149 research outputs found

    Octanol–water partition coefficients and aqueous solubility data of monoterpenoids: experimental, modeling, and environmental distribution

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    Terpenes and terpenoids encompass one of the most extensive and valuable classes of secondary metabolites. Their ten-carbon-containing oxygenated representatives, monoterpenoids, are the main components of plant essential oils, being widely exploited in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and food industrial areas. Due to its widespread use, it is crucial to investigate their environmental distribution. Thus, new water solubility data were obtained for six monoterpenoids ((1R)-(+)-camphor, (S)-(+)-carvone, eucalyptol, (1R)- (−)-fenchone, L-(−)-menthol, and (−)-menthone) at 298.2 and 313.2 K. Furthermore, octanol−water partition coefficients of 12 monoterpenoids (the six mentioned above plus carvacrol, (±)-β-citronellol, eugenol, geraniol, linalool, and thymol) were measured at 298.2 K. The COSMO-RS thermodynamic model and other more empirical approaches were evaluated for the description of the solubilities and partition coefficients, showing reliable predictions. Lastly, the distribution of the monoterpenoids in the different environmental compartments was assessed through an intuitive two-dimensional chemical space diagram based on the physicochemical equilibrium information reported.This work was developed within the scope of the project CIMO-Mountain Research Center, UIDB/00690/2020, and CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Materials, UIDB/50011/2020 and UIDP/50011/2020, financed by national funds through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)/MCTES. S.M.V.-B. thanks FCT and the European Social Fund (ESF) for his Ph.D. grant (SFRH/BD/138149/2018). M.C.d.C. would also like to thank CNPq (306666/ 2020-0) and FAPESP (2014/21252-0).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Using Molecular Conformers in COSMO-RS to Predict Drug Solubility in Mixed Solvents

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    This work explores the impact of solute conformers on the conductor-like screening model for real solvents (COSMO-RS) solubility predictions of vanillin and ethyl vanillin in water, short alcohols, and their mixed solvents. Two major conformers of these solutes and changes with solvent polarity were experimentally established by Raman spectroscopy and further confirmed by density functional theory calculations. The COSMO-RS predictions using the individual conformers show a poor description of the solubilities. Estimation with the COSMO-RS default conformer distribution gave better predictions and an intermediate behavior between the predictions obtained using each individual conformer. To further improve the description of the solubilities, the weight of each conformer was fitted to the experimental solid-liquid equilibrium data of the solute in a pure solvent at different temperatures. Better solubility predictions in ternary systems describing solubility maxima were found, suggesting a semipredictive approach to COSMO-RS. This method can predict the liquid-liquid oiling-out effect in the studied binary and ternary systems.This work was developed within the scope of the project CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Materials, UIDB/50011/2020, UIDP/50011/2020, and LA/P/0006/2020, and CIMOMountain Research Center, UIDB/00690/2020 and LA/P/0007/2020, financed by national funds through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology/MCTES. G.T. thanks FCT for his Ph.D. grant (UI/BD/151114/2021). I.W.C. thanks FCT for her Ph.D. grant (2022.12407.BD).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Aqueous solubility of drug-like compounds

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    New effective experimental techniques in medicinal chemistry and pharmacology have resulted in a vast increase in the number of pharmacologically interesting compounds. However, the possibility of producing drug candidates with optimal biopharmaceutical and pharmacokinetic properties is still improvable. A large fraction of typical drug candidates is poorly soluble in water, which results in low drug concentrations in gastrointestinal fluids and related acceptable low drug absorption. Therefore, gaining knowledge to improve the solubility of compounds is an indispensable requirement for developing compounds with drug-like properties. The main objective of this thesis was to investigate whether computer-based models derived from calculated molecular descriptors and structural fragments can be used to predict aqueous solubility for drug-like compounds with similar structures. For this purpose, both experimental and computational studies were performed. In the experimental work, a novel crystallization method for weak acids and bases was developed and applied for European patent. The obtained crystalline materials could be used for solubility measurements. A novel recognition method was developed to evaluate the tendency of compounds to form amorphous forms. This method could be used to ensure that only solubilities of crystalline materials were collected for the development of solubility prediction. In the development of improved in silico solubility models, lipophilicity was confirmed as the major driving factor and crystal information related descriptors as the second important factor for solubility. Reasons for the limited precision of commercial solubility prediction tools were identified. A general solubility model of high accuracy was obtained for drug-like compounds in congeneric series when lipophilicity was used as descriptor in combination with the structural fragments. Rules were derived from the prediction models of solubility which could be used by chemists or interested scientists as a rough guideline on the contribution of structural fragments on solubility: Aliphatic and polar fragments with high dipole moments are always considered as solubility enhancing. Strong acids and bases usually have lower intrinsic solubility than neutral ones. In summary, an improved solubility prediction method for congeneric series was developed using high quality solubility results of drugs and drug precursors as input parameter. The derived model tried to overcome difficulties of commercially available prediction tools for solubility by focusing on structurally related series and showed higher predictive power for drug-like compounds in comparison to commercially available tools. Parts of the results of this work were protected by a patent application1, which was filed by F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd on August 30, 2005

    QSPR Studies on Aqueous Solubilities of Drug-Like Compounds

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    A rapidly growing area of modern pharmaceutical research is the prediction of aqueous solubility of drug-sized compounds from their molecular structures. There exist many different reasons for considering this physico-chemical property as a key parameter: the design of novel entities with adequate aqueous solubility brings many advantages to preclinical and clinical research and development, allowing improvement of the Absorption, Distribution, Metabolization, and Elimination/Toxicity profile and “screenability” of drug candidates in High Throughput Screening techniques. This work compiles recent QSPR linear models established by our research group devoted to the quantification of aqueous solubilities and their comparison to previous research on the topic

    Prediction of solubility of amino acids based on COSMO calculation

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    In order to maximize the concentration of amino acids in the culture, we need to obtain solubility of amino acid as a function of concentration of other components in the solution. This function can be obtained by calculating the activity coefficient along with solubility model. The activity coefficient of the amino acid can be calculated by UNIFAC. Due to the wide range of applications of UNIFAC, the prediction of the activity coefficient of amino acids is not very accurate. So we want to fit the parameters specific to amino acids based on the UNIFAC framework and existing solubility data. Due to the lack of solubility of amino acids in the multi-system, some interaction parameters are not available. COSMO is a widely used way to describe pairwise interactions in the solutions in the chemical industry. After suitable assumptions COSMO can calculate the pairwise interactions in the solutions, and largely reduce the complexion of quantum chemical calculation. In this paper, a method combining quantum chemistry and COSMO calculation is designed to accurately predict the solubility of amino acids in multi-component solutions in the absence of parameters, as a supplement to experimental data

    Prediction of partition coefficients for systems of micelles using DFT

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    [eng] A compound’s solvent−water partition coefficient (log P) measures the equilibrium ratio of the compound’s concentrations in a two-phase system: as two solvents in contact or a system of micelles in an aqueous solution. In this thesis, the partition coefficient of three groups of small compounds (alcohol, ether, and hydrocarbons) in 10 different solvents (benzene, cyclohexane, hexane, n-Octane, toluene, carbon tetrachloride, heptane, trichloroethane, and octanol) was computed used DFT and B3LYP method with 6.31G(d), 6.311+G** and 6.311++G** basis sets. It is obtained that the partition coefficient of alcohol solutes in various solvents using the 6.31G(d) basis set indicates a satisfactory correlation with experimental values. The correlation between the experimental value and the partition coefficient of ether solutes in different solvents using the 6.311++G** basis set shows high agreement. The experimental data displayed a high correlation with the partition coefficient computed for hydrocarbon compounds in various solvents using all three basis sets: 6.31G(d), 6.311+G**, and 6.311++G**. In addition, we have studied the correlation of the experimental partition coefficients in Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS), Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (HTAB), Sodium cholate (SC), and Lithium perfluoro octane sulfonate (LPFOS) micelles with ab initio calculated partition coefficients in 15 different organic solvents. Specifically, the partition coefficients of a series of 63 molecules in an aqueous system of SDS, SC, HTAB, and LPFOS micelles are correlated with the partition coefficient in heptane/water, cyclohexane/water, n-dodecane/water, pyridine/water, acetic acid/water, octanol/water, acetone/water, 1-propanol/water, 2-propanol/water, methanol/water, formic acid/water, diethyl sulfide/water, decan-1-ol/water, 1-2 ethane diol/water and dimethyl sulfoxide/water systems. All calculations were performed using the Gaussian 16 Quantum Chemistry package. Molecular structures were generated in the more extended conformation using Avogadro, and geometries of all molecules were optimized using Density Functional Theory (DFT) B3LYP and MO6-2X with 6-31++G** basis set by the continuum solvation model based on density (SMD). The obtained results show that calculated partition coefficients in the alcohol/water mixture give the best correlation to predict the experimental partition coefficients in SDS, SC, and LPFOS micelles. With respect to HTAB micelle systems, a new selection of molecules is created, excluding those containing N atoms and Urea atom groups. Interestingly, the partition coefficient of these chosen molecules exhibits a strong correlation with the experimental partition coefficient. Finally, the partition coefficient of flexible molecules was studied by the same protocol for two solvent combinations, octanol/water and cyclohexane/water. The calculated values were compared with the experimental partition coefficients. The average partition coefficient in octanol solvent exhibited a high correlation with the experimental data. However, for the 16 compounds in the cyclohexane solvent, their partition coefficients do not exhibit significant agreement with the experimental partition coefficients.[cat] S'ha desenvolupat una metodologia computacional per calcular el coeficient de partició de diferents tipus de molècules en sistemes micel·lars. En primer lloc, s'ha calculat el coeficient de partició de tres grups de compostos (alcohol, èter i hidrocarburs) utilitzant el mètode DFT amb el funcional B3LYP. S'han obtingut correlacions satisfactòries amb els valors experimentals. En aquesta tesi s'ha desenvolupat un procediment per calcular els coeficients de partició experimentals en micel·les de dodecilsulfat de sodi (SDS), bromur d'hexadeciltrimetilamoni (HTAB), colat de sodi (SC) i perfluorooctanosulfonat de liti (LPFOS). Específicament, els coeficients de partició d'una sèrie de 63 molècules en un sistema aquós de micel·les de SDS, SC, HTAB i LPFOS es correlacionen amb el coeficient de partició en deu barreges aquoses. Els resultats obtinguts mostren que els coeficients de partició calculats a la barreja alcohol/aigua donen la millor correlació per predir els coeficients de partició experimentals en micel·les SDS, SC i LPFOS. Pel que fa als sistemes micelars HTAB, es crea una nova selecció de molècules, excloent-ne aquelles que contenen àtoms de N aromàtics i grups d'urea. És interessant notar que el coeficient de partició d'aquestes molècules triades mostra una forta correlació amb el coeficient de partició experimental. Finalment, es va estudiar el coeficient de partició de molècules flexibles mitjançant el mateix protocol per a dues combinacions de dissolvents, octanol/aigua i ciclohexà/aigua. Els valors calculats es van comparar amb els coeficients de partició experimentals. El coeficient de partició mitjana en dissolvent octanol va mostrar una alta correlació amb les dades experimentals. Tot i això, per als 16 compostos en el dissolvent ciclohexà, els seus coeficients de partició no mostren una concordança significativa amb els coeficients de partició experimental

    Prediction of partition coefficients for systems of micelles using DFT

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    Programa de Doctorat en Química Teòrica i Modelització Computacional[eng] A compound’s solvent−water partition coefficient (log P) measures the equilibrium ratio of the compound’s concentrations in a two-phase system: as two solvents in contact or a system of micelles in an aqueous solution. In this thesis, the partition coefficient of three groups of small compounds (alcohol, ether, and hydrocarbons) in 10 different solvents (benzene, cyclohexane, hexane, n-Octane, toluene, carbon tetrachloride, heptane, trichloroethane, and octanol) was computed used DFT and B3LYP method with 6.31G(d), 6.311+G** and 6.311++G** basis sets. It is obtained that the partition coefficient of alcohol solutes in various solvents using the 6.31G(d) basis set indicates a satisfactory correlation with experimental values. The correlation between the experimental value and the partition coefficient of ether solutes in different solvents using the 6.311++G** basis set shows high agreement. The experimental data displayed a high correlation with the partition coefficient computed for hydrocarbon compounds in various solvents using all three basis sets: 6.31G(d), 6.311+G**, and 6.311++G**. In addition, we have studied the correlation of the experimental partition coefficients in Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS), Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (HTAB), Sodium cholate (SC), and Lithium perfluoro octane sulfonate (LPFOS) micelles with ab initio calculated partition coefficients in 15 different organic solvents. Specifically, the partition coefficients of a series of 63 molecules in an aqueous system of SDS, SC, HTAB, and LPFOS micelles are correlated with the partition coefficient in heptane/water, cyclohexane/water, n-dodecane/water, pyridine/water, acetic acid/water, octanol/water, acetone/water, 1-propanol/water, 2-propanol/water, methanol/water, formic acid/water, diethyl sulfide/water, decan-1-ol/water, 1-2 ethane diol/water and dimethyl sulfoxide/water systems. All calculations were performed using the Gaussian 16 Quantum Chemistry package. Molecular structures were generated in the more extended conformation using Avogadro, and geometries of all molecules were optimized using Density Functional Theory (DFT) B3LYP and MO6-2X with 6-31++G** basis set by the continuum solvation model based on density (SMD). The obtained results show that calculated partition coefficients in the alcohol/water mixture give the best correlation to predict the experimental partition coefficients in SDS, SC, and LPFOS micelles. With respect to HTAB micelle systems, a new selection of molecules is created, excluding those containing N atoms and Urea atom groups. Interestingly, the partition coefficient of these chosen molecules exhibits a strong correlation with the experimental partition coefficient. Finally, the partition coefficient of flexible molecules was studied by the same protocol for two solvent combinations, octanol/water and cyclohexane/water. The calculated values were compared with the experimental partition coefficients. The average partition coefficient in octanol solvent exhibited a high correlation with the experimental data. However, for the 16 compounds in the cyclohexane solvent, their partition coefficients do not exhibit significant agreement with the experimental partition coefficients.[cat] S'ha desenvolupat una metodologia computacional per calcular el coeficient de partició de diferents tipus de molècules en sistemes micel·lars. En primer lloc, s'ha calculat el coeficient de partició de tres grups de compostos (alcohol, èter i hidrocarburs) utilitzant el mètode DFT amb el funcional B3LYP. S'han obtingut correlacions satisfactòries amb els valors experimentals. En aquesta tesi s'ha desenvolupat un procediment per calcular els coeficients de partició experimentals en micel·les de dodecilsulfat de sodi (SDS), bromur d'hexadeciltrimetilamoni (HTAB), colat de sodi (SC) i perfluorooctanosulfonat de liti (LPFOS). Específicament, els coeficients de partició d'una sèrie de 63 molècules en un sistema aquós de micel·les de SDS, SC, HTAB i LPFOS es correlacionen amb el coeficient de partició en deu barreges aquoses. Els resultats obtinguts mostren que els coeficients de partició calculats a la barreja alcohol/aigua donen la millor correlació per predir els coeficients de partició experimentals en micel·les SDS, SC i LPFOS. Pel que fa als sistemes micelars HTAB, es crea una nova selecció de molècules, excloent-ne aquelles que contenen àtoms de N aromàtics i grups d'urea. És interessant notar que el coeficient de partició d'aquestes molècules triades mostra una forta correlació amb el coeficient de partició experimental. Finalment, es va estudiar el coeficient de partició de molècules flexibles mitjançant el mateix protocol per a dues combinacions de dissolvents, octanol/aigua i ciclohexà/aigua. Els valors calculats es van comparar amb els coeficients de partició experimentals. El coeficient de partició mitjana en dissolvent octanol va mostrar una alta correlació amb les dades experimentals. Tot i això, per als 16 compostos en el dissolvent ciclohexà, els seus coeficients de partició no mostren una concordança significativa amb els coeficients de partició experimental