525 research outputs found

    Fully Automated Radiation Hardened by Design Circuit Construction

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    abstract: A fully automated logic design methodology for radiation hardened by design (RHBD) high speed logic using fine grained triple modular redundancy (TMR) is presented. The hardening techniques used in the cell library are described and evaluated, with a focus on both layout techniques that mitigate total ionizing dose (TID) and latchup issues and flip-flop designs that mitigate single event transient (SET) and single event upset (SEU) issues. The base TMR self-correcting master-slave flip-flop is described and compared to more traditional hardening techniques. Additional refinements are presented, including testability features that disable the self-correction to allow detection of manufacturing defects. The circuit approach is validated for hardness using both heavy ion and proton broad beam testing. For synthesis and auto place and route, the methodology and circuits leverage commercial logic design automation tools. These tools are glued together with custom CAD tools designed to enable easy conversion of standard single redundant hardware description language (HDL) files into hardened TMR circuitry. The flow allows hardening of any synthesizable logic at clock frequencies comparable to unhardened designs and supports standard low-power techniques, e.g. clock gating and supply voltage scaling.Dissertation/ThesisPh.D. Electrical Engineering 201

    The upgrade of the ALICE TPC with GEMs and continuous readout

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    The upgrade of the ALICE TPC will allow the experiment to cope with the high interaction rates foreseen for the forthcoming Run 3 and Run 4 at the CERN LHC. In this article, we describe the design of new readout chambers and front-end electronics, which are driven by the goals of the experiment. Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detectors arranged in stacks containing four GEMs each, and continuous readout electronics based on the SAMPA chip, an ALICE development, are replacing the previous elements. The construction of these new elements, together with their associated quality control procedures, is explained in detail. Finally, the readout chamber and front-end electronics cards replacement, together with the commissioning of the detector prior to installation in the experimental cavern, are presented. After a nine-year period of R&D, construction, and assembly, the upgrade of the TPC was completed in 2020.publishedVersio

    NASA Tech Briefs, September 2011

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    Topics covered include: Fused Reality for Enhanced Flight Test Capabilities; Thermography to Inspect Insulation of Large Cryogenic Tanks; Crush Test Abuse Stand; Test Generator for MATLAB Simulations; Dynamic Monitoring of Cleanroom Fallout Using an Air Particle Counter; Enhancement to Non-Contacting Stress Measurement of Blade Vibration Frequency; Positively Verifying Mating of Previously Unverifiable Flight Connectors; Radiation-Tolerant Intelligent Memory Stack - RTIMS; Ultra-Low-Dropout Linear Regulator; Excitation of a Parallel Plate Waveguide by an Array of Rectangular Waveguides; FPGA for Power Control of MSL Avionics; UAVSAR Active Electronically Scanned Array; Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) Simulator; Silicon Carbide Mounts for Fabry-Perot Interferometers; Measuring the In-Process Figure, Final Prescription, and System Alignment of Large; Optics and Segmented Mirrors Using Lidar Metrology; Fiber-Reinforced Reactive Nano-Epoxy Composites; Polymerization Initiated at the Sidewalls of Carbon Nanotubes; Metal-Matrix/Hollow-Ceramic-Sphere Composites; Piezoelectrically Enhanced Photocathodes; Iridium-Doped Ruthenium Oxide Catalyst for Oxygen Evolution; Improved Mo-Re VPS Alloys for High-Temperature Uses; Data Service Provider Cost Estimation Tool; Hybrid Power Management-Based Vehicle Architecture; Force Limit System; Levitated Duct Fan (LDF) Aircraft Auxiliary Generator; Compact, Two-Sided Structural Cold Plate Configuration; AN Fitting Reconditioning Tool; Active Response Gravity Offload System; Method and Apparatus for Forming Nanodroplets; Rapid Detection of the Varicella Zoster Virus in Saliva; Improved Devices for Collecting Sweat for Chemical Analysis; Phase-Controlled Magnetic Mirror for Wavefront Correction; and Frame-Transfer Gating Raman Spectroscopy for Time-Resolved Multiscalar Combustion Diagnostics

    Techniques for Aging, Soft Errors and Temperature to Increase the Reliability of Embedded On-Chip Systems

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    This thesis investigates the challenge of providing an abstracted, yet sufficiently accurate reliability estimation for embedded on-chip systems. In addition, it also proposes new techniques to increase the reliability of register files within processors against aging effects and soft errors. It also introduces a novel thermal measurement setup that perspicuously captures the infrared images of modern multi-core processors

    Monitor amb control strategies to reduce the impact of process variations in digital circuits

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    As CMOS technology scales down, Process, Voltage, Temperature and Ageing (PVTA) variations have an increasing impact on the performance and power consumption of electronic devices. These issues may hold back the continuous improvement of these devices in the near future. There are several ways to face the variability problem: to increase the operating margins of maximum clock frequency, the implementation of lithographic friendly layout styles, and the last one and the focus of this thesis, to adapt the circuit to its actual manufacturing and environment conditions by tuning some of the adjustable parameters once the circuit has been manufactured. The main challenge of this thesis is to develop a low-area variability compensation mechanism to automatically mitigate PVTA variations in run-time, i.e. while integrated circuit is running. This implies the development of a sensor to obtain the most accurate picture of variability, and the implementation of a control block to knob some of the electrical parameters of the circuit.A mesura que la tecnologia CMOS escala, les variacions de Procés, Voltatge, Temperatura i Envelliment (PVTA) tenen un impacte creixent en el rendiment i el consum de potència dels dispositius electrònics. Aquesta problemàtica podria arribar a frenar la millora contínua d'aquests dispositius en un futur proper. Hi ha diverses maneres d'afrontar el problema de la variabilitat: relaxar el marge de la freqüència màxima d'operació, implementar dissenys físics de xips més fàcils de litografiar, i per últim i com a tema principal d'aquesta tesi, adaptar el xip a les condicions de fabricació i d'entorn mitjançant la modificació d'algun dels seus paràmetres ajustables una vegada el circuit ja ha estat fabricat. El principal repte d'aquesta tesi és desenvolupar un mecanisme de compensació de variabilitat per tal de mitigar les variacions PVTA de manera automàtica en temps d'execució, és a dir, mentre el xip està funcionant. Això implica el desenvolupament d'un sensor capaç de mesurar la variabilitat de la manera més acurada possible, i la implementació d'un bloc de control que permeti l'ajust d'alguns dels paràmetres elèctrics dels circuits

    Electronic/electric technology benefits study

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    The benefits and payoffs of advanced electronic/electric technologies were investigated for three types of aircraft. The technologies, evaluated in each of the three airplanes, included advanced flight controls, advanced secondary power, advanced avionic complements, new cockpit displays, and advanced air traffic control techniques. For the advanced flight controls, the near term considered relaxed static stability (RSS) with mechanical backup. The far term considered an advanced fly by wire system for a longitudinally unstable airplane. In the case of the secondary power systems, trades were made in two steps: in the near term, engine bleed was eliminated; in the far term bleed air, air plus hydraulics were eliminated. Using three commercial aircraft, in the 150, 350, and 700 passenger range, the technology value and pay-offs were quantified, with emphasis on the fiscal benefits. Weight reductions deriving from fuel saving and other system improvements were identified and the weight savings were cycled for their impact on TOGW (takeoff gross weight) and upon the performance of the airframes/engines. Maintenance, reliability, and logistic support were the other criteria

    Low power digital baseband core for wireless Micro-Neural-Interface using CMOS sub/near-threshold circuit

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    This thesis presents the work on designing and implementing a low power digital baseband core with custom-tailored protocol for wirelessly powered Micro-Neural-Interface (MNI) System-on-Chip (SoC) to be implanted within the skull to record cortical neural activities. The core, on the tag end of distributed sensors, is designed to control the operation of individual MNI and communicate and control MNI devices implanted across the brain using received downlink commands from external base station and store/dump targeted neural data uplink in an energy efficient manner. The application specific protocol defines three modes (Time Stamp Mode, Streaming Mode and Snippet Mode) to extract neural signals with on-chip signal conditioning and discrimination. In Time Stamp Mode, Streaming Mode and Snippet Mode, the core executes basic on-chip spike discrimination and compression, real-time monitoring and segment capturing of neural signals so single spike timing as well as inter-spike timing can be retrieved with high temporal and spatial resolution. To implement the core control logic using sub/near-threshold logic, a novel digital design methodology is proposed which considers INWE (Inverse-Narrow-Width-Effect), RSCE (Reverse-Short-Channel-Effect) and variation comprehensively to size the transistor width and length accordingly to achieve close-to-optimum digital circuits. Ultra-low-power cell library containing 67 cells including physical cells and decoupling capacitor cells using the optimum fingers is designed, laid-out, characterized, and abstracted. A robust on-chip sense-amp-less SRAM memory (8X32 size) for storing neural data is implemented using 8T topology and LVT fingers. The design is validated with silicon tapeout and measurement shows the digital baseband core works at 400mV and 1.28 MHz system clock with an average power consumption of 2.2 μW, resulting in highest reported communication power efficiency of 290Kbps/μW to date

    Service innovation framework

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    The purpose of this study is to identify critical success factors and important approaches that service companies can utilize in the design of products, services, and programs. It is common for service companies to have design teams that are responsible for facilitating the innovation process. However, these design teams might not benefit from a systematic training and knowledge transfer process. Therefore, it is important to translate critical success factors and important approaches into a model that will serve as a common framework for both training and facilitating the innovation process. Both qualitative and quantitative research approaches were utilized in this study that included interviews, literature searches, and an e-mail survey. The research process commenced by interviewing a diverse group of organizations to identify challenges and key factors for implementing innovation. The second step of the study was comprised of a literature search to further explore the themes and approaches identified through the interview process. The final phase of the research process involved an e-mail survey that was administered to active senior and fellow members of the American Society for Quality (ASQ) to quantify the findings from the qualitative research to include the key themes and approaches. The findings from the both the qualitative and quantitative findings suggest that innovation principles, methods, and tools have a broad application for service organizations in the design of products, services, and programs. Although there was directional alignment between service organizations and all other industries, certain approaches might be more important for service organizations. The service dominant key findings were used to construct a framework comprised of design phases, design processes, analytical and ideation methods, critical success factors, and environmental factors