14 research outputs found

    Human-centered display design : balancing technology & perception

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    Power Reduction of OLED Displays by Tone Mapping Based on Helmholtz-Kohlrausch Effect

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    The Helmholtz-Kohlraush effect is a visual characteristic that humans perceive color having higher saturation as brighter. In the proposed method, the pixel value is reduced by increasing the saturation while maintaining the hue and value of HSV color space, resulting in power saving of OLED displays since the power consumption of OLED displays directly depends on the pixel value. Although the luminance decreases, brightness of image is maintained by the Helmholtz-Kohlraush effect. In order to suppress excessive increase of saturation, the increase factor of saturation is reduced with an increase in brightness. As maximum increase factor of saturation, kMAX, increases, more power is reduced but unpleasant color change takes place. From the subjective evaluation experiment with the 23 test images consisting of skin, natural and non-natural images, it is found that kMAX is less than 2.0 to suppress the unpleasant color change. When kMAX is 2.0, the power saving is 8.0%. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is confirmed by using a smart phone having 4.5 inches diagonal RGB AMOLED display

    Color mixing models for smart lighting systems based on RGBW and WW LEDs

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    Color mixing models to obtain white light with a predetermined values of correlated color temperature and brightness are presented. One model describes mathematical algorithm for combination of spectra for WW LEDs lighting systems, and other one for systems based on RGBW LEDs. Results of testing of created sample of LED light source for indoor lighting (“Amstrong” type) with implemention of presented color mixing models are shown

    High-dynamic-range displays : contributions to signal processing and backlight control

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    Review of Display Technologies Focusing on Power Consumption

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    Producción CientíficaThis paper provides an overview of the main manufacturing technologies of displays, focusing on those with low and ultra-low levels of power consumption, which make them suitable for current societal needs. Considering the typified value obtained from the manufacturer’s specifications, four technologies—Liquid Crystal Displays, electronic paper, Organic Light-Emitting Display and Electroluminescent Displays—were selected in a first iteration. For each of them, several features, including size and brightness, were assessed in order to ascertain possible proportional relationships with the rate of consumption. To normalize the comparison between different display types, relative units such as the surface power density and the display frontal intensity efficiency were proposed. Organic light-emitting display had the best results in terms of power density for small display sizes. For larger sizes, it performs less satisfactorily than Liquid Crystal Displays in terms of energy efficiency.Junta de Castilla y León (Programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación-Ref. VA036U14)Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación - Ref. VA013A12-2)Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Grant DPI2014-56500-R

    High Dynamic Range (HDR) Display Perception

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    Displays have undergone a huge development in the last several decades. From cathode-ray tube (CRT), liquid crystal display (LCD), to organic light-emitting diode (OLED), even Q-OLED, the new configurations of the display bring more and more functions into industry and daily life. In the recent several years, high dynamic range (HDR) displays become popular. HDR displays usually refer to that the black level of the display is darker and the peak being brighter compared with the standard dynamic range (SDR) display. Traditionally, the peak luminance level can be used as the white in characterization and calibration. However, for HDR displays, the peak luminance is higher than the traditional diffuse white level. Exploration of the perceptual diffuse white in HDR image when presented in displays is proposed, which can be beneficial to the characterizing and the optimizing the usage of the HDR display. Moreover, in addition to the ``diffuse white , 3D color gamut volume can be calculated in some specific color appearance models. Calculation and modeling of the 3D color gamut volume can be very useful for display design and better characterizing display color reproduction capability. Furthermore, the perceptional color gamut volume can be measured through psychophysical experiments. Comparison between the perceptional color gamut volume and the theoretical 3D gamut volume calculations will reveal some insights for optimizing the usage of HDR displays. Another advantage of the HDR display is its darker black compared with the SDR display. Compared with the real black object, what level of black is `perfect\u27 enough in displays? Experiments were proposed and conducted to evaluate that if the HDR display is capable of showing ``perfect black for different types of background images/patterns. A glare-based model was proposed to predict the visual ``perfect black. Additionally, the dynamic range of human vision system is very large. However, the simultaneous dynamic range of human vision system is much smaller and is important for the fine tuning usage of HDR displays. The simultaneous dynamic range was measured directly for different stimulus sizes. Also, it was found that the simultaneous dynamic range was peak luminance level dependent. A mathematical model was proposed based on the experimental data to predict the simultaneous dynamic range. Also the spatial frequency effect of the target pattern on the simultaneous dynamic range was measured and modeled. The four different assessments about HDR displays perception would provide experimental data and models for a better understanding of HDR perception and tuning of the HDR display

    Artistic Path Space Editing of Physically Based Light Transport

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    Die Erzeugung realistischer Bilder ist ein wichtiges Ziel der Computergrafik, mit Anwendungen u.a. in der Spielfilmindustrie, Architektur und Medizin. Die physikalisch basierte Bildsynthese, welche in letzter Zeit anwendungsübergreifend weiten Anklang findet, bedient sich der numerischen Simulation des Lichttransports entlang durch die geometrische Optik vorgegebener Ausbreitungspfade; ein Modell, welches für übliche Szenen ausreicht, Photorealismus zu erzielen. Insgesamt gesehen ist heute das computergestützte Verfassen von Bildern und Animationen mit wohlgestalteter und theoretisch fundierter Schattierung stark vereinfacht. Allerdings ist bei der praktischen Umsetzung auch die Rücksichtnahme auf Details wie die Struktur des Ausgabegeräts wichtig und z.B. das Teilproblem der effizienten physikalisch basierten Bildsynthese in partizipierenden Medien ist noch weit davon entfernt, als gelöst zu gelten. Weiterhin ist die Bildsynthese als Teil eines weiteren Kontextes zu sehen: der effektiven Kommunikation von Ideen und Informationen. Seien es nun Form und Funktion eines Gebäudes, die medizinische Visualisierung einer Computertomografie oder aber die Stimmung einer Filmsequenz -- Botschaften in Form digitaler Bilder sind heutzutage omnipräsent. Leider hat die Verbreitung der -- auf Simulation ausgelegten -- Methodik der physikalisch basierten Bildsynthese generell zu einem Verlust intuitiver, feingestalteter und lokaler künstlerischer Kontrolle des finalen Bildinhalts geführt, welche in vorherigen, weniger strikten Paradigmen vorhanden war. Die Beiträge dieser Dissertation decken unterschiedliche Aspekte der Bildsynthese ab. Dies sind zunächst einmal die grundlegende Subpixel-Bildsynthese sowie effiziente Bildsyntheseverfahren für partizipierende Medien. Im Mittelpunkt der Arbeit stehen jedoch Ansätze zum effektiven visuellen Verständnis der Lichtausbreitung, die eine lokale künstlerische Einflussnahme ermöglichen und gleichzeitig auf globaler Ebene konsistente und glaubwürdige Ergebnisse erzielen. Hierbei ist die Kernidee, Visualisierung und Bearbeitung des Lichts direkt im alle möglichen Lichtpfade einschließenden "Pfadraum" durchzuführen. Dies steht im Gegensatz zu Verfahren nach Stand der Forschung, die entweder im Bildraum arbeiten oder auf bestimmte, isolierte Beleuchtungseffekte wie perfekte Spiegelungen, Schatten oder Kaustiken zugeschnitten sind. Die Erprobung der vorgestellten Verfahren hat gezeigt, dass mit ihnen real existierende Probleme der Bilderzeugung für Filmproduktionen gelöst werden können

    디스플레이 장치를 위한 고정 비율 압축 하드웨어 설계

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 전기·컴퓨터공학부, 2016. 2. 이혁재.디스플레이 장치에서의 압축 방식은 일반적인 비디오 압축 표준과는 다른 몇 가지 특징이 있다. 첫째, 특수한 어플리케이션을 목표로 한다. 둘째, 압축 이득, 소비 전력, 실시간 처리 등을 위해 하드웨어 크기가 작고, 목표로 하는 압축률이 낮다. 셋째, 래스터 주사 순서에 적합해야 한다. 넷째, 프레임 메모리 크기를 제한시키거나 임의 접근을 하기 위하여 압축 단위당 목표 압축률을 실시간으로 정확히 맞출 수 있어야 한다. 본 논문에서는 이와 같은 특징을 만족시키는 세 가지 압축 알고리즘과 하드웨어 구조를 제안하도록 한다. LCD 오버드라이브를 위한 압축 방식으로는 BTC(block truncation coding) 기반의 압축 방식을 제안하도록 한다. 본 논문은 압축 이득을 증가시키기 위하여 목표 압축률 12에 대한 압축 방식을 제안하는데, 압축 효율을 향상시키기 위하여 크게 두 가지 방법을 이용한다. 첫 번째는 이웃하는 블록과의 공간적 연관성을 이용하여 비트를 절약하는 방법이다. 그리고 두 번째는 단순한 영역은 2×16 코딩 블록, 복잡한 영역은 2×8 코딩 블록을 이용하는 방법이다. 2×8 코딩 블록을 이용하는 경우 목표 압축률을 맞추기 위하여 첫 번째 방법으로 절약된 비트를 이용한다. 저비용 근접-무손실 프레임 메모리 압축을 위한 방식으로는 1D SPIHT(set partitioning in hierarchical trees) 기반의 압축 방식을 제안하도록 한다. SPIHT은 고정 목표 압축률을 맞추는데 매우 효과적인 압축 방식이다. 그러나 1D 형태인 1D SPIHT은 래스터 주사 순서에 적합함에도 관련 연구가 많이 진행되지 않았다. 본 논문은 1D SPIHT의 가장 큰 문제점인 속도 문제를 해결할 수 있는 하드웨어 구조를 제안한다. 이를 위해 1D SPIHT 알고리즘은 병렬성을 이용할 수 있는 형태로 수정된다. 인코더의 경우 병렬 처리를 방해하는 의존 관계가 해결되고, 파이프라인 스케쥴링이 가능하게 된다. 디코더의 경우 병렬로 동작하는 각 패스가 디코딩할 비트스트림의 길이를 미리 예측할 수 있도록 알고리즘이 수정된다. 고충실도(high-fidelity) RGBW 컬러 이미지 압축을 위한 방식으로는 예측 기반의 압축 방식을 제안하도록 한다. 제안 예측 방식은 두 단계의 차분 과정으로 구성된다. 첫 번째는 공간적 연관성을 이용하는 단계이고, 두 번째는 인터-컬러 연관성을 이용하는 단계이다. 코딩의 경우 압축 효율이 높은 VLC(variable length coding) 방식을 이용하도록 한다. 그러나 기존의 VLC 방식은 목표 압축률을 정확히 맞추는데 어려움이 있었으므로 본 논문에서는 Golomb-Rice 코딩을 기반으로 한 고정 길이 압축 방식을 제안하도록 한다. 제안 인코더는 프리-코더와 포스터-코더로 구성되어 있다. 프리-코더는 특정 상황에 대하여 실제 인코딩을 수행하고, 다른 모든 상황에 대한 예측 인코딩 정보를 계산하여 포스터-코더에 전달한다. 그리고 포스트-코더는 전달받은 정보를 이용하여 실제 비트스트림을 생성한다.제 1 장 서론 1 1.1 연구 배경 1 1.2 연구 내용 4 1.3 논문 구성 8 제 2 장 이전 연구 9 2.1 BTC 9 2.1.1 기본 BTC 알고리즘 9 2.1.2 컬러 이미지 압축을 위한 BTC 알고리즘 10 2.2 SPIHT 13 2.2.1 1D SPIHT 알고리즘 13 2.2.2 SPIHT 하드웨어 17 2.3 예측 기반 코딩 19 2.3.1 예측 방법 19 2.3.2 VLC 20 2.3.3 예측 기반 코딩 하드웨어 22 제 3 장 LCD 오버드라이브를 위한 BTC 24 3.1 제안 알고리즘 24 3.1.1 비트-절약 방법 25 3.1.2 블록 크기 선택 방법 29 3.1.3 알고리즘 요약 31 3.2 하드웨어 구조 33 3.2.1 프레임 메모리 인터페이스 34 3.2.2 인코더와 디코더의 구조 37 3.3 실험 결과 44 3.3.1 알고리즘 성능 44 3.3.2 하드웨어 구현 결과 49 제 4 장 저비용 근접-무손실 프레임 메모리 압축을 위한 고속 1D SPIHT 54 4.1 인코더 하드웨어 구조 54 4.1.1 의존 관계 분석 및 제안하는 파이프라인 스케쥴 54 4.1.2 분류 비트 재배치 57 4.2 디코더 하드웨어 구조 59 4.2.1 비트스트림의 시작 주소 계산 59 4.2.2 절반-패스 처리 방법 63 4.3 하드웨어 구현 65 4.4 실험 결과 73 제 5 장 고충실도 RGBW 컬러 이미지 압축을 위한 고정 압축비 VLC 81 5.1 제안 알고리즘 81 5.1.1 RGBW 인터-컬러 연관성을 이용한 예측 방식 82 5.1.2 고정 압축비를 위한 Golomb-Rice 코딩 85 5.1.3 알고리즘 요약 89 5.2 하드웨어 구조 90 5.2.1 인코더 구조 91 5.2.2 디코더 구조 95 5.3 실험 결과 101 5.3.1 알고리즘 실험 결과 101 5.3.2 하드웨어 구현 결과 107 제 6 장 압축 성능 및 하드웨어 크기 비교 분석 113 6.1 압축 성능 비교 113 6.2 하드웨어 크기 비교 120 제 7 장 결론 125 참고문헌 128 ABSTRACT 135Docto

    Dynamic power management: from portable devices to high performance computing

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    Electronic applications are nowadays converging under the umbrella of the cloud computing vision. The future ecosystem of information and communication technology is going to integrate clouds of portable clients and embedded devices exchanging information, through the internet layer, with processing clusters of servers, data-centers and high performance computing systems. Even thus the whole society is waiting to embrace this revolution, there is a backside of the story. Portable devices require battery to work far from the power plugs and their storage capacity does not scale as the increasing power requirement does. At the other end processing clusters, such as data-centers and server farms, are build upon the integration of thousands multiprocessors. For each of them during the last decade the technology scaling has produced a dramatic increase in power density with significant spatial and temporal variability. This leads to power and temperature hot-spots, which may cause non-uniform ageing and accelerated chip failure. Nonetheless all the heat removed from the silicon translates in high cooling costs. Moreover trend in ICT carbon footprint shows that run-time power consumption of the all spectrum of devices accounts for a significant slice of entire world carbon emissions. This thesis work embrace the full ICT ecosystem and dynamic power consumption concerns by describing a set of new and promising system levels resource management techniques to reduce the power consumption and related issues for two corner cases: Mobile Devices and High Performance Computing

    JTEC panel on display technologies in Japan

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    This report is one in a series of reports that describes research and development efforts in Japan in the area of display technologies. The following are included in this report: flat panel displays (technical findings, liquid crystal display development and production, large flat panel displays (FPD's), electroluminescent displays and plasma panels, infrastructure in Japan's FPD industry, market and projected sales, and new a-Si active matrix liquid crystal display (AMLCD) factory); materials for flat panel displays (liquid crystal materials, and light-emissive display materials); manufacturing and infrastructure of active matrix liquid crystal displays (manufacturing logistics and equipment); passive matrix liquid crystal displays (LCD basics, twisted nematics LCD's, supertwisted nematic LCD's, ferroelectric LCD's, and a comparison of passive matrix LCD technology); active matrix technology (basic active matrix technology, investment environment, amorphous silicon, polysilicon, and commercial products and prototypes); and projection displays (comparison of Japanese and U.S. display research, and technical evaluation of work)