71 research outputs found

    EOQ inventory model for perishable products under uncertainty

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    Perishable products require accurate inventory control models as their effect on operations management can be critical. This assumption is particularly relevant in highly uncertain and dynamic markets, as for the ones generated by the pandemic era. This paper presents an inventory control model for perishable items with a demand rate variable over time, and dependent on the inventory rate. The model also considers the potential for backlogging and lost sales. Imperfect product quality is included, and deterioration is modelled as a time-dependent variable. The framework envisages the possibility to define variables affected by uncertainty in terms of probability distribution functions, which are then jointly managed via a Monte Carlo simulation. This paper is intended to provide an analytical formulation to deal with uncertainty and time-dependent inventory functions to be used for a variety of perishable products. The formulation is designed to support decision-making for the identification of the optimal order quantity. A numerical example exemplifies the outcomes of the paper and provides a cost-based sensitivity analysis to understand the role of main parameters

    Supply chain finance for ameliorating and deteriorating products: a systematic literature review

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    Ameliorating and deteriorating products, or, more generally, items that change value over time, present a high sensitiveness to the surrounding environment (e.g., temperature, humidity, and light intensity). For this reason, they should be properly stored along the supply chain to guarantee the desired quality to the consumers. Specifically, ameliorating items face an increase in value if there are stored for longer periods, which can lead to higher selling price. At the same time, the costumers’ demand is sensitive to the price (i.e., the higher the selling price the lower the final demand), sensitiveness that is related to the quality of the products (i.e., lower sensitiveness for high-quality products). On the contrary, deteriorating items lose quality and value over time which result in revenue losses due to lost sales or reduced selling price. Since these products need to be properly stored (i.e., usually in temperature- and humidity-controlled warehouses) the holding costs, which comprise also the energy costs, may be particularly relevant impacting on the economic, environmental, and social sustainability of the supply chain. Furthermore, due to the recent economic crisis, companies (especially, small and medium enterprises) face payment difficulties of customers and high volatility of resources prices. This increases the risk of insolvency and on the other hand the financing needs. In this context, supply chain finance emerged as a mean for efficiency by coordinating the financial flow and providing a set of financial schemes aiming at optimizing accounts payable and receivable along the supply chain. The aim of the present study is thus to investigate through a systematic literature review the two main themes presented (i.e., inventory management models for products that change value over time, and financial techniques and strategies to support companies in inventory management) to understand if any financial technique has been studied for supporting the management of this class of products and to verify the existing literature gap

    Grocery omnichannel perishable inventories: performance measures and influencing factors

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    Purpose- Perishable inventory management for the grocery sector has become more challenging with extended omnichannel activities and emerging consumer expectations. This paper aims to identify and formalize key performance measures of omnichannel perishable inventory management (OCPI) and explore the influence of operational and market-related factors on these measures. Design/methodology/approach- The inductive approach of this research synthesizes three performance measures (product waste, lost sales and freshness) and four influencing factors (channel effect, demand variability, product perishability and shelf life visibility) for OCPI, through industry investigation, expert interviews and a systematic literature review. Treating OCPI as a complex adaptive system and considering its transaction costs, this paper formalizes the OCPI performance measures and their influencing factors in two statements and four propositions, which are then tested through numerical analysis with simulation. Findings- Product waste, lost sales and freshness are identified as distinctive OCPI performance measures, which are influenced by product perishability, shelf life visibility, demand variability and channel effects. The OCPI sensitivity to those influencing factors is diverse, whereas those factors are found to moderate each other's effects. Practical implications- To manage perishables more effectively, with less waste and lost sales for the business and fresher products for the consumer, omnichannel firms need to consider store and online channel requirements and strive to reduce demand variability, extend product shelf life and facilitate item-level shelf life visibility. While flexible logistics capacity and dynamic pricing can mitigate demand variability, the product shelf life extension needs modifications in product design, production, or storage conditions. OCPI executives can also increase the product shelf life visibility through advanced stock monitoring/tracking technologies (e.g. smart tags or more comprehensive barcodes), particularly for the online channel which demands fresher products. Originality/value- This paper provides a novel theoretical view on perishables in omnichannel systems. It specifies the OCPI performance, beyond typical inventory policies for cost minimization, while discussing its sensitivity to operations and market factors

    Two-warehouse Inventory Model with Multivariate Demand and K-release Rule

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    AbstractIn this paper, we’ve projected a two-warehouse inventory model for deteriorating things beneath the impact of inflation and continuance of cash, wherever demand follows a rare combination of the linear time variable and on-hand inventory level. In one in the entire warehouse (OW), time-varying linear deterioration was thought-about and within the different (RW) weibull distributed deterioration was studied. Here, shortages were allowed and part backlogged. The stock is transferred from the RW to the OW following a bulk unharness rule. The target here is to seek out the optimum amount to that ought to be ordered and also the optimum variety of cycles during which the number from RW should be transferred to OW to maximize world wide web profit per unit time. The model has additionally been exemplified with the many numerical examples. The results have additionally been understood diagrammatically

    Modelos de Inventarios con Productos Perecederos: Revisión de la Literatura

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    This paper presents a review of the main characteristics of the mathematical modelsdeveloped by the scientific community in order to determine an optimal inventory policyfor deteriorating items. Thus, a classified bibliography of 390 articles published from2001 to 2014 in high-impact journals is submitted while considering the type of demandand deterioration, the integration of inventory and pricing decisions, the inclusionof shortage and/or the time value of money, the consideration of multiple items and/ormulti-echelon systems, and the incorporation of uncertain parameters other than demand.Finally, research questions not yet addressed by the research community in the field ofinventory control for deteriorating items are pointed out.En el presente artículo se lleva a cabo una revisión de las principales características estudiadas por la comunidad científica en el desarrollo de modelos matemáticos que buscan definir una política de inventario óptima para productos que se deterioran. De este modo, se referencian 390 artículos publicados a partir del año 2001 en revistas de gran impacto, teniendo en cuenta: el tipo de demanda y deterioro representado en los modelos matemáticos, el estudio de una política de precio óptima, la inclusión de faltantes y/o valor del dinero en el tiempo, el estudio de múltiples productos y/o dos o más eslabones de la cadena de suministro, y la utilización de parámetros o variables difusas. Finalmente, se identifican oportunidades de investigación que a la fecha no han sido abordadas por la comunidad científica en este campo del conocimiento

    Modelling and Determining Inventory Decisions for Improved Sustainability in Perishable Food Supply Chains

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    Since the introduction of sustainable development, industries have witnessed significant sustainability challenges. Literature shows that the food industry is concerned about its need for efficient and effective management practices in dealing with perishability and the requirements for conditioned storage and transport of food products that effect the environment. Hence, the environmental part of sustainability demonstrates its significance in this industrial sector. Despite this, there has been little research into environmentally sustainable inventory management of deteriorating items. This thesis presents mathematical modelling based research for production inventory systems in perishable food supply chains. In this study, multi-objective mixed-integer linear programming models are developed to determine economically and environmentally optimal production and inventory decisions for a two-echelon supply chain. The supply chain consists of single sourcing suppliers for raw materials and a producer who operates under a make-to-stock or make-to-order strategy. The demand facing the producer is non-stationary stochastic in nature and has requirements in terms of service level and the remaining shelf life of the marketed products. Using data from the literature, numerical examples are given in order to test and analyse these models. The computational experiments show that operational adjustments in cases where emission and cost parameters were not strongly correlated with supply chain collaboration (where suppliers and a producer operate under centralised control), emissions are effectively reduced without a significant increase in cost. The findings show that assigning a high disposal cost, limit or high weight of importance to perished goods leads to appropriate reduction of expected waste in the supply chain with no major cost increase. The research has made contributions to the literature on sustainable production and inventory management; providing formal models that can be used as an aid to understanding and as a tool for planning and improving sustainable production and inventory control in supply chains involving deteriorating items, in particular with perishable food supply chains.the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Royal Thai Government

    Inventory Model for Quadratic Demand and Deteriorating Items Following Weibull Distribution with Trade Credit Policy

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    In this paper, an inventory model for deteriorating items following two parameter Weibull distribution with trade credit policy is developed, while demand is viewed as quadratic function of time. The supplier gives the retailer a trade credit period. Trade credit is a frequently used method of payment implemented by suppliers, and it generally leads to greater revenue and ultimately, higher income. The suggested inventory model seeks to calculate the ideal replenishment cycle duration in order to maximize the overall profit per unit of time.  Shortages are permitted and partially backlogged. Two categories are applied to the mathematical model. Case I: When the payment to settle the account is made on or before the positive inventory. Case II: When the payment to settle the ac-count is made after the inventory reaches to zero. The model is illustrated through numerical experiments, sensitivity analysis, and graphical depiction

    Supply chain production model with preservation technology under fuzzy environment

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    In this paper, an attempt is made to characterize the preservation technology for deteriorating items to reduce the deterioration rate. This model assumes a single producer and single supplier and formulates a production model with a time varying rate of deterioration rate. Here production and demand are treated as a fuzzy variables and total cost is minimized for both the crisp and fuzzy model. Shortage is allowed on the supplier’s part, which is partially backlogged. A solution procedure is presented to determine an optimal replenishment cycle and total cost per unit time, which is a convex function of preservation technology cost. Results have been validated with relevant example. In a way, the proposed model provides a unique theory to reduce the deterioration rate for the production model
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