128 research outputs found


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    Electronic products are becoming obsolete at a very high rate due to rapid changes in consumer demand and technological advancements. However, on other hand End-of-Life (EOL) management of electronic products is not effectively approached while these products offer huge opportunities for effective recycling. In this context, this thesis has highlighted the current practices and issues related to EOL management of electronic products focusing on their different material compositions, the uses of their raw materials in the circular economy perspective. The thesis proposes the introduction of digital technologies into the recycling process to improve efficiency. More specifically, this thesis has focused on the corona electrostatic separation process and the improvement of efficiency based on the simulation of the particle trajectories to identify the most effective parameters. Thus, in this frame, a numerical model to predict the particle trajectories in a corona electrostatic separator is developed using COMSOL Multiphysics and MATLAB software and validated with experimental trials. The recycling of electronic waste is becoming challenging due to its diverse and constantly changing material composition. In this regard, this thesis illustrates the use of non-destructive visible near-infrared hyperspectral imaging (VNIR-HSI) technique to identify material accurately; the effectiveness of VNIR-HSI is demonstrated through an experimental campaign combined with machine learning models, such as Support Vector Machine, K-Nearest Neighbors and Neural Network.Nonostante i prodotti elettronici diventino obsoleti ad un ritmo molto elevato, a causa dei rapidi cambiamenti nella domanda dei consumatori e dei progressi tecnologici, la gestione del loro fine vita (End-of-Life (EOL)) non viene affrontata in modo efficace benché offra, invece, grandi opportunità di riciclo. In questo contesto, questa tesi ha evidenziato le attuali pratiche e problematiche relative alla gestione del fine vita dei prodotti elettronici concentrandosi sulla loro diversa composizione, l’utilizzo delle materie prime seconde ricavabili in una prospettiva di economia circolare. La tesi propone l’introduzione di tecnologie digitali nel processo di riciclo per migliorarne l'efficienza. In particolare, questa tesi si è concentrata sul processo di separazione elettrostatica a corona e sul miglioramento dell'efficienza grazie alla simulazione delle traiettorie delle particelle per identificare i parametri più efficaci. Pertanto, in questo studio, utilizzando i software COMSOL Multiphysics e MATLAB, è stato sviluppato un modello numerico per prevedere le traiettorie delle particelle in un separatore elettrostatico a corona; il modello è stato poi validato con prove sperimentali. Il riciclo dei rifiuti elettronici sta diventando sempre più complesso a causa della presenza di mix di materiali diversificati e in continua evoluzione. A questo proposito, la tecnologia di visione iperspettrale non distruttiva basata su lunghezze d’onda nel visibile e nel vicino infrarosso (VNIR-HSI) è stata utilizzata in questo lavoro di tesi per identificare il materiale in modo preciso; l'efficacia di VNIR-HSI, combinato con modelli di apprendimento automatico, come la Support Vector Machine, K-Nearest Neighbors e Neural Network, viene dimostrata attraverso una campagna sperimentale

    Technical Institute, Kevin Street: Prospectus 1938-39

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    Courses and timetables for Dublin Institute of Technology, Kevin Street

    X-ray fluorescence spectroscopic technique for quality control in pharmaceutical, agronomy and automobile industry from a biomedical perspective

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    In this work, we investigate the versatility of X-ray fluorescence spectroscopic technique specifically in biomedical applications. To prove the robustness of the method we devel- oped three case studies from three very distinct industries with different backgrounds. In the first example, we study the application to the pharmaceutical industry by analyz- ing a group of samples of commercially available iron supplement pills. This analysis shows that even though iron concentrations are measured to meet the advertised values, there are important elemental contaminants, specifically, manganese and nickel. In the second example, we have analyzed food samples, more specifically, biofortified wheat grains. This analysis focus on assessing the ability of different genotypes for retaining the biofortified element - zinc. Even though most sample show enhanced zinc content, zinc distribution inside the grain is not homogeneous and this element tends to be found in higher concentrations in the embryo and vascular bundle. In the third example, we have developed a study in collaboration with the biggest automotive plant in Portugal – Volkswagen Autoeuropa. The main goal is to install, at least, one low-cost air quality control device in one of the workstations of the factory. For this purpose, we designed two prototypes that used the wind tunnel principle to deposit suspended particles in these workstations onto quartz fiber filters. These filters were then analyzed not only by XRF but also via microscopic camera analysis, SEM with EDX. Results for both size and com- position concentrations show a linear behavior with deposition time, for a range of four identified trace elements: Iron, Zinc, Manganese and Copper. From these samples we conclude that the number of suspended metallic particles is not negligible and a repeated and accumulated long time exposure might have health consequences.Neste trabalho foi estudada a versatilidade da técnica de espectroscopia de fluorescência de Raios-X especificamente em aplicações biomédicas. Para demonstrar a robustez do método foram investigados três cenários provenientes de industrias de origens e nature- zas muito distintas. No primeiro exemplo discutido, estudou-se a aplicação à industria farmacêutica, aplicando a técnica a um conjunto de amostras de suplementos de ferro comercialmente disponíveis. Esta análise demonstrou que apesar das concentrações de ferro estarem de acordo com as tabeladas no rótulo, existem contaminantes importantes, nomeadamente níquel e manganês. No segundo exemplo, foram analisadas amostras de comida, especificamente, trigo biofortificado. Esta análise focou-se num conjunto grande de amostras onde se averiguou a habilidade de reter o elemento biofortificado - zinco - em cada um dos genótipos de trigo analisados. Apesar dos grãos biofortificados mostrarem um claro aumento de zinco, a distribuição de zinco no grão não é no entanto uniforme, sendo que, na grande maioria dos casos, este elemento está concentrado no embrião e sistema vascular. O terceiro exemplo, foi desenvolvido em ambiente industrial na maior fábrica automóvel de Portugal - Volkswagen Autoeuropa. O foco principal deste trabalho é o desenvolvimento e instalação de uma solução low-cost de controlo de qualidade do ar num dos postos de trabalho na linha de montagem da fábrica. Para tal, desenvolvemos dois protótipos baseados num conceito clássico de túnel de vento para possibilitar a depo- sição das partículas suspensas no ar num filtro de fibra de quartzo. Para além da análise por XRF estes filtros foram também sujeitos a inspecção óptica por micro-camera binocu- lar e análise SEM com EDX. Os resultados mostram que existe um relação linear entre o tempo de deposição e a concentração de partículas nos filtros e revelam que os elementos de traço desta análise são o ferro, o zinco, o manganês e o cobre. Esta análise revela que temos quantidades de todos estes elementos acima dos nossos limites de detecção e como tal o impacto na saúde dos funcionários devido a uma exposição de longa duração deve ser apurado

    Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document for the Food, Drink and Milk Industries. Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control)

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    The Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document (BREF) for the Food, Drink and Milk Industries is part of a series of documents presenting the results of an exchange of information between EU Member States, the industries concerned, non-governmental organisations promoting environmental protection, and the Commission, to draw up, review and – where necessary – update BAT reference documents as required by Article 13(1) of Directive 2010/78/EU on Industrial Emissions (the Directive). This document is published by the European Commission pursuant to Article 13(6) of the Directive. The BREF for the Food, Drink and Milk Industries covers the treatment and processing, other than exclusively packaging, of the animal and/or vegetable raw materials, whether previously processed or unprocessed, intended for the production of food or feed, as specified in Section 6.4 (b) of Annex I to Directive 2010/75/EU. Important issues for the implementation of Directive 2010/75/EU in the food, drink and milk (FDM) sector are emissions to water, energy and water consumption. Chapter 1 provides general information on the FDM sector and on the industrial processes and techniques used within this sector. Chapter 2 provides information on the common industrial processes, abatement systems and general techniques that are used across the FDM sector. General techniques to consider in the determination of BAT (i.e. those techniques to consider that are widely applied in the FDM sector) are reported in Chapter 2. Chapters 3 to 15 give the applied processes, current emission and consumption levels, techniques to consider in the determination of BAT and emerging techniques for the FDM sectors that are covered by these chapters. Chapter 16 provides thumbnail descriptions of additional FDM sectors, for which a data collection via questionnaires has not been carried out. Chapter 17 presents the BAT conclusions as defined in Article 3(12) of the Directive, both general and sector-specific. Concluding remarks and recommendations for future work are presented in Chapter 18.JRC.B.5-Circular Economy and Industrial Leadershi

    Chapter 34 - Biocompatibility of nanocellulose: Emerging biomedical applications

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    Nanocellulose already proved to be a highly relevant material for biomedical applications, ensued by its outstanding mechanical properties and, more importantly, its biocompatibility. Nevertheless, despite their previous intensive research, a notable number of emerging applications are still being developed. Interestingly, this drive is not solely based on the nanocellulose features, but also heavily dependent on sustainability. The three core nanocelluloses encompass cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs), cellulose nanofibrils (CNFs), and bacterial nanocellulose (BNC). All these different types of nanocellulose display highly interesting biomedical properties per se, after modification and when used in composite formulations. Novel applications that use nanocellulose includewell-known areas, namely, wound dressings, implants, indwelling medical devices, scaffolds, and novel printed scaffolds. Their cytotoxicity and biocompatibility using recent methodologies are thoroughly analyzed to reinforce their near future applicability. By analyzing the pristine core nanocellulose, none display cytotoxicity. However, CNF has the highest potential to fail long-term biocompatibility since it tends to trigger inflammation. On the other hand, neverdried BNC displays a remarkable biocompatibility. Despite this, all nanocelluloses clearly represent a flag bearer of future superior biomaterials, being elite materials in the urgent replacement of our petrochemical dependence

    Biopolymers from Natural Resources

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    This work covers all aspects related to the obtainment, production, design, and processing of biopolymers obtained from natural resources. Moreover, it studies characteristics related to the improvement of their performance to increase their potential application at an industrial level, in line with the concept of a global circular economy. Thus, this work firstly classifies biopolymers obtained from natural resources (e.g., biobased building blocks and biopolymers extracted directly from plants and biomass), and then summarizes several cutting-edge research works focused on enhancing the performance of biopolymers from natural resources to extend their application in the industrial sector, and contribute to the transition to more sustainable plastics

    Разработка технологии гранулирования угольного штыба при использовании отходов мукомольного производства

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    Целью работы является разработка способа получения прочных топливных гранул (пеллет) из отходов угледобычи и биомассы. В качестве основного метода исследования в работе использованы эксперимент и дифференциальный термический анализ. В результате выполненных исследований, определены технологические параметры формования пеллет: влажность исходной смеси 16-19 %, доля пшеничных отрубей в составе формовочной смеси от 4 до 20 %, температура прессования 120-160 ?С, давление прессования 75-300 МПа. Показана возможность реализации предложенного способа на оборудовании промышленного типа. При формовании пеллет волокна отру-бей образовывали вокруг частиц угля прочный скелет. Пеллеты соответствуют требованиям, согласно российскому стандарту ГОСТ Р 57016–2016, предъявляемым к формованному топливу.The aim of the work is to develop a method for producing durable fuel granules (pellets) from coal mining waste and biomass. Experiment and differential thermal analysis were used as the main research method in the work. As a result of the research, the technological parameters of pellet molding were determined: the moisture content of the initial mixture is 16-19%, the proportion of wheat bran in the composition of the molding sand is from 4 to 20%, the pressing temperature is 120-160 ?С, the pressing pressure is 75-300 MPa. The possibility of implementing the proposed method on industrial-type equipment is shown. During the formation of pellets, bran fibers formed a strong skeleton around the coal particles


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    ГИГИЕНАУЧЕБНЫЕ ПОСОБИЯГИГИЕНА ТРУДАПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНАЯ ГИГИЕНАОКРУЖАЮЩЕЙ СРЕДЫ ГИГИЕНАГИГИЕНА ПИТАНИЯГИГИЕНА ДЕТЕЙ И ПОДРОСТКОВГИГИЕНА ПОМЕЩЕНИЙВ учебном пособии рассматриваются вопросы гигиены лечебно-профилактических организаций, труда, детей и подростков, окружающей среды, питания, населенных мест и жилища