42 research outputs found

    Expressive Messaging on Mobile Platforms

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    We present a design for expressive multimodal messaging on mobile platforms. Strong context, simple text messages, and crude animations combine well to produce surprisingly expressive results

    Preliminary design studies of an advanced general aviation aircraft

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    The preliminary design results are presented of the advanced aircraft design project. The goal was to take a revolutionary look into the design of a general aviation aircraft. Phase 1 of the project included the preliminary design of two configurations, a pusher, and a tractor. Phase 2 included the selection of only one configuration for further study. The pusher configuration was selected on the basis of performance characteristics, cabin noise, natural laminar flow, and system layouts. The design was then iterated to achieve higher levels of performance

    Encrypt data using VeraCrypt

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    This document describes how VeraCrypt may be used to protect your personal and sensitive files from prying eyes. VeraCrypt is a free, open source encryption tool for Microsoft Windows, Apple MacOS and Linux platforms. It applies a technique called On-the-fly encryption, which transparently encrypts/decrypts files being accessed, without the need for user intervention

    ARIPAR 5.0: Reference Manual: Software Tool for Area Risk Assessment and Management

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    ARIPAR is a quantitative area risk assessment tool used to evaluate the risk resulting from major accidents in industrial areas where hazardous substances are stored, proc-essed and transported. It is based on a geographical information system platform (GIS). This tool has already been applied to perform a quantitative area risk assess-ment in several industrial areas, and it has been demonstrated to be a very powerful tool also for managing industrial risk. ARIPAR 5.0 is the new release of the software, which embeds several new features and improvements, such as a completely new de-velopment platform based on ArcGIS and a much more powerful module for dealing with consequence assessment data. The present document represents the Reference Manual of ARIPAR 5.0, which describes all commands, dialogs, risk analysis equa-tions, input data format and reporting available in this software package.JRC.G.6-Security technology assessmen

    "...when you’re a Stranger": Evaluating Safety Perceptions of (un)familiar Urban Places

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    What makes us feel safe when walking around our cities? Previous research has shown that our perception of safety strongly depends on characteristics of the built environment; separately, research has also shown that safety perceptions depend on the people we encounter on the streets. However, it is not clear how the two relate to one another. In this paper, we propose a quantitative method to investigate this relationship. Using an online crowd–sourcing approach, we collected 5452 safety ratings from over 500 users about images showing various combinations of built environment and people inhabiting it. We applied analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) to the collected data and found that familiarity of the scene is the single most important predictor of our sense of safety. Controlling for familiarity, we identified then what features of the urban environment increase or decrease our safety perception

    Integrated Gyroscope as main interaction system in a videogame for Mobile Devices

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    Treball final de Grau en Disseny i Desenvolupament de Videojocs. Codi: VJ1241. Curs acadèmic: 2020/2021Flip Blocks is a puzzle game for mobile devices where different shaped pieces will fall from the upper side of the game board and will slowly move towards the bottom. The player will have to move and rotate the pieces in order to make them fit in the board and complete lines. Pieces are built of 4 blocks each with different shapes. The pieces can stack up until they reach the top of the board, in which case it means Game Over for the player. By completing one or more lines, the player’s score will be increased, and the completed lines will disappear, making all the blocks above the erased lines fall one line. The goal of the player is to keep playing for as long as possible by deleting lines and get the highest score

    Smart Office System

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    Smart Office System is an office automation system developed to help small scale offices and workplaces in Malaysia to control their energy and electricity usage, leading to the decrease of global warming and carbon dioxide emission to the atmosphere. This prototype is developed using Raspberry Pi, a credit card sized computer that is cheap and easy to use, connected to sensors and screens, also combined with extensive programming work to complete the whole system. The current problem is that 93.81 percent of the energy industry in Malaysia relies on finite resources such as fossil fuels to generate power for electricity. Fossil fuels will be diminished very soon if it is not conserved and used with care. Other than that, excessive production of electricity will contribute to global warming and increase the carbon dioxide emission to the atmosphere. This project focuses on helping the small scale commercial buildings such as offices, showrooms and workplaces in Malaysia save energy for a brighter future of the environment. Smart Office System will be developed and created to be a low cost, easy-to-build, user-friendly automation system that will help numerous companies to decrease their overhead and facility costs that are usually used to pay off electricity usage. After diligently finishing the project, two testing sessions had been done to determine the usability and functionality of the product, and from the testing, it is found out that the product is majorly accepted and liked by the respondents, with a few remarks and comment on the product to further enhance and improve the product

    Utilising a fieldbus protocol in a water quality monitoring system

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    This thesis presents a new water quality monitoring system developed at the University of Durham in conjunction with Partech Instruments Ltd. The system uses a fieldbus protocol to create an open, distributed control network, replacing the dedicated products currently offered. Echelon LonWorks has been used to create three nodes: a suspended solids sensor, a general-purpose interactive monitoring tool, and a universal relay setpoint module. When connected, these nodes provide a means of activating relays when the suspended solids level reaches a definable level, while providing a numerical display for the operator. The sensor may be calibrated for a number of different applications. The sensor uses infra-a-red light to monitor the light absorption and 90 scatter within the solution. By dynamically adjusting the intensity of the emitted light, the sensor is able to increase its range over conventional devices. Signal processing, linearization and calibration operations are carried out within the sensor software. The final measurement is communicated as a LonWorks network variable, allowing the sensor to be treated as an interoperable device. Several third-party products have been connected to the network and a high degree of interoperability demonstrated. Three network management software packages have been investigated, and their suitability assessed. The final prototype system shows the power, flexibility and cost-saving that a fieldbus protocol can provide in an industrial control environment