It is also possible to concluded that SeeIT 3D is a good approximation and a step forward in the field due to its capabilities.Maestrí

    Development and Usability Evaluation of Low-cost Virtual Reality Rehabilitation Games for Patients with Upper Limb Impairment

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    Stroke is one of the primary causes of long-term disability in adults in the United States which leads to mild to severe sensorimotor impairments. Long-term continuous rehabilitation therapies are needed to facilitate sensorimotor recovery and empower patients in performing daily living activities. Currently, the opportunity of receiving post stroke rehabilitation in the chronic stage (\u3e 6 months post stroke) is limited due to a lack of insurance and the high cost of therapy. Low-cost virtual rehabilitation games with motion tracking devices have tremendous potential to assist physical rehabilitation. Motion tracking devices such as Kinect (Microsoft, Redmond, CA; 100)andP5Glove(EssentialReality,LLC,NY;100) and P5 Glove (Essential Reality, LLC, NY; 40) have become available to enable development of low-cost virtual rehabilitation games. Such low-cost games may encourage continuous, repeated, and intensive rehabilitation therapies thereby enhancing recovery post stroke. However, current virtual rehabilitation games emphasize on gross arm movements using Kinect or fine finger movements using P5 Glove, but not both at the same time. Since most daily living activities require coordination of the gross shoulder/elbow movement and fine finger movement such as reaching to grasp and transferring a jar to a shelf, effective upper limb rehabilitation must involve coordination of the arm and finger movements. In addition, many virtual rehabilitation games have been developed without user input and feedback, which may be the primary reason why virtual rehabilitation games are not prominently used at home by patients. This thesis presents the development and usability evaluation of low-cost virtual rehabilitation games. In addition to the archery and puzzle games previously developed in the laboratory, a low-cost rehabilitation kitchen game was developed to encourage patients to practice various functional tasks involving coordinated arm and finger movements that were detected by using Kinect and P5 Glove, respectively. Usability of the three games was assessed with ten chronic stroke survivors using pre-game and post-game surveys. The games met patients\u27 expectations of providing challenging movements. The House of Quality analysis revealed that technical characteristic needing the most improvement was device reliability. The future research should address device reliability by developing a better instruction manual to facilitate device set-up and use. In addition, filtering data can also improve quality of virtual arm movements in future versions of the games. In summary, this thesis presents promising evidence for low-cost rehabilitation games using commercially available motion tracking devices of Kinect and P5 Glove together with free Blender software

    CELLmicrocosmos - Integrative cell modeling at the  molecular, mesoscopic and functional level

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    Sommer B. CELLmicrocosmos - Integrative cell modeling at the  molecular, mesoscopic and functional level. Bielefeld: Bielefeld University; 2012.The modeling of cells is an important application area of Systems Biology. In the context of this work, three cytological levels are defined: the mesoscopic, the molecular and the functional level. A number of related approaches which are quite diverse will be introduced during this work which can be categorized into these disciplines. But none of these approaches covers all areas. In this work, the combination of all three aforementioned cytological levels is presented, realized by the CELLmicrocosmos project, combining and extending different Bioinformatics-related methods. The mesoscopic level is covered by CellEditor which is a simple tool to generate eukaryotic or prokaryotic cell models. These are based on cell components represented by three-dimensional shapes. Different methods to generate these shapes are discussed by using partly external tools such as Amira, 3ds Max and/or Blender; abstract, interpretative, 3D-microscopy-based and molecular-structure-based cell component modeling. To communicate with these tools, CellEditor provides import as well as export capabilities based on the VRML97 format. In addition, different cytological coloring methods are discussed which can be applied to the cell models. MembraneEditor operates at the molecular level. This tool solves heterogeneous Membrane Packing Problems by distributing lipids on rectangular areas using collision detection. It provides fast and intuitive methods supporting a wide range of different application areas based on the PDB format. Moreover, a plugin interface enables the use of custom algorithms. In the context of this work, a high-density-generating lipid packing algorithm is evaluated; The Wanderer. The semi-automatic integration of proteins into the membrane is enabled by using data from the OPM and PDBTM database. Contrasting with the aforementioned structural levels, the third level covers the functional aspects of the cell. Here, protein-related networks or data sets can be imported and mapped into the previously generated cell models using the PathwayIntegration. For this purpose, data integration methods are applied, represented by the data warehouse DAWIS-M.D. which includes a number of established databases. This information is enriched by the text-mining data acquired from the ANDCell database. The localization of proteins is supported by different tools like the interactive Localization Table and the Localization Charts. The correlation of partly multi-layered cell components with protein-related networks is covered by the Network Mapping Problem. A special implementation of the ISOM layout is used for this purpose. Finally, a first approach to combine all these interrelated levels is represented; CellExplorer which integrates CellEditor as well as PathwayIntegration and imports structures generated with MembraneEditor. For this purpose, the shape-based cell components can be correlated with networks as well as molecular membrane structures using Membrane Mapping. It is shown that the tools discussed here can be applied to scientific as well as educational tasks: educational cell visualization, initial membrane modeling for molecular simulations, analysis of interrelated protein sets, cytological disease mapping. These are supported by the user-friendly combination of Java, Java 3D and Web Start technology. In the last part of this thesis the future of Integrative Cell Modeling is discussed. While the approaches discussed here represent basically three-dimensional snapshots of the cell, prospective approaches have to be extended into the fourth dimension; time