112,817 research outputs found

    Transferable knowledge for Low-cost Decision Making in Cloud Environments

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    Users of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) are increasingly overwhelmed with the wide range of providers and services offered by each provider. As such, many users select services based on description alone. An emerging alternative is to use a decision support system (DSS), which typically relies on gaining insights from observational data in order to assist a customer in making decisions regarding optimal deployment of cloud applications. The primary activity of such systems is the generation of a prediction model (e.g. using machine learning), which requires a significantly large amount of training data. However, considering the varying architectures of applications, cloud providers, and cloud offerings, this activity is not sustainable as it incurs additional time and cost to collect data to train the models. We overcome this through developing a Transfer Learning (TL) approach where knowledge (in the form of a prediction model and associated data set) gained from running an application on a particular IaaS is transferred in order to substantially reduce the overhead of building new models for the performance of new applications and/or cloud infrastructures. In this paper, we present our approach and evaluate it through extensive experimentation involving three real world applications over two major public cloud providers, namely Amazon and Google. Our evaluation shows that our novel two-mode TL scheme increases overall efficiency with a factor of 60% reduction in the time and cost of generating a new prediction model. We test this under a number of cross-application and cross-cloud scenario

    CloudProphet: A Machine Learning-Based Performance Prediction for Public Clouds

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    Computing servers have played a key role in developing and processing emerging compute-intensive applications in recent years. Consolidating multiple virtual machines (VMs) inside one server to run various applications introduces severe competence for limited resources among VMs. Many techniques such as VM scheduling and resource provisioning are proposed to maximize the cost-efficiency of the computing servers while alleviating the performance inference between VMs. However, these management techniques require accurate performance prediction of the application running inside the VM, which is challenging to get in the public cloud due to the black-box nature of the VMs. From this perspective, this paper proposes a novel machine learning-based performance prediction approach for applications running in the cloud. To achieve high accuracy predictions for black-box VMs, the proposed method first identifies the running application inside the virtual machine. It then selects highly-correlated runtime metrics as the input of the machine learning approach to accurately predict the performance level of the cloud application. Experimental results with state-of-the-art cloud benchmarks demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms the existing prediction methods by more than 2x in terms of worst prediction error. In addition, we successfully tackle the challenge in performance prediction for applications with variable workloads by introducing the performance degradation index, which other comparison methods fail to consider. The workflow versatility of the proposed approach has been verified with different modern servers and VM configurations.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, summited to IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computin

    Performance Prediction of Cloud-Based Big Data Applications

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    Big data analytics have become widespread as a means to extract knowledge from large datasets. Yet, the heterogeneity and irregular- ity usually associated with big data applications often overwhelm the existing software and hardware infrastructures. In such con- text, the exibility and elasticity provided by the cloud computing paradigm o er a natural approach to cost-e ectively adapting the allocated resources to the application’s current needs. However, these same characteristics impose extra challenges to predicting the performance of cloud-based big data applications, a key step to proper management and planning. This paper explores three modeling approaches for performance prediction of cloud-based big data applications. We evaluate two queuing-based analytical models and a novel fast ad hoc simulator in various scenarios based on di erent applications and infrastructure setups. The three ap- proaches are compared in terms of prediction accuracy, nding that our best approaches can predict average application execution times with 26% relative error in the very worst case and about 7% on average

    Investigations into Elasticity in Cloud Computing

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    The pay-as-you-go model supported by existing cloud infrastructure providers is appealing to most application service providers to deliver their applications in the cloud. Within this context, elasticity of applications has become one of the most important features in cloud computing. This elasticity enables real-time acquisition/release of compute resources to meet application performance demands. In this thesis we investigate the problem of delivering cost-effective elasticity services for cloud applications. Traditionally, the application level elasticity addresses the question of how to scale applications up and down to meet their performance requirements, but does not adequately address issues relating to minimising the costs of using the service. With this current limitation in mind, we propose a scaling approach that makes use of cost-aware criteria to detect the bottlenecks within multi-tier cloud applications, and scale these applications only at bottleneck tiers to reduce the costs incurred by consuming cloud infrastructure resources. Our approach is generic for a wide class of multi-tier applications, and we demonstrate its effectiveness by studying the behaviour of an example electronic commerce site application. Furthermore, we consider the characteristics of the algorithm for implementing the business logic of cloud applications, and investigate the elasticity at the algorithm level: when dealing with large-scale data under resource and time constraints, the algorithm's output should be elastic with respect to the resource consumed. We propose a novel framework to guide the development of elastic algorithms that adapt to the available budget while guaranteeing the quality of output result, e.g. prediction accuracy for classification tasks, improves monotonically with the used budget.Comment: 211 pages, 27 tables, 75 figure

    Cicada: Predictive Guarantees for Cloud Network Bandwidth

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    In cloud-computing systems, network-bandwidth guarantees have been shown to improve predictability of application performance and cost. Most previous work on cloud-bandwidth guarantees has assumed that cloud tenants know what bandwidth guarantees they want. However, application bandwidth demands can be complex and time-varying, and many tenants might lack sufficient information to request a bandwidth guarantee that is well-matched to their needs. A tenant's lack of accurate knowledge about its future bandwidth demands can lead to over-provisioning (and thus reduced cost-efficiency) or under-provisioning (and thus poor user experience in latency-sensitive user-facing applications). We analyze traffic traces gathered over six months from an HP Cloud Services datacenter, finding that application bandwidth consumption is both time-varying and spatially inhomogeneous. This variability makes it hard to predict requirements. To solve this problem, we develop a prediction algorithm usable by a cloud provider to suggest an appropriate bandwidth guarantee to a tenant. The key idea in the prediction algorithm is to treat a set of previously observed traffic matrices as "experts" and learn online the best weighted linear combination of these experts to make its prediction. With tenant VM placement using these predictive guarantees, we find that the inter-rack network utilization in certain datacenter topologies can be more than doubled

    Workload Prediction for Efficient Performance Isolation and System Reliability

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    In large-scaled and distributed systems, like multi-tier storage systems and cloud data centers, resource sharing among workloads brings multiple benefits while introducing many performance challenges. The key to effective workload multiplexing is accurate workload prediction. This thesis focuses on how to capture the salient characteristics of the real-world workloads to develop workload prediction methods and to drive scheduling and resource allocation policies, in order to achieve efficient and in-time resource isolation among applications. For a multi-tier storage system, high-priority user work is often multiplexed with low-priority background work. This brings the challenge of how to strike a balance between maintaining the user performance and maximizing the amount of finished background work. In this thesis, we propose two resource isolation policies based on different workload prediction methods: one is a Markovian model-based and the other is a neural networks-based. These policies aim at, via workload prediction, discovering the opportune time to schedule background work with minimum impact on user performance. Trace-driven simulations verify the efficiency of the two pro- posed resource isolation policies. The Markovian model-based policy successfully schedules the background work at the appropriate periods with small impact on the user performance. The neural networks-based policy adaptively schedules user and background work, resulting in meeting both performance requirements consistently. This thesis also proposes an accurate while efficient neural networks-based pre- diction method for data center usage series, called PRACTISE. Different from the traditional neural networks for time series prediction, PRACTISE selects the most informative features from the past observations of the time series itself. Testing on a large set of usage series in production data centers illustrates the accuracy (e.g., prediction error) and efficiency (e.g., time cost) of PRACTISE. The superiority of the usage prediction also allows a proactive resource management in the highly virtualized cloud data centers. In this thesis, we analyze on the performance tickets in the cloud data centers, and propose an active sizing algorithm, named ATM, that predicts the usage workloads and re-allocates capacity to work- loads to avoid VM performance tickets. Moreover, driven by cheap prediction of usage tails, we also present TailGuard in this thesis, which dynamically clones VMs among co-located boxes, in order to efficiently reduce the performance violations of physical boxes in cloud data centers

    Big Data Application and System Co-optimization in Cloud and HPC Environment

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    The emergence of big data requires powerful computational resources and memory subsystems that can be scaled efficiently to accommodate its demands. Cloud is a new well-established computing paradigm that can offer customized computing and memory resources to meet the scalable demands of big data applications. In addition, the flexible pay-as-you-go pricing model offers opportunities for using large scale of resources with low cost and no infrastructure maintenance burdens. High performance computing (HPC) on the other hand also has powerful infrastructure that has potential to support big data applications. In this dissertation, we explore the application and system co-optimization opportunities to support big data in both cloud and HPC environments. Specifically, we explore the unique features of both application and system to seek overlooked optimization opportunities or tackle challenges that are difficult to be addressed by only looking at the application or system individually. Based on the characteristics of the workloads and their underlying systems to derive the optimized deployment and runtime schemes, we divide the workflow into four categories: 1) memory intensive applications; 2) compute intensive applications; 3) both memory and compute intensive applications; 4) I/O intensive applications.When deploying memory intensive big data applications to the public clouds, one important yet challenging problem is selecting a specific instance type whose memory capacity is large enough to prevent out-of-memory errors while the cost is minimized without violating performance requirements. In this dissertation, we propose two techniques for efficient deployment of big data applications with dynamic and intensive memory footprint in the cloud. The first approach builds a performance-cost model that can accurately predict how, and by how much, virtual memory size would slow down the application and consequently, impact the overall monetary cost. The second approach employs a lightweight memory usage prediction methodology based on dynamic meta-models adjusted by the application's own traits. The key idea is to eliminate the periodical checkpointing and migrate the application only when the predicted memory usage exceeds the physical allocation. When applying compute intensive applications to the clouds, it is critical to make the applications scalable so that it can benefit from the massive cloud resources. In this dissertation, we first use the Kirchhoff law, which is one of the most widely used physical laws in many engineering principles, as an example workload for our study. The key challenge of applying the Kirchhoff law to real-world applications at scale lies in the high, if not prohibitive, computational cost to solve a large number of nonlinear equations. In this dissertation, we propose a high-performance deep-learning-based approach for Kirchhoff analysis, namely HDK. HDK employs two techniques to improve the performance: (i) early pruning of unqualified input candidates which simplify the equation and select a meaningful input data range; (ii) parallelization of forward labelling which execute steps of the problem in parallel. When it comes to both memory and compute intensive applications in clouds, we use blockchain system as a benchmark. Existing blockchain frameworks exhibit a technical barrier for many users to modify or test out new research ideas in blockchains. To make it worse, many advantages of blockchain systems can be demonstrated only at large scales, which are not always available to researchers. In this dissertation, we develop an accurate and efficient emulating system to replay the execution of large-scale blockchain systems on tens of thousands of nodes in the cloud. For I/O intensive applications, we observe one important yet often neglected side effect of lossy scientific data compression. Lossy compression techniques have demonstrated promising results in significantly reducing the scientific data size while guaranteeing the compression error bounds, but the compressed data size is often highly skewed and thus impact the performance of parallel I/O. Therefore, we believe it is critical to pay more attention to the unbalanced parallel I/O caused by lossy scientific data compression

    Analyzing the Performance of Data Replication and Data Partitioning in the Cloud: the Beowulf Approach

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    Applications deployed in the Cloud usually come with dedicated performance and availability requirements. This can be achieved by replicating data across several sites and/or by partitioning data. Data replication allows to parallelize read requests and thus to decrease data access latency, but induces significant overhead for the synchronization of updates. Partitioning, in contrast, is highly beneficial if all the data accessed by an application is located at the same site, but again necessitates coordination if distributed transactions are needed to serve applications. In this paper, we analyze three protocols for distributed data management in the Cloud, namely Read-One Write-All-Available (ROWAA), Majority Quorum (MQ) and Data Partitioning (DP) - all in a configuration that guarantees strong consistency. We introduce Beowulf, a meta protocol based on a comprehensive cost model that integrates the three protocols and that dynamically selects the protocol with the lowest latency for a given workload. In the evaluation, we compare the prediction of the Beowulf cost model with a baseline evaluation. The results nicely show the effectiveness of the analytical model and the precision in selecting the best suited protocol for a given workload

    Autonomous management of cost, performance, and resource uncertainty for migration of applications to infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) clouds

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    2014 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) clouds abstract physical hardware to provide computing resources on demand as a software service. This abstraction leads to the simplistic view that computing resources are homogeneous and infinite scaling potential exists to easily resolve all performance challenges. Adoption of cloud computing, in practice however, presents many resource management challenges forcing practitioners to balance cost and performance tradeoffs to successfully migrate applications. These challenges can be broken down into three primary concerns that involve determining what, where, and when infrastructure should be provisioned. In this dissertation we address these challenges including: (1) performance variance from resource heterogeneity, virtualization overhead, and the plethora of vaguely defined resource types; (2) virtual machine (VM) placement, component composition, service isolation, provisioning variation, and resource contention for multitenancy; and (3) dynamic scaling and resource elasticity to alleviate performance bottlenecks. These resource management challenges are addressed through the development and evaluation of autonomous algorithms and methodologies that result in demonstrably better performance and lower monetary costs for application deployments to both public and private IaaS clouds. This dissertation makes three primary contributions to advance cloud infrastructure management for application hosting. First, it includes design of resource utilization models based on step-wise multiple linear regression and artificial neural networks that support prediction of better performing component compositions. The total number of possible compositions is governed by Bell's Number that results in a combinatorially explosive search space. Second, it includes algorithms to improve VM placements to mitigate resource heterogeneity and contention using a load-aware VM placement scheduler, and autonomous detection of under-performing VMs to spur replacement. Third, it describes a workload cost prediction methodology that harnesses regression models and heuristics to support determination of infrastructure alternatives that reduce hosting costs. Our methodology achieves infrastructure predictions with an average mean absolute error of only 0.3125 VMs for multiple workloads
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