13 research outputs found

    Predicting three-dimensional ground reaction forces in running by using artificial neural networks and lower body kinematics

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    This study explored the use of artificial neural networks in the estimation of runners' kinetics from lower body kinematics. Three supervised feed-forward artificial neural networks with one hidden layer each were modelled and assigned individually with the mapping of a single force component. Number of training epochs, batch size and dropout rate were treated as modelling hyper-parameters and their values were optimised with a grid search. A public data set of twenty-eight professional athletes containing running trails of different speeds (2.5 m/sec, 3.5 m/sec and 4.5 m/sec) was employed to train and validate the networks. Movements of the lower limbs were captured with twelve motion capture cameras and an instrumented dual-belt treadmill. The acceleration of the shanks was fed to the artificial neural networks and the estimated forces were compared to the kinetic recordings of the instrumented treadmill. Root mean square error was used to evaluate the performance of the models. Predictions were accompanied with low errors: 0.134 BW for the vertical, 0.041 BW for the anteroposterior and 0.042 BW for the mediolateral component of the force. Vertical and anteroposterior estimates were independent of running speed (p=0.233 and p=.058, respectively), while mediolateral results were significantly more accurate for low running speeds (p=0.010). The maximum force mean error between measured and estimated values was found during the vertical active peak (0.114 ± 0.088 BW). Findings indicate that artificial neural networks in conjunction with accelerometry may be used to compute three-dimensional ground reaction forces in running


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the validity of kinetics estimated from 3D coordinates of landmarks during sidestepping by artificial neural networks (ANN). 71 male college professional soccer athletes performed sidestepping with two directions (left and right) and two cutting angles (45° and 90°) 3times for every task, totally 12 times. Coordinates of reflective markers, ground reaction forces (GRF) and lower limb joint moments were measured. All 18 body landmarks such as joints center were obtained by reflective markers as inputs to estimate GRF and lower joint moments in the ANN whose type was multilayer perceptron. The most of kinetics estimated by ANN showed strong correlation(r\u3e0.9) with measured results. Just few kinetic curves of ANN existed significant differences in a few time points compared to measured results. ANN could accurately estimate kinetics from the coordinates of body landmarks druing sidestepping

    A comparison of three methods for estimating vertical ground reaction forces in running

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    The purpose of this study was to compare different approaches for the estimation of biomechanical loads in running. A neural network, a biomechanical model, and a two-mass model were tested on the same data set. The predictions of the neural network were highly accurate for all considered running speeds (average RMSE, 0.11 BW). The biomechanical model returned statistically similar results (p=0.113, 0.14 BW), but with increasing RMS errors at high running speeds. Finally, the two-mass model estimates were independent of running speed, but were the least accurate (RMSE, 0.18 BW)

    Investigation of the analysis of wearable data for cancer-specific mortality prediction in older adults

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    Cancer is an aggressive disease which imparts a tremendous socio-economic burden on the international community. Early detection is an important aspect in improving survival rates for cancer sufferers; however, very few studies have investigated the possibility of predicting which people have the highest risk to develop this disease, even years before the traditional symptoms first occur. In this paper, a dataset from a longitudinal study which was collected among 2291 70-year olds in Sweden has been analyzed to investigate the possibility for predicting 2-7 year cancer-specific mortality. A tailored ensemble model has been developed to tackle this highly imbalanced dataset. The performance with different feature subsets has been investigated to evaluate the impact that heterogeneous data sources may have on the overall model. While a full-features model shows an Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC-ROC) of 0.882, a feature subset which only includes demographics, self-report health and lifestyle data, and wearable dataset collected in free-living environments presents similar performance (AUC-ROC: 0.857). This analysis confirms the importance of wearable technology for providing unbiased health markers and suggests its possible use in the accurate prediction of 2-7 year cancer-related mortality in older adults

    Implementación de métodos computacionales para estimar las amplitudes angulares de los miembros inferiores durante el squat

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    In biomechanics, motion capture systems based on video and markers are the most widely used method to estimate kinematic parameters. However, from a technical standpoint, experimental errors in data capture are often related to the masking of markers during motion capture. This phenomenon generates data loss that can affect the analysis of the results. The lack of data is solved by increasing the number of cameras or using additional devices such as inertial sensors. However, those additions increase the experimental cost of this method. Nowadays, new computational methods can be used to solve such problems less expensively. This study implemented two computational methods based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Support Vector Regression (SVR) to estimate the amplitude of limb angles during the execution of a movement on a single axis (i.e., the z-axis). The characteristics of the squats were used to train and validate the models. The results obtained include RMSE values lower than 14 (minimum RMSE of 5.35) and CC values close to 0.98. The estimated values are very close to the experimental amplitude angles, and the statistical analyses showed no significant differences between the distributions and means of the estimated amplitude values and their actual counterparts (p-value>0.05). The results show that these methods could help biomechanics researchers perform accurate analyses, decrease the number of cameras needed, reduce uncertainty, and avoid data loss problems.En biomecánica, los sistemas de captura de movimiento basados en video y en marcadores son el método más utilizado para la estimación de parámetros cinemáticos. A nivel técnico, los errores experimentales en la captura de datos suelen estar relacionados con el ocultamiento de los marcadores durante la captura del movimiento. Este fenómeno genera una pérdida de datos que puede afectar el análisis de los resultados. La falta de datos se resuelve aumentando el número de cámaras o utilizando dispositivos adicionales como sensores inerciales. Estas adiciones incrementan el costo experimental de este método. Actualmente, para resolver este tipo de problemas de forma menos costosa, se podrían utilizar nuevos métodos computacionales. Este estudio tiene como objetivo implementar dos métodos computacionales basados en red neuronal artificial (RNA) y regresión de vectores de soporte (RVS) para estimar la amplitud del ángulo de las extremidades durante la ejecución de un movimiento a partir de un solo eje (eje Z). Para entrenar y validar los modelos, se utilizaron características del ejercicio de squat. Los resultados obtenidos incluyeron valores de raíces de error cuadrático medio (RMSE) inferiores a 14 (RMSE mínimo de 5.35) y valores de CC cercanos a 0.98. Los valores estimados son muy cercanos a los ángulos de amplitud experimentales, los análisis estadísticos muestran que no hay diferencias significativas entre las distribuciones y las medias de los valores de amplitud estimados y los valores reales (valor p>0.05). Los resultados demuestran que estos métodos podrían ayudar a los investigadores en biomecánica a realizar análisis precisos, reduciendo el número de cámaras necesarias, reduciendo la incertidumbre y evitando problemas por perdida de datos

    Comparison of Machine Learning Techniques for Mortality Prediction in a Prospective Cohort of Older Adults

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    As global demographics change, ageing is a global phenomenon which is increasingly of interest in our modern and rapidly changing society. Thus, the application of proper prognostic indices in clinical decisions regarding mortality prediction has assumed a significant importance for personalized risk management (i.e., identifying patients who are at high or low risk of death) and to help ensure effective healthcare services to patients. Consequently, prognostic modelling expressed as all‐cause mortality prediction is an important step for effective patient management. Machine learning has the potential to transform prognostic modelling. In this paper, results on the development of machine learning models for all‐cause mortality prediction in a cohort of healthy older adults are reported. The models are based on features covering anthropometric variables, physical and lab examinations, questionnaires, and lifestyles, as well as wearable data collected in free‐living settings, obtained for the “Healthy Ageing Initiative” study conducted on 2291 recruited participants. Several machine learning techniques including feature engineering, feature selection, data augmentation and resampling were investigated for this purpose. A detailed empirical comparison of the impact of the different techniques is presented and discussed. The achieved performances were also compared with a standard epidemiological model. This investigation showed that, for the dataset under consideration, the best results were achieved with Random Under‐ Sampling in conjunction with Random Forest (either with or without probability calibration). However, while including probability calibration slightly reduced the average performance, it increased the model robustness, as indicated by the lower 95% confidence intervals. The analysis showed that machine learning models could provide comparable results to standard epidemiological models while being completely data‐driven and disease‐agnostic, thus demonstrating the opportunity for building machine learning models on health records data for research and clinical practice. However, further testing is required to significantly improve the model performance and its robustness

    Jumping towards field-based ground reaction force estimation and assessment with OpenCap

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    Low-cost and field-viable methods that can simultaneously assess external kinetics and kinematics are necessary to enhance field-based biomechanical monitoring. The aim of this study was to determine the accuracy and usability of ground reaction force (GRF) profiles estimated from segmental kinematics, measured with OpenCap (a low-cost markerless motion-capture system), during common jumping movements. Full-body segmental kinematics were recorded for fifteen recreational athletes performing countermovement, squat, bilateral drop, and unilateral drop jumps, and used to estimate vertical GRFs with a mechanics-based method. Eleven distinct performance-, fatigue-, or injury-related GRF variables were then validated against a gold-standard force platform. Across jumping movements, a total of six and three GRF variables were estimated with a bias or limits of agreement <5 % respectively. Bias and limits of agreement were between 5 and 15 % for seventeen and nineteen variables respectively. Moreover, we show that estimated force variables with a bias <15 % can adequately assess the within-athlete changes in GRF variables between jumping conditions (arm swing or leg dominance). These findings indicate that using a low-cost and field-viable markerless motion capture system (OpenCap) to estimate and assess GRF profiles during common jumping movements is approaching acceptable limits of accuracy. The presented method can be used to monitor force variables of interest and examine underlying segmental kinematics. This application is a jump towards researchers and sports practitioners performing biomechanical monitoring of jumping efficiently, regularly, and extensively in field settings

    Predicting Three-Dimensional Ground Reaction Forces in Running by Using Artificial Neural Networks and Lower Body Kinematics

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    Motion capture technology in industrial applications: A systematic review

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    The rapid technological advancements of Industry 4.0 have opened up new vectors for novel industrial processes that require advanced sensing solutions for their realization. Motion capture (MoCap) sensors, such as visual cameras and inertial measurement units (IMUs), are frequently adopted in industrial settings to support solutions in robotics, additive manufacturing, teleworking and human safety. This review synthesizes and evaluates studies investigating the use of MoCap technologies in industry-related research. A search was performed in the Embase, Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar. Only studies in English, from 2015 onwards, on primary and secondary industrial applications were considered. The quality of the articles was appraised with the AXIS tool. Studies were categorized based on type of used sensors, beneficiary industry sector, and type of application. Study characteristics, key methods and findings were also summarized. In total, 1682 records were identified, and 59 were included in this review. Twenty-one and 38 studies were assessed as being prone to medium and low risks of bias, respectively. Camera-based sensors and IMUs were used in 40% and 70% of the studies, respectively. Construction (30.5%), robotics (15.3%) and automotive (10.2%) were the most researched industry sectors, whilst health and safety (64.4%) and the improvement of industrial processes or products (17%) were the most targeted applications. Inertial sensors were the first choice for industrial MoCap applications. Camera-based MoCap systems performed better in robotic applications, but camera obstructions caused by workers and machinery was the most challenging issue. Advancements in machine learning algorithms have been shown to increase the capabilities of MoCap systems in applications such as activity and fatigue detection as well as tool condition monitoring and object recognition