5,964 research outputs found

    Data-driven modeling of energy-exergy in marine engines by supervised ANNs based on fuel type and injection angle classification

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    The application of artificial neural networks with the involvement of a modified homogeneity factor to predict exergetic terms from combustive and/or mixing dynamics in a marine engine is considered in this study. This is a significant step since the mathematical formulation of exergy in combustion is complicated and even unconvincing due to the turbulent and highly nonlinear nature of the combustion process. The computational simulations are carried out on a marine CI (compression ignition) engine and the respective data per different fuel types that are used for thermodynamic exergetic computations as well as energetic simulations. A new parameter namely the modified homogeneity factor derived by an artificial neural network (ANN) is considered for the mixing dynamics, i.e. as an input parameter for the availability and irreversibility predictions. This parameter is based on the standard deviation from an ideal air-fuel mixture formed within the combustion chamber of the marine engine. Furthermore, spray and injection quantities along with the combustion process and its heat transfer parameters are served to predict the exergetic terms for two study cases: (a) fuel type and (b) injection orientation. It is shown that using data analytics that consists of neural networks can provide an adequate approach in diesel engines for improving energy efficiency and reducing emissions

    Biomass Gasification and Applied Intelligent Retrieval in Modeling

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    Gasification technology often requires the use of modeling approaches to incorporate several intermediate reactions in a complex nature. These traditional models are occasionally impractical and often challenging to bring reliable relations between performing parameters. Hence, this study outlined the solutions to overcome the challenges in modeling approaches. The use of machine learning (ML) methods is essential and a promising integration to add intelligent retrieval to traditional modeling approaches of gasification technology. Regarding this, this study charted applied ML-based artificial intelligence in the field of gasification research. This study includes a summary of applied ML algorithms, including neural network, support vector, decision tree, random forest, and gradient boosting, and their performance evaluations for gasification technologies

    Roadmap on Machine learning in electronic structure

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    AbstractIn recent years, we have been witnessing a paradigm shift in computational materials science. In fact, traditional methods, mostly developed in the second half of the XXth century, are being complemented, extended, and sometimes even completely replaced by faster, simpler, and often more accurate approaches. The new approaches, that we collectively label by machine learning, have their origins in the fields of informatics and artificial intelligence, but are making rapid inroads in all other branches of science. With this in mind, this Roadmap article, consisting of multiple contributions from experts across the field, discusses the use of machine learning in materials science, and share perspectives on current and future challenges in problems as diverse as the prediction of materials properties, the construction of force-fields, the development of exchange correlation functionals for density-functional theory, the solution of the many-body problem, and more. In spite of the already numerous and exciting success stories, we are just at the beginning of a long path that will reshape materials science for the many challenges of the XXIth century

    The 2019 materials by design roadmap

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    Advances in renewable and sustainable energy technologies critically depend on our ability to design and realize materials with optimal properties. Materials discovery and design efforts ideally involve close coupling between materials prediction, synthesis and characterization. The increased use of computational tools, the generation of materials databases, and advances in experimental methods have substantially accelerated these activities. It is therefore an opportune time to consider future prospects for materials by design approaches. The purpose of this Roadmap is to present an overview of the current state of computational materials prediction, synthesis and characterization approaches, materials design needs for various technologies, and future challenges and opportunities that must be addressed. The various perspectives cover topics on computational techniques, validation, materials databases, materials informatics, high-throughput combinatorial methods, advanced characterization approaches, and materials design issues in thermoelectrics, photovoltaics, solid state lighting, catalysts, batteries, metal alloys, complex oxides and transparent conducting materials. It is our hope that this Roadmap will guide researchers and funding agencies in identifying new prospects for materials design

    Deep reinforcement learning for process design: Review and perspective

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    The transformation towards renewable energy and feedstock supply in the chemical industry requires new conceptual process design approaches. Recently, breakthroughs in artificial intelligence offer opportunities to accelerate this transition. Specifically, deep reinforcement learning, a subclass of machine learning, has shown the potential to solve complex decision-making problems and aid sustainable process design. We survey state-of-the-art research in reinforcement learning for process design through three major elements: (i) information representation, (ii) agent architecture, and (iii) environment and reward. Moreover, we discuss perspectives on underlying challenges and promising future works to unfold the full potential of reinforcement learning for process design in chemical engineering

    Group contribution and atomic contribution models for the prediction of various physical properties of deep eutectic solvents

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021, The Author(s).The urgency of advancing green chemistry from labs and computers into the industries is well-known. The Deep Eutectic Solvents (DESs) are a promising category of novel green solvents which simultaneously have the best advantages of liquids and solids. Furthermore, they can be designed or engineered to have the characteristics desired for a given application. However, since they are rather new, there are no general models available to predict the properties of DESs without requiring other properties as input. This is particularly a setback when screening is required for feasibility studies, since a vast number of DESs are envisioned. For the first time, this study presents five group contribution (GC) and five atomic contribution (AC) models for densities, refractive indices, heat capacities, speeds of sound, and surface tensions of DESs. The models, developed using the most up-to-date databank of various types of DESs, simply decompose the molecular structure into a number of predefined groups or atoms. The resulting AARD% of densities, refractive indices, heat capacities, speeds of sound and surface tensions were, respectively, 1.44, 0.37, 3.26, 1.62, and 7.59% for the GC models, and 2.49, 1.03, 9.93, 4.52 and 7.80% for the AC models. Perhaps, even more importantly for designer solvents, is the predictive capability of the models, which was also shown to be highly reliable. Accordingly, very simple, yet highly accurate models are provided that are global for DESs and needless of any physical property information, making them useful predictive tools for a category of green solvents, which is only starting to show its potentials in green technology.publishersversionpublishe