8,461 research outputs found

    Air Quality Prediction in Smart Cities Using Machine Learning Technologies Based on Sensor Data: A Review

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    The influence of machine learning technologies is rapidly increasing and penetrating almost in every field, and air pollution prediction is not being excluded from those fields. This paper covers the revision of the studies related to air pollution prediction using machine learning algorithms based on sensor data in the context of smart cities. Using the most popular databases and executing the corresponding filtration, the most relevant papers were selected. After thorough reviewing those papers, the main features were extracted, which served as a base to link and compare them to each other. As a result, we can conclude that: (1) instead of using simple machine learning techniques, currently, the authors apply advanced and sophisticated techniques, (2) China was the leading country in terms of a case study, (3) Particulate matter with diameter equal to 2.5 micrometers was the main prediction target, (4) in 41% of the publications the authors carried out the prediction for the next day, (5) 66% of the studies used data had an hourly rate, (6) 49% of the papers used open data and since 2016 it had a tendency to increase, and (7) for efficient air quality prediction it is important to consider the external factors such as weather conditions, spatial characteristics, and temporal features

    A novel Big Data analytics and intelligent technique to predict driver's intent

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    Modern age offers a great potential for automatically predicting the driver's intent through the increasing miniaturization of computing technologies, rapid advancements in communication technologies and continuous connectivity of heterogeneous smart objects. Inside the cabin and engine of modern cars, dedicated computer systems need to possess the ability to exploit the wealth of information generated by heterogeneous data sources with different contextual and conceptual representations. Processing and utilizing this diverse and voluminous data, involves many challenges concerning the design of the computational technique used to perform this task. In this paper, we investigate the various data sources available in the car and the surrounding environment, which can be utilized as inputs in order to predict driver's intent and behavior. As part of investigating these potential data sources, we conducted experiments on e-calendars for a large number of employees, and have reviewed a number of available geo referencing systems. Through the results of a statistical analysis and by computing location recognition accuracy results, we explored in detail the potential utilization of calendar location data to detect the driver's intentions. In order to exploit the numerous diverse data inputs available in modern vehicles, we investigate the suitability of different Computational Intelligence (CI) techniques, and propose a novel fuzzy computational modelling methodology. Finally, we outline the impact of applying advanced CI and Big Data analytics techniques in modern vehicles on the driver and society in general, and discuss ethical and legal issues arising from the deployment of intelligent self-learning cars

    Predict gram - positive and gram - negative subcellular localization via incorporating evolutionary information and physicochemical features into Chou’s general PseAAC

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    In this study, we used structural and evolutionary based features to represent the sequences of gram-positive and gram-negative subcellular localizations. To do this, we proposed a normalization method to construct a normalize Position Specific Scoring Matrix (PSSM) using the information from original PSSM. To investigate the effectiveness of the proposed method we compute feature vectors from normalize PSSM and by applying Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Naïve Bayes classifier, respectively, we compared achieved results with the previously reported results. We also computed features from original PSSM and normalized PSSM and compared their results. The archived results show enhancement in gram-positive and gram-negative subcellular localizations. Evaluating localization for each feature, our results indicate that employing SVM and concatenating features (amino acid composition feature, Dubchak feature (physicochemical-based features), normalized PSSM based auto-covariance feature and normalized PSSM based bigram feature) have higher accuracy while employing Naïve Bayes classifier with normalized PSSM based auto-covariance feature proves to have high sensitivity for both benchmarks. Our reported results in terms of overall locative accuracy is 84.8% and overall absolute accuracy is 85.16% for gram-positive dataset; and, for gram- negative dataset, overall locative accuracy is 85.4% and overall absolute accuracy is 86.3%

    Tapentadol extended release for the management of chronic neck pain

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    BACKGROUND: The role of opioids in the management of chronic neck pain is still poorly investigated. No data are available on tapentadol extended release (ER). In this article, we present 54 patients with moderate-to-severe chronic neck pain treated with tapentadol ER. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients received tapentadol ER 100 mg/day; dosage was then adjusted according to clinical needs. The following parameters were recorded: pain; Douleur Neuropathique 4 score; Neck Disability Index score; range of motion; pain-associated sleep interference; quality of life (Short Form [36] Health Survey); Patient Global Impression of Change (PGIC); Clinician GIC; opioid-related adverse effects; and need for other analgesics. RESULTS: A total of 44 of 54 patients completed the 12-week observation. Tapentadol ER daily doses increased from 100 mg/day to a mean (standard deviation) dosage of 204.5 (102.8) mg/day at the final evaluation. Mean pain intensity at movement significantly decreased from baseline (8.1 [1.1]) to all time points (P<0.01). At baseline, 70% of patients presented a positive neuropathic component. This percentage dropped to 23% after 12 weeks. Tapentadol improved Neck Disability Index scores from 55.6 (18.6) at baseline to 19.7 (20.9) at the final evaluation (P<0.01). Tapentadol significantly improved neck range of motion in all three planes of motion, particularly in lateral flexion. Quality of life significantly improved in all Short Form (36) Health Survey subscales (P<0.01) and in both physical and mental status (P<0.01). Based on PGIC results, approximately 90% of patients rated their overall condition as much/very much improved. Tapentadol was well tolerated: no patients discontinued due to side effects. The use of other analgesics was reduced during the observed period. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that tapentadol ER, started at 100 mg/day, is effective and well tolerated in patients with moderate-to-severe chronic neck pain, including opioid-naïve subjects. Patients can expect a decrease in pain, an improvement in neck function, and a decrease in neuropathic symptoms

    A Diagnostic Accuracy Study of Targeted and Systematic Biopsies to Detect Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer, including a Model for the Partial Omission of Systematic Biopsies

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    Prostate biopsy concordance; Systematic biopsy; Targeted biopsyConcordancia de biopsia de próstata; Biopsia sistemática; Biopsia dirigidaConcordança de biòpsia de pròstata; Biòpsia sistemàtica; Biòpsia dirigidaThe primary objective of this study was to analyse the current accuracy of targeted and systematic prostate biopsies in detecting csPCa. A secondary objective was to determine whether there are factors predicting the finding of csPCa in targeted biopsies and, if so, to explore the utility of a predictive model for csPCa detection only in targeted biopsies. We analysed 2122 men with suspected PCa, serum PSA > 3 ng/mL, and/or a suspicious digital rectal examination (DRE), who underwent targeted and systematic biopsies between 2021 and 2022. CsPCa (grade group 2 or higher) was detected in 1026 men (48.4%). Discrepancies in csPCa detection in targeted and systematic biopsies were observed in 49.6%, with 13.9% of csPCa cases being detected only in systematic biopsies and 35.7% only in targeted biopsies. A predictive model for csPCa detection only in targeted biopsies was developed from the independent predictors age (years), prostate volume (mL), PI-RADS score (3 to 5), mpMRI Tesla (1.5 vs. 3.0), TRUS-MRI fusion image technique (cognitive vs. software), and prostate biopsy route (transrectal vs. transperineal). The csPCa discrimination ability of targeted biopsies showed an AUC of 0.741 (95% CI 0.721–0.762). The avoidance rate of systematic prostate biopsies went from 0.5% without missing csPCa to 18.3% missing 4.6% of csPCa cases. We conclude that the csPCa diagnostic accuracy of targeted biopsies is higher than that of systematic biopsies. However, a significant rate of csPCa remains detected only in systematic biopsies. A predictive model for the partial omission of systematic biopsies was developed.This research was funded by the Instituto de Salut Carlos III (SP) and the European Union, grant number PI20/01666

    Short-Term Travel Time Prediction on Freeways

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    Short-term travel time prediction supports the implementation of proactive traffic management and control strategies to alleviate if not prevent congestion and enable rational route choices and traffic mode selections to enhance travel mobility and safety. Over the last decade, Bluetooth technology has been increasingly used in collecting travel time data due to the technology’s advantages over conventional detection techniques in terms of direct travel time measurement, anonymous detection, and cost-effectiveness. However, similar to many other Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) technologies, Bluetooth technology has some limitations in measuring travel time information including 1) Bluetooth technology cannot associate travel time measurements with different traffic streams or facilities, therefore, the facility-specific travel time information is not directly available from Bluetooth measurements; 2) Bluetooth travel time measurements are influenced by measurement lag, because the travel time associated with vehicles that have not reached the downstream Bluetooth detector location cannot be taken at the instant of analysis. Freeway sections may include multiple distinct traffic stream (i.e., facilities) moving in the same direction of travel under a number of scenarios including: (1) a freeway section that contain both a High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) or High Occupancy Toll (HOT) lane and several general purpose lanes (GPL); (2) a freeway section with a nearby parallel service roadway; (3) a freeway section in which there exist physically separated lanes (e.g. express versus collector lanes); or (4) a freeway section in which a fraction of the lanes are used by vehicles to access an off ramp. In this research, two different methods were proposed in estimating facility-specific travel times from Bluetooth measurements. Method 1 applies the Anderson-Darling test in matching the distribution of real-time Bluetooth travel time measurements with reference measurements. Method 2 first clusters the travel time measurements using the K-means algorithm, and then associates the clusters with facilities using traffic flow model. The performances of these two proposed methods have been evaluated against a Benchmark method using simulation data. A sensitivity analysis was also performed to understand the impacts of traffic conditions on the performance of different models. Based on the results, Method 2 is recommended when the physical barriers or law enforcement prevent drivers from freely switching between the underlying facilities; however, when the roadway functions as a self-correcting system allowing vehicles to freely switching between underlying facilities, the Benchmark method, which assumes one facility always operating faster than the other facility, is recommended for application. The Bluetooth travel time measurement lag leads to delayed detection of traffic condition variations and travel time changes, especially during congestion and transition periods or when consecutive Bluetooth detectors are placed far apart. In order to alleviate the travel time measurement lag, this research proposed to use non-lagged Bluetooth measurements (e.g., the number of repetitive detections for each vehicle and the time a vehicle spent in the detection zone) for inferring traffic stream states in the vicinity of the Bluetooth detectors. Two model structures including the analytical model and the statistical model have been proposed to estimate the traffic conditions based on non-lagged Bluetooth measurements. The results showed that the proposed RUSBoost classification tree achieved over 94% overall accuracy in predicting traffic conditions as congested or uncongested. When modeling traffic conditions as three traffic states (i.e., the free-flow state, the transition state, and the congested state) using the RUSBoost classification tree, the overall accuracy was 67.2%; however, the accuracy in predicting the congested traffic state was improved from 84.7% of the two state model to 87.7%. Because traffic state information enables the travel time prediction model to more timely detect the changes in traffic conditions, both the two-state model and the three-state model have been evaluated in developing travel time prediction models in this research. The Random Forest model was the main algorithm adopted in training travel time prediction models using both travel time measurements and inferred traffic states. Using historical Bluetooth data as inputs, the model results proved that the inclusion of traffic states information consistently lead to better travel time prediction results in terms of lower root mean square errors (improved by over 11%), lower 90th percentile absolute relative error ARE (improved by over 12%), and lower standard deviations of ARE (improved by over 15%) compared to other model structures without traffic states as inputs. In addition, the impact of traffic state inclusion on travel time prediction accuracy as a function of Bluetooth detector spacing was also examined using simulation data. The results showed that the segment length of 4~8 km is optimal in terms of the improvement from using traffic state information in travel time prediction models

    Procedimiento para mejorar la precisión en el acierto de los fracasos en implantes dentales mediante técnicas de ciencia de datos

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    Nowadays, the prediction about dental implant failure is determined through clinical and radiological evaluation. For this reason, predictions are highly dependent on the Implantologists’ experience. In addition, it is extremely crucial to detect in time if a dental implant is going to fail, due to time, cost, trauma to the patient, postoperative problems, among others. This paper proposes a procedure using multiple feature selection methods and classification algorithms to improve the accuracy of dental implant failures in the province of Misiones, Argentina, validated by human experts. The experimentation is performed with two data sets, a set of dental implants made for the case study and an artificially generated set. The proposed approach allows to know the most relevant features and improve the accuracy in the classification of the target class (dental implant failure), to avoid biasing the decision making based on the application and results of individual methods. The proposed approach achieves an accuracy of 79% of failures, while individual classifiers achieve a maximum of 72%.Hoy en día, la predicción del fracaso de un implante dental está determinado a través de una evaluación clínica y radiológica. Por esta razón, las predicciones dependen en gran medida de la experiencia del implantólogo. Además, es extremadamente crucial detectar a tiempo si un implante dental va a fallar, por cuestiones de tiempo, costo, traumas al paciente, problemas postoperatorios, entre otros. En este trabajo se propone un procedimiento mediante la utilización de múltiples métodos de selección de características y algoritmos de clasificación, para mejorar la precisión en el acierto de los fracasos en implantes dentales de la provincia de Misiones, Argentina validado por expertos humanos. La experimentación es realizada con cuatro conjuntos de datos, un conjunto de implantes dentales confeccionado para el estudio de caso, un conjunto generado artificialmente y otros dos conjuntos obtenidos de distintos repositorios de datos. El procedimiento propuesto permitió conocer las características más relevantes y mejoró la precisión en la clasificación de la clase objetivo (fracaso del implante dental), permitiendo no sesgar la toma de decisión en base a la aplicación y resultados de método individuales. El procedimiento propuesto consigue una precisión del 79% de los fracasos, mientras que los clasificadores individuales alcanzan un máximo del 72%.Fil: Ganz, Nancy Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Materiales de Misiones. Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Químicas y Naturales. Instituto de Materiales de Misiones; ArgentinaFil: Ares, Alicia Esther. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Materiales de Misiones. Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Químicas y Naturales. Instituto de Materiales de Misiones; ArgentinaFil: Kuna, Horacio Daniel. Universidad Nacional de Misiones; Argentin
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