29 research outputs found

    Presence in blended spaces

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    Mixed reality technologies have been around for over ten years but it is only with the proliferation of smart phones and tablet (computers) that mixed and augmented reality interaction is reaching the mass market. There are now enough examples of mixed reality interactions that we can begin to abstract principles of design and principles of user experience (UX) for these new spaces of interaction. In this paper I develop the notion of mixed reality as a blendedspace. Mixed reality is a blend of a physical space and a digital space. The term ‘blend’ here is borrowed from blending theory which is a theory of cognition that highlights the importance of cross domain mappings and conceptual integration to our thought process that are grounded in physically-based spatial schemas. The concept of a blendedspace is developed by recognizing that physical space and digital space can both be described in terms of the objects and agents who inhabit the space, the structure of the objects’ relationships (the topology of the space) and the changes that take place in the space (the volatility, or dynamics of the space). The blendedspace will be more effective if the physical and digital spaces have some recognizable and understandable correspondences. The issue of presence in this blendedspace is then discussed and it is suggested that traditional definitions of presence are inadequate to describe the experiences that blendedspaces offer. Presence is considered as interaction between the self and the content of the medium within which the self exists, and place is this medium. Blendedspaces mean that people have an extended presence; from their physical location into digital worlds

    Can Touch Interaction Predict Product-Related Emotion? A Study on Mobile Augmented Reality

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    The advancement in immersive technologies provides online retailers the opportunity to integrate augmented reality (AR) experience for their customers. Using AR, the online product presentation is transformed from the pictorial representation to virtual interaction with the products. The virtual product interaction facilitates online retailers to detect product-related emotion through affective computing. For mobile AR, customers use touch gestures for virtual interaction. Using the theories related to immersive media and affective computing, we hypothesize that the touch movements and touch pressure in AR-based mobile applications are related to positive emotion during product interaction. Moreover, we describe a methodology to establish our hypotheses and to show that these variables can predict the product-related emotion. We expect our research findings to have both theoretical and practical implications. It will explain why touch behavior can predict product-related emotion, and it will also demonstrate online retailers how to implement emotion analytics in AR shopping applications

    An Analytical Framework for Designing Future Hybrid Creative Learning Spaces: A Pattern Approach

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    Existing frameworks which serve as reference for the design of creative space in educational institutions and organizations, have shown some limitations. On one hand, current spatial design theories concerned with hybrid spaces and digital technologies are limited; on the other hand, the analysis of digital technologies’ influence on spaces conducted in Information System and Computer Science research fields rarely uses a spatial theory as a foundation [1]. The aim of this ongoing research is to develop an analytical framework that integrates creative space types and a blended space model in support of the design of future hybrid creative environments (FHCS framework). The current findings have shown that many different social-spatial design solutions exist in both physical and digital spaces, and which are systematically organized as a pattern language. Identified pattern candidates are from specific application domains (e.g., spatial design, HCI Design, E-learning, and game design), and they capture and represent design knowledge of experts. Therefore, the pattern language from Christopher Alexander et al. [2] seems an appropriate approach to bring together design guidance and tools from different disciplines, in a vocabulary that can be shared across disciplines. Through a pattern mining process, various pattern frameworks and many pattern candidates that are related to the design of hybrid creative learning spaces have emerged from the analysis. As a result, 323 patterns are derived from four disciplines, and 13 generic pattern clusters have evolved in relation to the hybrid design themes

    Accessibility and tangible interaction in distributed workspaces based on multi-touch surfaces

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    [EN] Traditional interaction mechanisms in distributed digital spaces often fail to consider the intrinsic properties of action, perception, and communication among workgroups, which may affect access to the common resources used to mutually organize information. By developing suitable spatial geometries and natural interaction mechanisms, distributed spaces can become blended where the physical and virtual boundaries of local and remote spaces merge together to provide the illusion of a single unified space. In this paper, we discuss the importance of blended interaction in distributed spaces and the particular challenges faced when designing accessible technology. We illustrate this discussion through a new tangible interaction mechanism for collaborative spaces based on tabletop system technology implemented with optical frames. Our tangible elements facilitate the exchange of digital information in distributed collaborative settings by providing a physical manifestation of common digital operations. The tangibles are designed as passive elements that do not require the use of any additional hardware or external power while maintaining a high degree of accuracy.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund, through the ANNOTA Project (Ref. TIN2013-46036-C3-1-R).Salvador-Herranz, G.; Camba, J.; Contero, M.; Naya Sanchis, F. (2018). Accessibility and tangible interaction in distributed workspaces based on multi-touch surfaces. Universal Access in the Information Society. 17(2):247-256. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10209-017-0563-7S247256172Arkin, E.M., Chew, L.P., Huttenlocher, D.P., Kedem, K., Mitchell, J.S.B.: An efficiently computable metric for comparing polygonal shapes. IEEE Trans. Acoust. 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    Mixing and Re-Purposing Realities

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    This paper discusses a mixed reality that intertwines two parallel spaces, a real and a virtual contemporary sculpture park. With the goal to create a game that motivated children to explore the park and engage with the artworks, we engaged with children as informants. We developed a cast of characters based on the children’s input that lived in the sculpture park. Using the characters as inspiration we created a three-act narrative, with the canonical trajectory provided as a sequential clues treasure hunt. The clues are integrated into character dialogue, with traversal and transitions reinforced through the narrative. Although the narrative and game were designed for a collaborative, multi-user, multi-device experience, the characters, narrative and experience were rapidly re-purposed for an individual game on a mobile phone. This re-purposing focused on the transitions, using dramatic narrative to reinforce and mask reality change. Our results are positive, children enjoyed the mixed reality experiences and are keen to engage in different realities. Re-purposing assets, such as characters and narratives as well as virtual spaces is effective, enabling rapid development of similar, yet very different mixed reality experiences

    A survey of the trajectories conceptual framework: investigating theory use in HCI

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    We present a case study of how Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) theory is reused within the field. We analyze the HCI literature in order to reveal the impact of one particular theory, the trajectories framework that has been cited as an example of both contemporary HCI theory and a strong concept that sits between theory and design practice. Our analysis of 60 papers that seriously engaged with trajectories reveals the purposes that the framework served and which parts of it they used. We compare our findings to the originally stated goals of trajectories and to subsequent claims of its status as both theory and strong concept. The results shed new light on what we mean by theory in HCI, including its relationship to practice and to other disciplines

    Revolutionary and evolutionary technology design processes in location-based interactions

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    Development and deployment of location based systems is a key consideration in the design of new mobile technologies. Critical to the design process is to understand and manage the expectations of stakeholders (including funders, research partners and end users) for these systems. In particular, the way in which expectations impact upon technology development choices between small-scale, 'high tech' innovations or larger scalable solutions. This paper describes the differences in a revolutionary design process (for 'high tech' prototypes or catwalk technologies) versus an evolutionary design process (for scalable or prêt-à-porter systems), as exemplified in two location-based mobile interaction case studies. One case study exemplifies a revolutionary design process and resultant system, and the other an evolutionary design process and system. The use of these case studies is a clear natural progression from the paper that first described the concept of 'catwalk technologies' (Adams et al, 2013), which itself drew upon research that used mobile devices for outdoor 'in the wild' locations. This paper presents a set list of fifteen heuristic guidelines based upon an analysis of these case studies. These heuristics present characteristics and key differences between the two types of design process. This paper provides a key reference point for researchers, developers and the academic community as a whole, when defining a project rationale for designing and developing technical systems. In addition, we refer to the role of the researcher/research team in terms of guiding and managing stakeholder and research team expectations and how this relates to the planning and deployment of catwalk or prêt-à-porter technologies. Lastly, we state how this research has vital implications for planning and enacting interventions and sequences of interactions with stakeholders and, crucially, in the planning of future research projects

    How do base rules constitute a virtual world?

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    Propiedades psicométricas de la escala de presencia en tecnologías ubicuas

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    Este estudo teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma escala de presença nas tecnologias ubíquas. O processo de desenvolvimento do instrumento teve como etapas a escolha dos atributos comportamentais referentes ao objeto de estudo e à operacionalização do construto, a apresentação a três juízes, dois grupos focais e a uma aplicação piloto em uma amostra reduzida (n = 30) e por fim, uma aplicação com a 458 participantes. Foram realizadas análises de consistência interna, análise fatorial confirmatória e análise fatorial confirmatória multigrupo. A versão final da Escala de Presença em Tecnologias Ubíquas conta com 14 itens, agrupados em três fatores independentes (Autopresença, Presença Espacial e Presença Social), e apresenta um bom índice de consistência interna (alfa = 0,905) e um índice de ajuste aceitável (c2 = 116,83; gl = 74; p < 0,01; CFI = 0,99; RMSEA = 0,035; SRMR = 0,053), com parâmetros psicométricos equivalentes por gênero.This study aimed to develop a scale of presence in ubiquitous tech-nologies. The development process of the instrument had 4 stages: 1) the choice of behavioral attributes related to the object of study and the operation of the construct, 2) the presentation to three judges, two focus groups and a 3) pilot application in a reduced sample (n = 30) and 4) an application with 458 participants. In order to obtain validity and reliability evidences we performed internal consis-tency analyzes, confirmatory factor analysis and multigroup confirmatory factorial analysis. The final version of the Presence Scale in Ubiquitous Technologies has 14 items, grouped into three independent factors (Self-Presence, Spatial Presence and Social Presence), and has a good internal consistency index (alpha = 0.905) and an acceptable adjustment index (χ2 = 116.83, gl = 74, p <0.01, CFI = 0.99, RM-SEA = 0.035, SRMR = 0.053), with equivalent psychometric parameters by gender.Este estudio tuvo como objetivo el desarrollo de una escala de pre-sencia en las tecnologías ubicuas. El proceso de desarrollo del instrumento tuvo como etapas 1) la elección de los atributos comportamentales referentes al objeto de estudio y la operacionalización del constructo, 2) la presentación a tres jueces, dos grupos focales, 3) una aplicación piloto en una muestra reducida (n = 30), y por último, 4) una aplicación con 458 participantes. Se realizaron análisis de consistencia interna, análisis factorial confirmatorio y análisis factorial confirmatorio multigrupo. La versión final de la Escala de Presencia en Tecnologías Ubíquicas cuenta con 14 ítems, agrupados en tres factores independientes (Autopresencia, Presencia Espacial y Presencia Social), y presenta un buen índice de consistencia interna (alfa = 0,905) y un índice de ajuste aceptable (χ2 = 116,83; gl = 74; p < 0,01; CFI = 0,99; RMSEA = 0,035; SRMR = 0,053) con parámetros psicométricos equivalentes por género