165 research outputs found

    Precise subtyping for synchronous multiparty sessions

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    The notion of subtyping has gained an important role both in theoretical and applicative domains: in lambda and concurrent calculi as well as in programming languages. The soundness and the completeness, together referred to as the preciseness of subtyping, can be considered from two different points of view: operational and denotational. The former preciseness has been recently developed with respect to type safety, i.e. the safe replacement of a term of a smaller type when a term of a bigger type is expected. The latter preciseness is based on the denotation of a type which is a mathematical object that describes the meaning of the type in accordance with the denotations of other expressions from the language. The result of this paper is the operational and denotational preciseness of the subtyping for a synchronous multiparty session calculus. The novelty of this paper is the introduction of characteristic global types to prove the operational completeness

    Precise subtyping for asynchronous multiparty sessions

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    Session subtyping is a cornerstone of refinement of communicating processes: a process implementing a session type (i.e., a communication protocol) T can be safely used whenever a process implementing one of its supertypes T0 is expected, in any context, without introducing deadlocks nor other communication errors. This paper presents the first formalisation of the precise subtyping relation for asynchronous multiparty sessions: we show that the relation is sound (i.e., guarantees safe process replacement, as outlined above) and also complete: any extension of the relation is unsound. Previous work studies precise subtyping for binary sessions (with two participants), or multiparty sessions (with any number of participants) and synchronous interaction. Here, we cover multiparty sessions with asynchronous interaction, where messages are transmitted via FIFO queues (as in the TCP/IP protocol). In this setting, the subtyping relation becomes highly complex: under some conditions, participants can permute the order of their inputs and outputs, by sending some messages earlier, or receiving some later, without causing errors; the precise subtyping relation must capture all such valid permutations, and consequently, its formalisation and proofs become challenging. Our key discovery is a methdology to decompose session types into single input/output session trees, and then express the subtyping relation as a composition of refinement relations between such trees

    Precise subtyping for asynchronous multiparty sessions

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    Session subtyping is a cornerstone of refinement of communicating processes: a process implementing a session type (i.e., a communication protocol) T can be safely used whenever a process implementing one of its supertypes T′ is expected, in any context, without introducing deadlocks nor other communication errors. As a consequence, whenever T T′ holds, it is safe to replace an implementation of T′ with an implementation of the subtype T, which may allow for more optimised communication patterns. We present the first formalisation of the precise subtyping relation for asynchronous multiparty sessions. We show that our subtyping relation is sound (i.e., guarantees safe process replacement, as outlined above) and also complete: any extension of the relation is unsound. To achieve our results, we develop a novel session decomposition technique, from full session types (including internal/external choices) into single input/output session trees (without choices). Previous work studies precise subtyping for binary sessions (with just two participants), or multiparty sessions (with any number of participants) and synchronous interaction. Here, we cover multiparty sessions with asynchronous interaction, where messages are transmitted via FIFO queues (as in the TCP/IP protocol), and prove that our subtyping is both operationally and denotationally precise. In the asynchronous multiparty setting, finding the precise subtyping relation is a highly complex task: this is because, under some conditions, participants can permute the order of their inputs and outputs, by sending some messages earlier or receiving some later, without causing errors; the precise subtyping relation must capture all such valid permutations — and consequently, its formalisation, reasoning and proofs become challenging. Our session decomposition technique overcomes this complexity, expressing the subtyping relation as a composition of refinement relations between single input/output trees, and providing a simple reasoning principle for asynchronous message optimisations

    On the preciseness of subtyping in session types: 10 years later

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    The PPDP Most Influential Paper 10-Year Award for our work [11] was a delightful surprise. We subsequently reviewed the subsequent literature to see how our results have been utilised. This short note aims to capture crucial references without missing too many

    Denotational and operational preciseness of subtyping: A roadmap

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    The notion of subtyping has gained an important role both in theoretical and applicative domains: in lambda and concurrent calculi as well as in object-oriented programming languages. The soundness and the completeness, together referred to as the preciseness of subtyping, can be considered from two different points of view: denotational and operational. The former preciseness is based on the denotation of a type, which is a mathematical object describing the meaning of the type in accordance with the denotations of other expressions from the language. The latter preciseness has been recently developed with respect to type safety, i.e. the safe replacement of a term of a smaller type when a term of a bigger type is expected. The present paper shows that standard proofs of operational preciseness imply denotational preciseness and gives an overview on this subject

    Secure Multiparty Sessions with Topics

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    Multiparty session calculi have been recently equipped with security requirements, in order to guarantee properties such as access control and leak freedom. However, the proposed security requirements seem to be overly restrictive in some cases. In particular, a party is not allowed to communicate any kind of public information after receiving a secret information. This does not seem justified in case the two pieces of information are totally unrelated. The aim of the present paper is to overcome this restriction, by designing a type discipline for a simple multiparty session calculus, which classifies messages according to their topics and allows unrestricted sequencing of messages on independent topics.Comment: In Proceedings PLACES 2016, arXiv:1606.0540

    On the preciseness of subtyping in session types

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    Subtyping in concurrency has been extensively studied since early 1990s as one of the most interesting issues in type theory. The correctness of subtyping relations has been usually provided as the soundness for type safety. The converse direction, the completeness, has been largely ignored in spite of its usefulness to define the greatest subtyping relation ensuring type safety. This paper formalises preciseness (i.e. both soundness and completeness) of subtyping for mobile processes and studies it for the synchronous and the asynchronous session calculi. We first prove that the well-known session subtyping, the branching-selection subtyping, is sound and complete for the synchronous calculus. Next we show that in the asynchronous calculus, this subtyping is incomplete for type-safety: that is, there exist session types T and S such that T can safely be considered as a subtype of S, but T ≤ S is not derivable by the subtyping. We then propose an asynchronous sub-typing system which is sound and complete for the asynchronous calculus. The method gives a general guidance to design rigorous channel-based subtypings respecting desired safety properties

    Deadlock-free asynchronous message reordering in rust with multiparty session types

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    Rust is a modern systems language focused on performance and reliability. Complementing Rust's promise to provide "fearless concurrency", developers frequently exploit asynchronous message passing. Unfortunately, sending and receiving messages in an arbitrary order to maximise computation-communication overlap (a popular optimisation in message-passing applications) opens up a Pandora's box of subtle concurrency bugs. To guarantee deadlock-freedom by construction, we present Rumpsteak: a new Rust framework based on multiparty session types. Previous session type implementations in Rust are either built upon synchronous and blocking communication and/or are limited to two-party interactions. Crucially, none support the arbitrary ordering of messages for efficiency. Rumpsteak instead targets asynchronous async/await code. Its unique ability is allowing developers to arbitrarily order send/receive messages while preserving deadlock-freedom. For this, Rumpsteak incorporates two recent advanced session type theories: (1) k-multiparty compatibility (k-MC), which globally verifies the safety of a set of participants, and (2) asynchronous multiparty session subtyping, which locally verifies optimisations in the context of a single participant. Specifically, we propose a novel algorithm for asynchronous subtyping that is both sound and decidable. We first evaluate the performance and expressiveness of Rumpsteak against three previous Rust implementations. We discover that Rumpsteak is around 1.7 - 8.6x more efficient and can safely express many more examples by virtue of offering arbitrary ordering of messages. Secondly, we analyse the complexity of our new algorithm and benchmark it against k-MC and a binary session subtyping algorithm. We find they are exponentially slower than Rumpsteak's

    Reversible Multiparty Sessions with Checkpoints

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    Reversible interactions model different scenarios, like biochemical systems and human as well as automatic negotiations. We abstract interactions via multiparty sessions enriched with named checkpoints. Computations can either go forward or roll back to some checkpoints, where possibly different choices may be taken. In this way communications can be undone and different conversations may be tried. Interactions are typed with global types, which control also rollbacks. Typeability of session participants in agreement with global types ensures session fidelity and progress of reversible communications.Comment: In Proceedings EXPRESS/SOS 2016, arXiv:1608.0269

    Motion session types for robotic interactions

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    Robotics applications involve programming concurrent components synchronising through messages while simultaneously executing motion primitives that control the state of the physical world. Today, these applications are typically programmed in low-level imperative programming languages which provide little support for abstraction or reasoning. We present a unifying programming model for concurrent message-passing systems that additionally control the evolution of physical state variables, together with a compositional reasoning framework based on multiparty session types. Our programming model combines message-passing concurrent processes with motion primitives. Processes represent autonomous components in a robotic assembly, such as a cart or a robotic arm, and they synchronise via discrete messages as well as via motion primitives. Continuous evolution of trajectories under the action of controllers is also modelled by motion primitives, which operate in global, physical time. We use multiparty session types as specifications to orchestrate discrete message-passing concurrency and continuous flow of trajectories. A global session type specifies the communication protocol among the components with joint motion primitives. A projection from a global type ensures that jointly executed actions at end-points are communication safe and deadlock-free, i.e., session-typed components do not get stuck. Together, these checks provide a compositional verification methodology for assemblies of robotic components with respect to concurrency invariants such as a progress property of communications as well as dynamic invariants such as absence of collision. We have implemented our core language and, through initial experiments, have shown how multiparty session types can be used to specify and compositionally verify robotic systems implemented on top of off-the-shelf and custom hardware using standard robotics application libraries
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