2,195 research outputs found

    2020 NASA Technology Taxonomy

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    This document is an update (new photos used) of the PDF version of the 2020 NASA Technology Taxonomy that will be available to download on the OCT Public Website. The updated 2020 NASA Technology Taxonomy, or "technology dictionary", uses a technology discipline based approach that realigns like-technologies independent of their application within the NASA mission portfolio. This tool is meant to serve as a common technology discipline-based communication tool across the agency and with its partners in other government agencies, academia, industry, and across the world

    Support vector machines to detect physiological patterns for EEG and EMG-based human-computer interaction:a review

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    Support vector machines (SVMs) are widely used classifiers for detecting physiological patterns in human-computer interaction (HCI). Their success is due to their versatility, robustness and large availability of free dedicated toolboxes. Frequently in the literature, insufficient details about the SVM implementation and/or parameters selection are reported, making it impossible to reproduce study analysis and results. In order to perform an optimized classification and report a proper description of the results, it is necessary to have a comprehensive critical overview of the applications of SVM. The aim of this paper is to provide a review of the usage of SVM in the determination of brain and muscle patterns for HCI, by focusing on electroencephalography (EEG) and electromyography (EMG) techniques. In particular, an overview of the basic principles of SVM theory is outlined, together with a description of several relevant literature implementations. Furthermore, details concerning reviewed papers are listed in tables and statistics of SVM use in the literature are presented. Suitability of SVM for HCI is discussed and critical comparisons with other classifiers are reported


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    The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between the mechanical impedance of the human ankle and the corresponding lower extremity muscle activity. Three experimental studies were performed to measure the ankle impedance about multiple degrees of freedom (DOF), while the ankle was subjected to different loading conditions and different levels of muscle activity. The first study determined the non-loaded ankle impedance in the sagittal, frontal, and transverse anatomical planes while the ankle was suspended above the ground. The subjects actively co-contracted their agonist and antagonistic muscles to various levels, measured using electromyography (EMG). An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was implemented to characterize the relationship between the EMG and non-loaded ankle impedance in 3-DOF. The next two studies determined the ankle impedance and muscle activity during standing, while the foot and ankle were subjected to ground perturbations in the sagittal and frontal planes. These studies investigate the performance of subject-dependent models, aggregated models, and the feasibility of a generic, subject-independent model to predict ankle impedance based on the muscle activity of any person. Several regression models, including Least Square, Support Vector Machine, Gaussian Process Regression, and ANN, and EMG feature extraction techniques were explored. The resulting subject-dependent and aggregated models were able to predict ankle impedance with reasonable accuracy. Furthermore, preliminary efforts toward a subject-independent model showed promising results for the design of an EMG-impedance model that can predict ankle impedance using new subjects. This work contributes to understanding the relationship between the lower extremity muscles and the mechanical impedance of the ankle in multiple DOF. Applications of this work could be used to improve user intent recognition for the control of active ankle-foot prostheses

    Surf Biomechanics and Bioenergetics.

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    O surf moderno vem sendo descrito como uma atividade física intermitente, que varia em duração e intensidade, seguida de períodos de recuperação consideráveis. Atualmente, a análise e avaliação das sessões de surf são baseadas em conhecimento empírico, experiência e observação. Em outras palavras, procedimentos que envolvem grandes erros de medição. No entanto, é extremamente difícil obter informações analíticas sobre os parâmetros de desempenho. As primeiras investigações científicas no mundo do surf enfrentam uma dificuldade clássica do mundo da ciência, que é medir sem interferir. Além disso, o ambiente marítimo, particularmente devido à água salgada, é extremamente hostil aos componentes eletrônicos, que atualmente são a nossa maior fonte de informações quantitativas.O objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar a fase horizontal do surf, especificamente a remada de potência, a remada de longa duração e a técnica de transição para ficar de pé na prancha de surf. Todo este pacote sob a perspetiva da biomecânica, associado a alguns parâmetros bioenergéticos. A abordagem geral foi apoiada por um processo de desconstrução dos movimentos e técnicas em partes didáticas, a fim de reconstruir um conhecimento global e uma melhor compreensão do surf. Olhando para o futuro, agregámos a este projeto o desenvolvimento de recursos tecnológicos que possibilitam explorar o surf diretamente no oceano. Tudo isso ganha ainda muito mais peso, desde que o Surf foi selecionado como novo desporto olímpico para os Jogos de Tóquio, em 2020. Os Jogos Olímpicos passam a ser uma excelente oportunidade, onde o surf se tornará mais profissionalizado e organizado. Neste contexto, as métricas para avaliação de desempenho são importantes para ajudar a validação de metodologias de ensino-aprendizagem, treinamento e julgamentos competitivos.Palavras-chave: biomecânica do surf, surfing, remadas do surf, ficar de pé, medições.Modern surfing has been described as an intermittent physical activity, which varies in duration and intensity, followed by considerable recovery periods. Currently, the analysis and judgment of surf sessions are based on empirical knowledge, experience, and observation. In other words, procedures that involve great measurement errors. However, it is extremely difficult to obtain analytical information on performance parameters. The first scientific investigations in the surf world faced a classic difficulty of the world of science, which is to measure without interfering. In addition, the maritime environment, particularly due to salt water, is extremely hostile to electronic components, which are currently our largest source of quantitative information.This research aimed to investigate the horizontal phase of surfing, specifically the sprint paddling, endurance paddling and the transition pop-up - standing technique. The whole pack under a biomechanics perspective, associated with bioenergetic parameters. The general approach was supported by process of deconstruction of movements and techniques in didactic parts, in order to reconstruct a global knowledge, and a better understanding of surfing. Looking to the future, we aggregate to this project the development of technological resources that make it possible to explore surf directly in the ocean. All this gained even more relevance since Surf has been selected as the new Olympic sport for the next Games of Tokyo 2020. The Olympic Games are an excellent opportunity where surfing will become more professional and organised. In this context, the metrics for performance evaluation are important to help validating teaching-learning methodologies, support training and competitive judgments

    Wound dressing products: A translational investigation from the bench to the market

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    Chronic skin wounds affect more than 40 million patients globally and represent a severe growing burden for the healthcare systems, with annual costs expected to exceed $15 billions by 2022. To satisfy the huge demand for effective wound care products, different types of wound dressings have been introduced on the market during the last decades. Based on “the moist wound healing theory” postulated by Prof Winter in 1962, bandages were initially designed to recreate the optimal wound environment to favor the healing process. Then, thanks to the advancements achieved in biomaterial design and processing, biotechnology, imaging and electronic fields, great effort has been devoted to the development of formulations able to actively participate to tissue healing. Indeed, both the literature and the market report the design of medicated wound dressings, i.e., wound care products releasing anti-microbial agents, anti-inflammatory drugs, or bioactive molecules. In this scenario, this review aims at critically describing the currently available wound care products, highlighting their proved effectiveness in wound management. Moreover, an overview of the main strategies exploited to design personalized wound dressings has been reported. Lastly, concerns on regulatory affairs and practical issues limiting the clinical translation of advanced research platforms have also been discussed

    Computational Intelligence in Electromyography Analysis

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    Electromyography (EMG) is a technique for evaluating and recording the electrical activity produced by skeletal muscles. EMG may be used clinically for the diagnosis of neuromuscular problems and for assessing biomechanical and motor control deficits and other functional disorders. Furthermore, it can be used as a control signal for interfacing with orthotic and/or prosthetic devices or other rehabilitation assists. This book presents an updated overview of signal processing applications and recent developments in EMG from a number of diverse aspects and various applications in clinical and experimental research. It will provide readers with a detailed introduction to EMG signal processing techniques and applications, while presenting several new results and explanation of existing algorithms. This book is organized into 18 chapters, covering the current theoretical and practical approaches of EMG research

    Low-Cost Inventions and Patents

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    Inventions have led to the technological advances of mankind. There are inventions of all kinds, some of which have lasted hundreds of years or even longer. Low-cost technologies are expected to be easy to build, have little or no energy consumption, and be easy to maintain and operate. The use of sustainable technologies is essential in order to move towards a greater global coverage of technology, and therefore to improve human quality of life. Low-cost products always respond to a specific need, even if no in-depth analysis of the situation or possible solutions has been carried out. It is a consensus in all industrialized countries that patents have a decisive influence on the organization of the economy, as they are a key element in promoting technological innovation. Patents must aim to promote the technological development of countries, starting from their industrial situations