15 research outputs found

    Evaluation of computer methods for biomarker discovery on computational grids

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    Background: Discovering biomarkers is a fundamental step to understand and deal with genetic diseases. Methods using classic Computer Science algorithms have been adapted in order to support processing large biological data sets, aiming to find useful information to understand causing conditions of diseases such as cancer. Results: This paper describes some promising biomarker discovery methods based on several grid architectures. Each technique has some features that make it more suitable for a particular grid architecture. This matching depends on the parallelizing capabilities of the method and the resource availability in each processing/storage node. Conclusion: The study described in this paper analyzed the performance of biomarker discovery methods in different grid architectures. We have found some methods are more suited for certain grid architectures, resulting in significant performance improvement and producing more accurate results

    Study of different classification models based-on microarray

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    基因芯片技术的发展为生物信息学带来了机遇,使在基因表达水平上进行癌症诊断成为可能。但基因芯片数据高维小样本的特征也使传统机器学习方法面临挑战。本文利用真实的基因表达数据,测试了目前主要的分类方法和降维方法在癌症诊断方面的效果,通过实验对比发现:基于线性核函数的支持向量机可以有效地分类肿瘤与非肿瘤的基因表达,从而为癌症诊断提供借鉴。The development of microarray technology will bring opportunities to bioinformatics and makes it possible to diagnose cancer on the level of gene expression.But the high-dimensional characteristics and small number of samples in microarray data sets also challenges the traditional machine learning methods.In this paper,we compare the effect among the popular classification and dimensionality reduction methods in the diagnosis of cancer using the real gene expression data,the result demonstrates that SVM based on the linear kernel can better classify tumor and non-tumor gene expression,and thereby provide a reference for cancer diagonsis.国家自然科学基金(61001013); 黑龙江省教育厅科学研究项目(12521392); 黑龙江省自然科学基金(F201119

    Metasample-Based Sparse Representation for Tumor Classification

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    Layered genetic programming for feature extraction in classification problems

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Science and Advanced AnalyticsGenetic programming has been proven to be a successful technique for feature extraction in various applications. In this thesis, we present a Layered Genetic Programming system which implements genetic programming-based feature extraction mechanism. The proposed system uses a layered structure where instead of evolving just one population of individuals, several populations are evolved sequentially. Each such population transforms the input data received from the previous population into a lower dimensional space with the aim of improving classification performance. The performance of the proposed system was experimentally tested on 5 real-world problems using different dimensionality reduction step sizes and different classifiers. The proposed method was able to outperform a simple classifier applied directly on the original data on two problems. On the remaining problems, the classifier performed better using the original data. The best solutions were often obtained in the first few layers which implied that increasing the size of the system, i.e. adding more layers was not useful. However, the layered structure allowed control of the size of individuals

    A gaussian mixture-based approach to synthesizing nonlinear feature functions for automated object detection

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    Feature design is an important part to identify objects of interest into a known number of categories or classes in object detection. Based on the depth-first search for higher order feature functions, the technique of automated feature synthesis is generally considered to be a process of creating more effective features from raw feature data during the run of the algorithms. This dynamic synthesis of nonlinear feature functions is a challenging problem in object detection. This thesis presents a combinatorial approach of genetic programming and the expectation maximization algorithm (GP-EM) to synthesize nonlinear feature functions automatically in order to solve the given tasks of object detection. The EM algorithm investigates the use of Gaussian mixture which is able to model the behaviour of the training samples during an optimal GP search strategy. Based on the Gaussian probability assumption, the GP-EM method is capable of performing simultaneously dynamic feature synthesis and model-based generalization. The EM part of the approach leads to the application of the maximum likelihood (ML) operation that provides protection against inter-cluster data separation and thus exhibits improved convergence. Additionally, with the GP-EM method, an innovative technique, called the histogram region of interest by thresholds (HROIBT), is introduced for diagnosing protein conformation defects (PCD) from microscopic imagery. The experimental results show that the proposed approach improves the detection accuracy and efficiency of pattern object discovery, as compared to single GP-based feature synthesis methods and also a number of other object detection systems. The GP-EM method projects the hyperspace of the raw data onto lower-dimensional spaces efficiently, resulting in faster computational classification processes

    Um algoritmo de alocação para bancos de dados biológicos distribuídos

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação, Florianópolis, 2014O presente trabalho propõe um algoritmo de alocação de dados distribuídos baseado na anidade de dados e perfis de uso com foco em bancos de dados (BD) relacionais biológicos. A proposta visa instruir os administradores de banco de dados (DBAs) sobre como alocar os dados nos nós de um cluster visando obter o melhor desempenho possível nas consultas e demais requisições dos usuários. O esquema e verificado através de testes em laboratório. Os experimentos são realizados sobre o sistema data warehouse (DW) Intermine (SMITH et al., 2012) utilizando o pgGrid, que adiciona funções de reaplicação e fragmentação no PostgreSQL e o HadoopDB (implementação do modelo Map-Reduce para bancos de dados relacionais). O algoritmo e comparado com outras propostas de alocação geradas por algoritmos desenvolvidos em pesquisas recentes.Abstract: This work proposes a data allocation algorithm based on distributed data affinity and query profile with focus on biological relational databases.The proposal aims to help database administrators (DBAs) about how to allocate the data across nodes in a cluster in order to obtain the maximum performance improvements on query time and executing other user requests. The allocation schema is verified in laboratory tests. The Intermine datawarehouse (DW) system (SMITH et al., 2012) was chosen as subject of this evaluation. The experiments were executed on distributed database platforms such as pgGrid, which adds replication and fragmentation functions to PostgreSQL and HadoopDB(implementation of Map-Reduce model for relational databases). Finally, the algorithm is compared with other allocation methods developed in recent researches

    Multivariate classification of gene expression microarray data

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    L'expressiódels gens obtinguts de l'anàliside microarrays s'utilitza en molts casos, per classificar les cèllules. En aquestatesi, unaversióprobabilística del mètodeDiscriminant Partial Least Squares (p-DPLS)s'utilitza per classificar les mostres de les expressions delsseus gens. p-DPLS esbasa en la regla de Bayes de la probabilitat a posteriori. Aquestsclassificadorssónforaçats a classficarsempre.Per superaraquestalimitaciós'haimplementatl'opció de rebuig.Aquestaopciópermetrebutjarlesmostresamb alt riscd'errors de classificació (és a dir, mostresambigüesi outliers).Aquestaopció de rebuigcombinacriterisbasats en els residuals x, el leverage ielsvalorspredits. A més,esdesenvolupa un mètode de selecció de variables per triarels gens mésrellevants, jaque la majoriadels gens analitzatsamb un microarraysónirrellevants per al propòsit particular de classificacióI podenconfondre el classificador. Finalment, el DPLSs'estenen a la classificació multi-classemitjançant la combinació de PLS ambl'anàlisidiscriminant lineal

    The Application of Evolutionary Algorithms to the Classification of Emotion from Facial Expressions

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    Emotions are an integral part of human daily life as they can influence behaviour. A reliable emotion detection system may help people in varied things, such as social contact, health care and gaming experience. Emotions can often be identified by facial expressions, but this can be difficult to achieve reliably as people are different and a person can mask or supress an expression. Instead of analysis on static image, the computing of the motion of an expression’s occurrence plays more important role for these reasons. The work described in this thesis considers an automated and objective approach to recognition of facial expressions using extracted optical flow, which may be a reliable alternative to human interpretation. The Farneback’s fast estimation has been used for the dense optical flow extraction. Evolutionary algorithms, inspired by Darwinian evolution, have been shown to perform well on complex,nonlinear datasets and are considered for the basis of this automated approach. Specifically, Cartesian Genetic Programming (CGP) is implemented, which can find computer programme that approaches user-defined tasks by the evolution of solutions, and modified to work as a classifier for the analysis of extracted flow data. Its performance compared with Support Vector Machine (SVM), which has been widely used in expression recognition problem, on a range of pre-recorded facial expressions obtained from two separate databases (MMI and FG-NET). CGP was shown flexible to optimise in the experiments: the imbalanced data classification problem is sharply reduced by applying an Area under Curve (AUC) based fitness function. Results presented suggest that CGP is capable to achieve better performance than SVM. An automatic expression recognition system has also been implemented based on the method described in the thesis. The future work is to propose investigation of an ensemble classifier implementing both CGP and SVM