10 research outputs found

    Are VLEs still worthwhile?

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    This opinion piece considers the current value of Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs), and associated technologies such as e-portfolios, from the perspective of both lecturers and learners. Student satisfaction is discussed, and the relationship between VLE engagement and academic performance is considered. The piece concludes by highlighting the need for flexibility in the ways in which universities utilise technologies for teaching and learning

    Customer experience quality with social robots: Does trust matter?

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    Although service providers increasingly adopt social robots, much remains to be learned about what influences customers\u27 experiences with robots. To address this issue, this study investigates the relationships among customer equity drivers (i.e., value equity, brand equity and relationship equity), trust in social robots, and trust in service providers. Specifically, we hypothesize that customer equity drivers influence trust in social robots and trust in service providers. We also propose that customer equity drivers influence customer experience quality in the context of social robots and that trust in social robots and trust in service providers mediate these relationships. The study used a two-stage hybrid partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM)-artificial neural network (ANN) analysis to examine the proposed relationships. Findings show that while all the customer equity drivers influence trust in service providers, only brand and relationship equity influence trust in social robots. Results also suggest that trust in service providers mediates the relationship between customer equity drivers and customer experience quality. In addition, we find that consumers\u27 trust in service providers helps generate trust in social robots. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed

    Influence of responsible leadership on inclusive organizations: A mixed- method study

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    The ever-increasing diversity in organizations demands deliberate efforts to include the members in organizational activities. Responsible leadership, a blend of corporate social responsibility, ethics, and leadership, can generate willing cooperation and an urge to fully participate, which is pivotal to the success of the inclusive organization. This study explores the influence of responsible leadership on inclusive organization and uncovers its domains and pathways. Sequential mixed methods design has been adopted using both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Qualitative data comprise 25 semi-structured in-depth interviews, and quantitative data 800 responses on questionnaires, collected from eight organizations, four each from the manufacturing and services sectors. It has been found that responsible leadership significantly influences the inclusive organization. The influence is exerted in social and ethical domains and follows five different pathways within each domain. It is also concluded that a responsible leadership style is better suited for inclusive organizations


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    La formación de traductores a distancia ha crecido notablemente en los últimos años. La modalidad virtual presenta nuevos desafíos para el profesorado, entre ellos la necesidad de atender al importante aspecto socioafectivo de los estudiantes en una clase virtual, el cual  influye directamente sobre el proceso de aprendizaje. Este artículo parte de una base teórica socioconstructivista y socioafectiva, un marco pedagógico colaborativo y situado y una encuesta previa a estudiantes de traducción a distancia recién graduados. Presentamos una propuesta didáctica centrada en el uso explícito de estrategias de aprendizaje socioafectivas en un curso virtual de traducción para compensar la falta de presencia física, con el fin de ayudar a mejorar tanto el proceso como el producto de la traducción. Las estrategias y tácticas propuestas intentan aumentar el grado de satisfacción, rendimiento académico y preparación profesional de los estudiantes de traducción a distancia.Online translator training has grown considerably in recent years. The virtual classroom modality presents new challenges for instructors, including the need to address the students’ important socio-affective aspects. The socio-affective element in a virtual learning environment directly influences the learning process. This article is based on a socio-constructivist and socio-affective theoretical foundation, a collaborative and contextual pedagogical framework, and a prior survey of recent graduates from an online translation program. We present a didactic proposal focused on the explicit use of socio-affective learning strategies in a virtual translation training program to compensate for the lack of physical presence. The purpose is to improve both the learning process and the translation product. The strategies and tactics proposed are aimed at increasing learner satisfaction, academic results, and the professional preparedness of online translation students.A formação de tradutores à distância cresceu significativamente nos últimos anos. A modalidade virtual apresenta novos desafios para o professorado, entre eles a necessidade de abordar o importante aspecto socioafetivo dos alunos em uma sala de aula virtual, que influencia diretamente no processo de aprendizagem. Este artigo parte de uma base teórica socioconstrutiva e socioafetiva, um quadro pedagógico colaborativo e situado e um questionário prévio a estudantes de tradução recentemente formados. Apresentamos uma proposta didática focada no uso explícito de estratégias de aprendizagem socioafetivas em um curso de tradução virtual para compensar a falta da presença física, visando ajudar a melhorar tanto o processo como o produto de tradução. As estratégias e táticas propostas procuram aumentar o grau de satisfação, rendimento acadêmico e preparação profissional dos estudantes de tradução à distância

    Time to seize the digital evolution: Adoption of blockchain in operations and supply chain management among Malaysian SMEs

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    Abstract(#br)This study aims to investigate the effects of relative advantage, complexity, upper management support, cost, market dynamics, competitive pressure and regulatory support on blockchain adoption for operations and supply chain management among Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Malaysia. Unlike existing studies that employed linear models with Technology Acceptance Model or United Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology that ignores the organisational and environmental factors, we adopted the Technology, Organisation and Environment Framework that covers the technological dimensions of relative advantage and complexity, organisational dimensions of upper management support and cost and environmental dimensions of market dynamics, competitive pressure and regulatory support. Empirical data from 194 SMEs were investigated and ranked using a nonlinear non-compensatory PLS-ANN approach. Competitive pressure, complexity, cost and relative have significant effects on behavioural intention. Market dynamics, regulatory support and upper management support were insignificant predictors. SMEs often lack resources for technological investments but faces same requirements for streamlining business processes to optimise returns and blockchain presents a viable option for SMEs’ sustainability due to its features of immutability, transparency and security that have the potential to revolutionise businesses. This study contributes new knowledge to the literature on factors that affect blockchain adoption and justifications were discussed accordingly

    Share Retention, Underwriter Reputation, and Initial Public Offering Underpricing

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    Initial public offering (IPO) underpricing is a costly practice that decreases the IPO proceeds accruing to the issuing firms and can derail a firm\u27s growth objectives. The purpose of this correlational study was to determine the relationship between share retention, underwriter reputation, and IPO underpricing among a population of IPOs issued in Jamaica. The efficient market hypothesis served as the theoretical framework for this study. Archived data for 52 IPOs issued in Jamaica from 1986 to 2018 were collected and Spearman\u27s correlation matrix and heteroscedasticity-consistent standard errors regression analysis were applied. The outcomes of this study indicated no significant relationship between share retention and IPO underpricing, α = .1 and α = .05, r = .059, p = .35; however, there was partial acceptance of the alternative hypothesis that underwriter reputation is related to IPO underpricing at α = .1, r = .234, p = .055, but not α = .05. Additionally, underpricing was higher for IPOs supported by the high reputation underwriters, and share retention was a slightly better predictor of IPO underpricing for this group of IPOs, R2 = .02, p = .31 versus R2 = .01, p = .75. Finally, the overall model indicated that the independent variables did not jointly explain IPO underpricing, F(2, 45) = .78, p = .455, R2 = .032. The results of this study might contribute to social change because successful IPOs can increase employment opportunities as well as improve income distribution and socioeconomic indicators for the communities served by IPO firms

    El rol de las estrategias socioafectivas en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje colaborativo y situado de la traducción en una clase virtual

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    L'ensenyament virtual ha crescut substancialment en els últims anys, i les projeccions indiquen que continuarà en augment. Els programes de formació de traductors professionals també reflecteixen aquesta tendència. L'objectiu principal d'aquest treball se centra en identificar i proposar maneres d'incorporar les estratègies socioafectives que resulten més eficaces per a enriquir l'adquisició de la competència traductora en un programa d'ensenyament virtual de traducció. L'estudi utilitza un enfocament col·laboratiu i situat, amb bases humanistes i socioconstructivistas vigotskianas en l'ensenyament i aprenentatge de la traducció (Vigotsky, 1962, 1978; Renti i Wenger, 1990; Kiraly, 2000; González Davies, 2004, 2006a, 2009, 2006b; Johnson & Johnson, 2009; Oxford, 2011; Lantolf & Poehner, 2014), subratllant la incidència positiva de la interacció en els resultats d'aprenentatge, a més de l'estudi d'Oxford (2011) sobre l'efecte de les estratègies socioafectives sobre l'aprenentatge d'una llengua estrangera. Es va dur a terme una recerca qualitativa i quantitativa, amb un disseny cuasiexperimental (un estudi de cas), durant el segon semestre del Programa de Traducció anglès-espanyol per a adults universitaris bilingües de la University of Massachusetts Boston, als EUA El programa és intensiu, de dotze crèdits, és a dir, aproximadament 180 hores de treball per semestre. Es va treballar amb un grup de 20 estudiants. Al principi del primer semestre del programa es van aplicar les estratègies socioafectives identificades durant un estudi pilot. En el segon semestre es va verificar la seva efectivitat per mitjà de les dades recollides mitjançant tres instruments: el grup focal, l'enquesta i el diari reflexiu dels estudiants. Els resultats es van analitzar en quatre àrees (l'àrea de la influència del professor, l'àrea de les creences i actituds de l'estudiant, l'àrea de les interaccions entre els estudiants, l'àrea del marc pedagògic) amb un enfocament en els aspectes socioafectius de l'ensenyament i aprenentatge: l'entusiasme del professor (EP), un benefici futur (BF), l'ús de l'humor (UH), la consciència emocional (CE), un parell més competent (PMC), la integració al grup (IAG), les activitats sincròniques (AS) i les activitats col·laboratives (AC). Al final de l'estudi, es proposen les estratègies socioafectives més eficaces per a compensar la falta d'interacció humana directa del professor o professora amb l'objectiu d'enriquir l'adquisició de la competència traductora. Se suggereixen, també, algunes tàctiques per a una efectiva implementació de tals estratègies en un curs virtual de traducció.La enseñanza virtual ha crecido sustancialmente en los últimos años, y las proyecciones indican que continuará en aumento. Los programas de formación de traductores profesionales también reflejan esta tendencia. El objetivo principal de este trabajo se centra en identificar y proponer modos de incorporar las estrategias socioafectivas que resultan más eficaces para enriquecer la adquisición de la competencia traductora en un programa de enseñanza virtual de traducción. El estudio utiliza un enfoque colaborativo y situado, con bases humanistas y socioconstructivistas vigotskianas en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de la traducción (Vigotsky, 1962, 1978; Lave y Wenger, 1990; Kiraly, 2000; González Davies, 2004, 2006ª, 2009, 2006b; Johnson & Johnson, 2009;; Oxford, 2011; Lantolf & Poehner, 2014), subrayando la incidencia positiva de la interacción en los resultados de aprendizaje, además del estudio de Oxford (2011) sobre el efecto de las estrategias socioafectivas sobre el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera. Se llevó a cabo una investigación cualitativa y cuantitativa, con un diseño cuasiexperimental (un estudio de caso), durante el segundo semestre del Programa de Traducción inglés-español para adultos universitarios bilingües de la University of Massachusetts Boston, en EE. UU. El programa es intensivo, de doce créditos, es decir, aproximadamente 180 horas de trabajo por semestre. Se trabajó con un grupo de 20 estudiantes. Al principio del primer semestre del programa se aplicaron las estrategias socioafectivas identificadas durante un estudio piloto. En el segundo semestre se verificó su efectividad por medio de los datos recogidos mediante tres instrumentos: el grupo focal, la encuesta y el diario reflexivo de los estudiantes. Los resultados se analizaron en cuatro áreas (el área de la influencia del profesor, el área de las creencias y actitudes del estudiante, el área de las interacciones entre los estudiantes, el área del marco pedagógico) con un enfoque en los aspectos socioafectivos de la enseñanza y aprendizaje: el entusiasmo del profesor (EP), un beneficio futuro (BF), el uso del humor (UH), la conciencia emocional (CE), un par más competente (PMC), la integración al grupo (IAG), las actividades sincrónicas (AS) y las actividades colaborativas (AC). Al final del estudio, se proponen las estrategias socioafectivas más eficaces para compensar la falta de interacción humana directa del profesor o profesora con el objetivo de enriquecer la adquisición de la competencia traductora. Se sugieren, también, algunas tácticas para una efectiva implementación de tales estrategias en un curso virtual de traducción.Virtual education has grown substantially in recent years, and projections indicate that it will continue to grow. Training programs for professional translators reflect this trend. The primary purpose of this research centers on the identification and proposal of ways to incorporate socio-affective strategies that prove more effective in enriching the acquisition of translation skills in the context of a distance learning translation program. This research uses a collaborative and situated approach that is based on Vigotsky's humanistic and socio-constructive model for the teaching and learning of translation (Vigotsky 1962, 1978; Lave y Wenger 1990; Kiraly 2000; González Davies 2004, 2006a, 2006b; D. Johnson y R. Johnson 2009; González Davies 2009; Oxford 2011; Lantolf y Poehner 2014), with an emphasis on positive interaction incidence in learning results, in addition to Oxford's research (2011) on the effect of socio-affective strategies on foreign language learning. Qualitative and quantitative research was performed using a quasi-experimental design (case study), during the second semester of an online program on English-Spanish translation for bilingual adult university students at the University of Massachusetts Boston, in the United States. The twelve-credit program is intensive and requires approximately 180 hours of work during each of two semesters. A group of 20 students participated. At the beginning of the first semester of the program, the identified socio-affective strategies were applied in a pilot study, and during the second semester, the efficacy of the strategies was verified using data collected using three tools: focus groups, surveys, and the students' reflective journals. The results were analyzed using four categories (the area of influence of the instructor, the area of the students' beliefs and attitudes, the area of interactions among students, and the area of the pedagogical framework), with a focus on the socio-affective aspects of teaching and learning: instructor enthusiasm (EP), future benefit (BF), use of humor (UH), emotional awareness (CE), a more knowledgeable other (PMC), integration in the group (IAG), synchronic activities (AS) and collaborative activities (AC). At the end of the presentation of the research results, the more effective socio-affective strategies are presented, so as to better compensate for the lack of direct human interaction with the instructor, for the ultimate purpose of enriching translation skill acquisition in a virtual translation course. In addition, techniques are suggested for effective implementation of these strategies in a virtual course on translation