42 research outputs found

    Prediction of DNA-binding residues in proteins from amino acid sequences using a random forest model with a hybrid feature

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    Motivation: In this work, we aim to develop a computational approach for predicting DNA-binding sites in proteins from amino acid sequences. To avoid overfitting with this method, all available DNA-binding proteins from the Protein Data Bank (PDB) are used to construct the models. The random forest (RF) algorithm is used because it is fast and has robust performance for different parameter values. A novel hybrid feature is presented which incorporates evolutionary information of the amino acid sequence, secondary structure (SS) information and orthogonal binary vector (OBV) information which reflects the characteristics of 20 kinds of amino acids for two physical–chemical properties (dipoles and volumes of the side chains). The numbers of binding and non-binding residues in proteins are highly unbalanced, so a novel scheme is proposed to deal with the problem of imbalanced datasets by downsizing the majority class

    PDNAsite:identification of DNA-binding site from protein sequence by incorporating spatial and sequence context

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    Protein-DNA interactions are involved in many fundamental biological processes essential for cellular function. Most of the existing computational approaches employed only the sequence context of the target residue for its prediction. In the present study, for each target residue, we applied both the spatial context and the sequence context to construct the feature space. Subsequently, Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) was applied to remove the redundancies in the feature space. Finally, a predictor (PDNAsite) was developed through the integration of the support vector machines (SVM) classifier and ensemble learning. Results on the PDNA-62 and the PDNA-224 datasets demonstrate that features extracted from spatial context provide more information than those from sequence context and the combination of them gives more performance gain. An analysis of the number of binding sites in the spatial context of the target site indicates that the interactions between binding sites next to each other are important for protein-DNA recognition and their binding ability. The comparison between our proposed PDNAsite method and the existing methods indicate that PDNAsite outperforms most of the existing methods and is a useful tool for DNA-binding site identification. A web-server of our predictor (http://hlt.hitsz.edu.cn:8080/PDNAsite/) is made available for free public accessible to the biological research community

    NAPS: a residue-level nucleic acid-binding prediction server

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    Nucleic acid-binding proteins are involved in a great number of cellular processes. Understanding the mechanisms underlying these proteins first requires the identification of specific residues involved in nucleic acid binding. Prediction of NA-binding residues can provide practical assistance in the functional annotation of NA-binding proteins. Predictions can also be used to expedite mutagenesis experiments, guiding researchers to the correct binding residues in these proteins. Here, we present a method for the identification of amino acid residues involved in DNA- and RNA-binding using sequence-based attributes. The method used in this work combines the C4.5 algorithm with bootstrap aggregation and cost-sensitive learning. Our DNA-binding model achieved 79.1% accuracy, while the RNA-binding model reached an accuracy of 73.2%. The NAPS web server is freely available at http://proteomics.bioengr.uic.edu/NAPS

    Prediction of FAD interacting residues in a protein from its primary sequence using evolutionary information

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    Background: Flavin binding proteins (FBP) plays a critical role in several biological functions such as electron transport system (ETS). These flavoproteins contain very tightly bound, sometimes covalently, flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) or flavin mono nucleotide (FMN). The interaction between flavin nucleotide and amino acids of flavoprotein is essential for their functionality. Thus identification of FAD interacting residues in a FBP is an important step for understanding their function and mechanism. Results: In this study, we describe models developed for predicting FAD interacting residues using 15, 17 and 19 window pattern. Support vector machine (SVM) based models have been developed using binary pattern of amino acid sequence of protein and achieved maximum accuracy 69.65% with Mathew's Correlation Coefficient (MCC) 0.39 and Area Under Curve (AUC) 0.773. The performance of these models have been improved significantly from 69.65% to 82.86% with MCC 0.66 and AUC 0.904, when evolutionary information is used as input in SVM. The evolutionary information was generated in form of position specific score matrix (PSSM) profile by using PSI-BLAST at e-value 0.001. All models were developed on 198 non-redundant FAD binding protein chains containing 5172 FAD interacting residues and evaluated using fivefold cross-validation technique. Conclusion: This study suggests that evolutionary information of 17 amino acid patterns perform best for FAD interacting residues prediction. We also developed a web server which predicts FAD interacting residues in a protein which is freely available for academics

    DNABINDPROT: fluctuation-based predictor of DNA-binding residues within a network of interacting residues

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    DNABINDPROT is designed to predict DNA-binding residues, based on the fluctuations of residues in high-frequency modes by the Gaussian network model. The residue pairs that display high mean-square distance fluctuations are analyzed with respect to DNA binding, which are then filtered with their evolutionary conservation profiles and ranked according to their DNA-binding propensities. If the analyses are based on the exact outcome of fluctuations in the highest mode, using a conservation threshold of 5, the results have a sensitivity, specificity, precision and accuracy of 9.3%, 90.5%, 18.1% and 78.6%, respectively, on a dataset of 36 unbound–bound protein structure pairs. These values increase up to 24.3%, 93.4%, 45.3% and 83.3% for the respective cases, when the neighboring two residues are considered. The relatively low sensitivity appears with the identified residues being selective and susceptible more for the binding core residues rather than all DNA-binding residues. The predicted residues that are not tagged as DNA-binding residues are those whose fluctuations are coupled with DNA-binding sites. They are in close proximity as well as plausible for other functional residues, such as ligand and protein–protein interaction sites. DNABINDPROT is free and open to all users without login requirement available at: http://www.prc.boun.edu.tr/appserv/prc/dnabindprot/

    ProteDNA: a sequence-based predictor of sequence-specific DNA-binding residues in transcription factors

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    This article presents the design of a sequence-based predictor named ProteDNA for identifying the sequence-specific binding residues in a transcription factor (TF). Concerning protein–DNA interactions, there are two types of binding mechanisms involved, namely sequence-specific binding and nonspecific binding. Sequence-specific bindings occur between protein sidechains and nucleotide bases and correspond to sequence-specific recognition of genes. Therefore, sequence-specific bindings are essential for correct gene regulation. In this respect, ProteDNA is distinctive since it has been designed to identify sequence-specific binding residues. In order to accommodate users with different application needs, ProteDNA has been designed to operate under two modes, namely, the high-precision mode and the balanced mode. According to the experiments reported in this article, under the high-precision mode, ProteDNA has been able to deliver precision of 82.3%, specificity of 99.3%, sensitivity of 49.8% and accuracy of 96.5%. Meanwhile, under the balanced mode, ProteDNA has been able to deliver precision of 60.8%, specificity of 97.6%, sensitivity of 60.7% and accuracy of 95.4%. ProteDNA is available at the following websites