15 research outputs found

    Holistic simulation for integrated vehicle design

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    A holistic vehicle simulation capability is necessary for front-loading component, subsystem, and controller design, for the early detection of component and subsystem design flaws, as well as for the model-based calibration of powertrain control modules. The current document explores the concept of holistic vehicle simulation by means of reviewing the current trends automotive system design and available solutions in terms of model interfaces and neutral modelling environments. The review is followed by the presentation of a Simulink-based Multi- disciplinary Modelling Environment (MME) developed by the authors to accommodate simulation work across the vehicle development cycle

    FMI for Co-Simulation of Embedded Control Software

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    Increased complexity of cyber-physical systems within the maritime industry demands closer cooperation be-tween engineering disciplines. The functional mockup interface (FMI) is an initiative aiding cross-discipline in-teraction by providing, a widely accepted, standard for model exchange and co-simulation. The standard is sup-ported by a number of modelling tools. However, to im-plement it on an existing platform requires adaptation. This paper investigates how to adapt the software of an embedded control system to comply with the FMI for co-simulation standard. In particular, we suggest a way of advancing the clock of a real time operating system (RTOS), by overwriting the idle thread and waiting for a signal to start execution until return to idle. This ap-proach ensures a deterministic and temporal execution of the simulation across multiple nodes. As proof of concept, a co-simulation is conducted, showing that the control system of an SCR (selective catalyst reduction) emission reduction system can be packed in a functional mockup unit (FMU) and co-simulated with a physical model, built in Ptolemy II. Results show that FMI can be used for co-simulation of an embedded SCR control soft-ware and for control software development

    CAE - PROCESS AND NETWORK : A methodology for continuous product validation process based on network of various digital simulation methods

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    CAE ProNet methodology is to develop CAE network considering interdependencies among digital validations. Utilizing CAE network and considering industrial requirements, an algorithm is applied to execute a product, vehicle development phase, and load case priority oriented CAE process. Major advantage of this research work is to improve quality of simulation results, reducing time-to-market and decreasing dependencies on hardware prototype

    CAE - PROCESS AND NETWORK : A methodology for continuous product validation process based on network of various digital simulation methods

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    CAE ProNet methodology is to develop CAE network considering interdependencies among digital validations. Utilizing CAE network and considering industrial requirements, an algorithm is applied to execute a product, vehicle development phase, and load case priority oriented CAE process. Major advantage of this research work is to improve quality of simulation results, reducing time-to-market and decreasing dependencies on hardware prototype

    Co-Simulation of Cyber-Physical System with Distributed Embedded Control

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    Integrierte modell- und simulationsbasierte Entwicklung zur dynamischen Bewertung automobiler Elektrik/Elektronik-Architekturen

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    Die Automobilbranche befindet sich seit einigen Jahren im Wandel. Trends wie autonomes Fahren, Konnektivität, smarte Mobilität sowie die Elektrifizierung führen zu einer drastischen Erhöhung der Fahrzeugkomplexität. Diese Komplexität muss durch die zugrunde liegende Elektrik/Elektronik-Architektur (E/E-Architektur) beherrscht werden und ruft unmittelbare neue Herausforderungen an den Entwicklungsprozess hervor. Design-Entscheidungen der E/E-Architektur haben maßgeblichen Einfluss auf das Verhalten von Fahrzeugfunktionen und umgekehrt. Daher müssen sie möglichst frühzeitig analysiert und evaluiert werden, um kostspielige Fehlerkorrekturen in späten Entwicklungsphasen zu minimieren. Eine frühzeitige Einbindung von Simulationsmethoden ist dabei zentral. Die modellbasierte Architekturentwicklung und Simulation sind jedoch weitestgehend getrennt voneinander laufende Prozesse. Dies erschwert eine effiziente Analyse sowie Bewertung der bidirektionalen Abhängigkeiten zwischen Architektur und Verhalten. Um diese Schwächen zu adressieren, wird in dieser Arbeit eine integrierte Methodik zur modell- und simulationsbasierten Entwicklung von E/E-Architekturen vorgestellt, die sich in drei Teile gliedert. Es werden zunächst neue Methoden zur architekturzentrierten Verhaltensmodellierung eingeführt. Eine nachfolgende Synthese generiert daraus ein Simulationsmodell, welches automatisiert mehrere Abstraktionsebenen der E/E-Architektur miteinander verknüpft und so zu einer ganzheitlichen Betrachtung beiträgt. Mithilfe des integrierten Ansatzes wird zusätzlich ein Konzept entwickelt, das es gestattet, mehrere Architekturvarianten automatisiert bzgl. statischen und dynamischen Metriken gegenüberzustellen. Die Konzepte werden in das in der Automobilindustrie etablierte E/E-Architekturwerkzeug PREEvision® integriert, umgesetzt und anhand mehrerer Anwendungsfälle evaluiert

    Supporting multidisciplinary vehicle modeling : towards an ontology-based knowledge sharing in collaborative model based systems engineering environment

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    Simulation models are widely used by industries as an aid for decision making to explore and optimize a broad range of complex industrial systems’ architectures. The increased complexity of industrial systems (cars, airplanes, etc.), ecological and economic concerns implies a need for exploring and analysing innovative system architectures efficiently and effectively by using simulation models. However, simulations designers currently suffer from limitations which make simulation models difficult to design and develop in a collaborative, multidisciplinary design environment. The multidisciplinary nature of simulation models requires a specific understanding of each phenomenon to simulate and a thorough description of the system architecture, its components and connections between components. To accomplish these objectives, the Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and Information Systems’ (IS) methodologies were used to support the simulation designer’s analysing capabilities in terms of methods, processes and design tool solutions. The objective of this thesis is twofold. The first concerns the development of a methodology and tools to build accurate simulation models. The second focuses on the introduction of an innovative approach to design, product and integrate the simulation models in a “plug and play" manner by ensuring the expected model fidelity. However, today, one of the major challenges in full-vehicle simulation model creation is to get domain level simulation models from different domain experts while detecting any potential inconsistency problem before the IVVQ (Integration, Verification, Validation, and Qualification) phase. In the current simulation model development process, most of the defects such as interface mismatch and interoperability problems are discovered late, during the IVVQ phase. This may create multiple wastes, including rework and, may-be the most harmful, incorrect simulation models, which are subsequently used as basis for design decisions. In order to address this problem, this work aims to reduce late inconsistency detection by ensuring early stage collaborations between the different suppliers and OEM. Thus, this work integrates first a Detailed Model Design Phase to the current model development process and, second, the roles have been re-organized and delegated between design actors. Finally an alternative architecture design tool is supported by an ontology-based DSL (Domain Specific Language) called Model Identity Card (MIC). The design tools and mentioned activities perspectives (e.g. decisions, views and viewpoints) are structured by inspiration from Enterprise Architecture Frameworks. To demonstrate the applicability of our proposed solution, engine-after treatment, hybrid parallel propulsion and electric transmission models are tested across automotive and aeronautic industries.Les systèmes industriels (automobile, aérospatial, etc.) sont de plus en plus complexes à cause des contraintes économiques et écologiques. Cette complexité croissante impose des nouvelles contraintes au niveau du développement. La question de la maitrise de la capacité d’analyse de leurs architectures est alors posée. Pour résoudre cette question, les outils de modélisation et de simulation sont devenus une pratique courante dans les milieux industriels afin de comparer les multiples architectures candidates. Ces outils de simulations sont devenus incontournables pour conforter les décisions. Pourtant, la mise en œuvre des modèles physiques est de plus en plus complexe et nécessite une compréhension spécifique de chaque phénomène simulé ainsi qu’une description approfondie de l’architecture du système, de ses composants et des liaisons entre composants. L’objectif de cette thèse est double. Le premier concerne le développement d’une méthodologie et des outils nécessaires pour construire avec précision les modèles de simulation des architectures de systèmes qu’on désire étudier. Le deuxième s’intéresse à l’introduction d’une approche innovante pour la conception, la production et l’intégration des modèles de simulations en mode « plug and play » afin de garantir la conformité des résultats aux attentes, notamment aux niveaux de la qualité et de la maturité. Pour accomplir ces objectifs, des méthodologies et des processus d’ingénierie des systèmes basés sur les modèles (MBSE) ainsi que les systèmes d’information ont été utilisés. Ce travail de thèse propose pour la première fois un processus détaillé et un outil pour la conception des modèles de simulation. Un référentiel commun nommé « Modèle de carte d'identité (MIC) » a été développé pour standardiser et renforcer les interfaces entre les métiers et les fournisseurs sur les plans organisationnels et techniques. MIC garantit l’évolution et la gestion de la cohérence de l’ensemble des règles et les spécifications des connaissances des domaines métiers dont la sémantique est multiple. MIC renforce également la cohérence du modèle et réduit les anomalies qui peuvent interférer pendant la phase dite IVVQ pour Intégration, Vérification, Validation, Qualification. Finalement, afin de structurer les processus de conception des modèles de simulation, le travail s’est inspiré des cadres de l’Architecture d’Entreprise en reflétant les exigences d’intégration et de standardisation du modèle opératoire de l’entreprise. Pour valider les concepts introduits dans le cadre de cette thèse, des études de cas tirés des domaines automobile et aérospatiale ont été réalisées. L'objectif de cette validation est d'observer l'amélioration significative du processus actuel en termes d'efficacité, de réduction de l'ambiguïté et des malentendus dans la modélisation et la simulation du système à concevoir

    An object-oriented modelling method for evolving the hybrid vehicle design space in a systems engineering environment

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    A combination of environmental awareness, consumer demands and pressure from legislators has led automotive manufacturers to seek for more environmentally friendly alternatives while still meeting the quality, performance and price demands of their customers. This has led to many complex powertrain designs being developed in order to produce vehicles with reduced carbon emissions. In particular, within the last decade most of the major automotive manufactures have either developed or announced plans to develop one or more hybrid vehicle models. This means that to be competitive and o er the best HEV solutions to customers, manufacturers have to assess a multitude of complex design choices in the most e cient way possible. Even though the automotive industry is adept at dealing with the many complexities of modern vehicle development; the magnitude of design choices, the cross coupling of multiple domains, the evolving technologies and the relative lack of experience with respect to conventional vehicle development compounds the complexities within the HEV design space. In order to meet the needs of e cient and exible HEV powertrain modelling within this design space, a parallel is drawn with the development of complex software systems. This parallel is both from a programmatic viewpoint where object-oriented techniques can be used for physical model development with new equation oriented modelling environments, and from a systems methodology perspective where the development approach encourages incremental development in order to minimize risk. This Thesis proposes a modelling method that makes use of these new tools to apply OOM principles to the design and development of HEV powertrain models. Furthermore, it is argued that together with an appropriate systems engineering approach within which the model development activities will occur, the proposed method can provide a more exible and manageable manner of exploring the HEV design space.The exibility of the modelling method is shown by means of two separate case studies, where a hierarchical library of extendable and replaceable models is developed in order to model the di erent powertrains. Ultimately the proposed method leads to an intuitive manner of developing a complex system model through abstraction and incremental development of the abstracted subsystems. Having said this, the correct management of such an e ort within the automotive industry is key for ensuring the reusability of models through enforced procedures for structuring, maintaining, controlling, documenting and protecting the model development. Further, in order to integrate the new methodology into the existing systems and practices it is imperative to develop an e cient means of sharing information between all stakeholders involved. In this respect it is proposed that together with an overall systems modelling activity for tracking stakeholder involvement and providing a central point for sharing data, CAE methods can be employed in order to automate the integration of data.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo