350 research outputs found

    Theta phase synchronization between the human hippocampus and prefrontal cortex increases during encoding of unexpected information: A case study

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    Events that violate predictions are thought to not only modulate activity within the hippocampus and PFC but also enhance communication between the two regions. Scalp and intracranial EEG studies have shown that oscillations in the theta frequency band are enhanced during processing of contextually unexpected information. Some theories suggest that the hippocampus and PFC interact during processing of unexpected events, and it is possible that theta oscillations may mediate these interactions. Here, we had the rare opportunity to conduct simultaneous electrophysiological recordings from the human hippocampus and PFC from two patients undergoing presurgical evaluation for pharmacoresistant epilepsy. Recordings were conducted during a task that involved encoding of contextually expected and unexpected visual stimuli. Across both patients, hippocampal–prefrontal theta phase synchronization was significantly higher during encoding of contextually unexpected study items, relative to contextually expected study items. Furthermore, the hippocampal–prefrontal theta phase synchronization was larger for contextually unexpected items that were later remembered compared with later forgotten items. Moreover, we did not find increased theta synchronization between the PFC and rhinal cortex, suggesting that the observed effects were specific to prefrontal–hippocampal interactions. Our findings are consistent with the idea that theta oscillations orchestrate communication between the hippocampus and PFC in support of enhanced encoding of contextually deviant information

    The spectro-contextual encoding and retrieval theory of episodic memory.

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    The spectral fingerprint hypothesis, which posits that different frequencies of oscillations underlie different cognitive operations, provides one account for how interactions between brain regions support perceptual and attentive processes (Siegel etal., 2012). Here, we explore and extend this idea to the domain of human episodic memory encoding and retrieval. Incorporating findings from the synaptic to cognitive levels of organization, we argue that spectrally precise cross-frequency coupling and phase-synchronization promote the formation of hippocampal-neocortical cell assemblies that form the basis for episodic memory. We suggest that both cell assembly firing patterns as well as the global pattern of brain oscillatory activity within hippocampal-neocortical networks represents the contents of a particular memory. Drawing upon the ideas of context reinstatement and multiple trace theory, we argue that memory retrieval is driven by internal and/or external factors which recreate these frequency-specific oscillatory patterns which occur during episodic encoding. These ideas are synthesized into a novel model of episodic memory (the spectro-contextual encoding and retrieval theory, or "SCERT") that provides several testable predictions for future research

    Perirhinal cortex and the neural basis of object memory in the rat

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    This thesis aimed to investigate the role of the perirhinal cortex in object memory in the rat. The first experiment tested the hypothesis that the perirhinal cortex is critical to memory for relationships between objects by testing postoperative learning of novel visual-visual stimulus associations following lesions of the perirhinal cortex. The hypothesis was not supported: postoperative performance was not impaired. Experiments 3.1-3.4 tested the hypothesis that perirhinal cortex is crucial to the integration of multiple features into a representation of an object using spontaneous object recognition with either reconfigured objects or multiple objects. The hypothesis was supported: perirhinal lesions caused disproportionate impairment on tasks involving feature ambiguity. Experiments 4.1-4.7 investigated the effects of, perirhinal, postrhinal or fornix lesions on aspects of memory for object-context associations. The hypothesis that postrhinal and fornix lesioned animals would be more impaired than perirhinal animals was confirmed. Postrhinal lesions impaired memory for object-context associations, as, less severely, did fornix lesions; perirhinal lesions impaired memory when another object was used as the context. Experiment 5.1 used a novel model for episodic-like memory and tested the hypothesis that postrhinal or fornix, but not perirhinal lesions would cause impairment. One of these predictions was supported: fornix but not postrhinal or perirhinal lesions caused severe impairment of episodic-like memory. The fornix impairment was not due to an impairment of memory for object-place associations (experiment 5.2). Finally, experiments 6.1-6.7 investigated the possible function of L-type calcium channels in perirhinal cortex. The dihydropyridine nimodipine was successfully used to reverse the effects of the muscarinic antagonist scopolamine on the spontaneous object recognition task. It is concluded that perirhinal lesions in the rat result in impairments of memory which involve the processing of objects and the relation of their constituent features to each other. They do not impair memory for the association either of distinct objects or of objects and background contexts or locations. This is contrasted with the impairment of memory for object-in-context which results from postrhinal lesions and the impairment of episodic- like memory which results from fornix lesions. The importance of the cholinergic system in object recognition is confirmed and the importance of L-type calcium channels to such memory is suggested

    Know-how, intellectualism, and memory systems

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    ABSTRACTA longstanding tradition in philosophy distinguishes between knowthatand know-how. This traditional “anti-intellectualist” view is soentrenched in folk psychology that it is often invoked in supportof an allegedly equivalent distinction between explicit and implicitmemory, derived from the so-called “standard model of memory.”In the last two decades, the received philosophical view has beenchallenged by an “intellectualist” view of know-how. Surprisingly, defenders of the anti-intellectualist view have turned to the cognitivescience of memory, and to the standard model in particular, todefend their view. Here, I argue that this strategy is a mistake. As it turns out, upon closer scrutiny, the evidence from cognitivepsychology and neuroscience of memory does not support theanti-intellectualist approach, mainly because the standard modelof memory is likely wrong. However, this need not be interpretedas good news for the intellectualist, for it is not clear that theempirical evidence necessarily supp..

    Prior knowledge contribution to declarative learning. A study in amnesia, aging and Alzheimer's disease

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    L'étude expérimentale de la mémoire humaine a connu deux moments historiques dans les soixante dernières années. 1957 marque la découverte du rôle du lobe temporal interne bilatéral dans l'apprentissage conscient, déclaratif. 1997 marque la découverte de deux systèmes de mémoire déclarative, épisodique et sémantique. Ces découvertes résultent d'études de cas en neuropsychologie. Cette thèse s'inscrit dans la tradition neuropsychologique: sa genèse doit tout à un patient souffrant d'une forme atypique d'amnésie développementale, le patient KA. Son point de départ est une étude de cas approfondie, avec deux résultats surprenants. Malgré une amnésie sévère, KA dispose de connaissances sémantiques exceptionnelles. Par ailleurs, il montre des capacités préservées d'apprentissage explicite, mais uniquement pour des stimuli concrets, pas abstraits. En conséquence, cette thèse a exploré deux pistes de recherche. Premièrement, nous avons caractérisé les processus préservés d'apprentissage déclaratif et l'anatomie cérébrale chez ce patient. Deuxièmement, nous avons étudié le rôle des connaissances préalables dans l'apprentissage: comment ce que l'on sait influence ce dont nous nous souvenons ? Une première série d'expériences montre chez ce patient une atteinte sévère et sélective de l'ensemble du système hippocampique, alors que les structures sous- hippocampiques (cortex entorhinal, périrhinal et parahippocampique) sont préservées. Malgré une amnésie épisodique sévère, nous montrons des connaissances sémantiques supranormales et des aptitudes d'apprentissage explicite rapide. Ces aptitudes sont toutefois restreintes aux stimuli associés à des connaissances préalables. Une seconde série d'expériences explore l'hypothèse selon laquelle les connaissances préalables facilitent l'apprentissage en mémoire déclarative, même dans les situations où le lobe temporal interne est fragilisé, comme dans le vieillissement, ou lésé, comme chez le patient KA ou dans la maladie d'Alzheimer. Nos résultats suggèrent l'existence de processus d'apprentissage rapide en mémoire déclarative, indépendants du système hippocampique et sensibles à la présence de représentations préexistantes. Ces processus semblent affectés par la maladie d'Alzheimer, et ce en lien avec un défaut d'activité des régions sous-hippocampiques antérieures. A l'inverse, les sujets âgés sains peuvent utiliser les connaissances préalables et pourraient ainsi compenser le déclin de la mémoire associative. Ce travail s'accorde avec les modèles postulant une dissociation fonctionnelle au sein du lobe temporal interne pour l'apprentissage déclaratif. Il soutient les propositions neurocognitives et computationnelles récentes, suggérant une voie d'apprentissage néocortical rapide mobilisable dans certaines circonstances. Il met en exergue la dynamique des apprentissages en mémoire déclarative et notamment l'intrication fondamentale entre "savoir" et "se souvenir". Ce que je sais a un impact profond sur ce dont je vais me souvenir. Cette thèse permet d'envisager de nouveaux outils cognitifs pour le diagnostic de la maladie d'Alzheimer. De plus, il semble que des lésions temporales internes auront un impact distinct sur l'apprentissage selon le statut des informations à mémoriser en mémoire à long terme, offrant un regard nouveau sur les effets stimulus-dépendants dans l'amnésie. Une considération approfondie des connaissances préalables associées au contenu de nos expériences, et leur caractérisation détaillée, est requise pour affiner les modèles de la mémoire déclarative. Ces résultats apportent de nouvelles pistes de recherche quant aux circonstances épargnant l'apprentissage, notamment associatif, lors du vieillissement. Plus généralement, ils contribuent à la compréhension des déterminants d'un apprentissage réussi, en mettant l'accent sur les recouvrements entre processus de récupération et d'acquisition. Des applications potentielles en découlent dans le domaine éducatif.The experimental study of human memory has had two historic moments in the last sixty years. 1957 marks the discovery of the role of the medial temporal lobes in conscious learning. 1997 marks the discovery of two systems of declarative memory, namely episodic and semantic memories. These major breakthroughs are owed to clinical case studies in neuropsychology. This thesis follows on from the neuropsychological tradition: its genesis owes everything to a patient suffering from an atypical form of developmental amnesia, the patient KA. The starting point of this work was a thorough neuropsychological study of this patient. Two striking findings shortly arose. First, despite lifelong amnesia, KA had acquired exceptional levels of knowledge about the world. Second, remaining explicit learning abilities were restricted to meaningful, not meaningless, memoranda. As a consequence, we have investigated two research pathways in that thesis. First, we aimed at better characterizing preserved learning abilities and brain structure of the patient KA. Second, our goal was to explore how prior knowledge affects new declarative learning or, put simply, how do we learn what we know? In a first series of behavioural and neuroimaging experiments, we have shown in this patient a severe and selective damage of the whole extended hippocampal system, but preserved subhippocampal structures (entorhinal, perirhinal and parahippocampal cortex). The patient suffers from severe episodic amnesia, but we bring striking evidence for supranormal semantic knowledge as well as normal explicit learning skills. These skills were, however, restricted to familiar stimuli, that is, stimuli carrying pre-experimental knowledge. In a second series of behavioural and neuroimaging experiments, we explored the hypothesis that prior knowledge can facilitate new learning in declarative memory, even in aging or in situations where structures of the medial temporal lobe are or injured, as in amnesia or Alzheimer's disease. Our results suggest the existence of processes allowing fast learning in declarative memory, independently of the hippocampal system, and that are sensitive to the presence of pre-existing representations in long-term memory. Such learning processes appear to be selectively affected by Alzheimer's disease at the pre-dementia stage, in relation to a lack of activation of subhippocampal regions. In contrast, healthy elderly were able to rely on these learning processes to compensate for the decline in associative memory associated with aging. This work lends support to the models postulating a functional dissociation with respect to learning in declarative memory. It indeed strengthens recent neurocognitive and computational accounts that suggest a rapid neocortical learning path under certain circumstances. It highlights the dynamics of learning in declarative memory and in particular the fundamental entanglement between "knowing" and "remembering". What I know profoundly impacts what I will remember. The present thesis points towards new cognitive tools for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. It further brings evidence that medial temporal lesions differentially impact learning depending on the status of the memoranda in long-term memory, which sheds a new light on material-specific effects in amnesia. Our work speaks for a thorough consideration of whether the contents of events have prior representations within long-term memory, and to further better characterize their nature if we are to better understand learning mechanisms. It also brings additional clues for a deeper understanding of how learning and memory can be preserved in aging. More generally, it contributes to a better understanding of the factors determining successful learning, with a focus on how retrieval and acquisition processes overlap during learning. Such findings have potential applications in the educational field

    Medial temporal lobe activation during encoding and retrieval of novel face-name pairs

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    The human medial temporal lobe (MTL) is known to be involved in declarative memory, yet the exact contributions of the various MTL structures are not well understood. In particular, the data as to whether the hippocampal region is preferentially involved in the encoding and/or retrieval of associative memory have not allowed for a consensus concerning its specific role. To investigate the role of the hippocampal region and the nearby MTL cortical areas in encoding and retrieval of associative versus non-associative memories, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure brain activity during learning and later recognition testing of novel face-name pairs. We show that there is greater activity for successful encoding of associative information than for non-associative information in the right hippocampal region, as well as in the left amygdala and right parahippocampal cortex. Activity for retrieval of associative information was greater than for non-associative information in the right hippocampal region also, as well as in the left perirhinal cortex, right entorhinal cortex, and right parahippocampal cortex. The implications of these data for a clear functional distinction between the hippocampal region and the MTL cortical structures are discussed. © 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc

    Hippocampus dependent and independent theta-networks of working memory maintenance

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    Working memory is the ability to briefly maintain and manipulate information beyond its transient availability to our senses. This process of short-term stimulus retention has often been proposed to be anatomically distinct from long-term forms of memory. Although it’s been well established that the medial temporal lobe (MTL) is critical to long-term declarative memory, recent evidence has suggested that MTL regions, such as the hippocampus, may also be involved in the working memory maintenance of configural visual relationships. I investigate this possibility in a series of experiments using Magnetoencephalography to record the cortical oscillatory activity within the theta frequency band of patients with bilateral hippocampal sclerosis and normal controls. The results demonstrate that working memory maintenance of configural-relational information is supported by a theta synchronous network coupling frontal, temporal and occipital visual areas, and furthermore that this theta synchrony is critically dependent on the integrity of the hippocampus. Alternate forms of working memory maintenance, that do not require the relational binding of visual configurations, engage dissociable theta synchronous networks functioning independently of the hippocampus. In closing, I will explore the interactions between long-term and short-term forms of memory and demonstrate that through these interactions, memory performance can effectively be improved

    Increased Entorhinal–Prefrontal Theta Synchronization Parallels Decreased Entorhinal–Hippocampal Theta Synchronization during Learning and Consolidation of Associative Memory

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    Memories are thought to be encoded as a distributed representation in the neocortex. The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) has been shown to support the expression of memories that initially depend on the hippocampus (HPC), yet the mechanisms by which the HPC and mPFC access the distributed representations in the neocortex are unknown. By measuring phase synchronization of local field potential (LFP) oscillations, we found that learning initiated changes in neuronal communication of the HPC and mPFC with the lateral entorhinal cortex (LEC), an area that is connected with many other neocortical regions. LFPs were recorded simultaneously from the three brain regions while rats formed an association between an auditory stimulus (CS) and eyelid stimulation (US) in a trace eyeblink conditioning paradigm, as well as during retention 1 month following learning. Over the course of learning, theta oscillations in the LEC and mPFC became strongly synchronized following presentation of the CS on trials in which rats exhibited a conditioned response (CR), and this strengthened synchronization was also observed during remote retention. In contrast, CS-evoked theta synchronization between the LEC and HPC decreased with learning. Our results suggest that communication between the LEC and mPFC are strengthened with learning whereas the communication between the LEC and HPC are concomitantly weakened, suggesting that enhanced LEC–mPFC communication may be a neuronal correlate for theoretically proposed neocortical reorganization accompanying encoding and consolidation of a memory

    Reduced parahippocampal connectivity produces schizophrenia-like deficits in simulated neural circuits with reduced parahippocampal connectivity.

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    Episodic memory impairments are well characterized in schizophrenia, but their neural origin is unclear. The objective of this experiment is to determine whether the episodic memory impairments in schizophrenia may originate from reduced parahippocampal connectivity. The experimental design used was an experimental in silico model and the experiment was conducted at the Department of Psychology, University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. A new, in silico medial temporal lobe model that simulates normal performance on a variety of episodic memory tasks was devised. The effects of reducing parahippocampal connectivity in the model (from perirhinal and parahippocampal cortex to entorhinal cortex and from entorhinal cortex to hippocampus) were evaluated and compared with findings in schizophrenic patients. Alternative in silico neuropathologies, increased noise and loss of hippocampal neurons, were also evaluated. Results showed that in the model, parahippocampal processing subserves integration of different cortical inputs to the hippocampus and feature extraction during recall. Reduced connectivity in this area resulted in a pattern of deficits that closely mimicked the impairments in schizophrenia, including a mild recognition impairment and a more severe impairment in free recall. Furthermore, the schizophrenic model was not differentially sensitive to interference, also consistent with behavioral data. Notably, neither increased noise levels nor a reduction of hippocampal nodes in the model reproduced this characteristic memory profile. Taken together, these findings highlight the importance of parahippocampal neuropathology in schizophrenia, demonstrating that reduced connectivity in this region may underlie episodic memory problems associated with the disorder